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Survivor All-Stars Confessionals

Topic » Survivor All-Stars..

1744 days 19 hours ago
So a pretty light past two days lol, right now not much talk about who will be the vote, thus far I feel like I have a good connection with everyone in the game and patched up and even apologized to some people in the past of course, But I don't tell people who I'm working with so they assume I'm a friend and loyal to that person only, I think it's a good strategy so far and it hasn't failed me yet, But I won't let it get to my head cause things DO happen and we have to watch out, so we'll see what happens :) (and also scared of Who to vote for tonight...Bob wants to do Azri cause I guess he was calling his name out...But I don't wanna do him cause I trust him😥)
1744 days 13 hours ago
Confessional: so i think im doing pretty good in this game rn. I obviously dont want to be too confident but im in f8 and i feel like i have a close connection with 6 of the 7 other people. The only one im not close with is grace as i havent talked to her all game. But i was able to at least make one my by myself as i was the one who did the azri vote and got everyone on board. I finally did something post merge lol. But im getting scared of Wade hes put himself in a really good position and hes close with like everyone. Hes made at least 2 chats with different people about going far with them and hes trying to set himself up to get jury votes too. Plus hes found idols and successfully played them. If he makes it to the end hes winning for sure. So i have to make sure that doesnt happen and if im the one to take him out that makes it even better for me. I guess as of now the people im most loyal to are penguin and kyle. I feel like i can beat them in a f3 senario too. If i can get to f3 i might be able to win it. I feel like no matter what theres a good chance ill get vaughans vote and maybe liam and nop will vote for me if their not pissed off. But im getting too far ahead its only f8 ive still got like 5 more tribals. Plus whatever the fuck this twist is tomorrow. I hope its not fucking edge of extinction or ri
1743 days 19 hours ago
I'm really scared for this twist you guys, I feel it might be a double tribal, But who knows with an All - Stars cast, I feel at good relations with most of the cast like I said before, so hopefully it won't be too detrimental or worst case scenario I leave, But we'll see, Ikah told me his story about how he retried to purposely be eliminated  during his season btw😂
1743 days 15 hours ago

Last vote was nothing special but I was content with it. Azri and I barely spoke and he was a wild card so I’m glad he’s out. Now my next targets are jimmy, ikah, and wade because their crowd favs to win. This double tribal could be a blessing or a curse, it’s possible that two of my three targets may get voted out and I will push for that to happen but I would love immunity in order to feel much more comfortable going into the huge tribal. As of now I feel the winner isn’t going to be someone that makes a huge move, it’s gonna be someone that just builds the connections to allow them to get by which I feel like I’m doing good at. My ideal final three would be Bobby josh and I because I feel like they’d both take me to final two. One person I do want to keep and eye out for that isn’t on my target list is Kyle because we are so close so we’ve played almost identical games. In the end it would just come down to who the jury likes more if we’re in f2 and I don’t want that happening lmao hopefully I can just win immunity.
1742 days 16 hours ago
Confessional: so here we are at the f8 tribal council. What is probably going to be one of the most important ones of the game. Its a double tribal so the people with the most votes are going home and after this theres only 6 people left. The play we are trying to make happen is taking out both wade and ikah at once. If me and kyle can pull this off thats a huge move on our resumes. To do this we pretty much need all 6 other people on our side. Then we split the vote 3-3-2 and fucking pray that one of them dont have an idol again. So me kyle and penguin are all on board because although wade wants to work with us 3 we realize wades the biggest threat in this game and ikahs his right hand man. If wade makes it to the finals im pretty sure he will win. So tonight’s the best night to take him out. To do this we need to get Josh, Grace and Jimmy on our side. Josh should be super easy since Josh is who Ikah and Wade are targeting and if he doesnt vote with us hes fucked. Grace should hopefully also be easy for the same reason since wade wants her out too. Kyle is the one taking care of pulling in Grace though since i have no connection with her. So then the only person that we need on our side is Jimmy. Hes a huge wildcard here. I think hes kinda close with wade but he also realizes that with wade in the game he cant win. So hopefully we are able to get him on our side for this vote. If everything works out then i think that me kyle and penguin are in a great position going forward and i also have josh in my pocket. Im not sure exactly how loyal Kyle is to me and i might need to cut him eventually but rn theres bigger fish to fry
1742 days 16 hours ago
I need to sort out my thoughts, maybe a confessional will help.

OMG, I won what might be the most important immunity in the game. I'm thrilled to jump two seat placements with one win. It was worth the $3.54 or whatever the stupid energy drink cost. lol. Did it make me into a larger target? I don't know, maybe. But I've made it to 6th place which is as far as I've been in Tim and Josh' series. Although this time, there were two additional cast members so I think that counts as an improvement.

Idol searching is just as much fun as I've been saying it is. Wade wants it desperately and I've told him if he does the work of organizing the names I'd give it to him. I probably would, even. I expect another idol play out of him would spell his doom at F4. Do Tim and Josh do the automatic firemaking challenge at F4? I don't know. I'm not sure Wade would be that great at one anyway, so I don't see that as a reason to take him out.

My eyes aren't so much on who to take out, so much as who am I going to F6 with, and can I find myself in a majority alliance that is solid at that point in time? My only real shots at that is if Hoops Army is a legit thing. It's not, :( When I told Kyle I was true to it during last nights competition, he didn't even know who was in it. OMG, so like, He's probably suffering from a similar problem to me. So many fucking groups, not enough loyalty.

If I were asked right this second who I wanted out, I would reply with Bobby/Icy. I feel I have the least influence on them, and going into F6 with Grace/Ikah/Kyle/Myself as an alliance with my side relationships with Josh and Wade, I feel like that's the safest possible outcome.

But the argument is there to take out Kyle and Wade right now. Kyle has made himself into a big target by taking that idol temptation. the REAL temptation is to vote his ass out. I really want to stay true to him though, so I don't know if I could? I guess thankfully I only get one vote.

I have no idea what the votes are at this stage. I know mostly what I've been told by Wade. He's a great source of information for me, but unfortunately also half-assed, because he doesn't ever tell me where he heard the information so... kinda hamstrung. He has told me people are talking Josh/Grace. that does NOT work for me. I cannot have that. I really want to know where the Grace vote is coming from, because if it's coming from within Hoops Army, then that's gonna force me to abandon that alliance and try to create something new (again) … hm..

Anyway, I fell asleep cuz tired and just woke up and am trying to figure out who's who and what's what.
1742 days 14 hours ago
Dang...Wade I can understand, But Ikah? Just when I was complimenting him for how kind he actually is...I hear from Bob that they're conspiring against me, it really hit like dang..,as much as it is an unverified rumor from just hurts knowing he said he had trust in me the most because of being an outcast, where did that go??? I'm still right here and I have others to back me up, so if he did that I guess we have to respond accordingly, But I don't hold grudges, so I hope we can still be friends after this, Wade too but in game he just really has been scaring me xD
1741 days 23 hours ago
Confessional: so apparently Josh and Jimmy are fucking idiots cause they went to Ikah/Wade and told them everything i said. For some reason they dont see that Wade is the biggest threat in this game rn but no they just wanna be his fucking goat and do everything he says and stick with him until they end up getting 3rd cause the jury hates them. So now Wade and Ikah know that i want them out so the play to take them both out is pretty much impossible. But now they both want me out. There is a chance that i can make it through this though even with not alot of people on my side. So Wade and Ikah think they have pretty much everyone against me so they want to take me and Josh out tonight. (So josh ratting me out did nothing to help him lol) they think they have penguin and kyle with them   But im pretty sure that penguin and kyle are both loyal to me. Their plan is to have wade ikah and jimmy vote for Josh and kyle penguin josh and grace vote for me. That would make the vote 4-3-1 and josh and i would go. But our play is that me Kyle and Penguin actually all vote for wade. That would make the vote 3 for Josh 3 for Wade 2 for me. So then Josh and Wade would go. Then next tribal the 3 of us pull in Grace and try to take out Ikah. Now theres a good chance this doesn’t work and i end up going home which would really suck because they people are too scared to make a move against the people who are obviously controlling the whole game. Its fucking stupid
1741 days 18 hours ago
Things are in so much motion that I don't think I could give you an accurate state of affairs if my life depended on it. I'm so glad for this immunity right now I can't even begin.

Ok, so.. I don't know who's telling the truth between Wade & Bob. I think Bob has come out swinging. I could be wrong and this is just more of Wade's machinations, but my gut tells me it's Bob.

bob (I think) has constructed a plan where:
He, Icy, and I vote Wade
Wade, Ikah, and Kyle vote Josh
Josh and Grace vote whoever, and he's thinking they'll vote Wade.

I don't like it. I would rather both of those players stay for now.
Josh has been told that he is the target with Grace, and also I have told him what I believe is the truth. He's talking with Ikah and I think he believes us. I haven't spoken with Ikah, he's eating BBQ. Kyle is trying to keep me on the plan to vote Wade. I don't know how true he is to the freaking alliance, he seems ready to sacrifice Grace and ugh, i'm trying to make him see how clean and obvious this could be if we just keep Wade and Grace we have control of F6 with an obvious target. But I bet he thinks i'm trying to protect Wade because I'm just trying to protect Wade, ugh. The same way I feel like he's trying to protect Bob just to protect Bob. It's a mess. I think I'll be voting Bob, but only if I think my vote stands a chance of hitting the mark. Things are in constant motion. People are finding out stuff. I need to find out Ikah's info. I need everyone to compare notes and get all kumbayah in Hoops Army. I need Grace to wake up and contribute to the conversation. I need, I want, wah wah wah.
1741 days 18 hours ago
This tribal is gonna be crazy but I’m 99% sure I’ll be safe. Either josh and wade are going or josh and bob. Either way josh is going and yeah he is a number for me, but everyone wants him out so I’ve got to abandon him. Between bob and wade I’m obviously keeping bob because not only do I trust him way more, but I believe bob would go to final two with me. So, if this goes as plan, (looks at grace) then it will be final 6 with me, kyle, bob, jimmy, grace, and ikah. This move we’re making is a group move (bob, Kyle, and I) and I want a move to be my own so if I have my way Kyle will be leaving at final 6. We’ve been in a final 2 since literally day 1 but I feel if I go to final 2 with him that the jury will vote him. I’m gonna get ikah and bob on my side to get him out. There are cracks in ikah and Kyles relationship that I can easily widen (that sounds wrong but whatever) and I can easily reason with bob that Kyle beats both of us in final 2. The hard part is going to be keeping it on the down low because of him and his idol rolls eyes. My ideal final two is bob and I (who ppl see as a pair even though we never talk one on one lmao)

My ideal outcome

8th Wade
7th Josh
6th Kyle
5th Jimmy
4th Ikah
3rd Grace
2nd Bob
1st Penguin the queen

This is really farfetched but you know I can dream lol
1741 days 18 hours ago
The reason for eliminating Bob:So I guess I should give the reason for eliminating Bob instead of Wade and Ikah, so I know I still got two votes and it makes me wonder, I knew Bob might have been lying when Ikah said "Who the fuck said this?" When I confronted them to tell the truth , and from there, me, Jimmy, Wade, and Ikah I know for sure voted Bob I'm sure, sadly Wade was still out:(, I feel bad that I doubted him so bad when he really is a good guy and I apologized for that many times, I can guess Bob voted me cause he found out I told them, But the other is weird and I was thinking either Grace or Kyle W, Grace is from my season though c'mon we gotta stick together:( lol I'm not mad if she did though I understand it's for game reasons only, so I guess that's that, and we're in the final 6 :O, oh my, I'm gonna try and win this immunity though and secure my safety just for my own personal game now as well
1741 days 17 hours ago

Welp that tribal did not go to plan whatsoever all because of grace which is rly annoying now my game has to change completely. I was going to try and get rid of Kyle but now I need to keep him or I’m screwed. One of us needs to win immunity then he’ll play his idol on the other. If we can do this we can pull in josh and hopefully get out jimmy because he is a huge threat challenge wise
1740 days 14 hours ago
I have no idea how I won immunity but I’ll take it, this guarantees my spot in the final cough cough final preview cough cough and I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve realized a wedge is forming between Kyle and ikah (or so I think) so it’s in my best interest to continue that and get of jimmy the clear threat immunity wise. We have the votes to at least tie as in josh Kyle and I, and because I have immunity I could give less of a fuck if we go to rocks soooo
1740 days 14 hours ago
Ahhhh I knew this was gonna get me😫, so Kyle W comes to me and says Penguin won, which was not good for me, and says there is a four person alliance between him, Jimmy, Grace and Ikah, and Ikah now wants home out because I voted for him in the past, I APOLOGIZED AND EVERYTHING!, He's a genuinely good dude and I wanna be friends with him outside of the game...I really don't even want him out now, but I might have to for my own game, I guess Kyle's gonna get me him and Penguin to vote Ikah cause he doesn't want me out, I'll expect at least one vote tomorrow, but we'll see what happens, this next immunity challenge may be my most vital one to win yet, (I'm pretty sure Ikah is alright with me now it's just that he's in an alliance and it's nearing the end of the game)
1739 days 17 hours ago
Now that jimmy is out immunity wins will be more up in the air but idk if I want to win the next one and look like a big threat and plus juries don’t like immunity runs. Next I wanna get out ikah cuz he has relationships with both grace and Kyle. After that I want Kyle out because he is also a big threat and hopefully I will be in final 3 with grace and josh then play from there but rn I gotta focus on getting ikah and Kyle out.

I would rly love for ikah to win immunity then I convince Kyle to play the idol on me then I vote him out

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