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Final Tribal Council -

Topic » Final Tribal Council -

2644 days 2 hours ago
all im gonna say is

worst twist ive ever seen that you guys just got past 8 tribal councils by doing nothing

dumbass cast i could have told you this was gonna happen but no one listens to me

easy vote in my book hate all of you at least i respect one of your games honestly dont care who wins gl all 3 i guess


2644 days 2 hours ago
- Schedule:  I was busy a lot during this game.  My time zone usually forced forced me to be at work during the times when votes were due.  This made the game especially difficult because votes changed at the last moment often.
2644 days 2 hours ago
Like Yeah I very easily could have been screwed even if series didn't merge but that sure as hell did not help my game
2644 days 2 hours ago
Ah question

YOU were my favorite ally and friend and hilarious to talk to but still spoke very intelligently about the game so I wanna know other than 'we grew apart' why you voted me and teamed with Robby and Mearl who were two of the biggest threats and didn't warn me I was a target
2644 days 2 hours ago
Alright. Jeremy, Fred, Brandon. You guys did what the rest of here on the jury did not so congratulations on that because that is something we can not fight any of you on. I personally like all of you but I am not basing my vote on my relationships with you guys, nor will I go easy on you. If you want my vote you will have to earn it.

However, with that being said, I don't think any of you played the best game this season and perhaps far from it.  You are here because people were not hell bent on trying to get you out solely for your past successes and you were all able to make countless mistakes and get away with them because of this while player, who in my opinion are better players, were not able to make any. However, we all did make mistakes and that is why we are on the jury. I felt I personally had the hardest path, perhaps near impossible, just because I'm Mearl and I have a history of success but I made one simple mistake that cost me the game (and who knows if I didn't make that mistake if it would have mattered).

Perhaps this game can be boiled down to the stupidity and blindness of other players. People so focused on doing one thing that they are missing the rest of what is in front of them. But, whatever the case may be you guys survived under the circumstances. If the motto of this season was Outhide, Out-tunnel-vision, Outride Coattails then you guys did just that. So now it is time for us to determine which one of you should be the winner of a season that just about every juror feels that neither of the three of you deserve. I know that sounds super bitter, and some of the people here may be, but the truth is that we watched a lot of the deserving players fall because other players were too blind and dumb to do what was best for themselves so they brought the deserving players down with them.

Anyways, I have some statements and questions for you all....
2644 days 2 hours ago
Brandon- You were loyal to a fault in this game. You were loyal to me it seemed... yet you wouldn't turn on Brady. You voted to keep me knowing it may go to rocks and that your other loyal friend, Fred, wanted me out. I respect that. Very few people played with the loyalty that I saw in you this game.. especially in this game. However it seems the jury views you as undeserving. You never showed up to challenges, were hard to get a hold of to talk to most of the time, and people think you sheeped them.

So lets say Lord got voted out instead of me back at the final 8. What were YOUR next moves? Play me how you would go from that point to the end.

Lord- We were allies day 1 but you decided to jump ship to try and improve your odds of winning. And you were a complete fool and blew your chance... except something happened at the end that I'm not quite sure of with Kevin self voting. I don't know.. All I know is your logic was flawed and you misjudged numerous situations. You were in the minority what seemed to be a lot. Yet you are still here. I don't get it. I made a couple slight mistakes and it cost me the game and yet you made multiple major screw ups and you still make it to the end.

Why should I vote for somebody who I think made so many mistakes in this game while other, stronger players, were eliminated for minor screw ups?

Fred- You definitely played the sleaziest game out of everybody here. You lied so much to so many people that I never trusted a word that came out of your mouth. However you seemed to get lucky that people flocked to you because of prior friendships or because they were too afraid of actual players.

However, there is an important rule in life that says: Cheaters never win and Winners never cheat. I feel that you were never penalized for your cheating and got a free pass for it. You were lucky Brady stirred up so much shit right before the tribe swap that, despite my constant attempts to put the tribe back together, we were shattered beyond disrepair. That may have led you to get here however you will not be getting my vote to win. I can not award my vote to somebody that cheated to try and get ahead. If other people want to award a vote to somebody who was caught cheating then thats up for them to decide but I simply will not do it. You don't reward the wrong, unsportsmanlike, behavior in life and hopefully it is not rewarded in the game of Survivor either.

Good luck guys, and once again congratulations on getting it this far. One of you will win this game and thats something that we'll never be able to take away.
2644 days 2 hours ago
Preach Mikey.

"If the motto of this season was Outhide, Out-tunnel-vision, Outride Coattails" Mearl you're the best.
2644 days 2 hours ago

        While I did things wrong, I do think I did a couple things right in this game.

- Social Game:  I think my social game was very good.  I know at least one thing about those who were very social with me.  I treated everyone I could with respect (minus one incident with Brandon).  I don't think anyone here can say I didn't treat them with decency, and I will say that decency was almost always returned.  I made friendships with many people on this cast some of which are tight.  At least one of the players sitting with me can't say that.

- Lack of Entitlement:  I think some people playing this game felt they deserved to do well and that they were better than others.  It is easy for me to say, I don't think I'm the best player amongst the 15 of us.  I might be the best player sitting here, but not the best player, period.  Some people in this game rubbed me the wrong way, and I struggle to see how they didn't rub others the wrong way.  Nobody has a right to not be voted against.  Nobody has a right to act like a 2 year old because they are receiving votes.  Kevin bragging to me that he didn't get voted off at the final 7 is ridiculous.  Brandon and Brady cheering or jeering at every tribal council got old fast (Brady always apologized if he crossed a line though).  Brandon bragging and taking pleasure in Smitty (not) going home with his picture potpourri and having the audacity to whine (and I mean whineeeeeee) about always being a target to me after not speaking to me until the final 6 is petrifying.

- Resilience:  I played this game longer than both of the contestants standing next to me.  I didn't have to go to as many TCs during the (last) premerge, but the BHD players had to eliminate 8 people just to get in this game, and I had a hand in those eliminations.  I was no beast in many of the immunity challenges for the (last) premerge.  I frankly think a lot of it was rust from not playing for a while.  I played this game a long ass time.

- Challenges:  I won more individual challenges than those standing next to me.

- Patience and Adaptability:  This might be in the wrong column due to the Kavachi dominance that happened, but I do think that it helped me that I was willing to wait on certain moves.  I still believing going after Mearl sometime around F11 would have been a mistake and stand by my decision to wait.  I was able to return to the Tinks group after things went to shit with the Tim vote.  I was able to switch from (above?) average strategist with a good social game to beast mode physical threat when I found myself in a shitty spot at the F6.  And I was lucky enough to figure out a way to survive at the final 4.

WILL TO WIN:  If there is one thing my game possesses, this is it.  I never played this game for second.  I would have voted my buddy Fred out at the F4, if granted the opportunity.  I was never playing to get to the end.  I was playing to win.  I firmly am in the camp that the point of the game is victory.  Anything less is approximately the same in this game.  I would rather be the guy that goes out in 8th place with a chance to win than the finalist with no shot.  This is why I was willing to vote against players like my friend Mearl in spite of our friendship.  I wasn't playing a 2nd place game.  I may receive 2nd place because of who is sitting here with me, but I certainly didn't play for it.
2644 days 2 hours ago
Hey you guys! I congratulate you on making it this far! I have a couple of questions/statements and I'll start with this one.
n list format tell us your honest opinions about the jurors and the strengths and flaws in each of their games:
Tom- I liked him as an ally, he .............
2644 days 2 hours ago

- Justin: I don't really know what happened with our relationship.  We were great allies before this game became Best vs. Yound.  I think that we still had pretty good discussion through about half the premerge, then it stopped.  I never really understood exactly why.  I assume that you found out about some of the other chats I was in and became distrustful of me.  At some point though, it seemed like you didn't even want to talk to me anymore.  I was worried that something had upset you in real life at certain points.  By the time we merged, I just didn't feel as if you were willing to even talk to me anymore.  Before the Jordan vote went down I considered you my #3 ally (behind Mearl and Smit).  I think it is my fault for not making you understand that I did want to work with you closely.

- David:  You played this game really hard.  I have 0 regrets about my decision to go to bat for you during the Azri boot.  You seemed to have my best interest at heart.  Over time though, my trust in you faded.  I knew you were part of other chats in the premerge, and when I asked about them you ignored my question.  This may have been coincidence.  However, during the Justin boot.  I suggested voted Justin to you and only 2 minutes later Justin approached to ask why I was voting for him.  At that point, I kind of felt I couldn't trust you very much.  Combined with the fact that you were playing perhaps the most complete middle game at the time, I felt it you were an okay boot at F14.  I think retrospectively, this wasn't a great decision on my part.  I just wish we had remained a little tighter.

- Tim:  We never got along the best.  I felt you tried to power your way through that original vote with Azri, and I was always a little scared of you afterwards.  However, you always had a good sense of humor when we discussed non-game things.  I also didn't think the treatment that some people had towards you was warranted.  It really seemed like a witchhunt at times.  I think Brandon calling you a 'pedo' is abhorrent. 

- Jim: Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim.... You Jim are a robot.  I've known this from the first time we spoke.  However, you are a robot with a heart.  You gave everything you had to this game.  Possibly at times you were a little control heavy, but that is because you were here for the same reason as me.  You wanted to win.  You weren't playing for 2nd.  You played this game to win.

- Brady:  I know we never we too tight in this game.  However, I do think you were playing hard, none the less.  You were always the gutsy person on the cast.  You were gutsy enough to go after people publicly.  It didn't work out, but it made this game so much more fun.  I do think you are another person I didn't manage properly.  I was too content to allow you to view me as Mearl's sheep.  I think if I had gotten closer to you we might have worked well together, but I valued that image as Mearl's sheep a little too much because I thought it would make me safer to make my moves in the shadows.  When you left, you said I needed to show you I was playing hard.  I hope I showed you that regardless of how you vote.
2644 days 1 hour ago
My turn to get airtime.

Very curious to see who is gonna follow me as a winner of this Survivor series.

First of all, I'd like to say, what a season. Probably the most controversial ever with the most intense tribals ever. I thought you couldn't top up the THREE TIES IN A ROW from my last season, but wow, it was better.

I'm happy that I made it this far despite the target on my back, and I'm happy of the game I played. Erik I'm gonna be bitter if I'm not at least nominated for best player for my game until my boot episode and most entertaining for all the drama I caused pre-merge.

I don't regret being on this season, especially that I was able to meet great friends : my European partner in crime Fred, my buddies Brandon and Kevin, my alcoholic friend Mearl, Mikey that I already knew before though, and OF COURSE Lord. Also I was close to Aria but she won't talk to me anymore that's fine.

Now onto this Final 3. On a personal level I honestly couldn't expect better. My 3 best friends in the finale, that's like a dream scenario. I'm not gonna ask dumbass questions like I've been asked last season like what's your favorite food or some stupid shit like that.

I'm gonna be a little harsh but I want to challenge you because my vote is not decided yet.

- Brendon : Great speech, but I'm wondering if all of that is true. I have a few questions :

. Why are you proud of having the most vote received against you? The goal of this game is not to be voted against, so the person most deserving is the one who received less vote in my opinion. The reason why I won last season is because I never received a single vote, I wouldn't have won if I was a target every week.
. You're saying that you had a great social game and talked to everyone in an everyday basis? This is straight up bullshit, you never answered my messages on skype. I was literally monologuing most of the time. How can you explain that? I can show you screenshots if you don't remember.
. Why do you feel you deserve to win over Fred? (without mentioning the cheating accident). You keep bashing Lord but you seem to forget that It's a Final 3. 
. How can you expect jurors who played SO hard and wanted to play this game so much voting for someone who FORGOT TO VOTE once? That's just unbelievable and almost unforgivable to me.

- Fred : If I was not a real Survivor fan, my vote would automatically go for you since you're my best friend in this game. I'm almost never a jury member (no bragging), but I swore to myself that I'll always vote for who played the best game and not who I liked the most.

. If you were in the jury and let's say someone in the Final 3 cheated like you did, would you consider voting for that person? Be 100% honest because I'm not perfect but I know a lie when I see one?
. If let's say The Sexy Four (yeah that's our alliance name don't judge) made it to the Final 4, would you have voted me off (because I'm obviously a biggest threat than Kevin and Brandon) or would you have stayed loyal? Once again, be honest.
2644 days 1 hour ago
- Lord. It was amazing meeting you and I know we'll play together again. My questions :

. You're saying in your speech how you'd be able to do anything to win, even vote off your friends, and I respect that kind of gameplay, but you're contradicting yourself a little here. In that case, why did you told Fred that you were gonna vote him off at some point? One of the dumbest move of the season, It was made by guilt. It totally contradict what you're saying in your speech. Same goes for trying to save me even though you knew I was completely against you and that that would have fucked your game. Please explain.

. Don't you think that luck and challenges are huge parts on why you're sitting here? I don't value people who got to the end because they won a challenge at some point that saved them of being voted off. That means your strategic and social game has a problem at that point. Same with luck, we all know you survived because Kevin self voted and the fire-making challenge is basically based on luck. On the real Survivor, Kevin wouldn't have self voted (obviously), and you'd be gone. Defend your case.
2644 days 1 hour ago

- Hudson:  I hope things have gone well for you since your boot man.  I think it is unfortunate that people didn't get to know you as well as I did in this game.  Far too many people viewed you as a player that wasn't thinking when you really always were.  I wish things would have went smoothly, and we just made the end together.

- Ethan:  I feel as if our relationship on a friendship level was pretty good.  I enjoyed our discussions about your youtube ad job, jk :P.  You were possibly the warmest person, as in perfectly nice, on this entire cast that I met.  I never for a moment felt anything you were doing was malicious.  Unfortunately for me, it became clear at some point that you were closer to Mearl than you were to me.  When I did want to talk to you strategically, I was always worried about info getting back to Mearl.  I really wish I had tried to remain tight to you early in the merge instead of hoping our mini-friendship could potentially blossom into an alliance. 

- Mearl:  You are batman.  You had to play this game probably 6 times harder than everyone else because of your image as a superstar coming in.  Given the target you came in with and the moves you pulled.  I can say without a doubt.  I think you played the best game of the season.  Unfortunately, you were also being constantly labeled as the player that will win at the end.  While I do feel saying that is sometimes just meant as pure manipulation.  I believe that at other times, it is how perception becomes reality.  I was worried that even if I was able to equal your strategic prowess, those that said you were owning the game would reward you just to be right.  I would have tried to go further with you, but I was always worried that you would just win your way to the end if you got much further.  You were given a raw deal with that F8 challenge to begin with.

- Tom:  You are my brother from New Zealand.  As much as I developed friendships in this game, you were my rock.  Anything I had to talk about, I knew I could trust you with it.  I could also trust you to give me sound advice when I was going crazy with scenarios.  Ironically, I didn't really consider us all that close before the Jordan vote off or even the first couple merge rounds.  My only regret is that I didn't realize how good a partner in this game you were until later on (probably cause you kept voting for Justin :P).
2644 days 1 hour ago

- Robby:  Voting against you was the biggest mistake I made in the game.  Me and you had a similar relationship to the one I had with Tom.  Before the merge, we really didn't talk much.  Ultimately, we were bonded by me voting against Jordan and not you.  That said, I wasn't even told about the vote against you so I didn't have that option :P.  Over time it became clear that our personalities really clicked and like Tom, I regretted being as intimidated as I was with you in the premerge.  If there is one vote I feel I may not deserve tonight, it is yours.  I broke our word to each other, and I really didn't do it for a great reason in the end.  I will explain that round below.  Regardless of how you vote I hope I have always given you something to remember me by,  "I love you, You love me, We're a happy family...."

- F6 Round: Basically, this round Robby wanted Fred out and claimed to have Kevin's vote.  Fred wanted Robby out and claimed to have Brandon's vote.  Me and Smit we 'the deciders'.  I pretty much thought both votes would lead to me being booted at the F5.  Me and Smit instead intended to put our 2 votes on Brandon and make it 2-2-2 and send Brandon out in the revote.  It would allow for an easier trip to the finals for Smit and I.  I had strenuous work that entire day, and I felt I used my phone to talk to Smit as much as possible.  Kevin and Brandon happened to be on around the time votes were read.  And Kevin asked me if I was voting Fred or Robby, which I responded Fred.  Kevin leeks this to Brandon who is also miraculously on.  This leads me to believe Kevin is also a vote for Robby.  Only 3 minutes remain to vote.  Smit mentions voting for Robby and not Fred.  I absolutely panicked and just threw my vote on Robby assuming it was gonna be unanimous.

- Smitty:  Me and you had a weird relationship.  I considered you my #2 ally in the game behind Mearl before the Jordan vote.  I felt maybe I was a little more distant with you after that.  However, you always made an effort to talk and get along with me.  I appreciate that.  Ultimately, I made a mistake (and Fred may have too :P) at the F10.  I was left in a pretty desperate situation.  You became my ally again just like before like nothing had happened.  Our relationship in this game was seamless, but functional.  I wish we had pulled the trigger on Brandon at the F6 so we were sitting here together.

- Kevin:  I concur with your statements that showing up for challenges isn't essential.  And I think the majority of the problems in our relationship come from me trusting Mearl to not leak on me (which I don't blame him for).  I really did intend to work with you after Brandon was gone.  However, you became maybe the most frustrating person in this game.  It was impossible to talk to you.  You would outright ignore conversations for no reason.  And I know you were ignoring them because other people were talking to me about what you were currently saying.  You can't play an optimal game if you are refusing to talk game.  I just don't think your heart was in this one.
2644 days 1 hour ago
Brandon: "I was the target of vote after vote after vote"... name which votes

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