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Episode Eleven: The Reindeer Games

Topic » Episode Eleven: The Reindeer..

2175 days 10 hours ago
Nin's Photo(to show I still got it~!)

Welcome to the main stage of Ninjohn's Next Top Model! Tonight, there are nine models and, after this panel, there will only be eight continuing on in the hopes of becoming Ninjohn's Next Top Model. You know our judges; the dancing bachelor of Tengaged, Adam Aladisco and your current freakin' reigning, Eric Haarer.

And please give a warm welcome to our extra special guest judge, Ariana Grande!

Taeyon will be providing with the Face-Face-FACE Off song this week, so be sure to impress!

This week, you nine models were tasked with modeling based off of Germany's favourite holiday; Christmas! Taking inspiration from the first reindeers of Santa's legendary sleigh team, you were assigned with slaying...the judges! Tonight, one of you will win this week's challenge and another one of you will be going week short of the anticipated overseas trip.

Let's start the panel!
2175 days 9 hours ago
Nin: "Alright models, before we begin, I have to address something. Before this week, I have not had any rules set in place for what topics could be discussed. And this week's, there were comments made that I believe were unnecessary and derogatory in the competition. Because of this event, Eric has been removed from the panel this week. I address you all this week; I will not accept any racist, homophobic or discriminatory comments in this cycle or ANY OTHER cycles."
2175 days 9 hours ago
Nin: "Now that that's out of the way, if I call your name, please...step forward."
2175 days 9 hours ago
Nin: "Corinna Hendrickx. Crystal Robins. Ember Moon. Melodie Quinn. Sarah Portello. Stanley Meeks. You six represent the best...and the worst of the week. To the other three of you, congratulations; you're still in the running to becoming Ninjohn's Next Top Model...and you're going to GERMANY!!! Herzliche Gl眉ckw眉nsche!"
2175 days 9 hours ago
Nin: "Although, I must say; Tina Hamasaki. You better hold on tight to that plane ticket, girl. That's all."
2175 days 9 hours ago
Nin: "Alright, let's start critiques!"
2175 days 9 hours ago

me waiting for my critiques
2175 days 9 hours ago
Ready for overrated Stanley Meeks to win again...or for a rig win for Melodie Quinn 馃檮
2175 days 9 hours ago

This week, Corinna is modeling based off of Donner; "The Mysterious One!"

Corinna, for Donner I for sure thought this would've been the hardest reindeer to match up against. For the mysterious one, so many people would have been aimless and there wasn't much direction to go with. However, your photo this week was actually kind of genius. This sort of earthy, rustic picture is absolutely out of the box for this challenge and what you said was right; it was a different way to go about something "mysterious" and it really made sense. There's not much I can say to critique this photo, it's very on point. Your critiques, however, were great as well. I think that despite the questions, the judges really got the sense that you are a nice girl. The only question that the judges had an issue with was your answer to who had the least potential. Not with your answer specifically, but it felt a little disorganized. I personally think you were trying to sound nice while saying something you felt wasn't nice. If you're feeling something, commit one hundred percent because that's going the most believable and most relatable. Other than that, great work.

Ariana: "Wow, I feel like I can see JUST A LITTLE BIT OF YOUR HEART! Buy JUST A LITTLE BIT OF YOUR HEART on iTunes!"
2175 days 9 hours ago

This week, Crystal Robins is modeling based off of Dasher: "The Quick One!"

Crystal, going forward as we get less and less models, I think you've become more and more comfortable with yourself and your position in this competition and if there was a time to accelerate, it's now. And Crystal, you stepped on the PEDAL. This photo is beautiful! It's in motion, it's definitely your reindeer, it's everything that could've been wanted from the competition. The only critique is that your legs should've been a little closer together or a little longer but it's so hard enough to just model that your picture really does deliver on all fronts. In terms of your questions, what the judges got is that you're aware. All of your questions had so much confidence and determination, it really was something that I went over and nodded with while reading. This is a great week and I can't wait to see what you do next week.

Ariana: "Your performance was as smooth as a PIANO! Buy PIANO on iTunes!"
2175 days 8 hours ago

This week, Ember is modeling Prancer; "The Fierce One!"

Ember, I'm going to go in reverse order for you. This week, I asked who had the least potential to win and who deserves to go home tonight. And, without even counting it, you definitely had the most models bring up your name. It's very hard to hear your name be discounted by so many people, I know that personally. However, it just takes one good week to turn it all around for someone. And, I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but I think you proved everyone wrong this week. Ember, this photo is gorgeous! Prancing is something that every model should know how to do and I definitely was worried that whoever got "Prancer" would just do a runway model. However, you turned it into something that was editorial, not just for a runway. You're showing off the clothes beautifully and your expression is so tender and lights just bounce off of you greatly. This picture just goes to show that you are a killer and you are a killer! Like you said in your questionnaire, being in the bottom and surviving does not discount you. In fact, it shows you have the fire to move on and you definitely brought that here. Your answers to the questions were very fiery and spoke to who you were. You were the first to direct any sort of criticism towards the judging and that's a very gusty move that I applaud you for. For you this week, I give you the "fearless" because your photo was amazing despite what others were saying and your explanation was absolutely unapologetic. I remember telling you that you need to bring your fire to places outside of the Face-Off's. And guess what? You just did!

Ariana: "Wow, I'm LOVIN' IT! Buy LOVIN' IT on iTunes!"
2175 days 8 hours ago

This week, Melodie is modeling Dancer; "The Flexible One!"

Melodie, this week, you were given the Dancer which is pretty much an explanation in itself. And your photo is not bad. As a matter of fact, your photo is not really in the worst three of the group. It's a very ok photo, very safe. Your photo is...of a dancer. So, it goes with Dancer. Great. However, this is the third "dancing" photo of the cycle thus far. So automatically you had to bring the HEAT with this photo. This photo, while the pose is extreme, is just so...on the nose for this challenge. It doesn't really feel inspired, it just feels like you were going for a ballerina which some other models already did. Because of this, you had to give 110% and this week, it feels like you gave a solid 70%. As for your questionnaire, you did have very interesting viewpoints. You definitely showed your opinion and the judges appreciate that. However, it felt like you got hung up on one thing and didn't revert back to your original point until you absolutely had to. This sort of middle of the road performance combined with the comments that you made this week makes the judges question if you need to be in the bottom to shake you back into place. That may just be what you need at this point.

Ariana: "Some things you talked about were BETTER LEFT UNSAID! Buy BETTER LEFT UNSAID on iTunes!"
2175 days 8 hours ago

This week, Sarah is modeling Comet; "The One-Out-of-This-World!"

Sarah, you are an enigma. As the one alumni, everyone seems to be expecting masterpieces each and every challenge. However, also, as a competitor, that's just not realistic because who DOES that? And, I'll be honest, I was shocked that you were named so many times as the one with the least potential by so many people. I personally think you have a lot of potential but combined with this photo...Sarah, this photo is just lackluster. Punk makeup with half of a headdress and green and pink lighting is not a universe combination. It feels underwhelming for what could have been the loudest reindeer. Again, a lot of models had negative things to say about you this week and your own presentation wasn't anything to remember other than a couple of interesting things. Your star power was just clouded this week.

Ariana: "You have to be careful, this week is "DANGEROUS, WOMAN!" Buy "DANGEROUS WOMAN" on iTunes!"
2175 days 7 hours ago

This week, Stanley is modeling Cupid; "The Romantic One!"

Stanley, it's no secret that you have the most challenge wins so far in the competition. And for sure, you've are an extremely impressive model. Each week, the judges expect more and more out of you and you've been able to deliver each time. I think, however, this week is a rough patch for you. For this week, the task was to embody the character and that requires full dedication. And I feel like the past couple of weeks, your photos has been brilliant but haven't necessarily applied to the challenge well and, therefore, have been stunting your true potential. This week, I feel like that's the only thing I could see in the photo. I can assume that the flowers mean love...but wilting flowers on a floor and bright colours doesn't read as "Cupid" as some of the other models had in comparison to their own references. As for you questionnaire, it felt very second-thought. It's just so disappointing because the judges know at this point what you can do. It felt like you just cut yourself short and it's a little shocking to see this come out of you.

Ariana: "Wow, all that pollen...if you sneeze, "GET WELL SOON!" That's "GET WELL SOON", featured on my upcoming album "Sweetener"!"
2175 days 7 hours ago
Nin: "Alright, the judges and I have seen enough. And I myself have made some...decisions."
2175 days 7 hours ago
Nin: "

Corinna Hendrickx. This week, your Donner photoshoot put a smile on the judges' faces. And your questionnaire left no mysteries on who you are.

Crystal Robins. You may have been under the radar in the past. But, with your Dasher photoshoot, you broke through the lines.

Ember Moon. This week, everyone questioned your potential. But you made your Prancer photoshoot look like a walk in the park."

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