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1455 days 12 hours ago

So this game has been so so crazy. Coming into merge I would have never though that I would have made it to f5 because we had the least original tribe members coming in so I thought I was screwed but luckily I was quickly able to build connections with people from every different tribe securing my safety for the first few weeks. Peyton has been my ride or die and we’ve managed to get here together with our social ability and strategic skills! This last vote I suggested we vote for Vincent but Gustavo was certain we should vote Crypt which kinds out me off so I went to everyone and suggested we vote out Vincent without Gustavo knowing and look at the result. Vincent said I was “sticking with Gustavo” but I mean come on Vincent you and I BOTH know that isn’t true because if I stick with Vincent you would still be here LMFAOOO. Plus have you already forgotten about those first votes??? Zach?? Yeah I blindsided Gustavo to save Jake because I needed him in the game just a little while longer. I feel I’m in a very good spot and right now my ideal final 3 would consist of myself, Peyton and TJ. Let’s see if that happens
1455 days 12 hours ago

alright, final 6 motherfukers, so now I’m very happy to say that I have my alliance of 4 here with me with the two Mistica’s that have probably given me the most info throughout the game. Crypt has been a silent player and I don’t really know what he truly wants but I think he knows that I would be his best bet in making a move, which I won’t do, but it’s still comforting to know that I have that failproof option. Then there’s Vincent, oh Vincent. I love the guy, he’s great to have around but he doesn’t seem to realize how none of his tricks have really worked out and that he was mostly kept in because he wasn’t threatening and is the least threatinf in a jury vote due to having more hate playing both sides. I don’t think Ozzy would vote him after the messages, he voted Jake like the rest of us so, he definitely isn’t getting Matt’s vote since Matt trusted hkm a lot, so I don’t know if he’s a threat at the end like crypt who hasn’t pissed anyone off would be.
Then there’s the Messtyca slayers.
Peyton, Rubes and Gustavo. Each an expert of their field.
Peyton: Advantages. He’s managed to come up with a system that makes it almost impossible to NOT find idols and advantages with the blink of an eye! It’s been extremely impressive and resourceful for the whole team and truly allowed us to do some great things, making Lukas paranoid enough to waste an idol and correctly playing an idol to avoid another tied vote.
Rubes: Social Game. Rubes is one of the few players remaining without receiving a single vote (I believe?) and that’s definitely nothing to scoff at. She’s done an incredible job at managing to keep everyone happy and in good spirits, making a huge jury threat to match with 2 competition wins to make a well rounded player.
Gustavo: Strategic. Gustavo has really shown up recently as a player extremely ready to secure his spot no matter what. He’s made a f3 alliance with myself and Peyton as well as with Vincent and Rubes, with crypt going home tonight that leaves him perfectly in the middle, exactly what he wants. This could be dangerous on so many levels, that I don’t know exactly how to go about this. It’s certainly not going to be easy to manage my way to final 3 and plead my case but I’m gonna damn well do whatever I can. I also have my trusted idol by my side, which in the right circumstances can completely shake up the game if I need to.
1455 days 12 hours ago

so Vincent is really mad at me rn (cwl) he’s basically saying that I followed Gustavo Peyton and Rubes all season and that they’ve all done more than I have, which while I know is bullshit is still concerning that I could very well be perceived like that and that isn’t what I want. okay change of plans yeehaw. Vincent’s been acting like an asshole and I think crypt isn’t really personally bad for my game and he will be public enemy #1 so I’m gonna go ahead and change my vote to Vincent.
1455 days 12 hours ago

this next vote is tricky, it’s basically between Rubes and Crypt. They’re the two most threatening I believe, but idk who’s more of a threat.
Gustavo is also a bit of threat, for one being a strategic player and another reason being that he’s a villain. If I were to take him out that could possibly make it easier for me to earn Matt and Zach’s votes... which is definitely something intriguing. I’ll have to see how I feel the next couple days before finale to make my decision on who I’m gonna stick with. The only constant for me is wanting to go to f2 with Peyton if possible, because I really feel we’ve worked well together and that I think I can beat him out in a FTC.... hopefully
1455 days 12 hours ago

Because I just think that gives me the best chance AND gives me the biggest opportunity to get the most on my resume as possible.
The Vincent vote already could probably help me since I think that crypt shouldn’t vote for me now and that he wouldn’t hesitate to go against the bigger threats and definitely makes a more valuable target. Rubes is known to be well liked by people which I suppose is a concern... but at the same time, who with?! Because like, Vincent was least mad with Gustavo (I believe), and that Jake was against Rubes. If Jake is strongly against them then that may mean that Pietro would be as well, and I assume Pietro is against me which leaves Gustavo as the favourite in that section as well... so who am I worried about that chooses Rubes or Gustavo over me?
Lukas: I really don’t know what he’s gonna think. But I feel like I can plead a case to him!!
Ozzy: I don’t expect to really get his vote... idk where it’ll be!
Zach: me or Gustavo
Matt: me or Gustavo
Pietro: I really don’t know
Jake: me or Gustavo???
Crypt (assuming nothing crazy happens LOL) : don’t really know! Maybe Rubes? Me??? Eh..
Vincent: probably Gustavo>Rubes>Peyton>Me so who cares
1455 days 12 hours ago

well this is f5 and main target is Crypt Since he likely has mistica friends. Then f4 one becomes a little more tricky between Gustavo and Rubes, if one wins immunity then the decision is made for me LOL
1455 days 12 hours ago

Well, I am feeling even more secure in my chance to get to the end after Rubes and I were able to lead the charge to get out Vincent. Rubes was able to rope in Crypt while I got TJ to vote for Vincent. The argument that I used was that Vincent was super close with Gustavo, and considering that Vincent ripped into everyone sans Gustavo today and was saying that Gustavo was the biggest threat and always in control, I had to prove him otherwise. By leaving him out of the vote and him voting incorrectly, it shows that Gustavo was not in control and didn't control much if he wasn't included in on a simple final 6 vote. So it simultaneously bolsters my final argument while also diminishing Gustavo, which is phenomenal considering I want to be sitting next to him at the end with TJ.
I also wanted Vincent out because he was just plain rude and obnoxious to me. I literally woke up this morning with him saying I've done nothing all game and that GUSTAVO has been the one leading everything... GUSTAVO?????? I have to laugh. His three reasons that Gustavo played a good game were that he gave Vincent a fake idol, played an idol on ME(!!!) and was good pre merge?????????? Literally the fake idol was used as a joke and was not strategic, Rubes and I convinced Gustavo to play the idol on me so he wouldn't be in possession of an idol and who cares about pre merge?? LOL Anyways, I told him that I did a lot in this game but refused to tell him anything considering we were STILL COMPETING???? I use the past tense because Vincent is obviously out now... but it was present in the moment LOL But he then got angry that I wouldn't lay out my entire game for him as if he wouldn't rat my argument to literally everyone as he had been doing all game. Then he said I wouldn't win because HE(!!!!) doesn't like me (boo hoo) and then called me a pussy for fighting him and being correct :') honestly love my fans!!! And it's just funny because I've been cordial to him all game, and then he decided to be rude out of nowhere WHEN HE WASN'T EVEN THE INITIAL VOTE???? His loss, not mine.
Anyways, that was a little rant and was definitely unnecessary and a waste of my breath talking about Vincent, but I have to keep the VL and the hosts as informed as possible on what I get to deal with :')
But now that I am in the final 5 this is really a do or die time for me. And it's made even better by the fact that I found a DOUBLE VOTE TAROT CARD!!!!!!!
It has to be used by F5 which... it is now, and you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be using it!! Now, my issue is I KNOWWWWWWWWW I need Rubes out and I can use this to finally make that happen but it gives me actual angina thinking about having to vote him out. I got screwed because Rubes was the one who sent me the clue to the tarot card and considering we've been forwarding messages on if we hit dead ends or not, I had to tell him that I found the double vote. If I was able to keep this a SECRET I could've put one vote on Rubes and one on someone else, but since he knows I have this double vote, I'm going to have to make it known that I'm voting for him :( It literally pains my soul that I have to do it but I came to win and win I shall.
Now the issue still remains on whether we take out Rubes or Crypt first. Obviously, if one of them wins a competition the choice will be made clear. But if they're not, then Gustavo, TJ and I are going to have to decide. It's just hard because Rubes has a better chance at winning a final 4 challenge, while Crypt will be absolutely decimated by any of us in the finals, considering I can sense the bitterness of the jury from a mile away.
Idea. This is coming to me on the SPOT RIGHT NOW WHILE I TYPE!!!! Gustavo does not have a vote yet. I could tell Rubes that I am going to throw my extra vote on Gustavo so that he won't make it to the end with any votes against him. That deals with the extra vote scenario. Then I can use my other vote to vote with Rubes for Crypt. Then I can get Crypt, TJ and Gustavo to vote out Rubes... that way I could mastermind Rubes' demise while also not technically voting Rubes out........... maybe I snapped. The only issue is either TJ or myself will need to win immunity for this to work out. I guess I'm going to be reading some tutorials on how to snap in bubble shooter this weekend, because this could be exactly what I need.......... I'm telling you I'm on crack but hopefully this is the good kind that leads me to win at the end.
Also I watched How to Marry a Millionaire last night. 3/5 stars. Lauren Bacall is an icon I love her. No movie tonight. I started the miniseries Sharp Objects and will be watching that instead.
1455 days 12 hours ago

okay short confessional hopefully because I’m trying to watch tv and nothing has happened LOL anyways last night I messaged Crypt and tried to point him to the way of Rubes to vote out. However he is under the impression that Gustavo has an IDOL and needs to be taken out??? Okay buddy. Like the fact that Crypt has a minimal idea of what is happening in the game yet is the biggest threat because of how bitter this jury is... a choice
Anyways, I told him I’d think about it. And I honestly have. I love Rubes and I feel like we played a great partner game together. And I’ve always said I’d have trouble voting him out. Well today, I talked with TJ and we’re honestly seeing the threat that is Gustavo now. Like this man basically created our dominant alliance with Matt. And while he hasn’t made as many outright moves, he can say he didn’t need to since he started the alliance. He also sent Vincent the fake idol and also doesnt have Vincent angry at him, which is basically a guaranteed vote right there. Whereas, I feel like Rubes’ only singular move was teathering together TJ and Jake which literally flopped. If I’m able to use my words and shift the narrative in that I was in control of our duo and made the decisions then I think I may be able to beat Rubes. And I’m honestly feeling like going against him may be a better decision than going against Gustavo.
Again, I’ll have to think about this. Luckily the finale is so far away so I can decide longer. But honestly, yesterday I was set on Rubes but now I’m thinking like Gustavo may be the bigger threat to win... it really is a hard choice at the end of the day. Like I also benefit from taking Rubes out by taking credit for all of the moves we made together if he’s not there. But also, I told him where the tarot is, I consulted him on who to pair together and I was there with him for these decisions. Meanwhile, I’d like to think I was the one who decided to flip on Jake at the F10 and I was also able to flip TJ to vote out Vincent last vote. So I feel like I could have an argument against both of them at this point. But I just keep doubting myself and feeling like I’m playing for second regardless when I desperately want to win. So I have to make a move against one of them and I want to make it myself. Maybe I’ll use my two votes to plan something out with Crypt... we’ll see!!
Also if this could be a final two that would be perfect for me. Especially if it was me versus TJ. I feel like I would have to win in that scenario so... I’m putting the wheels in motion for that to happen.
Anyways I think that’s it. I deleted my STUPID bubble score which was over 110,000 by accident so I’m livid at the moment. I already hated those bubbles and now I despise them even more. If I can’t beat that score tomorrow or Monday I’m going to be livid.
I didn’t watch a movie last night because I self diagnosed myself with vertigo so I wasn’t feeling good LOL I want to watch this miniseries Sharp Objects tonight but I also want to watch a movie... the jury is still out on what I decide on.
1455 days 12 hours ago

With nobody talking to me, I can just assume my game is over. This round was like playing dodgeball. I'm trying to dodge all of these damn votes and the only way for me to catch the ball and get someone else out is by finding an idol, which I don't have. I don't know who to trust anymore and I can't make a power play if the only two people I have are Vincent and TJ. We'll see if I have time to flip stuff otherwise I'm gonna be gone soon.
1455 days 12 hours ago

So I hatched a last minute plan to get Vincent out. I got Rubes first, and he convinced TJ and Peyton to side with me. If Vincent plays a goddamn real idol tonight, we’re gonna have a problem. Let me tell you, by the time we get to the jury vote of this season the season of the witch is gonna be the season of advantages appearing out of the fucking cauldrons. I hope this time people stick to the plan and nothing goes wrong.
1455 days 12 hours ago

Now Rubes is telling me that Gustavo was REALLY pushing for me to go. Like if you wanna try that then you better be ready to get your torch snuffed yourself. He’s turning into Vincent 2.0. Extra messy and always liable to flip. We have one Vincent and we can barely handle his game how tf are we gonna handle Vincent 2.0 gunning for me with all the cells in his body? If I make it through this vote Gustavo is my next target, and we need him to go ASAP.
1455 days 12 hours ago

It's clear to me that I need to win immunity this time in order to secure my safety for this first tribal. I've talked to Peyton and Rubes and planted the seed in their head that Gustavo needs to go, but the fear of an idol is always there. Here's what I'm thinking. I get TJ to vote Peyton with me and tell both Rubes and Peyton to vote Gustavo. If it works as planned, we can get Gustavo out during the revote. Otherwise, Peyton will be out if an idol is played. It works for me both ways because Peyton is a big player and Gustavo is a wildcard like Vincent. My main plead if I make it to FTC is that I literally had to climb my way up the totem pole, so a move like that would help my resume greatly.
1455 days 12 hours ago

I've spent a good 2+ hours playing bubble shooter because I want immunity this time. I've hit 44,000 points, but I don't think it's gonna be enough. I began to realize that this game is a lot like bubble shooter. If I try voting someone out from the wrong angle, the votes will fall in the wrong place and the plan will fail. For this next tribal, I need to make sure that the votes are in the right place before the wrong person goes home. With only 15 minutes to plan for the vote during the beginning of the finale, it's not that much time. Hopefully everyone scrambling will keep them oblivious to the split vote I'm planning for tribal. The jury must love an underdog story. I mean, who doesn't love it when an underdog wins an entire competition?
1455 days 12 hours ago

LMAO I swear if Vincent attacking Rubes, TJ, and Peyton and calling them sheep and pathetic whilst claiming I'm the biggest jury threat is going to get me voted out.... I'm gonna freak the fuck out
1454 days 15 hours ago

Final confessional of the season?? It's very probable since the finale is tomorrow, and unless I have some big revelation then I don't really see me writing another one of these. So let's hope that I'll be able to wrap up all my thoughts here and all the pressing issues.
I'm still really conflicted on who I want to bring to the end with TJ and I. I honestly feel like I could make a solid argument sitting next to both and Gustavo. It's just difficult trying to dissect who the jury is more likely to vote for. I really don't remember what I've said before so I'm sorry if I reiterate anything. Both of them STILL HAVE zero votes against them. I think Rubes had the best social game, but I also feel like I can skew the jury into thinking that I was in command of our partnership, but that could be hard considering I didn't talk to Zach or Pietro and barely had any conversations with Ozzy and Lukas. However, I still have my double idol play and was able to get Gustavo to play an idol on me and was able to successfully navigate my way out of receiving votes three tribals in a row.
On the other hand, I feel like Gustavo can say he formed our alliance and played an idol on me at a crucial time. Which doesn't really seem like much but it very well could be all the jury really wants?? Plus he definitely has Vincent's vote since Rubes said how bitter Vincent was acting in another group toward me, Rubes and TJ.
My brain keeps on going back and forth. Like as of right now I think I would rather go against Gustavo, but that also means I would have to vote out Rubes at the final four which is devastating to me. But thinking of myself, I wouldn't be mad if I was taken out at final four and would somewhat take it as a compliment. So maybe Rubes wouldn't even be too mad?? But I'm not sure, I keep going back and forth.
Sorry for disregarding the entire final 5 vote too. I think everyone is in agreeance that if Crypt loses then he's the one who's got to go. It also doesn't make sense in my own game to bring Crypt to the final 4. I think TJ and Rubes would bring me to the final 3 and also to the final 2 if that's the case. I also have my final three with TJ and Gustavo, so I think Gustavo would bring me too. With Crypt I have the added risk of being taken out by him if he ends up winning final 4 immunity.
I think I set myself really up with this end game too. However, I wouldn't be shocked if these other three are all conspiring against me which would honestly be the biggest gag and blindside of the season. Do I think they are trying to get me out?? I really don't know. If they think my game is that good that'd they'd need to take me out, that's on them to decide. I keep downplaying and doubting what I've done which I know isn't good but I can't help it. So at least I would get the satisfaction of knowing that my game wasn't subpar if they take me out at final four LOL but I really don't think they'd do that. At least I hope not.
Anyways, I'm still praying for a final two where I can go against TJ. That's my biggest dream in life right now. If that will become a reality, I really don't know. Otherwise, my decision on who I sit next to with TJ will be a total spur of the moment. I could even tie the vote against the two of them if I was really up to it. We'll see.
I also think I'm going to throw a vote on Gustavo or Rubes this vote no matter what. I don't need either of them making it to the end with no votes against them.
Well I think that may be it for me. How sad. I had a lot of fun this season, and while I'm mad at myself for not playing the perfect social game with those on the other side which may ultimately screw me over, I'm still content with the way that I played this game and hope that everyone can see that as well. Let's hope that tomorrow goes well for me and that I don't have one of my crackhead moments, which is bound to happen if we're being honest. Especially since I'm celebrating the finale with a venti iced caramel macchiato from Starbucks.
I think I'll end this in the way I have ended a lot of confessionals this season, with my movie shoutouts!! I'm still watching Sharp Objects so I have no new movies to report on. However, if you ever need a recommendation, go for La La Land, Call Me By Your Name, Lady Bird, Black Swan, Little Women (2019) or Gone Girl. And as always, stream reputation by Taylor Swift.
If this isn't my final confessional, this will all be very awkward.

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