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Jury Questioning

Topic » Jury Questioning

2329 days 3 hours ago
Philip and Will, welcome to your final tribal council. Tonight, you will have the chance to plead your case to the jury as to why you deserve to be crowned as the winner of Survivor: Kolby vs. Bennett. Take this as an opportunity to highlight your gameplay and answer any questions that the jurors may have.

Jurors, you have a big decision to make. This is an open forum, so you can ask/say whatever you see fit in order to ensure the best outcome. Vote on whatever basis you see fit. You have until 8:00 PM EST tomorrow to submit your vote.

2329 days 3 hours ago
Will and Phil, major props to you two on making it to the end. This season was a constant craze, and not getting voted out is impressive.

My question is the same to both of you: What is one big/important move you made that separates you from your opponent?

Thanks, and good luck!
2329 days 3 hours ago
Hey everyone! I know I’ve had a couple issues over the past couple days, but I hope that none of you hold those against me. I’m in completely uncharted territory, because this is my first FTC! Before I start my speech, I just wanted to tell everyone thank you for an amazing season. You guys all did amazing, and this season wouldn’t have been close to as fun as it was without this amazing cast and our two lovely hosts!
2329 days 3 hours ago
Hello Leo! A big move I made was definitely blindsiding Luke a few moments ago. I became his friend in the swap. I had an alliance with Robby and Luke while in the swap alongside an all moru alliance. Everyone was my ally in that tribe except for Mike. I locked in Josh immediately after we lost the challenge because I had a bad feeling about him from day 3. I wanted to get him out even though he was part of the initial moru alliance of 4 from day 1 which consisted of brady, josh, sagar and myself. Despite wanting Josh out, Mike started targeting me. I had loyalties from moru and even though there were 3 Nkuma I only received 2 votes. I convinced my opponents and then we voted out Mike. This was also a big move on my behalf because I knew he couldn’t have an idol so I also convinced Sagar to do it. The vote was 3-2 and after the vote I told moru that josh voted me out with mike because he assumed Robby and Luke were voting me out too and I would go home. I did this in order to create a barrier between Josh and the other moru so they would listen to me when i told them we should vote him out. In the merge, josh proved his disloyalty and I was in the minority. I had enough connections from premerge in moru and the connections I made with Nkuma to ensure my safety through the merge and made decisions with both people from Nkuma and Moru. All these things make up defining features of my game. What I did differently than Will was that I talked to more people and my social game was more expansive. I was willing to turn on original alliances to get further and join other groups of people, alas I didn’t need to. Will is the only person in this game whom I have not spoken too. I can’t say anything about his game due both to inactivity and the fact that he never tried to contact me either.
2329 days 3 hours ago
So, I guess I should start from the very beginning. Before the season even started, Robby and I started working together to try to figure out who the rest of the cast was. Eventually, our alliance expanded to contain Dan, Dono, myself, Luke, and Robby. This was the beginning of the Cracker Barrel Coalition. I spent a lot of the pre-merge building solid relationships with my alliance, as well as Demi, that I could use later to gain numbers. At the swap, the CBC was separated. Dono, Dan, and I stayed on Nkuma, and Robby and Luke were sent to Moru. The Nkuma sector of our alliance was split on who to vote. Dono wanted to take out Leo, Dan wanted to blindside Sammy, and I discovered the place where I was most comfortable for the early part of the merge, as the swing vote. I decided to side with Dan, knowing that Sam would be a big merge threat. This solidified an alliance between me and Dan that lasted until his boot. At merge, I decided to play it safe and vote Dana. I knew that if I wanted to succeed, I couldn’t allow Moru to get the majority no matter how much Sagar and Brady tried to tell me I was safe if I voted Demi out. At F10, Dan came to me proposing a blindside of Robby for being a social threat. I agreed, and helped send Robby home. I knew that if I wanted to make my mark on the game, I needed to move out of Dan’s shadow. Dan and Josh mentioned splitting the vote 3-3 on Luke and Demi, and I knew that this would probably be my best opportunity to get Dan out, so I flipped, and my vote sent Dan home and saved Demi, who I knew I could trust and I felt in a better position with. I stuck with Nkuma for the next couple votes, and solidified an F2 alliance with Luke, and solidified my relationship with Demi. At F6, after Demi and Dono mentioned splitting votes, I proposed me and Luke voting one way, and Demi and Dono voting another. They agreed, and Luke and I began planning to blindside Dono. At F5, everything kind of fell apart for me. My reputation and standing with the jury was completely destroyed by a dead phone, a dance competition, and a saxophone lesson. But, I kept pushing forward, voting out Brady before winning my first post-merge competition ever and sending Demi home. After that, I guess the fact that I didn’t really show myself while making moves or make myself a target made Phil choose to take me to the end over Luke.

And that’s how I got to this point! Good luck, Phil, and thanks everyone for making this season so amazing!
2329 days 3 hours ago

I feel like the most important move I made all season was flipping on Dan and rejoining the Nkuma alliance. One thing I feel like I did differently than Phil was prioritize strategic gameplay, because I knew I wouldn't be able to win competitions and I'm not always the best at socializing with others.
2329 days 3 hours ago
Welcome Final 2. I'm not gonna "say" anything bitter. but i have a pretty good idea who im gonna vote for to win but here we go you 2

Phillip: Chicken wings are my favorite food. Now i want you to right  5 sentence paragraph on why chicken wings are the best food in the world. Then I want you to write another 5 sentence paragraph on why I'm super awesome. no more no less than 5 sentences in each paragraph. if you do this you have my vote 100%

Now Will. I feel like this is you:

Watch the whole video and explain to me why i am wrong
2329 days 3 hours ago
At F6, after Demi and Dono mentioned splitting votes, I proposed me and Luke voting one way, and Demi and Dono voting another. They agreed, and Luke and I began planning to blindside Dono.

*I clear my throat*
for the benefit of an unnamed party to see
2329 days 2 hours ago
I wrote this a few hours ago:

This was my first confessional of the season.

“My apologies I wasn’t here for the cast reveal. It was my fault, I fell asleep. This cast is so active, you should both be proud of the world you’ve created. Before Ultimate Stars ended its final season, it was my world, but I’m more than happy to join this one! Thank you for picking me despite how badly I flopped in my last season and I appreciate my archetype because it represents how I scramble around in paranoia every tribal council, desperate to find a means of surviving. I haven’t initiated conversation but 5 people have approached me: lionsden, totstrashy, Joshua (I’ll be calling him Joshua because I like the name better), Sagar and Brady (my love, but I haven’t answered him yet. He messaged from Skype but I haven’t been on yet ... I’m trying to deal with the 300000 messages in my mail and then I decided to write up this confessional that will turn into a request) and I still want to talk to Leo and Brittney (he has 2 t’s in his user name so I’m quite sure this user name was named after Brittney from Big Brother Canada 3 and I will be bringing this up to have a way to start the conversation). I was never friends with Leo but I’ve played in like 10 billion group games with him in the last 4 years (I haven’t been joining group games in a while though so I’m a little groggy).
ALRIGHT, u sneaky sneaky boys ... u KNOW totstrashy and myself would be clawing at each other’s throats BUT U WILL NOT GET WHAT U WANT. She or he or whatever messaged me about working together because he has many enemies. Totstrashy hated me when I blindsided him in my last season. He’s never forgiven me until now and I’ve felt bad about It for months. It just like ... makes me uncomfortable that he’s only forgiving me now and it makes me feel like he doesn’t actually mean it, that he’ll still resent me and target me. He wants to work together though so I’ll do it ... but he also told me Tim will be boycotting to get him out ... so if ever I don’t feel comfortable with totstrashy ... I’m going to have a chat with Tim. Joshua wants us to be bffs so I’m down and Sagar hasn’t responded to me after I responded to him initiating conversation but he wants to work with me which is gr8.
In the last few months I’ve discovered that I can use my french accent to my absolute advantage. I live in Quebec and French is my first language. I’ve been purposely leaving out some connecting words (and will be for the remainder of the season) when I talk to people so they think I’m less smart and I’ll try to get on call with as many as people as possible to demonstrate my “broken English” but I speak English perfectly. Hopefully I’ll keep up the act and not falter too many times. This all being said ... I’m playing the HoneyBunch1 game 2.0. For those of you who don’t know who this beautiful woman is, she’s an ultimate stars legend who has gotten 6th, 6th and 5th in her seasons. She is almost blind. She’s such a sweetheart. When she messages people, her words are autocorrected badly and sometimes she forgets some. This is the game I’ll work at reproducing ... except that I’ll have the strategic prowess so that I can actually win the game! Honeybunch1 was carried far in all of her seasons because no one was afraid of her. She was god awful at comps and she started lots of fights because she couldn’t read things right and freaked out when someone used her name in forums. I won’t completely be like honey because I want to win.
With all this being said, I’m excited for this season, I hope I’m not 20th, sorry for missing the cast reveal (which I think is actually good for my game bcuz ppl are talking to me thinking I’m not in it to win it and looking to use me as a vote), I’m going to be starting an alliance on Skype ... and I’m been writing this confessional for an hour so I’ll end it here lol”

In my first confessional I laid down the ground rules for the rest of my game. If I was in a position of intense minority I would go to the default HoneyBunch1esque to survive but that wasn’t entirely what I did. Anyone here would agree I wrote oddly sometimes and I did this for a reason!

Before the merge I started a major alliance in Moru that consisted of myself, Josh, Brady and Sagar. I brought us together and on the side I worked with Dana and Brittney ferociously too but my alliance to them were independent of each other. I also made friends in the other tribe like Novamax and Robby.

On day 3 I had a strong belief that told me Josh was not to be trusted so I campaigned hard core to get him out. He was supposed to be the vote on Day 7 but my moru opponents rejected the idea. Despite my obvious betrayal to one of our own, no one talked about voting me out. I was the sole vote for Dana and instead of a feud between us we decided to use it to our advantage and we decided we should tell everyone we hate each other. We became really good friends. I was afraid Dana was only using me for my vote in moru and would eventually turn on me. We had a rocky past and it was my fault but we ended up becoming friends.

Novamax243 and I became friends premerge and he told me he had the idol. When he was voted out that meant there was no Nkuma idol. I was never afraid of a Nkuma idol.

In the swap, when moru went to tribal I locked in Josh immediately but Mike wanted to target me. I was going to side with Nkuma and get Josh out but Mike wanted me out so I got him out. Robby and Luke had become my close friends. I assured my safety in this vote. I received 2 votes because Robby panicked since sagar didn’t know I was robby’s friend and told him I was still the vote and so Robby voted me out last second. After this I told moru that josh was the person who voted me out to create a level of dishonesty between them but I knew my vote came from Robby. In the merge my gut about josh became a reality and he joined Nkuma. I started trying to make sure I was safe despite my minority position. In this game I received 3 votes from 3 different people and I have voted out every one of these people successfully. These people were Mike, Robby and Josh. In the Leo vote I made Demi, Dono and Luke believe I had an idol. They all told me I was the vote right before tribal council and this made me feel safe. I knew I wouldn’t be going home because of this and i was calm at tribal council. I understand I was bad at immunity challenges but I gave it a go. The only challenges I missed in this game were the day I was stoned off my ass and the cast reveal.
I won an immunity the time I needed it most.
2329 days 2 hours ago
Will: It seems like all you did after you took Dan out was listen to what Luke said. Would you disagree with that? If so, why?
2329 days 2 hours ago
Will: I want you to discuss moves you made in this game, alot of jurors don't think you did much. Prove them wrong. You flipped on the Dan vote i believe, explain that move. In my perspective, you were always someone people overlooked, and positioned yourself on the right side of the vote alot. Am i correct in this assessment?

Phil: I don't have much to say about you, you were clueless all throughout this game.

On the Ethan vote: "You voted in the minority and said, "Ok well I was seriously left out of what is happening right now"
On the Dana vote: You voted in the minority:
On the Sagar vote: You voted in the minority
On the Dan vote: You voted in the minority:
On the Leo vote: You voted in the minority
On the Brady vote: You voted in the minority

Out of the 15 times you attended tribal, you voted in the minority 6 times. That means 60% you were correct. Only two winners in CBS Survivor are below 70% when it comes to voting. Bob Crowley is a horrific 56% and Michele Fitzgerald comes in at 67%.

So, in a sense you are a Bob.

Will, you have my vote, I hope you can get 4 more, prove dem haters wrong.
2329 days 2 hours ago
Philip: What moves did you make to attempt to get yourself out of the minority?
2329 days 2 hours ago
Will- In my mind you came into this season as a flop. However 20 days passed and you sit here in the f2. I believe your archetype hasn't changed at all. I applaud you for getting to final two but you did absolutely nothing in the game. You had zero social skills outside f your Nkuma alliance and you were an absolute bitch to me ignoring everything I had to say to you. Talking to you was literally impossible. You were never active and you didn't even care about this game to show up to a fucking finale. You voting out Dan wasn't really even a good move for you because instead you missed your chance to get an even bigger threat out in Demi and we all wanted Dan out next anyways so the fact that you saved a threat in Demi was a stupid decision that nearly cost you the game. And after the Dan vote the only things you did was follow Luke. You shouldn't be proud of making it to the end because you don't deserve it. You're only here because you did nothing and the funny thing is Phillip still got fewer vote than you so there's not you can say to change my mind.

If y'all vote Will then y'all are just bitter ass jurors

Phil- Comgrats on getting my vote. I think Will is the only person out of the final 6 you couldn't of beaten anyways but I think most people think this is a very underwhelming f2 and I do too but you did something right.

Question for both: Rank each juror on gameplay just for fun

Congrats on my vote Phil
2329 days 2 hours ago
*Could of beaten anyways*
2329 days 2 hours ago
I may ask a question in a bit but wanted to say that Will made calculated and risky moves which secured many of us being voted out. He did not always safely vote from the comfort of his alliance but actually was a HUGE part in Dan, Dono and myself leaving. He made offensive moves.

Philip, you know I'm crazy about you but we both didn't work together in the game so can't talk on your good points/ strategy.
2329 days 2 hours ago
I’m going to answer some questions now.

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Survivor: Kolby vs. Bennett [Day 21]

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