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S1 Applications

Topic » S1 Applications

1778 days 15 hours ago
Note: This Danganronpa is set in the 80s so you can’t have talents that would not exist in the 80s. So no social media influencers, computer experts, etc. If you think a talent might not have been able to exist at this period ask me or google is free so use it!

Age (14-19):
Biggest fear:
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!):
Public Bio:

Personal Info
Activity Level (1-10):
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat):
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?:
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?:
Would you like to be the mastermind?:
Would you like to be the traitor?:
1778 days 14 hours ago
Name: Jillian Honosoko
Age (14-19): 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bicurious
Nationality: Asian-American
Ultimate/SHSL: Ultimate Graffiti Artist
Height: 4’11
Biggest fear: Being Outed for having Not normal thoughts
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Hypocritical, Stoic, Pessimistic, Timid(but hides it well)
Public Bio: Jillian grew up with an American Mom and an Asian Father. They all got along well for the most part, except with their beliefs. Opposite opinions and thoughts on nearly everything. The big thing being about the homosexuals. Jillian had brought it up to them in the past and was basically yelled at for even talking about it, nearly getting slapped by her mom had it not been for her correcting herself. So Jillian normally keeps her thoughts to herself and when she’s in public with her parents and they say or do something to homosexuals she often has to pitch in a remark to them as well, it even seems like her parents go out of their way to do these things. Because of all this Jillian has came to hate herself because she thought she was wrong for what she thought and who she might be. She’s cut herself in the past but in public or around anyone she acts like everything is alright.

Personal Info
Name: Andrew
Activity Level (1-10): 8
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): um you should have it :)
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: yes
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: yes
Would you like to be the mastermind?: possibly
Would you like to be the traitor?: possibly
1778 days 14 hours ago
Name: Christopher Wallace
Age (14-19): 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Undecided
Nationality: English
Ultimate/SHSL: Fisherman
Height: 6'0"
Biggest fear: Losing control.
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Dignified, stoic, self-serving, pretentious.
Public Bio: Across the pond in the land of the Iron Lady lives Christopher. His family owns the Lady Manuela, a fishing vessel which works off the coast of Europe to catch fish for sale in England. He's most well known for his odd choice of dress, a fancy jacket and scarf, regardless of the season. Christopher rarely speaks, often using as few words as he deems necessary to get the point across. Very little is actually known about his private life, other than he lives with his older brother on the coast, having moved out from his parents' place two years ago. More commonly known is his daily routine, sitting on the edge of the boat with a fishing rod, listening to The Smiths on his cassette player and chewing lots of gum.

Personal Info
Name: Lukas
Activity Level (1-10): 7.5
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): You have it.
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: Absolutely.
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: Totally.
Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yes.
Would you like to be the traitor?: Yes.
1778 days 14 hours ago
Name: Coco Milan
Age (14-19): 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: African American
Ultimate/SHSL: Ultimate Beauty Guru
Height: 5”11
Biggest fear: Spiders
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Funny, Rachet, Honest, Stylish
Public Bio: Coco started to grow fond of makeup since the age of 4 . She grew his skill level and became a makeup trendsetter. The some current looks were because of her and she has made a statement in the black community. She is not your stereotypical business girl. She does what she wants when she wants it. She has no regrets and lives life to the fullest.

Personal Info
Name: Aja
Activity Level (1-10): 10
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): Don’t have one
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: yep
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: yep
Would you like to be the mastermind?: of course
Would you like to be the traitor?: totally
1778 days 14 hours ago
Name: Allen Retch
Age (14-19): 18
Gender: M
Sexuality: Bi
Nationality: USA
Ultimate/SHSL: Thrillseeker
Height: 5'11''
Biggest fear: Enclosed Spaces
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Rash / Daring / Manipulatable / Foolish
Public Bio: The son of eccentric millionaires, Allen chose to use his family's wealth to participate in crazed antics around the world. He's gotten his family into some financial trouble a few times, but always gets bailed out eventually.
Faceclaim: Idk lol let me go looking

Personal Info
Name: Mudkip
Activity Level (1-10): 8
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): ---
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: hell yeah
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: hell yeah
Would you like to be the mastermind?: HELL YEAH
Would you like to be the traitor?: hell yeah
1778 days 13 hours ago
Name: Sora Amari
Age (14-19): 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: No Labels
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Spy
Height: 6’2
Biggest fear: Dolls and being buried alive.
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Calm | Humble | Cold | High-Handed
Public Bio: Sora is a spy for a secret organization in Japan. He’s one of the youngest and most efficient spy in the nation. When he has his eyes on a task, he can’t get them off of them no matter the costs. He doesn’t care for peoples feelings, and if they get in the way of anything he’s doing, he would care even less. He can be nice but isn’t the best with dealing with people, especially children.
Face claim:

Personal Info
Name: Ethan
Activity Level (1-10): 8
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): you have it
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: Yes
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: Yes
Would you like to be the mastermind?: Sure
Would you like to be the traitor?: Sure
1778 days 12 hours ago
Name: Lincoln Provolone
Age (14-19): 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bicurious
Nationality: American
Ultimate/SHSL: Pizza Delivery Boy
Height: 5'8
Biggest fear: Crying in public. Also Jason Vorhees. So, like, crying in front of an audience of people dressed like Jason.
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Bubbly, goofy, a bit awkward at times, easily distracted, not the smartest
Public Bio: When Lincoln was four years old, he discovered two very important facts about himself. The first was that he loooved pizza... and the second was that he was severely lactose intolerant. It seemed like fate had cursed him with this combination (especially with his father owning a popular pizza joint right next to the local arcade), but Lincoln was able to make things work once he found something even better than eating pizza... seeing the reaction others had to receiving said pizza. After all, people really seemed to like it! And he really liked seeing people happy. So he started working for his father as a delivery boy. And, you know, sometimes he'd jump down four flights of stairs to deliver pizza to customers quicker... and then he taught himself how to run a mile in three minutes flat... and then his parents got him a motor scooter because he kept nearly running into the neighbors while listening to Madonna on his walkman... so now he nearly runs them over instead. It's no question that he's the absolute best at what he does!

Personal Info
Name: deme
Activity Level (1-10): 6 ,,  ,
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): uwu
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: yeah
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: yeah
Would you like to be the mastermind?: no thank u
Would you like to be the traitor?: no thank u
1778 days 10 hours ago
Name: Kyo Hamasaki
Age (14-19): 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Pirate
Height: 6'3
Biggest fear: Fire
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Aggressive, Manipulative, Smart, Pervy
Public Bio: Kyo from a very young age wanted to sail around the world, due to a mass murder that happened on the island he lived on he started losing his mind, he was no longer a happy kid who wanted to sail around, he wanted more. At the age of 8 Kyo snapped, he killed one of the older people that lived on his island and stole his boat, he then left his home island to sail around the world, at the age of 15 Kyo started acting more like a Pirate, he was robbing people, killing them as well as rapping womans. At the age of 18 Kyo was one of the richest people on the planet, but he never really cared about money, he was really enjoying seeing other people in pain, he was completely broken, he wasn't the same person that he was as a kid, he enjoyed Rapping, Robbing and Killing innocent people, he became a real pirate

Personal Info
Name: Jakub
Activity Level (1-10): 5-7
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): I think you have mine? >_>
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: Uhhh sure
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: I guess
Would you like to be the mastermind?: Depends
Would you like to be the traitor?: Depends
1778 days 3 hours ago
Name: Barrie "Bard" Noel
Age (14-19): 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Nationality: American
Ultimate/SHSL: SHSL Disco Dancer
Height: 6 inches
Biggest fear: Fire
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Passionate, Energetic, Chill, Good-Spirited
Public Bio: Disco is dead right? WRONG, Bard here actually knows how to put on a disco party, even if not many people show up. His goal is to keep disco alive and keep it going even after he dies so he knows he can put some sort of legacy on the world before he ends up meeting his demise. He can boogie woogie like no other, but he is known to having a softer side of him when he isn't parting, and he just like having fun because people deserve to have fun, and what's more fun than a disco party am I right?

Personal Info
Name: Drake/Spin/Spinfur/Spinny
Activity Level (1-10): 8
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): Wcplays
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: Only if I die with me being bowled inside a disco ball.
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: ya ya whats new
Would you like to be the mastermind?: I would indeed
Would you like to be the traitor?: Yea sure whatever
1777 days 10 hours ago
Name: Asuka Saito
Age (14-19): 18
Gender: Girl
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Ultimate Sharpshooter
Height: 5’7
Biggest fear: Drowning
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Introverted, calm, unemotional, trusting
Public Bio: Asuka has always been into firearms at the young age of 6. Both of her parents died in a horrific accident not far after when she was born, so she was adopted by a guy who made weapons himself with unconventional materials.

Personal Info
Name: margy
Activity Level (1-10): 7
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): i will get one, my friend will tell yall the username
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: yes
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: yes
Would you like to be the mastermind?: yes
Would you like to be the traitor?: yes
1777 days 8 hours ago
Name: Haruka Amari
Age (14-19): 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Ultimate Magician
Height: 5’2
Biggest fear: Natural disasters
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Eccentric, Fun, Arrogant, Outgoing
Public Bio: Haruka was kidnapped at a young age from her parents and forced to be in a caravan circus. They abused her and fucked with her mentally until she finally gave in and fully participated in the circus. She adapted magic tricks along the way, and eventually became very skilled in them.

Personal Info
Name: Chloe
Activity Level (1-10): 6
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat):
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: Ethan will give it to you
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: Yes
Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yes
Would you like to be the traitor?: Yes
1776 days 16 hours ago
Name: Jeffrey Carbone
Age (14-19): 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: African American
Ultimate/SHSL: Cook
Height: 6’0”
Biggest fear: Heights or snakes
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Bold, Expressive, Annoying, and charming.
Public Bio: Growing up in the Bronx, Jeffrey didn’t have much money growing up. With an absent father and a mother who was working double shifts just to make ends meet, Jeffrey was often on his own for food. Jeffrey can make anything happen in the kitchen, with any type of ingredients, and he knows it to. His arrogance pushes people away but in reality, he just wants to find that person to make all of the pain he feels inside to go away.
Face Claim: I’ll get you one shortly, I’m on mobile lol
Personal Info
Name: Billy V
Activity Level (1-10): 8
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): bvance9912
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: I won’t like it but yes... I’m a hero
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: well duh
Would you like to be the mastermind?: possibly, all depends on the situation
Would you like to be the traitor?: possibly, all depends on the situation
1776 days 14 hours ago
Name: Rylee Haines
Age (14-19): 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: American
Ultimate/SHSL: Librarian
Height: 5’6
Biggest fear: Sharks
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Sweet, quirky, dubious, intelligent
Public Bio: Rylee has always been a lover of books and writing fictional stories. Having a writer as a dad really influenced this trait as a child and her relationship with her mother was very close, hence why she’s a little bit more reserved and doesn’t have many friends in her regular life. She has always wanted to travel and experience everything she’s ever read and written about but has been held back by her self-doubt. Hoping to make lots of friends and finally change her “boring” lifestyle to an adventurous one, Rylee vows to come out of her shell before her 18th birthday!

Personal Info
Name: Brittany
Activity Level (1-10): 10
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): brittanyfierce1
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: I’d like not to but yes
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: Duhh
Would you like to be the mastermind?: Sure!
Would you like to be the traitor?: Whatever you want
1775 days 7 hours ago
Name: Shawn Fleishman
Age (14-19): 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: American
Ultimate/SHSL: Cat Burglar
Height: 5’9
Biggest fear: Being Alone [Autophobia]
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Unreadable, Sneaky, Dishonest, Superficial
Public Bio: Shawn was born to the famous Fleishman family, who has always been in the news for carrying out huge criminal heists, including one where they attempted to steal an over twenty three million dollar blue diamond, which once belonged to the wife of a Spanish king. After failing to complete their self-assigned mission and getting arrested, Shawn was thrown into foster care, but constantly ran away from whichever house he was placed in. He met a cat in an alleyway one night, naming it Scrappy, before beginning to use his cuteness as an easy weapon. When anybody gets a load of the furry white fuzzball, it’s game over and Shawn will snatch their belongings in no time.
1774 days 14 hours ago
Note: This Danganronpa is set in the 80s so you can’t have talents that would not exist in the 80s. So no social media influencers, computer experts, etc. If you think a talent might not have been able to exist at this period ask me or google is free so use it!

Name: Chris Harris
Age (14-19):16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: American
Ultimate/SHSL: Ultimate Priest (up in coming)
Biggest fear: Heights, as he almost fell off a bulding once
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): Loyal, Kind, Clueless, Brave
Public Bio: Chris was born into a heavy religious family, who went to church every Sunday and Wednesday. His father forced him to study the Bible, as the Preist currently was old and about to die. He got baptitised soon after, and became a full Christian. Now with the preist dead, he became the new one.
1774 days 4 hours ago
Name: Mitsuki Nishi
Age (14-19): 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Linestander
Height: 5’
Biggest fear: ghosts
Personality (at least 4 traits or a couple sentences please!): absent-minded, detached, introverted, meticulous, stoic
Public Bio: Mitsuki is admittedly a very special Ultimate- she considers her talent pretty mundane, but she also works very hard to prove that she is just as valid as any other. As a linestander, she runs errands and does otherwise menial jobs for people who are either too important or too lazy to do it themselves. Responsible for anywhere from 50 to 100 errands a week, Mitsuki manages it with ease all while balancing her school and home life. She attributes her talent to lots of calculated, precise planning- but she’s actually a bit of an airhead when it comes to anything else. It’s hard to pin her down into a conversation for too long, and she often times will space out or doze off if she gets even the slightest bit bored.

Personal Info
Name: absol
Activity Level (1-10): idk like 7 or 8
Skype (not necessary, but it might be useful for investigation or a group chat): you have it
Are you willing to be executed to keep the RP going?: yes
Do you realize inactivity may result in death?: yes
Would you like to be the mastermind?: possibly maybe
Would you like to be the traitor?: possibly maybe (x2)

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