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Survivor: Antarctica - Episode 1

Topic » Survivor: Antarctica - Episode..

1442 days 15 hours ago
1442 days 15 hours ago
Luther (Reality_Warped) Confessional:

I, once again, am playing with KC. Wonderful! I love him and he’s such a good straightforward ally. Obviously he’s going to be my number 1, and Bens going to be my number 1 ENEMY. Maybe. I’m keeping my options open. I usually play super hard super fast and it usually works out pretty well for me, but this time I’m trying something different. I’m going to take it EASY. I’m going to just roll with the flow for a while and when the opportunity is ripe, make a big move. UTR king? Possibly! Anywho I feel like this cast is ripe with new players who don’t know what populates the sewers of tengaged, and I’m very willing to scoop them up in my arms and take them on a journey.
1442 days 15 hours ago
JJ (moviemusicguy123) Confessional:

I'm glad I made it onto Survivor. The last time I played Survivor, I played terribly so I'm hoping I do well this time. I'm looking at my new tribe and I notice Abele whom I played with in my last season of Survivor and she was a villain so I'm going to have to see if she plays the same way. I'll most likely try to align with her, because if she ends up being hated for being a villain, then that's good for my game. Also, Scott (gbpack) was the very first person to talk to me so I think I may make an early alliance with him. As with the others, I don't know who they are.
1441 days 20 hours ago
JJ (musicmovieguy123) Confessional:

It's official, I am playing both sides. I'm in an alliance with almost everyone on my tribe. In the 1st alliance I'm in it consists of: Scott; me; abele; kco. In the 2nd alliance it's: Rick; me; KCO; Scott. Scott and I are official allies and I told him that we are going to have to play both sides, which we both agreed that we know how it works. He also did say that he is loyal to a fault so he could be good for my game long-term. But, I do think that Rick is another person that I like talking to so only time will tell where my loyalty will lie. But, I will have to work on my social game, because I know I'm not the best at the social game and I am better on the strategic part. Also, I will make sure I'm not a follower to both alliances, because I don't want to be viewed as that this game.
1441 days 20 hours ago
Shadi (Chastain) Voice Confessionals
1441 days 20 hours ago
Mickle (micklepickle20) VL Confessional:

Hello Pickle Nation, I will make a video confessional once I get home but I am not home so here is a written fucking Confessional. I dont know how people can write like a fucking essay doing Confessional. But I am going to take a different approach from last season
Last season i tried to work on my Strategic game but that wasnt the problem. The problem was that I had no motherfucking social game. So no 5 person alliance this season. I hope this season these cock suckers dont have big ass mouths and narc me out to Paddy. Fucking bastards. Anyways, Confessional and cast assement should be coming tonight and I hope I win over the hearts of the VL and more importantly Cam, god I miss him. I am talking to Jake and the bald guy who likes the packers on the other tribe but I don't wanna play too hard and fast that what burn me last time. i hope these people aren't sensitive like my other cast last season, 'oh mark is being cyberbullied by tashi' like bitch have you heard the shit I have said about other people in the past. So expect that. But anywho let's try to get better than 15th this time and you will see me guys tonight and let's have our cocks out for Zachboy. Big pickle out
- micklepickle20
1441 days 20 hours ago
Cai (abeledaa) Confessional:

Hello everyone! My name is Cai, I’m 21 and I’m from Sydney, Australia. I’m so excited to be back playing another group game on Tengaged. This is my third season playing after a two-year long hiatus and I’m super keen. Since coming back my performances have been… fine...  haha First game ended up being bad timing with my personal life so I got out early.  On the other hand, in the most recent one, I won Hero of the Season and placed fifth. My goal is to always have fun, play hard and do whatever it takes to win. I haven’t won a group game yet and I am bloody desperate haha. I may be from Australia but I have pulled all frickin nighters to engineer blindsides so I am so ready to play this game!

The game hasn’t technically kicked off but alliances have already begun haha. Thankfully Scott added me into an alliance with JJ and KC so I’m in the majority haha I have no clue why I got added to it but thank goodness! Scott also messaged me individually as well as Rick and… JJ.... Now I’m fairly confident JJ is the only person I know and far out I was not very excited to see them and see that we’re on the same tribe… again… We played together in my most recent group game where we started together but had zero frickin communication. So I guess it’s like we’re playing together for the first time since we’re already in a Day 1 alliance lol. I’m not gunning for anyone but I’m definitely keeping my eye on JJ as well as the returning players. Good thing I’m aligned with KC too lol

ANYWAYS I am super excited to play this game and lose an unhealthy amount of sleep but I just finished my last semester of university and am unemployed so I’ve got all the time in the world hahaha Look out y’all because Cai is here to DESTROY EVERYONE… with a smile :)
1441 days 20 hours ago
KC (KCObedencio) Confessional:

Okay you guys tbh I already flopped of what I thought this season was going to be 🤦‍♂ I legit thought it was All-Stars cus you know, Im first boot all-star quality #neveragain like my hopes were all up and I'm like ——— oh ok. Like I was reading the cast reveal (I was minutes late) and I was reading the people on the first tribe and I was just chilling like maybe these people played before Sri Lanka and the people on the second tribe was revealed and I was like WAAAAAIT A MINUTE. I was wondering why there wasnt any people on Sri Lanka at all??? like I was even expecting Ryan and Sydney to pop out. Then I was reading the people on the third tribe I was like— are Ethan and Scott fooling me???? Was they intentionally making my hopes up and then just making me a part of a fake cast?? Like why would they bother talking to me to be part of the Antarctica cast when major people from Sri Lanka wasnt even there. And thenn I saw that 3 people from Sri Lanka were coming back and like OHHHHHHH NOW I GET IT 🤦‍♂ Ugh I sound so stupid lol but anyways, thanks for casting me back, Ill bring fireworks baby #xoxo

Anyways, with the cast, I saw some familiar faces with Luther and Ben whom I played with in Cutthroat Survivor very recently. I had an awesome relationship with Luther and I connected with him right away through chat and I'm so happy we're still getting good vibes with each other. It's a different story with Ben though. Ugh I hated Ben 🙄 I'm so ready to revenge him of how he stole my spot in the end on JB/Jeremy's game #shoutouttoJB. It's revenge and rebellion over here. There were also big names on Ben's tribe with Aria and Jake. Like damn if those 3 made it far, the people who allowed them to make it far are dumb. I'm not sure if I played with Aria before or I hosted her but I know she's very cunning; like Parvati stealth-mode. With Jake, he's pretty popular. The cool kids wont be on the block man 👎

On my tribe, people were stepping up the game already. I connected with Scott (wish it was Fobby 😏) and then he told me JJ connected with him as well and all of the sudden there's this alliance formed that included Scott and I + Cai and JJ who I havent talked to yet. Like srsly though, I was getting war flashbacks from Kai getting me into a 5-person alliance and it all went down to flames. Like obv this thing is not gonna work out. And then I tried talking to JJ; I got uhhhh weirded out first cos he seen my chat for almost an hour and I was thinking, does this person want to talk to me??? But anyways, we did and we're cool now.

I then connected with Rick and he seems cool too and all of the sudden, he brought out this idea to make an alliance with JJ and Scott and I'm like giggling. These people are doing their job for me. They're scrambling to get me on board, to have me as their number and I'm just riding with it. Yes Ethan & Scott, I already learned my lesson from last time to not fucking scramble too early and be crazy 🙈🙉 And so I'm just chilling over here, like these people are mad dashing with game play very very early.

And so then I talked to Scott and I feel more solid with him more with JJ cause we were in two different groups. And so, the "The Unbreakables" was formed. I mean, I feel more solid with those two but I'm not closing my doors. I'm yet to connect with Dino and Cai but at least I can say I'm in an okay spot right now. We got both ends of the stick and I think I'm fine.

And oh yeah, Scott revealed vital information to me about the game. Apparently, Rick and Ben are close friends outside the game and loooool I cannot allow them to connect. But of course, we never know. I also love how Scott told me it would be in his interest to further me in the game to better my game play and to redeem myself. Like wow, that's a cool true ally over there, i love it.

And I swear to god, my only priority right now is to win the first immunity challenge. Omygod if I get Francesca'd out of here, I'm gonna be


Also, in dedication to my previous season, I have something to say

#WILLPATTUsucks what the fuck worst tribe ever but whatever fuck yall I WILL BRING JAMES DOWN
1441 days 20 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) VL Confessional:

I guess I'm back again to get another chance at this game after I flopped very hard last season when I got blindsided with an idol. But the real question isn't why KC is on this cast but whose genius idea was to have a Survivor season in Antarctica. I'm hoping some of these players will freeze to death in order to further myself in this game. This climate would actually be perfect for myself since I'm Canadian and our superpowers is that we don't care about the cold climate, so I can see others suffer while I will be chilling (Pun was intended). In the early parts of the game I ain't doing much strategizing but I will just try to get to know these new people on my tribe of 6 to just see who I like and who I don't like moving forward. For the love of god, lets hope I can win an immunity challenge this season after I lost like 6/6 challenges last season!
1441 days 14 hours ago
Renny (TheRenny) Confessional:
1441 days 14 hours ago
Mickle (MicklePickle20) Video Confessional:

1441 days 12 hours ago
Rubes (Rubes) Confessional:

Ok so this first day has started off pretty iconic. I knew none of these irrelevant people entering into the game. Well that’s a lie actually lool I knew Ben...Jake and Aria...that’s it and I’m not even in the same tribe as them rip. So I have to actually talk to people I don’t know BUT I instantly clicked with Luther! We spoke for quite a while tbh about things not related to this game and then that’s when I got a response from Shadi and I was loving her vibe! I say to Luther that him and Shadi are the only ones I have spoken to so far and would love to work with them. I tell Shadi the same thing how I’m loving their vibe....which then lead to a chat called Macarena Macarena lmaooo I- with Luther and Shadi. Before the immunity challenge I also started talking to James and Renny, they both seem nice so I’m gonna get to know them but don’t blame me if you get blindsided when we go to tribal hehe. Arek hasn’t bothered STARTING a single conversation with me so I’m not gonna bother with him unless he approaches me because I already tried approaching him and the convo went no where. So far I feel in a very comfortable spot! My alliance has found the idol after one guess and honestly we’re killing it. Absolutely I’m sticking with them for now to secure my safety but come merge...I’m ready to play and slay and fillet the competition. I think I can go far and I just need to prove that I can do EXACTLY that.
1441 days 12 hours ago
Shadi (Chastain) Confessional:

Renny came in and helped me with some clues which I already knew. Since me, luther, and rubes already narrowed it down and i got the idol. But I still appreciated that he told me. He could've kept it to himself. So i did share with him that I found it cause I'll be caught if i didnt and because he earned that. And im just putting it out here in case in the FTC he for some reason is mad at me and tells me that he helped me find the idol. I can just be like, you tried to but I already had it.

(Plus his 8 voice confessionals)
1441 days 12 hours ago
Renny (TheRenny) Confessional:

Alright, I'm off to a solid start. I was able to use the clues that James and I got (and one clue James got from Rubes interestingly). I thought Shadi's question about if it was season 4 was a pretty weak question but it turned out to be perfect with everything combined. I realized that James and I were probably closest to figuring out which user it was, (since we guessed exactly the same lol rip) so I wanted to help Shadi get it instead. Now Rubes has started an alliance with me, Luther, and Shadi. This is perfect since I don't trust Arek and I want to keep James at a little bit of arms length for now. James was talking to me about strategy and clearly wants to work closely together, I just want to ease into it with him. I'm hoping the foursome can get Arek out first, and then Shadi and I can decide if we'd rather go with James or not. I like Rubes but she seems like the type that could turn out to be trouble later, she's got a flair for the dramatic.
1441 days 11 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional:

RIBE ASSESSMENT (Known 2/5 People)
- Arek: I have never seen this person around any games which means this will be an opportunity for myself to get to know someone and socialize with them. He seems like a chill person and I told him that I would have his back if he does the same for me
- Luther: Another one of those players that I have never heard about and he is basically a mystery to me right now, I tried getting to know him but he doesn't respond much or quickly which is a bad sign with him
- Renny: This guy is one of the biggest flippers I have ever played with lol, but they always say that it's better to play with the enemy you know then the enemy you don't know. I told him that we should became a duo and work this game together since we know each other but I know I can't trust him completely but I'm hoping he can help me out in this game
- Rubes: I never met this person but so far in the early parts of the game, we have connected pretty well since she responds very quickly and we even shared idol questions that we worked together to get to a few number of players the idol could be hidden under. I'm hoping she will have my back after I socialized with her pretty good in the game so far and I'm just looking for any allies I could get
- Shadi: This guy I have seen around and I know for a fact that he is a great player that will be very dangerous in this game which is why if the opportunity rises, I would take him down if I can. He and I have talked but I know this guy would take me out if he can, unless he helps me out in the game, I would try to take him out before it's too late

Other Notes
- I really hope that people don't just get rid of the returnees because we don't really care for each other and we're basically newbies since we didn't even make the merge last season. I never met Mickle but he seems like an interesting person and I know that KC will probably hate me after I took him out as the first boot
- This series has the best idol finding systems I have ever seen so I just wanted to state that, other series need to step up their games since their just falling behind the times
- I actually have played with Scott before in a game and I know he was a flipper who didn't trust me but since we're both Canadians and he would need allies, I think this time around he could help me out in the game
- That Dino guy really killed it at the challenge and he will be on my radar in the future after that amazing performance
- The Denise Curse is over!!!!! I get to have my first free night off this game ever, Lets Gooo!
1441 days 11 hours ago
James (jamessmith5) Confessional:

Hey viewers lounge, I'm back to entertain you guys after I flopped hard last season. I'm hoping I can make a run to the end and win this game, but it will be very tough since I see a lot of great players standing in the way of that. I just want to say that the DENISE CURSE IS OVER!!!!! If anybody doesn't know what that is, it's basically how last season I lost every immunity challenge (0/6) and got voted out since like eventually things will catch up to you if you keep losing, unless you're the great Sparks! Tonight I finally broke that streak which makes me feel great since it's putting my game in the right direction by just chilling and socializing for a day instead of hardcore gameplay. My biggest worry would be about people thinking there is an "All-Returnees" alliance since I never met this crazy Mickle guy of last season and I'm pretty sure KC hates me after he got last place and I was one of the people who voted him out, so I hope none of these people target me because of that since we're basically newbies at this point. Thats enough information for now, I will try to be social and win challenges, which is the greatest strategy!

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