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354 days 1 hour ago
Starting with Jasoi,
Jasoi, I think you played a phenomenal under-the-radar game. I think you subtly maneuvered through a cast of overdogs and loud, in your face players superbly. To me, that's not something that's easy to do at all, much less successfully. So my question to you is, what part of your game would you change? What would you tweak to improve? I'm someone who always believes in improvement, so I wanna know what you would do to improve.

Any game I would like to change was maybe connecting with more people, I was pretty good at social connections but I really wanted to talk to people more and I should have spoken with people from Berwick to get on their good side. I would have not received many votes and I would honestly been In a really great spot come merge, I should have also talked to people further like you brook as I also considered you a great ally but we didn't talk that much But I liked talking to you.

I would have also improved with Strategy as there were good moments I could have blindsided people, Hell I wanted to blindside Hayley if Brenden won immunity in F5 💀 I also could have turned on Marek or Ryan C but I chose not to as I chose not to be too cutthroat
354 days 1 hour ago
If you were voting between the other two finalists, who would you vote to win?

I would have voted for Hayley as She was very strategic and wasn't afraid to cut people. She played a very well game from start to finish and reminds me of Heather from total drama without the jerkness of her 😅. I feel like she maneuvered the game pretty well
354 days 1 hour ago
Great game to all!!

German - Excellent reads and respect playing one side instead of kissing everyone’s ass.

Hayley - Amazing command of the game, strong in challenges (despite the longest no win immunity streak) & social game on point.

Jasoi - Good underdog that fought hard and had good relationships and timing throughout the game.

Just want to say I am sorry to everyone I screwed over when I went inact for 12 hours but yall seemed to do just fine without me!


Jasoi - What is the biggest move you made that had an effect on the game and only you can take credit for?

German - Who were your top 3 allies and how often did you speak with them?

Hayley - What is your biggest regret in the game? (Please do not say voting me because that was smart. I want a real answer!)

Good luck to all. And Tokio - thanks for being a great host!
354 days 1 hour ago
Jasoi - What is the biggest move you made that had an effect on the game and only you can take credit for?

I would say the move I done was Get Ryon out. Ryon was throwing my name out and we never spoken at all so I thought It would be better if he goes. He ended up leaving one boot shy of merge. Me/Ryan C/Marek/Brenden made a alliance and I ended up proposing it. If we stayed during the merge, It Would have been one more person after me and I didn't want that to happen
354 days ago
Ryan A's Question:

Hayley - What is your biggest regret in the game? (Please do not say voting me because that was smart. I want a real answer!)

My biggest regret was overplaying in the social aspect and causing personal rifts. I don't regret any moves themselves as it got me here and i did the best with the info and reads i had but I was willing to tell people what they wanted to hear and to a point where I played victim. Like I said a lot of things and then never followed through. I said I had people's backs but knew I would cut them and I told people sad things about past games to try and get them to want me to stay. I think I definitely could of handed the person connections better in that sense. I played a game great but on a personal level I definitely fucked up. I think I could of played without going to such a level and still got the end result.

With that said I knew coming into this game that I would be Cutthroat and focus on the moves that were best for me. I knew I would come in and play as hard as possible and leave it all out on the field. Being over the top and doing more then I needed may have rubbed people the wrong way and I get it I do however I was aware as the game progressed that people saw me as a threat and not someone you would want to face in FTC. The path was made no easier by getting slapped with whose most likely to win and as much as I regret how I overdid things I do think having a ability to be Cutthroat served me well this game vs the two people with me who failed to have a high enough level of being Cutthroat or be Cutthroat at all. Allies are amazing and you need people to get far but the hard part of Survivor is making sure you do your best to navigate the allies and the threats in your way. And the cherry on top of the Survivor sundae is that allie and threat mix more then they dont.
353 days 23 hours ago
lot of people didn't trust you, but they trusted me

Trish :o

As someone who's played in this franchise three times and failed to do so all three attempts, I must commend you on doing it in one attempt

Not that hard giggles ;)
353 days 21 hours ago
Sorry I just want to go over some things since we have less then 8 hours to fight for the Crown and honor to represent this season.

Jasoi you said you hid behind louder players and even used me as a shield which is what brook was for me aside from being a allie and friend however the point of a shield is they will be targted before you and that's good because then when they are gone you have a better shot to win. However you never voted me and waited till the Final Five to even consider voting me and by then it was 2 late due to me winning immunity back to back like you did earlier.

You also said at F5 and F4 you wanted to make sure German did not leave yet you voted him at F5 along side me and Brenden and had he not had the idol he would have left. That means you actively disregarded wanting to keep him around like you said. F5 was tough with you and Leo being the only ones vulnerable after immunity and idol plays tho.

Moving on you mentioned you were wanting to be loyal and the three points you mentioned were During the Ryan C, Marek and Brook vote offs. However from my perspective you were more excluded from all 3, as those were move made by others. I was certainly excluded from the brook blindside as well, tho I kept the idol, but I felt the Ryan C vote off and the Marek Vote off were 2 of my better moves this game because it took 2 BIG players out and Flipping on the Team Yay plus you which became the clowns alliance I was able to clip a strong number from multiple people on that side and gain better standing as that side still needed my vote.  For the Marek Vote I was able to completely get Aaron on board to vote Marek as they wanted that anyway and with me using the duo power that everyone ignored it gave me and Aaron the power to clip another strong number and I did have the added benefit of saving you and me from a split however it was more so i did not have to use the idol and lose that protection. I sold this to you as me saving you which it was but that was because I knew as long as I framed my moves as loyalty in some way that you would be good with me. I did the same back when I told you I flipped on Ryan C to save Marek. True in the sense I got the vote on Ryan C to make sure I keep my connection and 3 person Group with Marek and Brook but I was flipping regardless and you accepted that because you felt I was being loyal when in fact I was just telling you that I kept a guy safe I knew you were close with. You had 2 votes that round and still lost a allie and a number for you which helps get you closer to me. I would like to add that I leaked the target to (RyanA-German-Aaron-Leo) and this caused a chain effect that took 3 extra votes out of the game.

Also I am the 1 who made the Owl Crew (Me-Jasoi-Leo) because separately that was 2 people who had Final 2s with me and getting them to work together would be so much more beneficial to my game.

Jury the Comedy Clowns alliance was such a farce. It was basically 4 core people who had strong connections and jasoi who had smaller connections with many of them and then me there because of brook. Then you look at the other side consisting of a well know 3 group (Leo Aaron and German) plus Ryan A who was kinda taking the more leader role and I managed to flip and navigate all those connections people had while actively pulling off votes I pushed and surrounding myself with a smaller but effective alliance. Mind you this was with a known idol and with me not in the actual core of anything aside from being a actual number. I had been able to have Brook Leo and Jasoi during this game and I also had built connections woth Ryan A frim og pictou and throwback to the round i said i wanted to vote with the 4 person chat Ryan A made that included Leo who would later trust me because of that round. I know I backstabbed and flipped on people and I certainly played on the disloyalty I had encountered with past games but that made me realize you can't be blindly loyal because you are not setting yourself up for success. I took risks and I flipped on the whole merge cast after the first TWO ROUNDS but I still only managed to catch 3 votes overall. I did my best to maneuver all the strong groups that I was not apart of and I believe I did just that. This is only my 4th game and I do have a lot more to learn. I played aggressively and I was paranoid a lot (Brook can attest to this đŸ€Ł) but that was because I was aware of where I stood with lots of people and I was putting in so much work each and every round to set myself up better. I navigated all the Advatages others had as well as all the idol plays and stuck to my guns and held onto a idol from Final 16 to F6. 1 single KNOWN idol. I did not manage to find extras or the bazillion rehidden merge idols. In the end it got me to finale where it was do or die for immunity and I managed to win 2 clutch and very needed immunity Necklaces.
353 days 21 hours ago
Silently takes credit for Comedy Clowns because I named it 😂 Also it was Jasoi’s idea to form that group.
353 days 21 hours ago
Congratulations Hayley, Jasoi, and German for making it to the final three.

Congratulations Hayley and Jasoi for making it to the final two.

My questions are primarily for Hayley and Jasoi because they played polar opposite games and I think both of their games have a lot of core strength to them in different ways.

Let’s start with Hayley.
Hayley, I think you’re a snake, I think you operate under false loyalty, I think you’re selfish, I think you’re a gamebot, and I think you’re smelly ❀

Okay, now that the personal feelings are out of the way
 nobody can deny that you by far played the most pronounced game. You played the hell out of me, and a lot of us, and you’re definitely living up to your “most likely to win” title that you had to fight for.

1) How important is it to you to play a respectable game? By a respectable game, I mean still playing survivor and doing what you must, but doing so in a way that keeps jury management in mind and shows remorse for your actions that may have been received as a little extreme or unnecessary.

2) Though you mentioned it briefly, my personal opinion is that my favorite sly move from you was the decision to start the rumor about you giving the Pictou idol to Ryon. Did you truly know Ryon was in danger based on gut instinct, or were you once again fed that information by Brook which led to you making up that idol transfer to try and save an ally?

3) You previously answered that you would vote for Jasoi to win out of your opponents. What was your favorite move or aspect of Jasoi’s game that would clinch your vote for him?

4) This season was full of twists and advantages galore. My personal opinion is that without these twists and advantages, you probably wouldn’t be sitting in FTC had you played the same game, but I also know that you would’ve changed the way you played. I would like to know HOW you would’ve changed your game to get to the end, had you not had the idol, exile, Brook, or the auction advantages to powerhouse your way to the end. How would you have played differently and who would you have made stronger bonds with if those aspects were not part of the game?

Jasoi, your questions are coming up in my next post ❀
353 days 21 hours ago
It also occurrs to me that I did not go over the Leo Vote and the Brenden Vote in my Opening Speech. I do apologize as it was late and I was making a speech about the entire game that took me 2 hours to write alone lol.

Once Finale was announced and I was idoless I knew I was in some danger and needed to do something. I had the Owl Crew alliance with Leo and Jasoi but as much as I buttered jasoi up with thanks and appreciation I knew he would probably clip me in Finale. Brenden already announced he had the OG Berwick Idol and after I failed to get the merge idol first I learned from Brenden that German said he had it. Knowing this was either true or that brenden had 2 idols I realized that my chances of getting 5th were getting higher by the second. I learner that info the day of the finale and the night prior I had a great convo with German where he Basically told me he would not vote me in finale and how he had wanted me gone the previous 2 rounds but still did not vote me. I told him I would not vote him as well. I have zero idea if he was being honest as it was never tested but still felt it important to mention. Back to brenden I Basically told him how I was loyal my past 3 games and got fucked over. Brenden shared those same feelings and thoughts and we made a F2. The thing is I never felt like it was real. I also knew if I was vulnerable that the shot would be taken at me by everyone. I tried to play on brenden feeling like we both had a lack of loyalty returned and I also tried saying he would have a allie in the future with me if he took me to the end. I was willing to say whatever  it took to try and get him to actually want me in FTC.

I won immunity at F5 and me jasoi and Leo wanted brenden gone however after the host made a announcement that Ryan C left with only 1 idol a d not the 2 he had announced after the first merge vote it was confirmation that brenden had a idol. I knew then and there I could not vote brenden. So I voted German however I made sure to keep a screenshot of my original vote for brenden in case German did in fact have the idol brenden mentioned to me because I wanted to fake loyal to both. Brenden and German both played idols and Leo left with 2 Votes (ok so I was wrong Jasoi did vote Leo so I apologize for the earlier statement).

F4 I was able to win immunity again and this round I pushed brenden again. I felt he was more of a threat then German because a large chunk of Survivor is the social game and I felt German ignored that and also he was quoted multiple times during the game and even in his speech saying connections were already made so it was hard. I feel my gameplay shows that's wrong as I round by round set myself up better. To simply say it's 2 late when anything can happen in Survivor and everyone wants to know who they can work with by having conversations. It was a 3 to 1 vote and I was fake to brenden 100% but a mix of me believing he did not want me in FTC and the fact that it was him or German and I felt 1 ignored a important part of the game made the choice easy for me
353 days 21 hours ago
Silently takes credit for Comedy Clowns because I named it 😂 Also it was Jasoi’s idea to form that group.

That's very true however the group was already made by that point we literally had a Alliance and it was the people jasoi felt good with anyway and add in that I literally asked first if we were making a chat with him.
353 days 20 hours ago

One of the primary aspects of your game that I find admirable was your loyalty and ability to sit back and relax even if the vote didn’t or wasn’t going your way.

One of the primary aspects of your game that people are finding difficult is the fact that you never targeted your #1 obstacle in your way of winning this game, which was Hayley.

1) Why did you wait so long to target Hayley? Were there certain aspects of Hayley’s game that made it difficult to target her, and if so, what were these aspects? You expressed loyalty towards myself, Marek, Brenden, and Brook but what kept you from making a move on Hayley earlier in the game?

2) Individual competition wins are very important for not only portraying yourself as a contender, but protecting yourself in the second half of the game. You came into the merge STRONG by winning two back to back challenges, yet nobody seemed to want to target you after you were no longer safe. During those two rounds of safety, what were you doing behind the scenes to strengthen your end game?

3) People continually dismissed tribal lines as being important throughout the season, however you valued your OG Halifax team, and I’m proud to see you as the sole survivor of Halifax. Halifax lost more than anybody and you attended a LOT of tribal councils, and I can only think of one time you were brought up as a target, and it was by Brook and Hayley during the Ryon vote. Had they been at tribal with you instead of Me & Brenden, I think you would’ve been in a lot of danger. That said, you managed to navigate around that after the Ryon vote. How were you able to do that and minimize your threat potential?

4) You were effectively used and abused pre-merge as an extra vote to a lot of pre-existing alliances that chose not to include you, but at the merge, you realized that you had to be involved to stay alive, which led to your formation of the Comedy Clowns. You touched on this during your jury speech, but my question is how did you decide who you wanted to work with in that alliance, and do you regret not including anyone or possibly including someone that you shouldn’t have? How much did that alliance chat change your game?

In my next post I have a question for both of you but I’ve got to drive at the moment so give me a little bit of time ❀

Congratulations again!
353 days 20 hours ago
1) Why did you wait so long to target Hayley? Were there certain aspects of Hayley’s game that made it difficult to target her, and if so, what were these aspects? You expressed loyalty towards myself, Marek, Brenden, and Brook but what kept you from making a move on Hayley earlier in the game?

The reason I waited long to target her was that even though I considered her a threat for a bit, I didn't just want to get her out right away because Me and Hayley were really good allies and I really trusted her and She trusted me too, We sorta protected each other and I think that was a reason I didn't betray her early as It would be useless to take out an ally. Only thing I could say I wasn't loyal with was the Leo boot and Brenden boot to surivive

2) Individual competition wins are very important for not only portraying yourself as a contender, but protecting yourself in the second half of the game. You came into the merge STRONG by winning two back to back challenges, yet nobody seemed to want to target you after you were no longer safe. During those two rounds of safety, what were you doing behind the scenes to strengthen your end game?

People looked at me as a soft fellow and a "number" it could use and I used loyalty as a good reason As I promised to be loyal to multiple members of the tribe at the time. Keep in mind that I was targeted for a bit as I was close to getting out a few times but As I was loyal to my allies, it paid off as Marek and Aaron unfortunately went home

3) People continually dismissed tribal lines as being important throughout the season, however you valued your OG Halifax team, and I’m proud to see you as the sole survivor of Halifax. Halifax lost more than anybody and you attended a LOT of tribal councils, and I can only think of one time you were brought up as a target, and it was by Brook and Hayley during the Ryon vote. Had they been at tribal with you instead of Me & Brenden, I think you would’ve been in a lot of danger. That said, you managed to navigate around that after the Ryon vote. How were you able to do that and minimize your threat potential?

I think I repeated it before but I used alliances and loyalty to remain strong and be a good "number" to the group. I was Barely in any main alliances BUT I did have some alliances that kept me safe for a bit like the Comedy Clowns or Me/Brenden/You/Marek or Me/Hayley/Ryan A or Me/Marek/Brook. So I was pretty connected socially.

4) You were effectively used and abused pre-merge as an extra vote to a lot of pre-existing alliances that chose not to include you, but at the merge, you realized that you had to be involved to stay alive, which led to your formation of the Comedy Clowns. You touched on this during your jury speech, but my question is how did you decide who you wanted to work with in that alliance, and do you regret not including anyone or possibly including someone that you shouldn’t have? How much did that alliance chat change your game?

I honestly forgot when It got created but Maybe it was F10 but I really wanted to work with Hayley, I also wanted to work with Marek as I was socially connected with him from my point of view and Also I connected with you and I wanted to connect with you more, Ryan C. I also connected with Brenden as I really wanted to work together with him more. I also really felt connected with Ryan A as we bonded over back-to-back immunity wins and I would liked to add him into the alliance. and I don't regret including someone that I should not have as I really wanted to go far with anyone of you and Thought it would be easy to try to take out "the other side". I ended up getting more into the strategic side of things as I found out the people calling shots and who was flipping on the group
353 days 20 hours ago
Im in my free minutes at the hospital, gonna answer the questions when i get home
But i need to say this first

Imma go with REASONS WHY THE JUROR must vote me over my rivals:

- I was the target of the season, without being a real threat. Yeah guys, you tried but you didn't committed. No matter how many times you tried, i did it till the end of path.

- I played an honest game, no lies from me. That's huge in a game like this. No dirty plays here. Sticked to aaron till the final. I really wanted that kind of connection with the other players but, as i said even if i tried they set me aside for good. I bet my two fellas can't say the same about their gameplay

- I was an underdog with the votes, they never let me take control of the game. My numbers were so low, I knew how ppl was placed everytime. Such a difficult thing for me, cause alliances were singed too many days before, they weren't prepared to turn into each others till the very end.

- Following my last point, i think this should be between Hayley and me. I compare unfavorably Jasoi's gameplay and mine. He waited till the very end to evict the huge players as Hayley and Brenden, again, too late. He didn't get the work done.

- I would be SUCH AN ICONIC winner seeing all tribals and noticing that i was the target for no reasons and i could be able to truncate all these tries.  I received 21 votes total. I went to 10 tribals and received at least 1 vote in 8 of them. Quite much not to be a threat.
I've been the only player who played correctly not one BUT TWO IDOLS when i needed, you could say i had the info. But that's the game about, don't you think? :)
353 days 19 hours ago
Ryan C Questions:

1. I will be honest I think it's more important to play the game to the best ability you can and be honest about it when your facing the jury then to worry about the jury every round you play. A lot happens each round that changes peoples opinions and thoughts as well as the fact that FTC speechs can play into how a jury will vote so tho its important i do belive if you played strong and admit it ratger then trying to kiss ass or make it sound less worse then it can be just as effective. I think there's a very important factor in owning aggressive gameplay like mine rather then ignoring the impact it had on jury members themselves. It's a emotional game and we are all working with and against each other and put so much time and effort into this so we want to all do good and even win but if we are to lose we want it to be to someone we can feel good about seeing win. To be more honest I did not look at the jury when making the moves. The jury is a very important factor in this game but that matters if you make it there. While in the game I definitely did what I had to and I think to show remorse for anything that was 2 extra is needed and my way of doing that is giving full honesty on what my though process was on each round and everything I did. That's been my goal with this FTC so far and regardless if it's enough I think by putting it all out there that I can acknowledge my over the top extra things while also explaining why it was the route i took is the best way I can do that.

2. So funny thing is brenden was actually the one to tip me off that it was Ryon leaving because he mentioned wanting to do arskinsky78 aka Ryan A but he was immune with me and brenden said he was tipsy and with 3 Ryan's it was easy to mix them up. So I found out that night from brenden and then later the next day Brook confirmed it was indeed the route they were going. I was just going to enjoy my saftey as I had no way to impact the tribe but then I asked the host If I could give my idol to Ryan and that's when Tokio sent that it could only happen if we the same tribe or during the immunity challenge. I felt like it was a lost cause till I came up with the idea to just tell Marek that I gave my idol to Ryon after I scored so high in flappy bird because I knew Marek would leak and I was hoping it would scare people away from voting him. It was less of a good read and just me having the info and trying to do something creative to potentially save a allie.

3. My favorite thing about jasoi's game was that he was never really a target and he only received 4 votes all game (still 1 more then me) but that's still badass at how well jasoi was positioned even if he was not leading anything. He was hiding in plain sight as a threat and even I overlooked him at times. I think if I left for 5th that jasoi would honestly have had my vote Baring a FTC speech by brenden who I assume would win F4 immunity without me there. I honestly think if Jasoi made F3 with Leo and German like he mentioned wanting in his opening Speech then jasoi is a strong strong đŸ’Ș contender to win. Tbf he still is even now but with me and brenden not there and him able to explain he did in fact see us as threats and managed to get us out like damn that would of boosted him up so much more.

4. Ok well this is a BIG Question. Assuming I don't have the idol or Brook I think premerge alone ends me if I am being honest however let's assume it played out the same. I woukd Definitely more more focus on working with people on the other tribes. So you actually saw me doing that already as every tribe i was on someone left and it seems dumb to actively pit yourself on a tribe with less numbers when 2 tribes go to tribal and vote as one but it was a great way for me to build connections and take away that fear that my tribe will turn on me as i barley have 1 to begin with. Moving on tho Going into merge I don't flip I just end up working with (RyanA-Aaron-Leo-German) for the first vote 100% I stated even tho I was included in Team yay and later the comedy clowns that I still did not trust that side so I fully belive nothing would change for me there. A bigger question is do you still feel as safe if 2 extra votes are played and your not counting on me as a number. I lean no and already that impacts the game. If you did feel safe and still leave tho I think my next plan of attack is still keeping the bond I had with jasoi because I belive he'd try and stray the vote from me and we had plenty of convos about him wanting to flip on brenden and Marek. I think there's less flipping from me and more of a me and jasoi working together to navigate the big threats on each side. I actually feel me and jasoi both tried playing the middle this game but where as he actually never worked with them till the end I was actually having votes where I was with them and I did my best to reach out to both sides. So without the idol I just think I end up playing like jasoi with less moves and more a focus on 1 side. So now there are 2 people playing something of a similar game but on 2 different sides

Focusing on the auction advantages my initial plan was to tie me and 1 of German or Aaron together and I did not because I wanted to make sure me jasoi and Leo all had votes however you asked what I would do without them. Personally I think I stick with brenden and Marek due to not being able to cost Marek a vote and force a vote to land on him and it would make any idea of a plan to work with Aaron to vote him kind of mute. It also takes away from me building a connection with Aaron heading into the second fast forward vote since I fully belive us working to get Marek out helped Aaron not wanna vote me during the F6 vote. Looking at the F7 vote mote I almost used the 5050 and the idol to save me and jasoi from the world's most obvious split on us as I needed Leo and jasoi as back up numbers. So instead Aaron leaves at F7 as the owls would of gone that way instead of doing it at F6. But I also would be targted without the idol so I think it's me vs Aaron and depends on what Leo and jasoi do at that point. Final 6 I think becomes German vote if me Marek jasoi and Brenden vote together however I think me and jasoi would of shot down Leo or we would of voted who we wanted and let Marek and brenden be opposed to German so us 3 could gain control and numbers head into final 5. However jasoi never made a move on Marek all game and brenden probs win F6 immunity so like I could see either plan happening. For finale I still think it's do or die in immunity Challenges for me if I make it there in the scenario I had no idol brook or Advatages.

Finally I actually would try and build a stronger bond with you if I did not have the idol alone. I always knew me and you did not have a high trust with each other however without a bullet proof vest helping me have some protection from you going for me I definitely would of tried to show trust to you more during the premerge. I would also have been in everyone's pms a lot more as now I needed to build repore with people. I can say premerge without brook would become harder as that was someone pushing you brenden and Marek to trust me and work with me and tbh no idol I worry I'd be targted instead of Bryce
This is all very hypothetical but just my thoughts on what routes I may have took and how the loss of any of those 3 things would make my game so much harder then I felt it already was .

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