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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother Top 31 Players #27

Mar 2, 2013 by Breant
imageKevin Campbell
Season 11- 3rd Place
An underestimated player. He wasn't physical but he never needed to be. Going unnominated for over half the game, he was great at keeping the target off his back. He wasn't afraid to throw others, even his best friends Natalie and Lydia, under the bus. He was a big part in the three evictions prior to his, and convinced an alliance to turn on it's members. Should be returning for a future all starts.

Note: This list is based purely off of gameplay, NOT likeability. Some of the people on this list I disliked in their season, but there's no denying they played a good game.

Hint for #26: Before All Stars, one time player

Tags: AustinRules6969 Survivor_Tyler


Too low
Sent by NotForsaken,Mar 2, 2013
he is good and number 26 must be dana
Sent by Survivor_Tyler,Mar 2, 2013
Finally people are guessing! :)
Sent by Breant,Mar 2, 2013

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