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DanZ Survivor All-Stars - Confessionals

Topic » DanZ Survivor All-Stars -..

1384 days 17 hours ago
Jake / Lemjam6:

I'm not good at minimizing my target, but I always give my all in challenges. I didn't feel comfortable on my tribe so I knew I wanted to win, unfortunately that meant eliminating every single person on my tribe. I'm hoping they will understand, but I know I'd be pissed if someone eliminated me. I'm safe for today, but tomorrow is a new day and I'm thinking I'm going to have to mutiny.

I don't want to attempt to mutiny and have it backfire in my face and I don't get to mutiny and my tribe hates me, but I think it might be a risk I have to take.

I'm pretty sure everyone wants to vote Nels and I feel like there is a group together on my tribe that I'm just not apart of. I don't want Nels to go because he is so useless and I want to vote someone out who is a player, but I'm not going to go out on a limb for Nels if he's not even going to fight for himself. He's just a waste of space.

I do feel like I could have left if I lost today or maybe I'm just paranoid. But this is All Stars, I don't know why everyone wants to play it so safe early on. I did tell Nels to go for the idol. LOL because fucking yolo. He is dumb and probably won't because he acted confused when I told him to go for it and I'm sure he'll leak that I said he was the easy vote, but I think it would be fun if he got the idol and the tribe had to vote someone else and actually play the game. Nels is such a fucking idiot. I told him he was the target and he needed to cash his ticket in...he didn't cash his ticket in. I don't even know why I bothered trying to help him. You can't help stupid.
1384 days 17 hours ago
Ethan / gethhan:

these peopel are horrible lol, i've been left on read twice and their social games are atrocious
1384 days 17 hours ago
Scott / gbpackXLVchamps:

So close today to winning my first ever immunity! Literally I lost to JJ by like a second. I'm proud of myself. Challenge prowess is not my forte, but I have to step my competition game up since this is all stars! I'm starting to trust Curly more. He actually helped me in the IC after he was eliminated. After the challenge, things got crazy around camp. Rohan apparently has assumed the role of tribe kingpin...he has apparently thrown out several names to different people. Rohan: You are entertaining, but you are playing too hard too early. You are making yourself a target.
1384 days 17 hours ago
Rohan / rohanprabhu:

No one should be voting for JJ but I will because then everyone will be on detective work trying to figure out who did it and I will swoop in in the chaos and control them because people go crazy during chaos which is great.
1383 days 22 hours ago
Yung / Yunggunzkeep18:

So Jake won immunity and I’m not really worried about that.! I’ve continued my bondS with Ryan, Lukas and Jake on my tribe, As wel as Tony a little bit. Abel wants to work with me, i had a good conversation with Ethan tonight as well.As winners we know we could be tArgetted sooner than later so we’re hoping to meetup at the swap or merge. I can’t  make any slip ups in these early rounds and need to make the merge. I spoke to Antonio and he’s down for an Indonesian alliance with the others ( Brandon and Rohan). Soo a lot of potential options incase things don’t go my way which is nice to have, I jus gotta be careful
1383 days 22 hours ago
Scott / gbpackXLVchamps:

Walks to podium
Takes out pen and parchment
writes down: BRANDON

Speaks:   Just going along with the plan.  I hope you stay bud.

Confessional:  Pre-immunity challenge, this looked like an easy vote.  Eric didn't show up at the IC and has been pretty much quiet.  Everyone seemed to be on board with getting him out.  Then, King Rohan decides to open his mouth and start spewing different names to different people. This created doubt in Curly's mind, then Gera's mind, and then JJ's and then mine.  Rohan is playing way too hard too early and is causing a lot of unnecessary commotion, so he must go.   Only Curly and Rohan went for the Snooz Fest idol...both deny having it, but I believe Curly.   Time to blindside Rohan with an idol in his pocket and I'm voting Brandon to split the votes just in case Rohan gets word of this and does in fact play an idol.    So much for the great alliance between JJ, me, Rohan and Brandon.  If this vote goes as planned, I will clearly be in the majority, for I will have JJ, Curly and Gera.  Eric or Brandon can go next, and we control the votes.
1383 days 22 hours ago
AJ / KingGeek:

so i'm back! contrary to my original declination, i'm actually pretty excited to play. and it may be too early to call, but i feel like once i'm out of this premerge phase this game could be a cakewalk. i'm probably underestimating the quality of the returnees but i genuinely think that i have lucked out with this cast. the people that i DO know (eric, jake, nicky, abel, antonio, jeremy -- conveniently enough, half of them are ON my tribe) will definitely work with me and even those that i DON'T know (scott, ethan) have expressed interest in working with me. i know that's right!

i'm kinda in the best position possible on my tribe where all i have to do is show face and i'm good. i automatically had the numbers i needed to make it out of this first round where all tribes are going to tribal, and i think after this tribal i (hopefully) won't have to worry much about losing at all! initially the target was probably going to be ethan simply because it seemed like he also was set up pretty well within this game but happened to get screwed. he has like a good 30% of this cast on his friends list and managed to end up on a tribe with.. none of them. ain't that sad. but honestly, in good conscience, it didn't feel right voting him off first seeing as he's made an effort to talk to people and actually seems really nice. idk how longer i can string him along for since he DOES have a target on his back but he's nice to have around for now. most certainly better than brendan, who scares me for game reasons, and bobby, who scares me for personal reasons.

my conversations with brendan have been so.. stoic and cold, it feels like i'm talking to a robot or some shit idk. that's probably just how he is and i have to respect that but it's strange! bobby is someone who believes covid is a HOAX and our conversations were also pretty weird in terms of exchanges. our conversation literally went "hey" "hi" "how's it going" "could be better." "oh? what's wrong" "i've been unemployed for five months" like HELLO? i get the honesty and can relate but this man had me over here thinking he had a bad day or something, like alright..

anyways, i kinda took the whole covid is a hoax thing nick told me about him and used it as leverage with jeremy (and nick did the same with ethan) to get the votes against him. apparently jeremy already had NO trust in him whatsoever so he had no qualms, especially when it came to calling him out in our tribe chat. brendan and i talked about that and he kinda was overthinking it, assuming that jeremy believed he had some target on his back?? idk i just rocked with it. pretty much everyone on our tribe is bobby so it doesn't really matter what is said and what isn't, the newly formed "iconz" (myself, nick, jeremy, and antonio) hold the majority so what we say goes for now! :D
1383 days 22 hours ago
Yung / Yunggunzkeep18:

So. Nels asked me who I was voting for and of course I wasn’t gna tel him that I was voting him, so I told him I was voting Abel even though it was a lie. As expected Nels told Abel that I was planning on voting him out. Ugh. Now Nels really needs to go before he gets me in trouble. So tonight I’m writing down Nels and hopefully he goes home
1383 days 22 hours ago
Ethan / gethhan:

Daniel I just denied a d*** appointment so I can talk to some people and build relationships.

So the princess of Montenegro has RETURNED to grave you all with his presence and spam Shonee’s gifs. I just need to prove to Daniel I am not shitty and I love whenever I hear him praise me because it inflates my ego so much so I wanna do well to get that again.

Gingerbread Bitches
- Rohan: HE IS SUCH A MESS. He messaged me to tell me he doesn’t have an idol (but like he doesn’t know Curly is literally number 1 in my heart) so I know he got it. He also decided to tell me their whole plan and his alliance with Brandon, Scott, and JJ, and I am just feeding it to Curly. Also told me I as a f2 after first convo, which I’ll take.
- JJ- Cody and I blindsided the shit out of JJ in another game, it was brutallll. Love JJ tho, nice guy
- Brandon- irrelevant
- Scott- the godgrandpa already tried pre-gaming with me and was like I will change my ways, bitch what????
- Gera- I played with him in Cutthroat once but I was a sheep, idc bout him but really don’t want that Jb, Nicky, Gera alliance to come back
Cherry hoes
- Okay this tribe gets pretty much a review as a collective because this seems like the STRAIGHTEST people to walk the earth. Like Ryan is the epitome of straight and you can just tell Yung has never had a dick before. Yung reached out to me and we bonded over being cute winners, I really want to work with him. Also Nels is such a flop, Cody and I also slayed him hardcore in a unanimous 9-1 vote that was liek 3 votes into merge oop.
Homalco Tribe
- Half of this tribe is UGLY as Tori would say
- Bobby- Left me on read, Ugly 1.0
- JB- Also left me on read, Ugly 2.0
- Brendan- Talked but than left me on read, Ugly 3.0
- Nick- my favorite person on this tribe, he actually talks to me and I know he is close with JB so I gotta stick with him
- Tiffany- Chaotic queen and came for Ryan’s life. I want more drama and am willing to work with Tiffany
- AJ- cute, doesn’t leave me on read and has a fun personality. We had a whole ass conversation about wine and wine pairings so I stan
1383 days 22 hours ago
Rohan / rohanprabhu:

Im telling everyone i dont have the idol and to stick to the plan of voting out eric but then vote out curly next it makes an ez early blinside and innocent curly will go home at my expense but i wont vote for him next cuz he might expose my idol im gonna make everyone else vote for him next time we lose immunity. My alliance is chickens so we are voting eric. Ima try and convince eric to vote for jj and then there will be 2 votes for jj which i can say eric and curly did. switching my vote to scott just realized jj has immunityso every confessional from before swap jj and scott
1383 days 22 hours ago
Brandon / Coolbrandonman:

Rohan said he’s going to vote Eric with us. Now that would be good news except it’s fucking Rohan and I’ll never know what he really wants to do. I just have a bad feeling in my gut that he’s gonna play the idol on Eric then send someone home with 1 or 2 votes. On the other hand, I feel like Rohan is smarter than to put that target on himself this early by making a move like that. But again, you never know. I believe as of right now, he doesn’t suspect that JJ and I know about his idol so that’s good.
1383 days 22 hours ago
Abel / Russell11:

Hey, it’s Abel, back for another season. I’m so surprised I even made it on AllStars because as we all know, my game was not the best, but hopefully I do much better this time around. Last season I was on the bottom for basically the whole game, but this season I want to be a top dog and I want to kind of blend into the background instead of being a target.

Coming into this season, I see Gera, JB, Jake and Nicky from last season. Literally the whole alliance that wanted me out is back and it kinda sucks but at the same time it’s something I can use for ammunition later on down the line. Also, some bitch named Rohan literally came at me during the cast reveal and basically declared that I was his #1 target in this game. I have no idea who Rohan is nor do I know who the fuck he’s trying to avenge, but for right now I’m just going to be as good as I possibly can, until I have to be bad. I was in a lot of drama last season and I learned from my mistakes so I don’t have time for that this season.

So on my Lummi Tribe is myself, Jake (from last season), Ryan, Lukas, Yung, Tony and Nels. I really like most of my tribe, and surprisingly Jake is my favorite right now. Nels is pretty quiet so I’m pretty sure he’s going to be the vote but from what I know he’s throwing my name around so that’s not good. I’ve formed pretty good relationships with almost everyone on my tribe except Nels whereas Nels hasn’t said more than 2 words to anyone, so hopefully everything goes to plan and Nels gets the boot because 19th really isn’t cute.
1383 days 22 hours ago
Nick / NotNicky333:

So I'm getting along pretty well with people. I've got great relationships with AJ, Tiffany, and Ethan. I also think JB wants to be #HaitiStrong (duh im haiti strong, y'all gave me the win!! LMAO). So for the vote it was kinda obviously Bobby.. I threw the name out to AJ and Ethan.. I don't wanna play scared this season, I'm not going to get awarded the win for doing nothing this time around besides my social game. Strategy is going to have to be involved. Here's where things get funny.. I mentioned to both AJ/Ethan that Bobby told me corona is fake (because he sent us all the message complaining about not having a job). I thought it'd be a funny joke but like people are MAD LOL. Like really mad and desperately want him out. I didn't mean to be that villainous but IG I'll take it LMAO. Sorry Bobby if you're reading this... I didn't mean to do that, but I honestly don't regret it. That's what you get for leaving AJ and I on read... you don't do that. no im gonna have to deal with jb all season i cant do this. he is crazy and thinks hes smart... he aint LMAO
1383 days 22 hours ago
Ryan / RL10:

First vote tonight and it seems like it could be a straightforward vote with Nels going home, but Nels approached me and a few other castaways to get Abel out. That's a big move and it definitely needs consideration, so the question is, do we want to make a big move this early in the game or go with the straightforward vote. All I know is that it's going to be a bumpy ride, hold onto your seatbelts folks, this season is going to get rocky.

walks up to the voting station
opens pen and writes Nels down on the parchment
Your a wildcard and I don't see you helping us long term in this game, best of luck
closes pen
folds parchment and places it in the urn
points at camera
1383 days 22 hours ago
Gera / Gerasimov:

So this is certainly All Stars. Day 1 tribal, everybody is active and the vote could get messy. But first I'm gonna talk about my tribe. I came into this knowing nobody on my tribe, but I made friends quickly. Scott and I have so much in common that it's creepy, and JJ is also great to talk to about non-game stuff. Curly and Brandon I also feel comfortable with. Eric has been quiet but I'm working with him on this vote to get Rohan out. So Rohan is a crazy player clearly, he's been throwing out multiple names but I think his real target is Eric. After the rest of us compared notes, we saw he was a snake and was just playing too hard and too dumb. It's likely that he has an idol but hopefully this is a blindside. Even if we can't get him out, I'm hoping 5 of us can split between Rohan and Brandon. Big vote at the very first tribal, this is going to be a wild game!

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