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1396 days 2 hours ago
For  part 2   I want you all  to each compare each juror to a real Survivor player, prefer cbs but, don't mind the other types.

Kevin- JT. JT was such a loyal and friendly player in Tocatins and that was his huge like mantra. He was just all around a likeable and loyal guy.

Tim- Alicia from One World. Definitely not afraid to speak your mind even when it may not be the most popular. An aggressive and stubborn type of player but smart.

Jake- Jaclyn? I talked to you once and you seemed nice lmao and she is nice and was a runner up.

Logan- Mike. A little villainous and not afraid to make moves but still a likeable guy. 

Pietro- Natalie White? I didn’t get to meet you and I haven’t watched her season yet lollllll.

Nathan- Michael Yerger from Ghost Island. Nathan is an underdog and who usually ends up having to fight from the bottom. Also just loveable

Billy- Hannah from David v Goliath. She was an under the radar player, who stayed loyal, and made moves that benefitted her own game.

Hufus- Brenda. A loveable person but so squirmy and hard to get out. A hero but also a villain and was a huge threat to win the game.

Cody- Pia from Survivor Australia. She was a pretty much a wolf in goats clothing where people didn’t perceive her to be as threatening as she was. A huge social player who was able to work with a dominant alliance, sat on the top, but was never at the forefront of making moves.

Patrick- Chaos Kass. Patrick really came in here and flipped the game. He caused so much chaos while he was straight up chilling like with getting the Robin voting block together.
Rose- Lauren from H v H v H. You were a very straightforward and loyal player. Also the essence of a hero.

Robin- Karishma lol. Everyone thought she was just easy to pick off but she proved that she could survive and made moves when things made sense for her. Robin survived countless votes against him. Karishma has I believe 22 votes against her during her season and Robin has around the same amount.

Gavin- Spencer Bledsoe. I equate Gavin’s journey in here a lot to Specners in 2nd chances. Gavin and I had a lot of talks about this but he seemed more unwilling to talk about personal stuff (which is totally fine) and was very rationally minded in how he approached the game. Like Spencer in 2nd chances, there was this journey where Spencer was able to create authentic and powerful bonds that were real with people and I saw that a lot in Gavin as the game progressed where he was more open to talking about life and whatnot, rather than just strictly game.

Ryan- Ciera Eastin. Ryan was willing to make big moves when necessary and pushed for them to happen like with Hufus.  Ryan was a threat but people didn’t’ realize how dangerous he was until late game where people realized he had never been a target of a single vote.
1396 days 2 hours ago
Eh this is boring LOL

My jury question

What’s my favorite color? What’s my favorite food? What’s my girlfriends name?

Best out of 3.

Person with the highest score gets my vote YAY
1396 days 2 hours ago
First of all- congrats guys. Really.

I have issues with each of your games, however, I also think you all played good ones in your own ways. I enjoyed my time playing with you guys, and thank you for working with me in the time you did. This really was a wild season, and I want to make you earn my vote after 23 something damn tribal councils. LOL. So. Let’s go.

Juan. I think you were in a position, possibly better than anyone else was, to make some really big moves and destroy both sides of this game. But you didn’t... We had some great conversations about making moves to win, not just pander an alliance.. Yet I have to admit, I now realize that I was just being played. We really could have taken all these guys out together....Cow and Hufus. David and Ethann. One by one. But it was you who stopped me from it.. I trusted you. Kudos for playing me, but was it your move to win? Or are you infact, the sheep that’s been dragged to the finish? Nobody on this jury seems inclined to vote you... so... should I just vote David or Ethann?

David, I enjoyed playing with you, and I think you’ve played a strong game. However, as a juror I am a little bit confused at why you never explored any moment outside the final 4, to take out Ethann. Realistically, you had chances to do so. You have admitted yourself you recognize he is stiff competition. Yet it feels the only moment you ever even really mentioned it was when he’d already secured his seat against you. Why didn’t you explore the move earlier in the game?

Ethann, I think you played a good game. But I realize now, you likely had this win on lock quite some time ago. I think of the book 12 Angry Men. The trial being the Zombies own downfalls, blame pushed onto the common ‘villains’, ‘sheep’, or the ‘hated’ as was thrown around. It is because of relationships you have had to your advantage before this game even started that your game truly thrived. ‘Groupthink’, it’s called. Was this the pedestal on which your game thrived? Or did you truly play a stronger game than the two next to you? I’m looking for specifics.
1396 days 2 hours ago
I'm gonna be honest with you guys. After I was idoled out, I didn't pay as much attention to the game. I mostly just did whatever I felt like, and I was focusing on my group game that I'm hosting, so the questions I'm asking are pretty simple.

1. What was your biggest game move, and what caused you to make that move?
2. Why do you deserve to beat the people sitting next to you?
3. Do you regret anything you said or did during this game?
4. What is your favorite fruit?

Finally, I just wanted to rant about how I never got to use my covered item that I stole from Hufus at the Auction, and I'm sure everyone wants to know what it was. It was an immunity advantage that I could play at any immunity challenge  that was left, but I had to play it and hour before the challenge. :D
1396 days 2 hours ago
Hey guys.

Most of you are boasting on different aspects of your social games. I really like two of you, while I never met the other. However, the two I like both disappointed me in their levels of dishonesty/disloyalty to me throughout the game, so my vote is up in the air for any of you three.

I’m going to take the concept of Billy’s “question” here and give you a series of questions about myself and whoever gets the most correct wins my jury vote.

1. What is my fiancée’s name?
2. What is my major in school?
3. What is my favorite color?
4. How many seasons of Ikah’s series have I played now?
5. What is my cat’s name?
6. Who is my favorite Survivor player?
7. How old am I?

Please mail me these answers so you guys don’t see each other’s answers. Best of luck, gentlemen.
1396 days 1 hour ago
Kevin - Ethan Zohn
I think not only did Kevin leave early in this game like Ethan in WaW but he carries the same positive energy. Literally every conversation I’ve had with Kevin has been so good and I feel that’s how Ethan would be in real life as well.

Tim - Russel Hantz
He’s super messy and in your face but also hella entertaining. Tim obviously was the source of the early drama and I live for every second he’s in a game with me cause it’s so messy.

Pietro - Victoria Baamonde.
I respect her game so much and I feel like her and Pietro share a strategic ability. We may not have seen it this game but I know what he’s capable of and his level and style of gamplay reminds me so much of her. They also both kinda got screwed by production in a sense (Jake being here and Victoria screwed by EoE)

Jake - Tyson
I say Tyson because of his glow up from his first two seasons. I know Jake is a capable player but he just falls short in this series. Similarly, I think he shares the charm of Tyson. I mean Jake takes criticism and drama with the most elegance I’ve seen. I feel like Tyson combats things like that in a same way which is why he’s known as such a solid social player.

Rose - Elaine Scott (Island of the Idols)
Okay hear me out. I know Rose is tough to get to know on here, but I feel like she’d be so good irl. I do think she’d still struggle in the game but I think there’s a part to her personality that just reminds me of Elaine and I can’t quite place it. But idk it just feels right to me.

Logan - Rodney (Worlds Apart)
Okay all jokes aside I get strong Adam Klein vibes from you. I think you have the ability to play both sides no matter your position in the game but I also know you’re really cool on a personal level and Adam is one of my favorite players outside the game.

Nathan - Todd Herzog
I don’t know why but I always feared Nathan as a strategic force. Maybe it’s because I relate to a lot of his interests (Kokichi best boy) and seeing myself in someone always freaks me out in survivor. Regardless, I think my perception of Nathan was that he had the ability to work the game like Todd did and really control things how he wanted if given the opportunity.

Robin - Jonathan Penner
I think Robin’s outspoken personality matches that of Penner and in the same way they both possess an ability to really reign in their personality to focus on strategy. I think of how Penner was able to maneuver through Philippines and that really gives off strong Robin vibes because they both had high threat levels but talked their way deep into the game.

Billy - Davie (DvG)
I think Billy has the ability to play as well as Davie did but he seems to lose interest when he returned (probably focused on 1985 or w/e). Billy really seemed calm and yet able to stand his ground much like Davie so this just came to mind for me.

Patrick - Aubry Bracco
I feel like Pat has such a mind for the game like Aubry but I just don’t see his path to win very often. He always plays too well in a way that gets him found out and flung before he can make his mark (much like Aubry in EoE and Game Changers).

Cody - Cirie Fields
I think Cody always makes it far in any season he plays. And much like Cirie I think he knows how to play the middle and really get things under control. Only reason it didn’t work this time I think is because of his winner status but I know he’ll always have potential any season he’s on.

Hufus - Jay (MvGX)
I think Hufus fell on the bottom like Jay did but he also had the ability to keep himself around with idols and immunities and social bonds, again just like Jay. These two feel like the closest comparison I’ve made for this season in particular.

Ryan - Brenda (Nicaragua and Caramoan)
I just think Ryan has her ability to play UTR while still being big name. HE also gives off Brenda vibes because I feel he’s not afraid to call people out if he feels the need to (i.e. Dawn at FTC)

Gavin - Michelle Fitzgerald (Specifically her Winners at War game)
I think he played so much like Michelle in the sense that he was so good at recovering from blindsides and betrayals. I remember Michelle clocking the game for exactly what it was when Jeremy Gavin was so good at getting over blindsides and rebuilding bonds that really should have been lost to time.
1396 days 1 hour ago
Logan- And for your last part, time to tell us why each of the other 2 don't deserve to win and explain why. And don't talk about yourself in this part or you won't get my vote.

Juan- Juan played under the radar but his mistake was that he didn’t branch out of his few relationships. Most people don’t know who he really is or what he did throughout this game which is why he got perceived as a sheep. He didn’t make that many big moves or was a driving force behind a lot of the votes.

David- With David, I think he could get very brash and aggressive at times such as openly fighting with people in the group chat and getting into public arguments that weren’t beneficial to anyone. David also was a more passive player throughout a lot of the game (though he admits that) and didn’t drive as much and I think his pre-existing relationships with Patrick, Hufus, and Cow also benefitted him a lot.
1396 days 1 hour ago
What’s my favorite color? What’s my favorite food? What’s my girlfriends name?

I do want to note, I think a social game isn't always dependent on knowing really specific facts about people (and there are relationships that are more game-play based). For example, I know that Nathan plays Danganronpa for fun but I wouldn't know his favorite color (I don't even know my best friends favorite color).

But if I had to guess

Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Vodka
Girlfriends name: Olivia was listed as one of Canada's top 100 female baby names lol
1396 days 1 hour ago
@ Logan (I'll do comparisons to survivor players after)

You never spoke once to me, why should I even consider you?

I think you should consider me cause I believe I played a game that is comparable to my fellow finalists. I definitely understand you not wanting to vote for me since we never spoke but it was never personal. Other than a "hey whats up", I don't think we would've talked about much else. I didn't want to build a relationship with you knowing that I was going to vote you out at any second in the merge, I don't like doing that cause there wasn't any reason for me to do it.

And for your last part, time to tell us why each of the other 2 don't deserve to win and explain why. And don't talk about yourself in this part or you won't get my vote.

David does not deserve to win because he went out of his way to cause drama and become a public enemy. David is a huge troll and while it was very entertaining, I do think that without doing all of this that David could have had more influence in the game and possibly ran all of merge.

Ethann does not deserve to win because he came into merge with a good amount of friends he knew from his past season/outside the game yet was not in power that often. I think with the cards he was dealt at the beginning of merge that he could have been the leader of the majority alliance calling all the shots but he dropped the ball and some of his allies (Kiara, Nathan, Ester) got voted off early on in the merge.
1396 days 1 hour ago
@ Billy

What’s my favorite color? What’s my favorite food? What’s my girlfriends name?

Blue. Pasta. Jessica.
1396 days 1 hour ago
Before I ask my questions I just wanna say although I’m happy for all of you, Ethann my gang wars brother, bro Im super happy for you, we were a final 2 on gang wars, we became great friends during and after that season. I was after you in the end this game but nobody wanted to take the shot, and you helped get me out and beat me to the punch. I’m happy to see you get here because you know in gang wars it just wasn’t enough to beat the great Cody. Although I’m happy for all of you. Ethann I’m most happy for you. But now I will ask my questions
1396 days 1 hour ago
hey guys! i’m coming into this to ask my FAVORITE QUESTION OF ALL TIME!

name a fact about EACH. AND EVERY. juror. personal facts! what you’ve learned about them. xoxo luv you guys!
1396 days 1 hour ago
Ethann, I think you played a good game. But I realize now, you likely had this win on lock quite some time ago. I think of the book 12 Angry Men. The trial being the Zombies own downfalls, blame pushed onto the common ‘villains’, ‘sheep’, or the ‘hated’ as was thrown around. It is because of relationships you have had to your advantage before this game even started that your game truly thrived. ‘Groupthink’, it’s called. Was this the pedestal on which your game thrived? Or did you truly play a stronger game than the two next to you? I’m looking for specifics.

LOLL I literally watched that movie in Jew School. But I want to set this straight. Everyone came in here with pre-existing relationships not just me. For example, David just played with Hufus and Cow in M and N’s All Winners Survivor and that helped his game a lot. Juan also had Jake and Pietro his season and played with Ester before. Also, Ikah did an All-Stars that featured only 4 seasons so everyone here has had past history for each other. My season I was known for being in a power duo with Cody and being “ruthless but with morals” so that was a challenge I had to navigate. David even confronted me about having Gang Wars “alliance of the season” back here, like it wasn’t a secret. My pre-existing relationships, though they did help (like they did to everyone here), they were not the pedestal that got me further but it was me making myself moldable into yours, Juans, and Robin’s from the other “sides” game and utilizing a stream of information. If we look at the side versus side for example, David was protected completely by 4 person chat with David, Cody, Cow and Hufus for a lot of the early merge (and Cody and Cow also had a pre-existing relationship) but the bond I built with Juan, you, and Robin whom I had met this game is what got me specifically further. The second tribal council of the game where it was between me, Kevin, and David to go, I built a strong bond with Robin that saved me (or so that was what I was told). If I relied on my pre-existing relationships, I would’ve played the idol for Ester, I wouldn’t have voted Ryan out at the final 5, and I would’ve possibly went home during the Logan vote (because found out from my relation with Juan). I built authentic relationships, wasn’t afraid to make big moves if they made sense, got painted as a ringleader by Hufus, Cow, and Cody and still made it out during the finale, and utilized the twist to the best of my ability with zombie management.
1396 days 1 hour ago
@ Gavin

Juan. I think you were in a position, possibly better than anyone else was, to make some really big moves and destroy both sides of this game. But you didn’t... We had some great conversations about making moves to win, not just pander an alliance.. Yet I have to admit, I now realize that I was just being played. We really could have taken all these guys out together....Cow and Hufus. David and Ethann. One by one. But it was you who stopped me from it.. I trusted you. Kudos for playing me, but was it your move to win? Or are you infact, the sheep that’s been dragged to the finish? Nobody on this jury seems inclined to vote you... so... should I just vote David or Ethann?

It was a move to get to the FTC so I could plead my case. I did not really know the extent of your and Ryan's relationships with Ethann/David, what deals were going on etc. I did not want to lose Ethann, who I was confident would not betray me, and then get voted off the next council cause of a deal I was not in and not even get a chance to win at the FTC. It was not worth the risk in my mind to place all my trust in you (and Ryan I guess if we're talking F5) and take out Ethann or David leaving me with no back up plan. I do not think I am the sheep that has been dragged to the finish, I think I am not getting much credit for voting with majority almost every single tribal council (except for the 2 where Robin got majority) whereas Ethann and David did not have much control for like half of the merge. I did decide to stick with Ethann/David cause I was loyal to them but they did not drag me to the finish, I think I got here on my own merits and had a totally different path to the end while Ethann/David had very similar paths to the end. I think you will vote for who you think played the best game and not whoever the jury likes the most which I respect about you. I won't sit here and beg for any juror's vote, if they don't like me and that's why they don't want to vote for me then that's up to them.
1396 days ago

compare each juror to not a fast food place, but an item ON THE MENU at a fast food place. ty!!

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