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1395 days 12 hours ago
@ Rose

1. What was your biggest game move, and what caused you to make that move?

I think my biggest game move was flipping on Cow/Hufus/Billy when I did. Although Patrick ended up leaving this vote cause Hufus played his idol, it solidified the soon to be F5 "Rosé" alliance and made my path to FTC very easy. I was being pressured somewhat by David to flip earlier in the merge but it did not make sense for me and would have led to a different outcome. Trusting my gut was essential. I made this move because I felt like I was at the bottom of the alliance with Robin gone and just had no reason to stay in it any longer. My move to switch the target from Ethann to Logan was also a big move but it is not the move that got me here to the end.

2. Why do you deserve to beat the people sitting next to you?

I deserve to beat the people sitting next to me because I was under the radar for basically all of merge and was still in the know for almost all votes. I never had a target on my back and when I did, I knew I would be getting some votes because Ethann/David would tell me. I was assigned the role of a sheep which I played to my advantage, who doesn't want to take the sheep to the finale ? I don't think I was a sheep though and my game is proof of that.

3. Do you regret anything you said or did during this game?

I don't regret any moves I made in the game. Looking back, I don't think any of the moves I made ended up screwing me over later. However, I did feel bad about voting Hufus, Cow, and Gavin cause they were my allies and I did like talking to them a lot. It sucks that things ended the way they did specially with Hufus/Cow. I don't think I SAID anything I regret though... David probably will.

4. What is your favorite fruit?

Good question. I think bananas are my favourite fruit, definitely the fruit I eat the most often. However, grapes are up there and so is watermelon.
1395 days 11 hours ago
"I think his pre-existing relationships with Patrick, Hufus, and Cow also benefitted him a lot."


Not EHTAN saying something about Pre-existing relationships LMAO.
1395 days 11 hours ago
"I think his pre-existing relationships with Patrick, Hufus, and Cow also benefitted him a lot."


Not EHTAN saying something about Pre-existing relationships LMAO.

I mean I think the point is being missed. EVERYONE came in here with pre-existing relationships like that was inevitable because we represent 4 seasons (plus a lot of us have seen each other in other games), it isn't exclusive to me. Cody and Cow I Billy Patrick and Hufus I Hufus  Cow and You I Me and Kiara I Juan and Ester I Washed and Keith I  Kiara and Logan I Patrick and Conrad
1395 days 11 hours ago
David, I enjoyed playing with you, and I think you’ve played a strong game. However, as a juror I am a little bit confused at why you never explored any moment outside the final 4, to take out Ethann. Realistically, you had chances to do so. You have admitted yourself you recognize he is stiff competition. Yet it feels the only moment you ever even really mentioned it was when he’d already secured his seat against you. Why didn’t you explore the move earlier in the game?

Honestly, that's just a flaw in my game. I will be the first to admit I should have gone for Ethan at final5 instead of four. Regardless I did have reasons for waiting. Firstly, I had fully committed to our final 5 because I knew I was the best situated and any gaurantee until the end was golden for me. And due to my target I didn't have any strategically beneficial time to go after him until the final 6. Obviously I saw hufus as the bigger threat there so that's why i waited. Final 5 is where I need to explain. My thought was genuinely that Ryan had a better shot at final immunity compared to Ethan. I knew Ethan was a harder beat, however, it didn;t matter to me unless I could sit next to you and Juan. I figured I would take out Ryan as a jury and Competition threat. I also wanted to make sure I had a ticket to finals and I knew You/Juan/Ethan wouldn't turn on me which meant I easily made finals. I wasn't as confident about Ryan taking me to finals so that contributed to my decision. So again, I will certainly admit it was a flaw but I do think if you look at the final 5, Ethann was actually at more of a risk than I was to leave because I had the better connections of the two of us. As for much earlier in the game, I really think Cow/Cody/Hufus played way better games than Ethan and would win against anyone so I knew I had to run with y'all for at least until 6.
1395 days 11 hours ago
My jury question

What’s my favorite color?

What’s my favorite food?

What’s my girlfriends name?
1395 days 11 hours ago
I'm gonna be honest with you guys. After I was idoled out, I didn't pay as much attention to the game. I mostly just did whatever I felt like, and I was focusing on my group game that I'm hosting, so the questions I'm asking are pretty simple.

1. What was your biggest game move, and what caused you to make that move?
  My biggest move was the Ethan Cow vote hands down. Cow had gotten I believe 5 or 6 immunities at that point, kept flinging everyone from the zombies, was on a rampage with a dominant alliance, had sub alliances consisting of both “sides”, and would’ve absolutely won had he made it to the end. We knew Hufus had probably found the idol and there was a chance he would play it for Ethan Cow. So what I did was come up with a plan where I made it seem that Gavin and Juan were deadest on Cody that round, Gavin and I worked to have the zombies leak it was Cody if anyone asked, and essentially made it so Cody would convince Cow that me and Ryan were solid because we were protecting Cody. Playing Cody that round allowed Rose alliance to steamroll into the final 5 and get out the biggest threats.

2. Why do you deserve to beat the people sitting next to you?
I think what I did was played from the bottom well. I think I was able to make myself adaptable into what other people envisioned for their games and made it so they needed me to go further with. I didn’t stick to one alliance but made myself much more open to people. I took a step back when needed (ex. not pressuring Juan, Robin, and Gavin to make a move too early and when it didn’t make sense) and also went full throttle when it made sense (ex. Gavin and I talked so much strategy late merge once we had a strong working relationship). I took mishaps in my games and made it into positives such as when I played the idol on Juan, it showed complete loyalty and I was able to also tell Gavin that I would’ve played it had it been him. I made sure to interact with everyone I could. Cow and I never collaborated but we still had chats about random things like Noah Condon and him being an accountant. Also, making sure the twist benefitted me like having a constant flow of information from Zombie Island and making sure I could factor them into each vote.

3. Do you regret anything you said or did during this game?
I think my main regret is explained above with the Kiara vote which I explained in response to Logan’s question. I don’t really regret much else because I think regardless, I redeemed myself for my season and think I played a strong game.

4. What is your favorite fruit?
Omggggggggg, Chinese pears hi key recommend. They are super juicy with a nice crunch to it.
1395 days 11 hours ago
1. What was your biggest game move, and what caused you to make that move?
Bringing Patrick back. I knew this would cause ripples in the game and I also knew I needed a sheild because I was such a big target so I brought back Patrick. He not only served as my sheild but he helped form the initial group that broke up the main power structure. I think that's where the beauty lies in my game: I was so outspoken yet made passive moves that had huge impacts on the game as a whole.

2. Why do you deserve to beat the people sitting next to you?
I've explained this before but I never took the back seat socially. I was loud and in your face while the two next to me took the easy route out by playing in the shadows. I had a more well-rounded game than them and I was able to bring drama while maintaining a good social and strategic game.

3. Do you regret anything you said or did during this game?
I think the only thing I regret is how I treated you. I was a troll which was a step beyond game and drama and I should have respected your wishes and stopped. EVerything else I stand by 100% because Ikah cast me to be entertaining. This isn't for money, this is for fun and I wanted to make sure I had fun and I brought Ikah entertainment in the process. To play UTR and slow on an all-stars season makes me sick so I was always calling people out and being the face of the drama.

4. What is your favorite fruit?
I really love Pears. When I was little I would always go shopping with my mom and have her buy me a pear and ever since then they have been one of my favorite foods in general.
1395 days 11 hours ago
Nathan hey guys! i’m coming into this to ask my FAVORITE QUESTION OF ALL TIME!

name a fact about EACH. AND EVERY. juror. personal facts! what you’ve learned about them. xoxo luv you guys!

Keith- Strangely, we both had nightmares about the monster from Scooby Doo Cyberchase, a terrifying villain.

Kevin- Kevin was one of my biggest cheerleaders this game. He kept up with the game and I appreciated his random motivation to me. Robbed King. He plays Fortnite a lot and we bonded over talking about Clark out of all people loll.

Tim- Tim proclaimed I was his lover. A secret animal lover. 

Pietro- We never met RIP

AJ-AJ is a huge dance moms’ fan, specifically of our queen Holly Hatcher Frazier and loves those youtube Alexa videos that replicate the Dance Moms cast. EMPTY CHAIR DO A SOLO.

Jake- We talked once like day 2 but I think it was just about school cancelling our classes

Conrad- Watches Hell’s Kitchen and loves Chef Barbie, also a dance moms STAN, also fan girls about Australia Survivor to me. We support Shonnee wholeheartedly. Works at an Italian restaurant

Washed- A friendly Jew boi who studies history. Got a recent internship with a politics organization. Secretly wild and loves our skinny queen Raini Rodriguez

Rose- I tried to get to know you but I don’t feel we really got anywhere. But XD, you seemed friendly and I was a fan of your game in Graveyards from the VL.

Kiara- Queen Kiara is a single mom who lives in Brooklyn with her children and is a security guard at a school.

Nathan- Contrary to popular belief, Nathan is not a swimmer loll 😉. He plays dranscopa and also is surprisingly not a huge anime fan. Nathan also is in Shawn’s Fire survivor game in which he got 2 super idols and 2 regular idols, we support jftsclair tho.

Logan- I know everyone knew this but we talked in dms mostly about how you were on vacation (Michigan I believe). Happy belated birthday.

Ester- Loves weed. Nuff said 

Robin- Robin is going straight into his PhD from undergraduate in computer science and really wants to get into ethnocomputing which is a super cool concept. Also highly recommends the churros at Costco. We also had really important talks about racial injustice within certain schools and talked about multiculturalism and I appreciated Robin’s willingness to learn about things he didn’t know such as Jewish customs like being kosher.

Patrick- Lol every conversation I’ve had with Patrick is about Animal Crossing. He recently got a Nintendo Switch and started playing it. Hi key recommend getting Chevre, the best goat <3

Billy- We didn’t talk much this game either but I know you do love your alcohol. RIP tho that in both our seasons we’ve voted together only 4 times LOL.

Ethan Cow- An accounting bro, he secured a job which his program helped him get which is good. He also has cute date nights with his partner.

Cody- Cody is a huge UFC fan, a part of a military family so he is moved around a lot. Literally on vacation right now and is gonna see his grandparents soon. Has a brother and 2 sisters, has a beer belly lol, works currently as a grocery store clerk, also knows literally my life trauma, and we boutta hit 76 days snapchat streak.

Hufus- Hufus is a medical student right now in Brazil. He just got an internship with a maternity obstetrics clinic I believe and is unsure if he wants to do primary or specialized care, but if he does specialized care, he would want to be an endocrinologist or a gynecologist, we stan our healthcare workers.

Ryan- Ryan is a finance bro who pumps gas. Also a Star Wars stan.

Gavin- Gavin is a Ravenclaw though he has doubts sometimes. He has this super cool Harry Potter arm tattoo and also has one of a few roses. Wanted to be a nurse at some point but is a business student in an online program.

Juan- Juan is a comp sci TWINK agh  <3 <3 <3, literally my other trophy wife half. We know his favorite philosopher but that’s a secret to everyone else 😉 Also doesn’t stan vegans

David- A VEGAN ENTHUSIAST I CAN’T. But he also is studying English with the hopes of being a teacher. He also recently got a job as an event planner which is cute.
1395 days 11 hours ago
I have to go to bed but I'll finish up tomorrow!
1395 days 10 hours ago

compare each juror to not a fast food place, but an item ON THE MENU at a fast food place. ty!!

Keith- Chizza (Chicken Pizza) from KFC- kind of just very out there and strong, doesn’t’ really know if it makes sense

Cody- Nitro foam cold brew from Starbucks- the epitome of straightness

Kevin- Pizza Hut Breadsticks- such a humble food and you always want more of it

Tim- Chick-fil-A-lemonade- A little sour but you still always go back for more

Pietro- Baskin Robins Ice cream- idk, just felt that mood

AJ- McDonald’s McRib. This is the thing that screams ANARCHY

Jake- Dunking Donuts Egg and Cheese Wrap- it be chillin

Conrad- Starbucks Cake Pop- kind of sweet and likeable, unproblematic until it needs to be

Washed- Sheetz Milkshake- desirable and lovely and friendly, don’t’ want it to spill tho

Rose- Snack Wrap from McDonalds- pretty heroic

Kiara- Wendy’s 4 for 4 deal with the Diet Coke- screams momma vibes, you just gotta have it all, she does everything

Nathan- Auntie Anne Pretzel Nuggets- Small boi, can’t get enough of

Logan- Cinnabon Cinnamon Roll- celebratory vibes, a little unpredictable

Ester- Shack Burger- just perfect and amazing in every way

Robin- Big Mac from McDonalds- strong personality vibes there from it. Dominant

Patrick- Subway Footlong- intense personality, has a lot of toppings

Billy- Tid Bits from Tim Hortons- Canadian and a bit wild but also well composed

Ethan Cow- Glazed Donut (Krispy Crème)- Very dominant donut, will ooze on you, destroys your body if you try to have too much

Hufus- 2 for $4 Bacon, Egg, and Cheese (Dunkin Donuts)- Well rounded, super social, you always want to go back for more even if it may not be the best option

Ryan- A side salad from Wendy’s, a little bit of a clown item but you still try it to have it to be SKINNNYYYYYY

Gavin- Chick Fillet Sandwich- rational food and always one of the best choices to get. You want this on your team. Upgraded KFC

Juan- Hotcakes from McDonalds- friendly, kind of just there on the menu, has some spice if you get it with the syrup

David- Mac n Cheetos from Burger King, super aggressive and outspoken but it works
1395 days 9 hours ago
Alright y’all. I just arrived to my destination after a long ass roady and I’m a few drinks in. Let’s do this shit and see who gets my vote.

Juan- Juan, you and I really only spoke about once in this game. I get communication is a two way street, knowing that I was on the bottom of the tribe why didn’t you ever reach out to me knowing more then likely I’d be on zombie island?

David- My man Davey boy, I thought me and you were tight all game before I left. And I still have a lot of respect for you but I will say, I think that you made a mistake in not taking ethann out of this game when you had the chance, during the early merge Me,you,Hufus,Cow and Ryan had the “Tired alliance” and I am certain that you both leaked that to Ethann because he told me y’all did. From the outside looking in seemed like you were doing Ethanns bidding, Ethan said jump, you said how high. So my question is please tell me why I am wrong about that assumption.

Ethann- Bro I already said I think you played a great game, you definitely have played the most open game, what I mean by that is when I think right now who played the best game, my answer is you solely because I really don’t know what the hell David and Juan we’re doing so I’m gonna wait for there answers for everyone’s questions to see who I vote for. But My questions for you my fellow backstabbing renegade member (Lmao jk, but also fuck u, don’t do shit, fuck u,) What did you learn from your first season of zombies survivor and how did that help implement your strategy this game? I’m not gonna lie I have not read it all yet so if something along those lines has been asked I will ask, What was your biggest move.
1395 days 9 hours ago
1395 days 9 hours ago
Hey guys! I didn’t get to play much this time around unfortunately, but I just wanted to congratulate the 3 of you!
David and Juan, what a way to represent the Graveyard season! Much love for both of you! I’m so happy to be able to give to one of you a winning vote that both of you gave to me!

Ethan, sadly we didn’t get to play together, but I promise I’m gonna read everything you say!
1395 days 9 hours ago
And Ethann I will say about your speech, you didn’t blindside me it was legit so obvious me and hufus were in a 5v2 minority lmao
1395 days 9 hours ago
I was not blindsided. Me and hufus were steaks and y’all were all dogs with Rabies at the final 7. Y’all were hunting our asses like the god dam FBI. All I gotta say about that. David, Juan, Ethan congrats and answer my question and we’ll see who the gang wars winner decides to vote for

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