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Jury Questioning

Topic » Jury Questioning

1723 days 18 hours ago
I will let the f3 give their speeches.
1723 days 18 hours ago
Hi yall! Imma post my speech tomorrow. It's been a crazy finale, and I've got Physics homework to do now! But feel free to ask me questions now!
1723 days 18 hours ago
Yeah I will post mine tomorrow or sometime late tonight since I also have a lot of homework to do as well. I'm ready for my roasts though!!! Sorry I was biggest waste y'all could have seen!!!
1723 days 18 hours ago
I'm blocking them from posting till u post speeches.
1723 days 18 hours ago
OH ok then I'll write something quick up since I really got stuff to do, and I want them to have time.
1723 days 18 hours ago
I'll open it up at 8 pm est tomorrow I don't want to rush you guys
1723 days 18 hours ago
Okay then. I will give a brief summary of what I did in this game.
1723 days 18 hours ago
Oh ok that works out better!!! Thank you!!!
1723 days 18 hours ago
At the start of this game, I was an immediate target, and I would have been voted out first if it weren't for Ikah playing his idol on me. However, before the first immunity challenge even began, I created a final 2 deal with my good friend and awesome player, IcyPenguin. And we both promised each other to take each other to the end. After the first tribal council, I realized I was on the bottom of the Fuerza totem pole, and from that point on until the tribe swap, I was jost focused on the game of survival. I didn't have the opportunities to make moves or plan for the future game. It was all about right here, right now, and I was barely hanging on by a thread. Because of this, I used what little social connections I had to try to slip through the Fuerza massacre. I had Ikah, who was also on the bottom with me due to his idol play, my final 2 Penguin, and Logan H, who risked his own game for me and Ikah. Unfortunately, Logan H's game ended suddenly do to a flip from Penguin and Bob, who I had trusted to keep me at the time. So that was one less ally I had to lean on. The next tribal, somehow, Penguin and Bob felt bad enough about the blindside to flip again and vote out my target, chillum. And that is where my game really began.

When we swapped tribes, I immediately knew I would have a break from the pain of barely surviving tribals as I had people like Liam and Grace who I got along with. And I was able to use those pregame connections to keep my name out of people's mouths, and I was able to slide to the tribe mutiny.

Unfortunately, at the beginning of merge, I did not have much knowledge of what was happening in the game. There was the Wade/Nopalito dynamic which I was caught in the middle of, as they both warned me about Jimmy throwing my name out. However, my connections I made with Ikah and Logan H proved to be beneficial as Jimmy literally came to me and apologized about throwing my name out. And thus, Hoop's Army was formed.

Hoop's Army was an alliance consisting of Jimmy, Grace, Ikah, and myself. While I did not see much benefit with the alliance when it came to collecting numbers for votes, it did help keep my name out of people's mouths once again. At this point I was just coasting in the game and I was sitting in Ikah's shadow. After Azri got voted off, however, I knew I had to make a move to better my position in the game.

After Azri got voted out, the double tribal twist was revealed, and I figured this would be the perfect time to better my position in the game. While Wade was trying to lead the charge into voting out Bob and Josh, I went back to Penguin, who I had not talked to in quite a few rounds, and I was able to rekindle our trust with each other, as well as Bob's trust. We ended up devising a plan to try to get Wade and Josh out, but because of Grace leaking the plan to Jimmy, Penguin and I only reaped half the reward, where Wade and Bob got voted out.

At this point it was final 6, and I had gained an idol after surviving the double tribal, and I had planned on using this idol to force Ikah to go against his best wishes and vote Jimmy, but somehow, I managed to convince Josh, whom I had previously targeted, to form a final 3 deal with me and Penguin. And I was also able to convince Grace and Ikah to vote Jimmy as well, making it a 5-1 vote with Jimmy sent packing.

In the finale, the final 5 tribal council was probably the one that put myself in the most danger. I collected info from Ikah about wanting Penguin out, and I planned on using my idol on Penguin just to cancel a vote. However, this idol seemed to do more than just that, as Ikah also played an idol on himself, making Penguin the one that shouldve went. But since I played the idol on her, no votes were cast, and it came down to a revote between me and Josh. This was the moment I was at risk, and this was the only time I received a vote in all of merge. Penguin and Grace ended up wanting to keep me and not Josh, and I was sent to the final 4, where I won the final immunity, and I was finally able to take out Ikah, the person who had guided me throughout most of the game. But like every baby bird, It was my time to fly.

I tried to play this game with as much loyalty as I could, and yes, even though I ended up betraying people like Wade, Jimmy, and Ikah, it was not to just follow in someone else's footsteps. Instead it got rid of the bigger threats in the game who were guaranteed to win the whole thing had I just played the follower. I received a total of 2 legitimate votes, and I was at risk of elimination in all but 2 tribal councils. The only time I needed an idol, Ikah played it on me. I never even needed to use my own idol for safety. It was used to protect the final 2 I had made on Day 1 with the intent of staying true to my word with her and proving I can be a loyal player.
1723 days 9 hours ago
Hello jury! I’m ecstatic to be sitting here on finale night next to two amazing people, but I’m here to tell you why I believe I deserve to win.

I’m going to go through all the votes and depict and analyze my strategy, alliances, etc.

The first vote was actually a very chaotic one for most, but not for me thanks to the relationships I formed early on before the immunity challenge. On the og fuerza tribe there were clear lines in the sand of ikah, kyle, and hoop on one side, while vaugh, nop, max, chillum, and bob on the other (Martha wasn’t in either of the alliances). The good thing for me was that I was aligned with both sides. Before the first immunity I had connections with vaugh, nop, and bob while also having relationships with hoop and Kyle on the other side. After we lost the challenge and people went scrambling for votes it came down to Kyle vs max, however I wasn’t a fan of this because I was close with Kyle. I hinted to him that his name was being thrown out there and he informed ikah who had an idol to play it on him. He told me ikah was going to play his idol on him so I decided to vote Kyle. This way I’m good with kyles side because I told him about the vote while I’m also good with the other side because it appeared to them that I voted Kyle with them and was “shocked” about there being an idol.

The next vote I found myself in a dilemma, I was still in the middle of two alliances, but this time I had to pick a side. I could easily tell that ikah didn’t trust me and that even though I was in an alliance with them, I was on the bottom. On the other hand I knew that I was good with the other side that not only trusted me more, but also had the numbers. Because of those reasons I decided to go with the majority and vote out hoop while betraying ikah and Kyle. At this point it meant I was still on good terms with the majority alliance.

For the third vote I knew a swap was coming and I really wanted to maximize fuerzas chances as a whole going into the swap to prevent tamadeni from just picking us off one by one. This meant I had to bring the alliances together. I knew that chillum was on the bottom of the majority alliance so I decided we could come together and vote him out (not to mention that we never talked). I got the two alliances together and we voted chillum out. This was great for my game because I got chillum out, someone I wasn’t close with, the majority alliance is still happy with me, kyle and ikah are now happy with me because I spared them, and now the alliances are willing to work together in a swap to prevent us from getting picked off. It was a win win win win.

The fourth vote I didn’t have to go to tribal and I got to enjoy a nice break but I didn’t stop from strategizing. I quickly became close with Kevin, kgamer, and Liam while also maintaining my relationships with og fuerza Kyle and bob. A majority alliance of everyone minus kevin and jay formed along with a final three of bob, Kyle and I.

The fifth vote was disappointing for me because i was close to kevin. The majority alliance wanted Kevin out and I wasn’t going to fight it and get them on my bad side. We split the votes between jay and Kevin with og fuerza voting jay and og tamadeni voting kevin. This was a good plan for me because if Kevin were to somehow stay he would’ve still trusted me because I didn’t vote him.

The next vote was fairly easy despite there being a revote. There was some conspiculation regarding jay having an idol so we split votes to ensure we’d be safe (we being the majority alliance minus kgamer and grace). Once again this split vote was good for me because I voted jay so I didn’t get on kgamer or graces bad sides.

The first few votes of the merge I fell under the radar establishing new alliances and reinforcing old ones. The votes fell between Martha and Liam. I knew this was supposed to be an easy vote and the majority was against Martha, but others including wade, jimmy, etc wanted Liam out. I was really close with Liam but I ended up voting him so I could establish some initial trust with wade as he was the leader of many many alliances.

The next vote wade created a majority alliance that I was included in, I was ok with voting liam out because he made alliances with many people, and was caught telling the same thing to different people. For this vote I went with majority and everything went well.

The next vote was also very easy as it was almost a unanimous vote. I wasn’t going to go against the entire tribe so I went along with voting kgamer.

The nopalito vote was one of the crazier tribals. I majority formed to blindside wade, but right before tribal ikah told him to play his idol and he did. That ended up with a tie between nop, vaugh, and ikah. This was bad for me because right before this immunity challenge before this tribal, I formed a final three with nop and vaugh. I knew nop was going but I wanted to stay loyal to vaugh so I revoted ikah. The majority alliance that was voting nop weren’t suspicious because I had voted with them the past two times.

The next vote I was able to reestablish some trust from wade. I went along with his plan to vote out vaugh and everything went to plan with an almost unanimous vote.

On the azri vote I continued to gain his trust by voting out azri, wades target. I was fine with voting out azri because we only talked once before and I knew things weren’t going well trust wise.

The doubal tribal Kyle and I decided it was time to make a move. Wade had a majority alliance and it looked like josh and bob were going for sure. Kyle and I pulled in bob and we voted wade. However, Grace told jimmy our plan and bob was voted out along with wade.

I thought the jimmy vote was pretty straightforward, it was the final 6 and there was a clear threat still in the game immunity wise, jimmy. I told Kyle we needed him out and we got everyone else on our side and jimmy was voted out.

The next vote didn’t go exactly according to plan. Kyle told me he was going to play his idol on me because he didn’t want it to go to waste, but we were completely unaware of ikah having an idol. This resulted in no votes being cast and having a revote. Grace and I decided to keep josh because he would help us by having a better chance of not having ikah win immunity.

The last vote was straightforward after Kyle won immunity, ikah was clearly the biggest threat and everyone knew it so he was voted out.

Outwit- I was able to outwit by creating so much trust in alliances that I was able to vote someone who my alliance didn’t and vote with other so I could gain trust in them. For example when I revoted ikah in the nop tribal to get vaughs trust and my alliance didn’t question me because they thought they had me. I was also able to outwit by forming many one on one alliances that I could use as numbers later on for example josh, bob, nop, and vaugh.

Outplay- clearly my outplay portion was the best so I had to rely on my outwit portion. Before the mutiny I went to 5/6 tribals and I was able to fly through them while establishing relationships for the merge. Post mutiny I won 2 immunities which isn’t bad but it went to show that I wasn’t incapable of winning challenges but I was able to rely on my social game when I didn’t win them.

Outlast- I outlasted by flipping alliances when I needed to. I was able to build trust in people that I knew they wouldn’t vote me, so I was able to make moves in the game.

Overall I believe I played a great game and it goes to show I knew what was happening with 81/85 correct votes I knew post mutiny. And throughout the entire game I only had 2 votes cast against me and one of them didn’t count.

I hope you can appreciate the game I played.

I’m happy to take any questions and thank you if you got this far lmao <3

And I know there’s probably like 10000 spelling errors in this soooo yeah.
1723 days 1 hour ago
Idk if I'll be online to let them in so I opened it
1723 days 1 hour ago
Great speeches to the both of you :D
1723 days 1 hour ago
Idk if I really have any questions😅, everything seems clear and I'm not really concerned about anything bad, even though some stuff happened, you three all deserve to be there <3
1723 days 1 hour ago
Ok so here are my thoughts about the three people in the finals. First off is Grace who I think we can all agree does not deserve to be here and did pretty much nothing all game. Grace if you receive any votes it’ll be either as a joke or cause someone has something against Penguin and Kyle.

So my vote and I’m pretty sure every jurors is between Penguin and Kyle.
First off Penguin. I feel like you are giving yourself too much credit in this game. You didn’t do nearly as much as you claim to have done. I remember you getting on like an hour before tribal and being like whats the plan guys and going to me to decide who your voting. Especially for the chillium and hoop votes. You didn’t make those plans if the vote had been someone else you would’ve just done that. If i had decided not to vote out hoop you would’ve went with me and voted someone else cause you were just going with what other people did. Also there was the double tribal where me and Kyle were planning on what to do and trying to figure out how to take out Wade and then maybe Ikah or Josh. You weren’t even there you just came on and we had to explain it all to you.

So penguin my question to you is what was the best strategic move that you made in this game?

And for Kyle although I believe you were more strategic then Penguin but you still didn’t do tons in the game. It seems like for alot of the game you were playing an utr game and letting other people be bigger targets and get targeted while you slid away undetected as you said you were just coasting and letting Ikah take the target while you just did pretty much nothing.

So my question for you is do you think that you did enough in this game to deserve to win? Or did you let other people do it for you and help you get to the end?
1723 days ago
Bob, I may have over exaggerated my game, but I can ensure you I was a leading factor in both votes. After the game you will see that I was in an alliance with hoop and I cut him to be with the other alliance and for the chillum vote I went to both alliances and suggested chillum name and they both agreed. I did sometimes ask what the plan was, but not for those two votes because I knew exactly what was happening. It just looks like I’m giving myself a lot of credit because I didn’t talk abt how in votes like the hoop vote how you and I worked together and we’re in the middle but I know without you I would’ve had to have a different strategy. And for the doubal tribal, Kyle and I came up with the plan before we even started talking to you.

My biggest strategic move in my opinion was when i revoted ikah in the nop vote. I told vaugh and nop i voted ikah because i was with them, however the majoriy alliance thought i voted nop with them. This made sure that everyone who i was working with at the time was happy with me even when i was in alliances goimg after each other.
1723 days ago

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