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Final Tribal Council | Malakula

Topic » Final Tribal Council |..

1380 days 10 hours ago
Hello finalist, I will have a longer speech coming later today with better questions but for now I ask all 3 of you a seperate question

Ikah - Explain the strategy behind being afk for a whole day just to come on 5 minutes before vote asking who to vote, something you did several times after merge. What was the strategy behind that?

Hufus - Explain 10 amazing things about victor arroyo and explain how he is the best big brother player ever

Ozzy - what will your reaction be to being a zero vote finalist? Will you take it personal? Will you realize that you’ve made terrible game moves this season and learn from them in the future?
1380 days 10 hours ago
Ozzy, I apologize for that.
Someone in Ponderosa said you took credit for making that chat, and before reading Your speech, I went to post that. Of course, upon actually reading, you never said that, like, at all. It never even came up in your speech LOL

I apologize ozzy, I thought you were staring after the Mac vote that YOU yourself had to rebuild your own relationships (which I did for you)


Thank you both so so much for your apologies, I am very appreciative. I saw this post and was just struck with utter confusion. Thank you for stepping in and clearing up the confusion. I want to remind everyone that if I or anyone says something you isn't true, please ask us directly. I personally would be more than happy to clear the air and fix any wrong wording I can. As a community, I think this instance should remind us of the danger of toxic cancel culture. There are people who don't want to vote for me and as jurors, they have every right to do that. But taking a shot at someone on the basis of misinformation is dangerous and unfair. I hope we can all take away something from this game and even it's something as small as this example, then I say the lesson is worth it.
1380 days 10 hours ago
I also I am working today so I will update questions as I have time! haha I am working from home but that's still a full time job!
1380 days 9 hours ago
Patrick – Individual Questions
Congrats on finals! You played a game and got here! I felt that we worked well and bonded together in those swapped tribes and it just sucks that didn’t translate better into the merge. Now, about your game, some people just feel that you sat here in a wagon and allowed Hufus to drag you to the F3, with the exception of you flipping and cutting me at F8. Do you feel that you were carried at all? If so, when and how was it intentional? If not, why do you think that’s the perception? And feel free to give us other examples of you deviating strategically from Hufus other than my vote off.

I see what you did there. I did play “a game”! haha That made me laugh.
I am not afraid to admit how much I used Hufus in this game. Hufus is one of the best players I think in group games ever. I’ve played with him before, I know he’s a boss, and I was very intentional when I picked him as a partner.

With that being said, I think Hufus was also quite a burden to my game. Since he has played so much, he knew I think almost everyone in this game. Comparatively, I came into this game knowing 3 other people, Hufus, Mac, and Ikah. I just did not have the capital to build new relationships because everyone knew each other. I would tell Hufus, I am thinking about talking to _____ and the answer would be “oh no ____ screwed me over in this series, they are dangerous, you can’t.” Thus, it was nearly impossible for me to find someone who didn’t know someone and build something new. I think also people didn’t want to build things either because they were so focused on their previous relationships. People saw me as Hufus’ partner and instantly had an idea about me and almost made it impossible not work with him. This theme of Blood vs. Water was super fun but so many returning players really defined what this game looked like. Many All Stars targeted other All Stars and their partners and it was a war from the very first tribal.

I did use Hufus as a shield because he was always a bigger target than me. I knew the minute he was gone, I would be vulnerable so I worked to make sure that wasn’t going to happen. And trust me, I wanted to work with other people but I don’t think they wanted to work with me. I think of people like X, who I helped vote off Nathan, and then the next tribal threatened me and Noelle that he had the votes no matter what so it didn’t matter what we did. It was clear, people wanted to only use me and not truly work with me. I felt that way a lot of this game. Strangely enough, I almost worked with Brittany near the end, someone I never saw eye to eye with. I told her I didn’t want to vote Hufus right away but I was open to other moves. When she only pushed for Hufus to leave, I knew she was only focused on using me not working with me. I really did want to work with other people but this format and these headstrong folks made it impossible at some points.

An example I want to highlight when I thought outside of Hufus’ knowledge was the push to vote Kellen out at F6 instead of Lake. Our original plan was to vote Lake that tribal but based on how Kellen did the in the previous challenge I saw him as more dangerous for an immunity challenge win in the finale. Of course, Hufus is a boss at immunity challenges, and be IT KNOWN I was close to him on the F5 challenge, so it wasn’t that big of a deal but I also made suggestions that I knew would help Hufus and me at the same time.

I would also say that I played some social aspects to help Hufus. For example, in the Brittany vote, Hufus and Ikah had the advantages and I did not. Thus I utilized, so social play to help influence that vote. I worked with Hufus/Kellen/Lake to make a final four pitch knowing full well they were voting for Hufus the entire time. While it wasn’t the greatest play ever obviously, I think I did support our alliance the best I could in these moments. Hufus used me as well in this game and he can’t deny that for a second.
1380 days 9 hours ago
Who has the biggest ass on the jury? There is only one right answer and it will let me know who was paying attention this game 😗


Sorry, I went out of order! I also love a good ass game so I am sad to say I don't know this answer. I think I personally have a great booty and I hope you do too! If you know about cake I don't know, please DM me. I would love to have some good convos! haha
1380 days 8 hours ago
Patrick – Group Question #1
1) Compare each jury member to a real-life losing Survivor finalist explaining why our game was similar to their losing game.

My god, I feel like I’m writing a college admission essay. I am going to be brief because I over talk way too much.

I hate to admit it, I don’t watch survivor that well enough to make comparisons and if I tried, I think that would be offensive. THUS, instead, I think I will talk about the reason I don’t think people made it to the finals. I hope that suffices!

SYD – Syd I actually loved talking to at the beginning. At the end though, I got quite a bit of hostility and I didn’t feel safe with them around. X originally played the idol on her and we (my group of 7) were up shit’s creek. I don’t know who caused that idol misplay, but kudos. I think Sydney should have been more vocal to X DEMANDING the idol be played on her. I know she most likely trusted X’s opinion but you got to fight for yourself tooth and nail or else you go home.

NATHAN – I think this was one of those moments where reputation proceeded him, he was a huge threat as a former winner and pretty good at immunity. Nathan adopted this attitude of “I don’t care, I’m not going to win” and I think it set himself up for failure. I even had my moments of self-doubt but I bounced back as quickly as I could. If Nathan was a little scrappier, talked to anyone who would listen, including his enemies, he might have figured out a new strategy.

X – Way to overconfident knowing he was a threat. X was successful at getting out Nathan but he never capitalized on it. In this game, it’s super hard to predict a blindside but he told Noelle and I to vote “however we wanted” meaning we didn’t matter to him. I think he could have worked a little better with the “opposition” and see if some moves could be made.

MAC – I think Mac played a little too safe. That day him, Noelle, and I didn’t hear anything should about the vote into late in the game should have been a bigger red flag. He relied too heavily on people telling the truth and that’s always super dangerous in this game.

NOELLE – Another victim of circumstance, being Nathan’s partner was a huge obstacle for her from the start. She also won two individual immunities making herself justifiably, a target. I think Noelle should have won less challenges in the first few weeks of merge and lay low without her partner as a shield.

PATRICK – Another person who relied too heavily on trust. Patrick assumed that Hufus was calling my every shot and never connected with me post-merge. If Patrick and I had one conversation before that vote, I probably would have gone to rocks for him. However, he didn’t talk to me and I felt like he could care less about me in this game so I had to make a move.

BRITTANY – Brittany was a very strategic player but asking me to vote out my partner so early was kind of a big misstep. Even when I told her I didn’t want to see Hufus go at F7 and I had some influence with him, she still pushed for him and I couldn’t trust her. I think she should have lied to me more and let me feel safe before I was willing to make a move.

KELLEN – Kellen relied a lot on Lake and I never really saw him come into his own. I felt like I made a great personal connection with him but when votes didn’t go his way, he always retaliated on me. I feel maybe if Kellen was a little bit more chill and convinced me that he wanted to work with me, I could see him going deep.

LAKE – Lake, very much like Kellen was very retaliatory when votes didn’t go his way. The biggest lesson I have learned in my professional job is NEVER LET THEM SEE YOU SWEAT. Lake did the opposite of that and I felt like he was his own worst enemy. If he remained calm but hungry for revenge, he could have played all of us.

CONRAD – Conrad raised a lot of suspicion when right before the finale he was like, I’m so bad at immunity and then SUDDENLY turned it up and crushed the first challenge. I think Conrad also relied on Hufus a little too much and did his bidding which ultimately cut off his options for making moves later.
1380 days 8 hours ago
Patrick I'll have to wait till after work to get through all of the general ones so I'm just going to do Lake's and I'll get those done around 5est
1380 days 8 hours ago
Patrick – Group Question #2
2) Tell is in detail about your BEST move, and your WORST move.


Voting out Patrick was my strongest move and it gave me a lot of ability to move around and capitalize on it. I knew Hufus wanted Brittany out and I knew Ikah wanted Patrick out. I personally saw Brittany as a bigger threat with her strong connection with Lake/Kellen so that’s how I originally voted.

When the tie happened, I was actually surprised and suddenly my DMs were flooded with everyone. As I mentioned, I was on a date at the time so I was pretty distracted and I couldn’t figure out what to do at first. Ikah told me in our group chat that this was MY call and it was that moment where it really sunk in. I took a moment and weighed my options while my date watched YouTube on his phone.

If I were to keep Patrick, I am risking Ikah and Hufus in a rock draw. It was literally a 50/50 chance one of us would go home and I felt unsafe with that risk. I wanted to keep my boys safe no matter what. I also figured that I could get some good points with the other side, Brittany/Lake/Kellen in case anything went wrong down the like for Ikah/Hufus/I.
I think the final piece I considered was the fact Patrick and I had grown distant. Hufus liked Patrick a lot and I saw that as potentially problematic. Maybe Patrick was looking to cut me off from Hufus and have Hufus all to himself. While I hated betraying Hufus, I knew that Patrick was someone that had influence on him. I wanted to have Hufus all to myself and I needed him in this game over Patrick so I voted him out.

While it was a tough decision and I know I had a lot of people supporting me, I knew at some point, I had to fight for myself. Even though Hufus and Ikah were always in my corner I knew I had to take care of myself at all costs if I wanted to keep myself surrounded with safety shields so I did that. Patrick going home for me was scary but I think it set me up for a much more successful game than I had realized at the time.

This is hard for me because I did so well. I’M KIDDING, RELAX! Haha But as I think this one over, I think the Mac vote was a flop moment for me. Mac was someone I trusted no matter what. He’s like a great friend of mine and I knew he always had my best interest at heart. When that vote was going down, I was not in a lot of conversations so I felt a little nervous for myself. I know in this instance, I should have talked way more with people to figure out what was going on. I kind of sat back and let it happen which was a very poor move on my part. Losing Mac was a huge blow to my game and I did nothing to prevent that and I feel really stupid I let this amazing ally slip right out of my corner.

However, when Mac left the game it was a HUGE wake-up call for me to be like HELLO THIS GAME IS HAPPENING. Hufus voted out your friend. WAKE UP. I quickly rebuilt relationships where I could and set some groundwork for the rest of my game.
1380 days 8 hours ago
Explain the strategy behind being afk for a whole day just to come on 5 minutes before vote asking who to vote, something you did several times after merge. What was the strategy behind that?

Yeah I had work so it wasn't intentional, but I still played it up all the time as me being like mindless and lost in this game because I was just "Ikah from Target" pushing carts and checking in for a vote. I think the way the votes went were super convenient considering people were waiting last minute and shit and could easily decide in 15 minutes what they would do. I think our little group you would be quick to say a name and we would give our takes on it the day before so I had a chance to do some type of work in the game.

I think strategy wise it helped me come off as less threatening to our alliance.
1380 days 8 hours ago
Patrick – Group Question #3
3) Which of your fellow finalists doesn’t deserve to be sitting in the final 3, and who deserves their spot instead?

Wow, this is SUCH a hard question because I love them both so much and I truly think they BOTH played incredible games. It’s like almost rude of me to insinuate that one of them doesn’t deserve it because they both do deserve to be here so much.

If I had to answer this, I would say I guess Hufus. ONLY BECAUSE, he was so busy with his personal life that he was absent for some of the challenges and a lot of strategy talk between Ikah and I. There was also a point at the beginning of the game when he told he was going to be super busy and that he might get voted out at any time because he wasn’t as invested as he normally was. I worked hard to keep him safe as much as I could knowing he was so busy. I don’t know though maybe that shows the opposite though because he still made it to F3 even with all of his work barriers. Haha

For the replacement person I would honestly say Nathan which might surprise people but I was truly rooting for him as the underdog. As the only winner of the series in this game, he had a huge target and got a TON of votes against him. People even threw challenges in an effort to see him go home. He was fighting tooth and nail and I was rooting for him because I think he fought well. I do think Hufus played a much better game than him but if Hufus weren’t here, I think it would be cool to see Nathan rise from the ashes and soar to the finals when every obstacle was against him.
1380 days 8 hours ago
Make your own selections for the following awards of the season (explanations, of course)

- Player of the Season
- Hero of the Season
- Villain of the Season
- Best Moment of the Season
- Flop of the Season

Also I am intentionally NOT including the Final 3 in these votes.

Player of the Season: PATRICK
I think Patrick played a terrific game even with his high threat level. He worked with the right people at the right time, he worked great with Conrad as his partner, and he made great moves. When he teamed up with Nathan/Myself/Mac that was a great move we teamed up with to keep ourselves out of the minority. He also helped blindside Mac, someone he formerly worked with. Overall, very good strategist and I felt like he had a very good pulse on the game overall. Some missteps here and there but a very good threat and smart player.

Hero of the Season: NOELLE
My poor baby Noelle! Noelle was so loyal to the people who were loyal to her, it was one of her guiding principles like my own. She fought so hard to keep Nathan safe and she was willing to go to rocks for him, something I never was willing to do. She tried to make a move when she got backstabbed but she always did everything she could to keep her closest friends safe and I find that so admirable. I was so sad to vote her off because she seemed like a true warrior.

Villain of the Season: LAKE
I might be a little biased here but Lake tore me to shreds and continues to tear me to shreds every chance he gets. He always wanted to control the people around him and when it didn’t work he exploded. Very bombastic, ferocious, and unyielding he truly displays what a true villain is. A very formidable foe and I hope you take it easy on me man, I suffered enough! Haha

Best Moment of the Season: Final 7 Tribal with Brittany’s Elimination
This tribal council DEFINED what the rest of the game looked like. Ikah/Hufus/Me or Brittany/Lake/Kellen were going to be the final three depending on how this vote fell. Everything had to play out exactly right in order for one side to win the vote and it did. It was an incredible move and moment and I think it will be a defining moment in this series for a long time to come.

Flop of the Season: YUNG
My poor friend! Yung seemed like a really cool guy and I am sad I never got to work with him long term. However, in that Melip swap with 4v4 (Nathan/Patrick/Mac/Myself vs. Ryan/Colin/Yung/Sydney) the stage was set for an epic rock showdown. However, Yung came out of left field wanting to make a move against his own partner and totally clotheslined himself into a 4-3-1 vote. I felt so bad for him. I hope he gets a second chance!
1380 days 7 hours ago
Ozzy - what will your reaction be to being a zero vote finalist? Will you take it personal? Will you realize that you’ve made terrible game moves this season and learn from them in the future?


Oh Lake, such a great guy as always so subtle. First off, I don’t take anything personal. This is a game…on Skype…with a bunch of gay men and the occasional woman and/or straight guy. If anything, these games are fun for me, regardless of outcome. I care about this game of course but taking a vote off or a blindside as personal is like kind of silly. I don’t know any of you personally so I really don’t care. Your angry typing cannot hurt me.

Secondly, if I am a zero vote finalist, I think we learned how to accomplish that achievement from your performance in Season 5 of this series. Also, I think I played a great game and I made it to the finals so win, lose, or draw this game is successful for me in the end.

Your final question which I think actually has some merit to is, of course I will learn from this game. I take everything ounce of knowledge I can from my survivor group games and absorb the information to help myself play better, try new strategies, work with new people in the future. I hope you learned something too.
1380 days 7 hours ago
I love being the occasional straight guy.

Thank you seriously for answering my questions and putting a lot of thought into them, Ozzy!
1380 days 6 hours ago
the next tribal threatened me

This is very false i did not threaten anyone. I said i belived i had the votes and said vote how you want because it was clear you wanted to sheep rather then make moves. And i knew noelle was not going to vote pat because she told me that

And just like that Ozzy has lost any chance at my vote
1380 days 6 hours ago
I am the only player to make it finale night without a single vote

Grats you get to end the WHOLE SEASON without votes. Pmay a better game next time.

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