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Final Tribal Council | Malakula

Topic » Final Tribal Council |..

1380 days 4 hours ago
The Player That Deserves to be at this FTC in their place the most is


Without question honestly. I think he was the most driven in this game and he was the most involved. He was a big voice for the Four alliance and probably the most dominant. I think that he played the game he needed to by talking and keeping his alliance in order and just needed me to be loyal in order to get the win. He never stopped fighting for a second either even after I told him my path to the win. He still tried.

I was 6 shots in on Finale Night and I can remember vividly his fight. He worked the hardest imo
1380 days 4 hours ago
4) Make your own selections for the following awards of the season (explanations, of course)

Holy shit I'm a Host and I absolutely dread the awards. It's so hard

- Player of the Season (Me)

I mean if you don't believe you're the player of the season then idk how you could make a case to win this thing.

I think when it's all said and done that I had the biggest impact and influence on the end results of this season. I think I represent the season well as I may not have been the one to put the the pieces together but I glued them together and then disassembled them. I was able to stay in a power position the entire game and keep any threat to me at bay or even at ponderosa without being a target. I think my game speaks for this season the most.

- Hero of the Season (Kellen)

If you had an issue with Kellen then you have issues because the dude was honestly just so easy to play with and talk to you would think it's all a charade but even when I took off my Mask, Kellen showed me nothing but respect and kindness the same energy the entire game. Perhaps if our alliance of four ended up dominating he wouldn't be considered a Hero. But he was willing to talk to anyone at the end of the day and he calmed me down when shit got bad in the beginning.

- Villain of the Season

Ozzy. I think this might be a shock but I really think Ozzy was the villain of the season because he absolutely refused to stop this outcome from happening. He turned all the offers away and laughed at them. I think he was very straight to the point about his intentions to me and I was just shocked he was so intense and malicious lmao. He didn't care about what anyone thought.

- Best Moment of the Season

The Best Moment of the Season was definitely when we first swapped tribes and we didn't even introduce ourselves or say shit and X and Noelle just went AT IT like destroying each others games and berating each other for damn near a hour and nobody from our OG tribe said shit lmao. It was just one of those awkward yet funny moments.

- Flop of the Season

Ethan Cow. No bias here. He voted himself out lmao. I definitely think he would've had more to play with had he just voted Brittany.
1380 days 3 hours ago
This Final 3 is, incheresting.

Ikah: Rank the jury based on their STRATEGIC gameplay, and explain why.

Hufus: Convince me why you played a better game than Ikah. Thank you.

Ozzy: You have a big perception about being Hufus’ goat. Explain one move you made without Hufus’ hand.

Whoever answers the best (and honestly) gets my vote.
1380 days 3 hours ago

Sydney: I think I played a game you can appreciate. I tried to have you saved just to save you because I thought we would be good allies in this game potentially. I think there's very few people I would've risked my game to say "Play the idol on this person"

That was the first clue people should've took about me playing Both sides because I correctly called that out in front of our alliance. I thought it would catch on.

Nathan: I think we can definitely bury the hatchet after this game. I think you probably have the most reason to not vote me just based on the fact I isolated you right away BUT I hope you can still appreciate my game this time. It would be the second chance to vote for me to win and I think that says something.

X: Bro I think me trusting you enough to work with you is worthy of your vote because that took a lot. I'm a paranoid motherfucker and a vengeful motherfucker and you did my ass dirty on LKB but I opened myself up to you in this game and I was willing to on the jury for LKB too. I think we can respect each others games.


I think You've probably been able to see people adding up each boot and figuring out who had control of this game. I always say if I wasn't able to talk to someone or I wasn't sure of things and left at a moment where things were still foggy then let the jurors speak their truth and then Finalists. I think it's clear by what the jury has felt that I deserve your vote.


I told you when we talked on your boot that if I was to stick my neck out for you then I would be blowing up my own game. Because I was the person you were telling everybody to watch out for you just didn't know it yet. I think based on that conversation you should know I had a plan in mind and was confident and it came true. You know it was nothing against you it was just my game did not have you in it.


In this game you set the tone for me and I think this result is a cause of you because who knows what would've happened had we not had that scuffle in the beginning. I probably would've played a little more reserved and loyal. I think you respect that I had an answer for this game and that's why I should earn your vote.


I get why you wouldn't vote me because I did you very dirty and I get that. But Brittany I really tried all I could to keep you from leaving in this game. I thought it was stupid even on a gameplay standpoint to go for you when you were close to me and willing to make moves with Ozzy and I. Also you aren't the biggest comp threat. But you and Hufus have some beef and I owed it to him to let him go about that how he wanted and let you go about that how you wanted. It wasn't malicious you just got played unfortunately. I just think the start of this game was so rough for us we should be grateful we worked together as much as we did.


I think we have a lot of respect for eachother and it's all game at the end of the day. We vibed this entire season and I think that we said all along that we could be friends no matter what. I understand I did you wrong and I shouldn't have but I wasn't fake as a person just as a player bro and I appreciate you talking to me this season.


You should vote me because I think you supported and contributed to my game the most other than these two next to me. Your votes and targets ended up benefiting me a lot and I think that me being up here I have to acknowledge that you helped me a lot.


Conrad you should vote for me because you also helped me get here and were a huge part in getting that Steal A Vote play off. In part you wanted me to win this if not you and I said the same. You've been done wrong by me in this game but also in my game and I really think you don't owe me shit but if you wanted me to win then yeah you should vote for me.
1380 days 3 hours ago
Ok the lower caps for the first three is bothering me sorry
1380 days 2 hours ago
Ozzy: You have a big perception about being Hufus’ goat. Explain one move you made without Hufus’ hand.

I hate to reiterate the Patrick vote more and more so I am sorry if I am boring anyone to tears, but I truly felt this was the defining move of my game.

Hufus and I were obviously close but he for sure had a web of allies. I knew he trusted Patrick a TON and that they liked working together and I saw that as a threat to my safety. By eliminating Patrick, it made Hufus turn inward to me and Ikah even more. I have no doubt that Hufus would have stayed loyal to me regardless, but Patrick was a bit of a wildcard for me. I never knew exactly what he was planning or who he was talking with, so I had to cut even though I liked him. And Hufus was not happy with me after this vote, I know he wasn’t but from a game is was the best for MY game and not for HIS.

In addition, this vote off also stifled Conrad who I was told (so cannot confirm if it true) did throw out my name the week you went home. Luckily, Ikah and Hufus shut my name discussion down quickly. I knew this move would be shot in thr direction to  gave us three a platform to work with Conrad in the F7, forward.

I want to also be honest here and make it clear, I know Hufus helped me in this game and I am not ashamed of that fact. We were partners for a reason, and we worked together to ensure each other’s safety. I followed his lead in the early game because I didn’t know ANYONE and it seemed like he knew every single person. Hufus created a great platform for me to then manage myself in the tribe swap and make some strong vote offs there. I felt if I were to betray Hufus in the end, it would be a poor move for me because it disproved my loyalty and it almost insulted the great work we did together. People tried to get me to flip on him too they really did, but I never saw an opportunity where it made sense to get rid of my closest ally. If people did not want me to work with him, they should have taken the shot themselves and not rely on me to do it for them.
1380 days 1 hour ago
This damn 3 facts about each juror I need to put it in Notes app

It keeps deleting on me on TG
1380 days 1 hour ago
Name THREE facts about each jury member you learned about them and it CAN NOT BE GAME RELATED. I wanna see which of you 3 actually got to know the people you played with.

GOOD GOOD THIS IS HARD. I think only like 6 people even told me anything about themselves that isn't game related. I tried saying a lot about myself but damn I'm exposed.

I wish we got more time wtf to actually get to know eachother personally it was one tribal and we talked so much game

1. Colin is Sydney's Boyfriend
2. Got 2nd in 2 All Winners Seasons
3. Likes to get Tipsy?
I remembered it all


We did not talk at all this game, So I can't give any facts.


We never talked anything other than game bro which is bad we been playing games since idk how long.


Im sorry we didn't talk at all lol



We only had One conversation that wasn't about this game and that was when you said you had a bad storm coming and I was curious because my mom had said the same lmao

Found out you live in Minnesota which is dope i have family there too.


Oh this one I got I can list 5 facts

1. Your Fiancé's name is Amanda but you call her "Manders"
2. You're majoring in Education
3. Your favorite player is Jay from MvGx
4. Your favorite color is Neon Blue
5. You went Road tripping during this game


1. She's a Server
2. Likes Naps
3. Likes to Watch Netflix


1. STEELERS FAN Get him everybody
2. Is a Hockey Fan Get him everybody
3. Looks forward to getting this very special Burger at a cafeteria and honestly defended it hardcore so I'm intrigued
4. Serves at a Golf Course I believe

Collapses after finally having someone who had convos about personal life lmao


1. Is bout to be a hardworking College student
2. About to be a hordworking employee
3. Likes watching Big Brother lmao
4. About to murder me for not having a good 3rd fact


1. Has a juicy ass
2. Takes the worst timed Poops (ok like I knew this beforehand)
3. Prepared me for how bad being A cashier would be because he was one and then he would never tell me where he worked currently even tho He would say he was at work

1380 days 1 hour ago
1380 days 1 hour ago
X just annihilated me with that question

Y'all give me some facts afterwards please
1380 days ago
Idk ikah made me laugh tbh I love him
1380 days ago
1379 days 23 hours ago

Having to crank out the One Per Juror Answers one after another is honestly the correct punishment


I mean I didn't get to see enough of Sydney to fully judge and apparently she told X to just play it on himself against my advice so syd has to go here by default.


I think that based on what I saw at merge you deserve to go here but probably if I knew more of how it went premerge then you would be higher because I certainly look at premerge and think you had to of been doing a lot.

8th-Mac I think I'm just most surprised at how many people flipped on you because I thought you had some solid connections. I think that this game was hard on you.


I wish you would've tried talking to me when we swapped and that we could've had some sort of communication because I feel like the people you had around you weren't enough to protect you and then after they were gone I think you did do your best but could've played it cleaner. You got caught throwing people under the bus way too quickly and it sunk your game.


You did the best you could but it was clear this game was not for you the target was too big this time and people weren't letting up. I definitely think you had some good insights on the game before you left, but again there was not 6 people willing to bat for you.

5th- Brittany

I just don't think you had a lot going for you outside of the Four Alliance and it really made you depend on us. I think you tried to start things with Ozzy and I and really that wasn't your fault we just already had other plans otherwise you were on your way to playing a stellar game. You just ended up in a split unfortunately.


Only because I know how much you dominated premerge and I really thought you had this game in the bag going into merge. I mean you had that tribe looking like a damn circus the first two tribals then you got swap fucked and managed to make it out of there. You showed promise in the beginning of merge but your threat level became too big for people to continue to prop up. You became disposable PATRICK.


I've already pandered to you enough but Here I go again. I don't even want to call it your social game because I feel like you're just a like able person I remember telling Ozzy at the beginning we can't trust you because you come off too like-able and we enjoyed the convos with you too much and felt good about em. You really had a big hand in forming the early lines of the merge game with that Nathan vote and just were not shying away like everybody else. I think why you're even this low is because as the game went on I felt you dialing it back a little and that could be just to play into a more under the radar non threat role.


I didn't deserve your loyalty but it's not like you gave it to me just to give it to me. I think you knew what you were doing. Think about the one person that was able to even get The four(Brittany, Me, Kellen, And Lake) into a position to "comeback" in this game. Conrad wasn't scared of flipping and he wasn't scared of aiding in big moves. Think about how he had no backlash for partaking in that steal a vote. He was so very close to having a shot at winning this entire thing and he had the game to absolutely back it up. I think why he can't be 1st is because I didn't sense the drive that Lake had.


I just think Lake was a big voice in this game and was going to get credited with the bootlist had I remained loyal to that cause. There was nobody that I could tell was fighting as hard to get this win than Lake was and I could tell by his reaction after the Brittany vote and how he still pleaded each time. He was the one always sparking names at the beginning of tribals and I know he did do a lot of talking in the game outside of our alliances. He had connections with a fair amount of people. I think he was well set up to take this thing his only problem was having a Rat like me in his house.
1379 days 23 hours ago
Ikah you should of flirted with me that’s the best way to my heart and to make me sheep.
1379 days 22 hours ago
Hello finalists

I think we all know how low my interest in this game was and even coming up with something witty to say seems like the hardest task right now I'll just stick to it since I was so close to not even writing anything and my vote.

Hufus - We both know our history. We started bad, then good, then bad again. Why should I, Sydney, vote for you, Hufus, after you didn't even give me a chance at my last tribal council and voted bitterly?

I still have a lot of love for you as you know but this is my question

Ikah - You seem to say that apparently you very much liked me in this game and that you apparently told X to play his idol on me yet he didnt listen? I did tell him no matter what he should play the idol on himself bc he wanted to play I did not but if in that event you absolutely wanted to keep me wouldnt you make sure he used it on me? My question to you is tell me why you think you deserve this win over Hufus and Ozzy? Why are you Ikah better than these guys bc as much as I liked you for that one round, you sounded like a snake.

Ozzy - I don't remember much about you except that I gave you plenty of chances to work with me but you were already set. You do seem like a decent guy but your gameplay seems a lot weaker than both of them. But honestly i havent followed closely enough to have all the details. So tell me why I should vote for you? what makes you stand out from them?

Thank you everyone, gl to all. I wish I actually played with you guys but the fact that I even made merge was a miracle.

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