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Ask Me SuitMan13

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asked by aiwfwyattroh

8Q: Burn in hell

asked by Zuelke

"The respect I had of him was a full can of like, diet coke or whatever, he just took that diet coke and like, poured it down the toilet and like, washed all our collective reactions as he did it, and like, then he threw the can in there and flushed it down the toilet and it clogged up and spilled all over the place."

8Q: Please tell me your opinion has grown of me since rejects vs royals, like have I turned around my flip persona

asked by LusciousLips5

LOL yes we love you LeQ

16Q: Am I that big a flop in your series?

asked by bigben1996

Your a fucking winner LMFAO. You're not that much of a flop. Jan Mayen was a victory for you. We just tease the fuck out of you for CC because it's hilarious.

We're awful people.

45Q: If I wasn't such a flop in the FTC, would I rank among the best strategic players?

asked by Cmack311

Meh. So many people have played I find it hard to rank based on strategy. I think you strategically played well in South Pacific, but not as well in Ayia Thekla. I find you a mixed bag when it comes to being a good player tbh. I mean lets be honest, your social game stinks LMFAO.

16Q: First impression of me?

asked by OldNewz

Not bad, but not significant either, since you weren't totally engaged with Cursed Hand.

But then you got invited back to Bingo vs. Suitman and you made an impression as a decent gameplayer.

-10Q: Who would you rather cast for rivals? Charlie with Blake, or Charlie with Ethan?

asked by Timster

Charlie with Ethan :)

32Q: Did Blake play better in Last Sleep or Japan?

asked by GingerPowder

I feel like he played well and was threatening in both seasons, but I particularly enjoyed his backstab of Charlie in Last Leap and is for me a season highlight. It didn't grant him the win but it showed that he was a great competitor. I hope we see Blake again.

29Q: Please add me to the production staff after CC. I want to leak all your info and give out fake spoilers.

asked by Patrick319

yes gawd

29Q: How was Last Leap overall to you? Was it overhyped? Better than expected? Predictable? Unpredictable? Who was the stand out of the season for you? To make it easier you can choose 2 stand out premerge boots and 2 stand out merge players.

asked by Timster

Last Leap was for me a very good season. I enjoyed it immensely. It isn't the most unpredictable season especially post-merge, but the personalities, drama, and the mutiny twist post-merge both benefited the season, as did the inclusion of the Cursed Necklaces. Definately a Top 10, edging on Top 5 season.

14Q: How likely is it that Mikey will return for a 6th season?

asked by Timster

If he is does won't be for a while. But that guy is an idol magnet. Tbh he'd be a winner rn in CC if it wasn't for pizza but we don't talk about that.

14Q: Why did you fire the entire production team except for Wyatt?

asked by Timster

You were in the game and Coldan became uninvolved. Plus I started using Skype for talking production stuff and I know you hate that. Now I have KidA.

14Q: What was your first impression of me? Plz don't be too mean ;(

asked by Patrick319

Not much, especially when you almost wanted to quit the whole damn game. But you found your stride post-merge tbh, and I think you are a great guy.

14Q: What was the point where you came closest to giving up hosting?

asked by KidA

After Gen One before I realised that I have no life to go back to so I need to do something. That's when the life-eating hole appeared known to normal people as Gen Two.

11Q: Who is more likely to return: me or mrcool?

asked by byp123

mrcool shall never return.

14Q: is there anyone worse than ethan?

asked by byp123

No one. Not even Cole.

7Q: Will Ethan and Felix be best friends forever?

asked by bigben1996

BFFs 4 lyfe

14Q: Let me return

asked by Dryerfish

Wow rude. Try saying please.

14Q: How long until you want to see people from Last Leap return again? Are you giving that cast a rest for a while (besides Sagar, obviously)?

asked by KidA

The Last Leap cast will need a break for a while. And the winners following CC. There is a need imo for some new fresh blood and for those who haven't had the chance yet to get their opportunity to return. But saying that, there is every chance those castaways may play again in the future at the right time with the right season.

14Q: When am I making my grand debut?

asked by Kelly0412

Applications for Season 26 are opening tonight with an expected start day in approximately three weeks. General start date, early July.

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