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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor 39 day Challenge Answers.

Jul 5, 2012 by Alyxandra
Day 1: Favorite Survivor
- Heidi (Amazon)

Day 2: Funniest Survivor
- Courtney (China)

Day 3: Most Annoying Survivor
- Jean-Robert (China)

Day 4: Most Intelligent Survivor
- Richard (Borneo)

Day 5: Most Underrated Survivor
- Danni (Guatemala)

Day 6: Most Overrated Survivor
- Aras (Panama)

Day 7: Favorite Confessionalist
- Courtney (China)

Day 8: Most Attractive Survivor
Male - Ethan (Africa)
Female - Darrah (Pearl Islands)

Day 9: Favorite Challenge Dominator
- Ozzy (Cook Islands)

Day 10: Most Disappointing Early Exit
- Jolanda (Palau)

Day 11: Survivor That Should Have Won, But Didn’t
- Rob C. (Amazon)

Day 12: Survivor Whose Brain You’d Love to Pick
- Parvati (Cook Islands)

Day 13: Survivor You’d be Best Friends With
- Kat (One World)

Day 14: Survivor That Reminds You of Yourself
- Kat (One World)

Day 15: Survivor You Want to See Play Again
Male - Judd (Guatemala)
Female - Darrah (Pearl Islands)

Day 16: Best Face of Survivor
- Parvati (Cook Islands)

Day 17: Favorite Survivor Season
- Guatemala

Day 18: Least Favorite Survivor Season
- Redemption Island

Day 19: Most Underrated Season
- Guatemala

Day 20: Best Survivor Location
- Cook Islands

Day 21: Best Twist
- Heroes vs. Villains

Day 22: Worst Twist
- Redemption Island

Day 23: Best Challenge
- The Grabbing Ball Challenge (Heroes vs. Villains)

Day 24: Most Annoying Jeff ism
- N/A

Day 25: Best Storyline
- Guatemala

Day 26: Favorite Tribe or Alliance
- Villains (Heroes vs. Villains)

Day 27: Favorite Final 2/3
- Amanda, Courtney, Todd (China)

Day 28: Most Emotional Moment
- Survivor All-Stars Reward Challenge (Videos from home)

Day 29: Best Fight
- Colton & Alicia vs. Christina (One World)

Day 30: Best Rivalry
- Aras vs. Terry (Panama)

Day 31: Best Comback
- Andrea (Redemption Island)

Day 32: Best Blindside
- Alexis (Micronesia)

Day 33: Funniest Moment
- Billy thinking Candice said "I love you" (Cook Islands)

Day 34: Favorite Loved One Visit
- Tarzan (One World)

Day 35: Dumbest Move
- Eric giving Natalie immunity (Micronesia)

Day 36: Favorite Juror
- Lisi (Fiji)

Day 37: Best Tribal Council
- Heroes vs. Villains (Tyson getting blindsided)

Day 38: Best Final Tribal Speech
- Sue (Borneo)

Day 39: Best Finale
- All Stars (Jerri gets booed)

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