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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Rant Alert! Stop the negativity! Look for the positives!

Sep 13, 2008 by AndyShields
imageThe people on this site are getting too much, they really are. Let me start by saying this, the games are fun, there are plenty of people who rocks here and Randomize has done an amazing job of creating this site and making it fun and entertaining. I don’t have any gripes with the people behind the site, or the site itself because frankly it’s great and I don’t have a problem with it.
I certainly wouldn’t have the audacity to complain that I’m leaving because there isn’t a new game or there aren’t mini-games because to be honest if I wanted to leave the site I would and I wouldn’t make a blog telling everyone that its because ‘this site sux’.
Because it doesn’t- YOU do. If you can’t entertain yourself for the few hours you’re on a day through the medium of text then you really should leave. No one wants to be in a game with people who get bored by conversation; it’s what this site is about! If you want to shoot aliens, feel free to leave and shoot aliens, but it isn’t a part of this game, and it never will be. Sorry to shatter your dreams, but it wouldn’t work at all! So to recap, if you can’t hold a conversation without needing to shoot things then you really shouldn’t be here.
Now on to the ‘celebrities’ whose name you see bandied about everywhere. I’m going to blame Bubblyangel for this little trend, although she’s the least offensive of the lot. It was tolerable when she was the only one, her notoriety was achieved through being a bit of a bitch and then having people go insane over the fact she backstabbed them or double crossed them, at least as far as I could tell. At the time I first played a game with her she was like the site’s own personal Satan, now by comparison to the recent attention seekers she almost lives up to her name! I guess the original is always the best, recent attention whores have been grating to say the least and so glaringly obvious with it.
The main ways people go about being ‘celebrities’ on this site is making blogs that they know will offend people and in some cases making comments that will incite people when the replies start to dry up. In the end they usually start doing pointless ‘bumps’ and counting up with the amount of comments. But it’s a worrying trend how common this is.
Look at the top 20 blogs, try to find some positivity, its almost all negative! Most of it is from attention seekers, like that SMORG bloke who pretends to be Big Brother characters and is in number one with ‘Gameplayers’, in number 3 is Summerlynn who likes to pretend she’s Jesus, but after causing a bit too much controversy she censored herself. In fact Summerlynn takes three places on the list with her blogs, claiming to be Jesus, the Queen and claiming others are evil bigots. In number 5 is a whole log of threats to stab people and kill their family from what I can only describe as a clearly disturbed individual.
Sad thing is it lasts such a short time, this perceived fame, Bubblyangel’s subtle bitching has faded to nothingness after the emergence of Summerlynn and her delusions, and she in turn has lost the ‘public interest’ with the dawning of a bunch of psychos who plan on knifing you. But they’ll be forgotten about soon too and probably to someone even more unhinged.
I’m starting to worry that with mentions of made up ‘tabloids’ and ‘fame’ that people genuinely think they’re in an actual Big Brother with OK mag and Hello banging down the door to buy the rights to their made up stories.
From some of the posts on the top 20 everyone on Tengaged is a bigoted, homophobic, liar. If someone has offended you that much that you feel they have broken the rules then tell the powers in charge of the site, don’t make a blog about them. Nothing will get done that way, it just ends up making YOU look as bad as the others, and that isn’t how to go about that kind of thing. If you’ve been double crossed by someone and want to warn people, PM the people in the new game and tell them that so-and-so is not to be trusted, don’t draw attention to yourself on such a grand stage- once again stuff will be dragged up, not necessarily true, and will make you look bad.
Staying on the subject of blogs, what about all these… Who is the most hated on Tengaged? Who is the most two faced on Tengaged? Who is the biggest noob? Etc. Why are they all so negative? Why are they so common?
How about making some nice blogs that aren’t slagging people off. Ask a nice question, like who is your favourite person on Tengaged? Or who is the smartest person on Tengaged? And delete any comments that are being needlessly nasty and attention seeking. Make a blog about the people in your last game and how much you appreciate them being there for you.
Spread a little positivity!
(And I appreciate the irony of this negative blog, but sometimes you have to be a bit bad to bring about change)
And I have just typed way too much- I need to get a hobby :P
I try to be a nice, positive person but sometimes you just need to vent and I hope this helps other people look on the bright side and learn to focus on the good side of this site!
Smile :D


I hav not faded away! Ive taken a break, its exhausting being so famous!
Too much writing I got bored
but thanks for helping to maintain my profile in the tengaged media
Sent by Summerlynn,Sep 13, 2008
I completely agree with you andy! :) And i am smiling ;) haha
Sent by Tess11,Sep 13, 2008
Wow, well said, Andy.
Sent by Vindication,Sep 13, 2008
keep up the positivity people!:) Peace Not War!!!
Sent by Tess11,Sep 13, 2008
yay positivity :P

lol did u have to write a book about it :P lol
Sent by Bubblyangel,Sep 13, 2008
ohh and definitly the original is always the best :P
Sent by Bubblyangel,Sep 13, 2008
I agree there is too much negativety here
we should all be positive
Sent by Jensa101,Sep 13, 2008
I give your post a standing ovation!  :)
Sent by Nathanial,Sep 13, 2008
You continue to be one of my favorite members of this site, Ady!
Sent by Elliott,Sep 13, 2008
On the subject of positivity bubbly, you were best once, you were really great and i really admired you
Sent by Summerlynn,Sep 13, 2008
I love this post :D *snuggles blog*
Sent by Nutmeg,Sep 13, 2008
i love it andy!
Sent by Zacharyy,Sep 14, 2008
i give this post a "five star"
Sent by Tess11,Sep 14, 2008
Thanks for reading this guys, you rock :)
And thank you Elliot! That's so nice of you! Get into rookies, so I can play with you!
Sent by AndyShields,Sep 14, 2008

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