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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Game 7127 Yearbook! :P

Sep 14, 2008 by AndyShields
So game 7127 is coming to an end and it’s been a fun one for sure. It’s been really active and we’ve really had a mad time, a few arguments, but what game doesn’t have a few?
We’ve played word association and Two truths and a lie (You don’t need arcade games to have fun people!) and soon it’s all going to end, but there will be more games and hopefully we’ll meet again :D
So we decided after TwoTonTyler mentioned his yearbook to compile one of our own, and here’s the titles we gave to everyone.
The questionable title for ‘Most likely to get evicted first from Big Brother’ went to JackHeyes who was somewhat unsurprisingly evicted from our game… first. No one really got to know him well, but I suppose that’s what happens when you’re out first. 
‘Taken too early’ went to djbaltazar who everyone decided they missed, and we were pretty sad to see him go so early in 9th place.
ThomasCorbo’s reaction to getting put up for eviction earned him the title of ‘Most sensitive’ while 6th place Brody, who caused a bit of controversy with his begging to stay in, earned the title of ‘Most Unique Avatar’
Tess who came in 7th was ‘Most innocent’ and everyone wanted her back in! Understandably of course, she rocks!
That leaves the finalists, tasha75, the last girl standing got ‘Most popular girl’ for being the only girl in the final and because she is so well liked. There was a bit of an argument over what Tyler should get, mostly between him and Dan who hadn’t been the best of friends through the game! But in the end it was him who gained ‘Biggest Fighter!’ for surviving so many arguments and evictions! I, AndyShields, got ‘Best person to talk to’ which rocks :D
Grayson received the honor of being ‘Best Player’ and Daniel was ‘Best Comedian’ for his wicked sense of humour.
So… To recap :P
Daniel- Best Comedian
ME!- Best Person to talk to
Djbaltazar- Taken Too early
Jackheyes- Most Likely to be First Evictee in Big Brother
ThomasCorbo- Most Sensitive
Tess11- Most Innocent (And the one we all want back!)
Tasha75- Most popular girl
TwoTonTyler- Strongest Fighter
Brody- Most Unique Avatar
Grayson- Best Player

And so we are all about to graduate  *Is sad*


haha we should do remember whens as well haha
Sent by TwoTonTyler,Sep 14, 2008
thanx for that andy. yr a cool guy and i hope we meet in our next game. this is the best game ive been in and i want to thank you for being a grt housemate
Sent by tasha75,Sep 14, 2008
Aw this great!
I will so miss our game, it has been the best rookies by far :)
I'm gonna be on tonight - I think we should do speeches later.
Sent by Daniel,Sep 15, 2008
gonna cry in a min lol
Sent by tasha75,Sep 15, 2008
This game has been a great one!  So many memories...will we ever meet again?  And since this is a year book:  "Have a great break!  Stay cool!"  HA HA
Sent by Grayson10001,Sep 15, 2008
To all the awesome housemates...."You rock! And don't ever change!" lol
what an awesome game that was...and thanks for the titles guys....i wish i was still playing...maybe next time...and we should totally have a "remember when..." thing that would be totally awesome! you guys were so much fun to play with and i wish you all the best! ;) and i totally agree with all the titles...;) see ya...take care
Sent by Tess11,Sep 15, 2008
Hey guys! Check out my new blog...Game 7127 Yearbook(continued) !!!
Sent by Tess11,Sep 15, 2008

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