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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Jersey Shore Vocabulary

Jan 24, 2010 by Babiiigurlll
imageArcade/Bar (n): Sort of like a Chuck E. Cheese for dudes.

Banana Clip (n): Hair accessory used by Snooki to prop up her poof.

Bartenders (n): People who do great things.

Battle (v): To dance to house music like an idiot.

Battlefield (n): Club dance floor.

Beat Up the Beat (v) Crazy fist-pumping while intoxicated.

Blow-Out (n): A hairstyle usually worn by guidos
that allows you to look as if you where just
electrocuted by your blowdryer.

BPB (n): Term used by Vinny meaning Basketball, Pool, Beach in reaction to the Situations boring GTL.

Broads (n): Females without class.

Bull Dogs (n): Girls the Situation brings home

Came Out of the Woodwork(n): To come from out of no where.

Chicken Cutlet Night; Ravioli Night; Surf-n-Turf
Night (n): Things Sammi is excluded from.

Come At Me Bro (v): - To instigate a fight

Coogah (n): Female that is at least 27 years old.

Creatures (n): Violent females, also referred to as "Zoo Animals"

Creep (v): To go out and pursue potential mates. Also used as "to go creepin" or "creep mode"

DJ Pauly D (n): Ya girls favorite DJ.

Doggin’ You Out (v): Looking at someone in a
confrontational manner.

Doorstop Toe (n): See "Fred Flinstone Toe."

Duck Phone (n): A phone shaped like a duck that
completely confuses girls like Snooki, see "Snooki vs. Duck Phone" on YouTube.

Fist Pumping (n): A hand motion utilized by Jersey Shore males to show enthusiasm, especially when dancing to house music.

Freckles McGee (n): A girl who wants to go home instead of hooking up.

Fred Flintstone Toe (n): An insult that will undoubtedly piss off your drunk girlfriend; something Sammi has.

Gorilla (n): JWoww's ultimate man, her "prince," a juiced man, also see "Juice Head"

Gorilla Central - A place where there are juiceheads everywhere.

Grenade (adj): A word used to describe the ugly friend.

Grenade Launchah (adj): A word used to describe the ugly fat friend.

GTL (n,v): Gym, Tan, Laundry; how they make the guidos.

Guido (n): A sad pathetic excuse for a male; not necessarily of Italian descent, but most likely.

Guidette (N): Female counterpart of a guido; some of them look like post-op trannies.

Hate: (v): To talk negatively about someone out of jealousy.

Haterade (n): The Situation's signature concoction of milk, cheese, ranch dressing, mayonnaise and a dash of snicker's pickle juice.

Heated (v): to get angry

"He's" Back (n): A term used to describe a male returning to being single and being eligible to go out creeping.

Hippo (n): Drunk overweight female.

Hook up (v): To make out with someone.

"I'll rock you, bitch!" (n:) Screamed as a battle call by an unwelcomed house guest; a variation of this call may be"i'll rock your world!" See: "Grenade"

Jerry Springer (v): To fight with an unfaithful girl/guy, can be used as "jerry springer her/his ass"

Jerk Awf (n):An annoying person.

Juice Head (n): Someone, usually a hot, tan, male, who may or may not steroids in order to gain muscle mass, see "Juiced."

Juiced (adj): So muscular that your arms start to look fat.

JWOWW (n): a Praying Mantis-like guidette, after
sex she will rip your head off;
(can be used as a verb- "to punch a male in the face")

Kid (n): Any person, male or female, under 40.

Lobster (n): A sea creature that Snooki will not eat because " it's alive when you kill it".

My Boy(s) (n): Good male friends that share a deep bond.

One Shot (v): A punch to the head that you can claim was self defense, also known as a sucker punch.

Pink Eye (n): What you get from putting a fat girl's ass in your face.

Pouf (n): A hair style worn by guidettes that allows you to instantly grow 6 inches

Pound Her Out (n): Another term for sex.

Prehistoric Kindergarten (n): A time period where Sammi had a crush on The Situation.

Pukey Breath (n): Something that Sammi does not want breathed onto her.

Robbery (v): To think you stole your roomates girl only to find out you got their sloppy seconds.

Ron Ron Juice (n): Combination of watermelon juice, cherries, cranberry juice, and vodka,

Smush (v): To have sex.

Snooki (n): A small Chilean female adopted into a Italian family, also known as Snickers, Shnickers, Snookers, Party, sometimes referred to as Nicole Polizzi
(can be used as a verb- "to punch a girl in the face)

Stage 5 Clinger (n): A girl who follows you around watching your every movement, calls you until you are forced to put the phone off the hook, but won't let you touch her until your married.

Straggler (n): A roommate with a hangover that almost makes you late for your first day at work.

Strike Three (n): The final strike before ending a relationship.

Stumpy Bastard (n): An insult used to describe your drunk boyfriend.

Tampons (n): Things you stuff up people's noses in anger or rebellion.

"Thatsnotcoolthatsnotcoolthatsnotcool!" (n): Something you shout when you see your ex.

The Cop (n): A man you cant talk to or give your number to when your boyfriend is around.

The Situation (n): The ability to attract women by lifting your shirt; see Jerk Awf.

"This Is No Joke" (adj): A phrase said when someone is clearly overreacting over an event, usually used in conjunction when someone is traumatized. (See- "Traumatize")

Trash Bags (n): Used in place of suitcases.

Traumatize (v): To push your girlfriend in order to keep her from instigating a fight.

Vibe (v): To establish an attraction to another person.

"You don't even look Italian!" (adj): The insult to end all insults.


can you please plus my designs.
Sent by Student777,Jan 24, 2010
Sent by jhaybiie,Jan 24, 2010
ew jersey shore sucks
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Jan 24, 2010
come at me bro
Sent by Babiiigurlll,Jan 24, 2010
Sent by wafflecone,Jan 24, 2010

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