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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor 34 Cast Assessment - Part 1

May 31, 2016 by Blindside

I have a bit of free time on my hands, so might as well see what I think about the cast for the season that will be filmed soon. :) Truthfully, it is a very underwhelming cast, and I think they could have made much better decisions for more than a few of the choices they picked out. Nonetheless, it looks like it will be an explosive season!

I will be making three separate blogs - one for those who have no shot at winning the season, one for those who might win but I doubt it, and one for those I think could actually take the entire thing home.

I feel like the people listed in this section have either overdone their storylines already, or just based on the how they played previously I don't see them possibly winning the season.

Sandra Diaz Twine [Survivor Pearl Islands: WINNER | Survivor Heroes Vs Villains: WINNER]
I love Sandra, she's one of my all time top 20 castaways. However, she really has just about zero chance to win the season considering her perfect record. I wouldn't be shocked if she at least was able to make it to the jury phase, but there really is just no way that this kind of a cast would let her any further than that. [Prediction: 10th - 13th]

Brad Culpepper [Survivor Blood VS Water: 14TH]
Brad stands no chance in any Survivor season ever. His big mouth and inability to control himself from stepping up to the leader position will keep him from ever getting to the finals, let alone a merge it seems. I can't see him learning from his mistakes from last time. He will likely end up in just about the exact same placement for the exact same reasons. Not entirely sure why they brought him back over other males on the shortlist such as Jon Misch or John Cody, who had actual potential. At least he provides somewhat good entertainment. [Prediction: 15th - 18th]

Troyzan Robertson [Survivor One World: 8TH]
There is a reason that the American public chose not to have Troyzan return for a second chance, and that is the same reason that he will be totally rooted against this time aswell. Never in my life have I met a fan of his, let alone someone who tolerates him or has him high on their OW rankings. He is also universally despised by many Survivor castaways as well for his One World performance, so there is just no hope for someone as unlikable, stupid, and annoying as Troyzan. [Prediction: 14th - 18th]

Ozzy Lusth [Survivor Cook Islands: 2ND, Survivor Micronesia: 9TH, Survivor South Pacific: 4TH]
I don't see a single good reason that Ozzy was brought back for a FOURTH shot. I personally haven't watched South Pacific, but I have seen Micronesia and just based on his placement in SP I can tell that his storyline is more than over.  If they wanted a golden boy back so badly, they already had Malcolm, so I don't see why bring him back too. He will probably make it far, but he will never win Survivor. [Prediction: 8th - 10th]

Tony Vlachos [Survivor Cagayan: WINNER]
The thing is, Tony played an amazing game in Cagayan. But that kind of a game can only be played once. There is no chance in hell Tony will be able to play the same way in an all-star season and make the merge. I do think he will be able to adapt better to the situation, but I don't believe that he will still be able to downplay himself enough to take the target off of his back. [Prediction: 14th - 19th]

Debbie Wanner [Survivor Kaoh Rong: 9TH]
Debbie is someone I was struggling to assess. She has excellent entertainment value, but that's not what makes someone a survivor winner. If she really wants to be able to pull a fast one on all of us, she'd have to step up her social game more than a little bit. But it's Debbie. She won't be able to pull it off. She'll probably make it to the jury again, but she's just not going to take it all the way. [Prediction: 6th - 10th]

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