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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


1stDec 28, 2013 by BlueBarracuda
imageBluebarracuda -  it's a social commentary on the numerous sealife-based idioms as they relate to our obsession with fame. the struggle of the ubiquitous need for adoration ("big fish in the pond"), finding ourselves faced with the cruelty of spectacle-based entertainment ("a fish out of water"), being easily replaced in the public's fleeting consciousness ("plenty of fish in the sea") and, ultimately, the emptiness we're left with in seeking out fame ("flop").
Want some cheese with that whine?
I'm not very active - I come around for once a week every two months or so. Every time I look at the blog page though, a certain someone who is Canadian is always blogging and bitching about someone or something (his name might rhyme with Smetienne). I have never spoken to the guy or have anything against him, but it's funny that every time I look at top blogs, there he is whining about something or another.

Dude, chill the fuck out and have a drink or summin.

Cheers mate!


Sent by kindlycruel1,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by Etienne,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by Instagram,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by dav_o_79,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by sjsoccer88,Dec 28, 2013
@BlueBarracude Hmmmm... This is 50% true!
Sent by Striky,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by turney1805,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by JakemanB,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by jacksonjoseph99,Dec 28, 2013
etienne you just got read for fifth!
Sent by evil_derrick,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by CutieAmy,Dec 28, 2013
Hay BB
Sent by Zoeygasms,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by MrMinaj,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by MelihV,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by Pookiie,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by acyuta,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by Solinne64,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by emily7pop,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by Thumper91,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by Foxox,Dec 28, 2013
(his name might rhyme with Smetienne)


Sent by dmann,Dec 28, 2013
This is NOT a very accurate depiction of him. Your own experiences are WRONG.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Dec 28, 2013
etienne you just got read to FIFLTH, this butch read you like there was no tomorrow, ily though but bitch you got read lol
Sent by MrPokeguy9,Dec 28, 2013

oh god im crying
Sent by RiDsTeR,Dec 28, 2013
Lmao your title i can't
Sent by Anas,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by DaveLooney,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by BlueLagoon506,Dec 28, 2013
We all love Etienne!
Sent by Diva1,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by BBlover96,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by SSHG,Dec 28, 2013
lol I like his blogs
Sent by SomebodyAwesome,Dec 28, 2013
Lol! Let me do somethin' here... by your logic, if Etienne wasn't asking for some cheese with his wine you wouldn't have capitalised on it and got a top blog. Then I wouldn't be writing this comment. And whoever is reading this wouldn't be wasting their time.. :)
Sent by NathanDamnit,Dec 28, 2013
I like him too but who the fuck do you think you are speaking for all of us, you dumb bitch diva1
Sent by DragonSlayer4u,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by Insanity,Dec 28, 2013
Sent by MichelleObama,Dec 29, 2013
Sent by AmandaBynes,Dec 29, 2013
Sent by sihz,Dec 29, 2013
LMFAO. This is awesome.
Sent by MikeRORO,Dec 29, 2013
^ It's called a joke.
Sent by Etienne,Dec 29, 2013
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Jan 22, 2022
You completly dumbass, sheap and the last nommed..
Jan 26, 2022 16:28:50
you completly dumbass, sheap and the last nommed of brazillians.

get a soap and wash ur dirty mouth you sick

Sent by BlueBarracuda,Feb 11, 2022
I am pretty positive Edit Post
Jan 14, 2022 by BlueBarracuda
That I am positive.

Positive thoughts and vibes.

Logging off for today. Edit Post
Feb 4, 2022 by BlueBarracuda
image-starts drafting my next blog-
Points: 142, Earned: 0.2 T$
Blairy 15 hours 4 min ago
I want Blue Barracuda in prison
come on, 13 posts, let's get sickening

-Blairy gets 13th-

Sent by BlueBarracuda,Feb 11, 2022
I was all posed for the lowest ranked Top Blog
But then mahogany had to post a blog attacking my wife cheritaisdelicious and spread false media reports about our family. @Taya is a desperate never-was / social climber and is nothing but a game player, desperate for that long sought after but not quite materialized Fasting Charity Win. Taya is a desperate boring whore who needs to create manufactured drama to get any semblance of attention. Sounds like mahogany 2010.  Olympia is my stars winner, since biminibonboulash stabbed me in the back, piercing my heart. I will not - forget.

I will not be silenced by the lame stream Tengaged blog leaders and their petulance against my empowerment of representation for all fish. CrimsonEnnui can vouch for me, as can sharkskin, Chris99x, and Seal.

To see a top blog calling me 'clearly insane'

This blog page has a lot of armchair psychologists. Let's not use mental illness as an insult though, there is no reason to add to the stigmas that already exist. I can assure you my sanity is intact though.

What is clear that this feud bores me and I am ending it. Best wishes to you and sorry for what Johnny did. He is a creep and I misunderstood the dynamic of your situation and for that I apologize. Nobody deserves to be treated like that.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Feb 11, 2022
Shawnlolpop123 0 min ago
Blue I am the most contraversile person on this website I am more known than you bye

Shawnlolpop123 0 min ago
Bye Bye Blue eat your moms cock <3
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Feb 11, 2022
The only reason I log on anymore is to get affection from biminibonboulash

And even the surprise return of Savcodushe in the third act is not enough to keep me here.

Fuck Jubbzy, I know what you did.

Fuck Sashaa, for leaving me here.

Fuck sharkskin, for telling everyone

Fuck you for reading this

Slice, you're cool.

Yoshitomi was supposed to be moderator too.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Feb 13, 2022

If you play with fire, you might just get burned.Play with ice, you might just get froze. But if you mess with Richpaca, the paca will get u back. Nobody out pizzas the pac. Curiosity killed the bunnycat, Cherry. So how curious are you?

Sometimes those who make the most clamor have the weakest of cases. Best be sure to check that YOU are not the guilty one before you hash out accusations. An accusation is enough to destroy a person's life, as hysteria triumphs over evidence.

you know you love me
Blue Qda
( Haskova)

bro what? Why am I your latest gossip fish victim
Sent by cheritaisdelicious,Feb 7, 2022
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Feb 7, 2022
Sent by bunnycat,Feb 8, 2022
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Feb 13, 2022
What really annoys me is when fake ass new players try to align with you in castings, but you know the second you go up for eviction, your ass is grass. I guess this is the life we veterans lead
-we all sigh together-
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Feb 13, 2022
Of using. Of shows like EUphoria, which makes it seem great to be fucked up, which it is, it's the fucking greatest, but in exchange, you destroy your life, and lose everything.

And is that worth it???  Not making any judgements, not saying don't drink or experiment, be your own person and make the best decisions for you. But be aware of the choices you make and the consquences that come with them.

It's always fun until the party is over, then the time goes by, and you get sober. You do it all over again, and again, and the outcome is inevitably always the same. It's not easy being young, especially navigating through 2 years of pandemonium of social distancing, now met with the mere possibility that a third great war has arrived upon us. Yet, in spite of everything, we persist.

We persist.

We persist. Move forward, onward.

I forgot what THIS blog was about but sponsor me in THe Hunger Games.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Feb 28, 2022
=======FAN MAIL============
u are an ugly ass skank poser ... If this was real life I would kick your ass over and over again. Go die in a ditch ... no one would ever care
Sent by KeeshaVelvet,Aug 27, 2009
Bluebarracuda you literally need to sleep, you obsessed with this site and you always talking about something, but this ''militance'' is annoying like ur avi. Puta feia. -WorkBitch, Jan 26, 22

cancel bluebarracoda
"i dont do well in frookies bcuz ppl dont rlly know me cuz i havent made a ton of friends and i think that has to do with cuz im still low level and arent as pretty as some of the girls on here. youre rude" by DanceyNancy

public apology by DanceyNancy 5 minutes later
bluebarracuda is actually nice i just interpreted the blog wrongly please dont cancel him

So a very good friend OrangePenguin was evicted tonight and the house is the worse for his eviction.

He was the best of all worlds. Someone who was there to calm down the dramas and someone who was there getting pissed at the BB toga parties. Revealed a bit too much flesh though!!!

See you later Blue. Don't be a stranger!! -shougo

a very formal fish you are.
Sent by Tryphena,Feb 19, 2022

Jan 14, 2022 by gagaluv
in which I thought was a FUCKING NICE CAR ALL THIS TIME
to be saddened ur a fucking sea BITCH You FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF

"Happy to know that once again Blue is going to lose a game because she can't have a personality of her own" -blairy

Blue Barracuda Im confused to why there’s a fish in your damn hair. I know you like Barracudas but on your head 🤔Imopink1

ONE OF THE WORST TROLLS on this site is BlueBarracuda he makes me wanna die - Jan 21, 2022 by Iindsay
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Mar 10, 2022
Hunty it’s more than that, I’m over toxic masculinity. I put my heart & soul into Stars 100, to get second hurts. Like all that effort for nothing. I don’t want to sound immature or ungrateful, I am extremely happy that I even got the opportunity to be in the cast, however getting stung this close to the finish is dehumanising. I’ll take a cooler eventually, step back, assess and move forward from there. I’m going to use this experience as a learning curve in all future endeavours - I know I can grow from this and come back bigger & better than ever.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Mar 10, 2022
Sent by cheritaisdelicious,Dec 1, 2023
Claim @cheritisdelicious
Sent by Kiki4ever,Dec 2, 2023
💥💥💥 we want democracy 💥💥💥
Sent by Tyler93,Dec 2, 2023

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