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Top 10 Strategic Total Drama Players

May 26, 2023 by NotNicky333
1. Duncan - He has a good social game every-time he plays (with his alliance). In Island he pretty much ran the Killer Bass and then ran the merge in a safer fashion than Heather up until final 4. His other games are a bit rockier, but he does have a win and he's 4/4 on merges. He's the only male able to even compete with Alejandro on WT in terms of manipulation. And on Action he was able to win!! While he was targeted a lot there a win is still a win. He knows how to make the best of a bad situation. The only time across 4 seasons he was actually voted out was the World Tour final 5 vote and even then, it was 2-1-1-1. Never voted out by a majority.

2. Zoey - She has the highest average placement of any Total Drama player getting 3rd and then 1st. She is really good at connecting with people both in and outside of her alliance. She also is amazing at challenges, but people don't expect her to be good at challenges at all. She's the only one of the Zoey/Mike/Cameron trio to make strong connections outside of the trio. She is probably better than Duncan, but he has played 4 times and done pretty must just as well so she's #2.

3. Bowie - Bowie kind of ate up TD23 I'm not gonna lie. He basically was in the majority the entire game and was also running the majority. He knows when to strike (Caleb), and he knows when to flip on friends (Emma/Julia). While I think Zoey and Duncan are naturally better players, he understood what he exactly needed to do to reach the finals. I hope he doesn't get too distracted by Raj in S2.

4. Alejandro - He's obviously very persuasive and knows how to get his way. He controls probably the most eliminations out of everyone in total drama history. My only issue is that he always gets rid of people he can work with. Especially in World Tour. I also think that if the guys team lost when it was Duncan/Alejandro/Owen on the team, that Owen would have sided with Duncan over Alejandro. Overall great player though.

5. Gwen - Although she is a pick me girl that I hate very much, she is also a great player. She plays great in Island and All Stars and does fine in World Tour given the circumstances.  Her only issue is in Action when she basically gives up her game for no reason. She would have easily made merge if she hadn't thrown the challenge in episode 7. In World Tour everyone hated her after Duncan cheated on Courtney with her. However, she still had the majority of her team on her side. She just got unlucky that Cody got pushed off the cliff and was delirious.

6. Priya - She's very similar to Bowie in the fact that she knew exactly what she had to do to get to the finals - and she did it. She gets a bit luckier that she kind of stumbles into never being targeted. Surprisingly no one sees her as a threat even though her personality is literally that she spent her life preparing for Total Drama. She probably has the least wrong with her game out of everyone here, but she also didn't do any righter than the 5 above her. I hope she can branch out to more people in season 2 and I think she would definitely be higher.

7. Scott - While I have some issues with his strategy, I still can't deny that he's a great player. He puts himself in so much unnecessary risk for throwing all the challenges in his first season. However, he knows his strengths and is able to get out who he wants at pretty much every elimination ceremony. ROTI showed that he can be extremely strategic and can push votes to go his way. All Stars showed that he can play a really good social game. I also don't think he's the worst in challenges when he tries so yeah, 5th seems good for him.

8. LeShawna - She has a really good social game and also is pretty good at pushing votes. She is responsible for a lot of eliminations in Island, such as Izzy (1) and Trent. While they may or may not have been best for her game, she still was never a target that season. In action she knew that it would be best for her game to align with Harold/Duncan. Some may say it was stupid to include Duncan at first, but if she does not then Gwen/Duncan/DJ probably connect through Duncan and run the team. While she gets into hot water she still ultimately receives the rewards of that alliance when they vote for Heather over her, even though LeShawna shit talked them to LeShaniqua. She wasn't that good in World Tour but even then, she still survived a lot of eliminations, so yeah. RObbed of all stars.

9. Heather - She is like.... a mixed bag for me. If this was a character ranking, she would be #2 for me right after Courtney. However, she is like... constantly targeted every time she plays. She does some really good stuff like taking out Justin/Trent in Island. In action she helped push the Gwen vote and then in WT she does a really good job of playing the middle when Gwen/Courtney fight. All stars she doesn't even play bad besides her losing her idol lmao. She's just not good enough at getting people to like her for her to be any higher.

10. Beth - This may be controversial... but let me explain. At first in Island she was kind of just Heather's sheep, which is okay, I guess. She was doing what she needed to do in order to make the final 3. However, once she realized she wasn't being respected she started to play more for herself. While she got unlucky with the whole tiki thing, she was the first person to flip everyone against Heather really. While some people already didn't like her (Gwen/LeShawna), Beth was the one able to pull everything together. In action she is in a duo with Lindsay, however Lindsay is targeted like 4 times and Beth is not targeted a single time. She comfortably rides majority all game (besides the LeShawna vote) and basically runs everything. Her #1 ally even voted herself out and she still was able to make it to the end untouched. She even got Duncan to vote out Courtney at the final 4 when they were literally dating.

Honorable mentions: DJ (amazing social game), Julia (killer instinct), Owen (never really targeted), Justin (showed promise), Courtney (challenge beast), Sky (Mary-Sue), Scarlett (manipulation skills), Mike (Mal is amazing at the game). 

Do you guys agree? Disagree? Also, yes, I recognize that I don't have a life for typing this all out. Thank you xx.



Where's Courtney and Sky :0
Sent by Yandereboy12,May 26, 2023
Honorable mentions Yandereboy12
Sent by NotNicky333,May 26, 2023
Sent by CocoVanderbilt,May 26, 2023
incredible blog
Sent by Jengaged,May 26, 2023
Lindsay kinda slayed her strat on action til her boot
Sent by CrimsonEnnui,May 26, 2023

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