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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Have You Forgoten..?

Sep 11, 2009 by PackingCub
imageToday marks the 8th anniversary of the terrorist attack of 9/11.
Please take a moment to remember the ones who lost a loved one, and also thank those who sacrifice their lives for us.  I still remember everything from that morning.

I was in college me and a couple other of my friends had just finished  our fist class and were heading to the cafeteria for some breakfast where before we entered another friend stopped us and told us a plane had just hit one of the towers from the World Trade Center, it was early in the morning so we though he was BS’in, he said it was true that all the Tvs  in the cafeteria were tuned into the news.  So we walked in and its just packed, and yeah  every single TV was tuned into some type of news channel, we see the  video of the first plane hitting and just went Wow..

We all went this guy is stupid probably not awake yet, we though it had been an accident, and just as we were getting our food…. Booom!  The 2nd  plane hits., our jaws just dropped and we knew this was no accident no more, we just looked at each other and asked if that was the same (first plane) or not, it wasn’t .

We hurried back to our next class really not knowing what was going on , confused, scared everything.  About and hour later we learned what was going on.  A few hours later campus was closed, classes canceled and we were all sent home.

What you were doing at 8:46am 8 years ago? 
Feel free to share your story on where and what were you doing & God Bless the USA & freedom around the world.


Plussed! I was asleep as im in a diff time zone than you. My dad woke me up early and told me. I was shocked.
Sent by SuitMan13,Sep 11, 2009
I was a Junior in High School and just got to my second class study hall, it was in the cafeteria. So we were all sitting there when a teacher comes by and tells us to quickly turn on the tv. The first plane had just hit and as we were watching the news the 2nd one hit. by then teachers and students walking by had all stopped to see what was going on. the whole period we watched the news later hearing about the plane going down in Pennsylvania. Class still went on but there were counselors for anyone who needed them.
<3 to those we lost :'(
Sent by Vessa,Sep 11, 2009
@ Vessa yeah i think we even in college were offered counselors. =/
Sent by PackingCub,Sep 11, 2009
It is just like yesterday for me
Sent by Clayton,Sep 11, 2009
plussed i just woke up when i saw the second plane hit =(
Sent by piscesgirl,Sep 11, 2009
Sent by Megan,Sep 11, 2009
and ya that was so sad :( i remmber i was in 8th grade when that happend :(
Sent by Megan,Sep 11, 2009
today is my wife's bday =]
I was in 7th grade when this happened =/ i remember.
Sent by QueenLibra,Sep 11, 2009
Sent by Rebekka,Sep 11, 2009
Sitting on a carpet in 1st Grade
Sent by joey96,Sep 11, 2009
I was in my grandma's house watching TV like a good kid i am
Sent by WillyEx,Sep 11, 2009
freedom in a country with death pein?????
Sent by alex861,Sep 11, 2009
daycare watching tv when it changed to CNN and i saw wat was going on.
and alex u do not understand our culture how can u judge it?
Sent by crazy342,Sep 11, 2009
Sent by Scarlett,Sep 11, 2009
It was a real shocker , I was like OMG!
Sent by sam_cutie567,Sep 12, 2009

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