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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


2ndJun 27, 2010 by Pepper
imagemangos808 - YOU ARE SOOOOO FCKING NICE. I LOVE the fact that we instantly clicked when we met. You have a great sense of humor and I can see why so many people like you. I hope we can get to know each other more. YOU BETTER! YOU ARE MY CUTE BUDDY!

blogs - pepper pot, my brother from another mother, or maybe the same mother, who knows? the better looking version of me, you are better than me in every way so go make the most of it yo, we first met in gifnor, which was great, i loved gifnor, its a shame we got torn apart but nothing lasts forever, i barely see you around these days, are yo avoiding me??? is it because we both love andychuck and you cant bare to look me in the eye?

mangos808: YOU are probably one of the most genuine, caring, and funniest people I have ever met. Meeting while having a 3 way with Jess certainly gave us a strong base to build our friendship on. You have been always been there for me, kept it real and have charmed your way in my heart. I cannot think of someone more nice to me when they didn't need to and I think THE WORLD of you! You always know what to say to get me to smile and I hope that I will someday be amazing as you :*

2008girl - My Husband :'). You are a sweetheart Pepper. Our random skype chats are the best and dont happen enough. You are a RIOT too, I see you in that stars pollbox tryin to make out with everyone lol or ur silly comments on blogs. You have one of the best personalities. We WILL finally do a rookies real soon so get excited!!!

Robbster1313 - Awwww Pepper Steve. :P You are an amazing person I met here and you were like one of my earliest friends when we both started this site. I'm like so jealous of you because you moved up in karma,ranks, and color levels so ffffnn fast Hahah :P i'm like wth. You're always nice to me of course You make me smile every time I talk to you Ughhh Loves you Pepperv (inlove)

Sassy003 - We used to like always be in every game together making those final 2s. You were also in Survivor with me *FIRST TRIBE TO GO 3 10 - 0s*. You are always so loyal to me. I remember in that skype game where I met you and you would do like anything for me in that game and since then you have just been a great friend. =] I LOVE YOU

chicaaaa - lol i love sometimes how you randomly skype chat me just to tell me omg you're hot. its sooo cute & funny! we have not rly played together.. only once.. but you seem like a great guy a lot of people like. hopefully we get to know each other better =]

BengalBoy - Playing survivor with you was great, both on .com and .es. You're a top ally and always entertaining in the Gifnor chat. I'm also proud to have given you your first gift, I hope you cherish it pal. You're picking up pace on here and it seems everyone who talks to you loves you, top respect chap.

Tymu888 - PEPPPEERRR  My pepperpop  I remember the love triangle of Me,You and Kez  We even had a date, that was so much fun :D And when non of us had the courage to start chatting in mics so we listened Kez coughing on mic and that kept us excited ROFL  I love you xxxx

Dynasty - Finally good ole pepper. Im so happy I got to play my FIRST game with you in it. You are more than just a cool guy, you are becoming an amazing friend. I just love how you handle things. Its almost like you are my opposite and my balance. You are so quiet and reserved, but mature, kind, and considerate with everyone. You make a great friend.

Rdesch1 - My tengaged idol! Even though you forgot me way back when, you have become one of my closest and favorite people on tengaged! Pepper, there is just something about you that people love, and I can't put my finger on it, but it works for you. You are the definition of good guy. You believe in what's right, stand up for others, and you know how to make anyone feel better. I know if I have a problem, I can go to you, and I hope you know the same goes for you. Together we formed the Strawburry Tuhtles with some of our closet friends, and have shared many good times there. I love our survivor tribe, and I am so so so so so proud to call you my friend!

Justme - My stars final 2  I know I wouldn't have won that Stars without you! We have played other games together and always seem to be successful, you are a great ally! :)

MrVictor - Honestly, my fave thing about you is when you'd spam the Pollbox with ::LICKS VICTOROXILA'S CLIT::. You're hardcore, well liked, and a great ally. One of faves here!

Savcodushe - You are my soulmate on tengaged lol. Idc what anybody says. Im loca loca loca... (awkwardly listening to that song atm)... Anyways, best friend forever fo sho, ilu buddy

MoreBeastThanYou - LOL, pepper your nice but I think your annoying when you don't reply to people on skype -_-.  Our stars was one of my favorites ever, except for backstabbing you LOL.  Sometimes I think your too nice and let people walk over you, which is bad though :x.  I hope you make 60 merges tho, ;).

Amanyaman - Your randomness and trustworthiness. I met you not too long ago, but I instantly started liking you, you were really cool getting to know and we had quite a bit in common. You're jokes are very witty and you own at the challenges and most of all you stick up for your friends no matter what and are loyal to them to the end. That's why I hold no hard feelings for voting me out because I would of done the same. I hope we could play another game together soon and get to know eachother even more cause you're very interesting lolol :D.

survivor8 - Pepper  we dont talk too much, but I definitely would like yo get to know you better, whenever we do talk you either make me laugh or make me feel good just because you are that nice idk how someone can dislike you let's talk more like we planned and you better keep merging :P

seal - Peps, you're so kind lmfao. LIKE HOW?? At first, I thought that were just your average Tengager. Not mean, but not nice. Brutally honest, whatever. But you are very nice. Good stuff man.

Chemicalali - I am holding the grudge MR.PEPPER. How dareeeee you give me 6th twice? LOOLLLLL jkkk .ilysfmmm. I really dont think anyone on tengaged can hate you. i never heard anything bad about you. I think thats why you are amazing.=]] . you are also good looking =P.not gonna lie everyone would want a lover like youuuu :') or a friend :P. I hope that i am your friend  that would be a honor :P. once again ily my sweet pepper :P

amills5- ILY! Ummm idk honestly what to say other than ur like on of my bffs on here ur in the AFC chat with me and u may not know it but i do appreciate u and everyone else staying in and being good friends. I adore u and u know i see u as like my hero. I couldnt do it without ya(:

dmann: my frst T friend!! Your such a cool guy & tengaged loves you :) you have such an amazing streak in survivor, keep working it!! I am glad to be your T bf along with Vh1 lolz, im so glad we finally played in a game again together :D

Okay, so under this line are the people who said something nice about me, but I didn't copy who said what, so if you see something you might have said PLEASE let me know.


Pepper - I love how kind and caring you are. I love that you listen to me whenever i have anything on my mind. And i love how you never seem to judge. I cant remember how we met at all, but i'm really really glad we got to talking coz you're an amazing guy! :)

Pepper - NO I WILL NOT MAKE OUT WITH YOU. Anyways you are very trustworthy in games and I am glad that we get to talk to each other and be great friends. Hope we can join more games soon. :)

Pepper: Paprika, Pepisha, Pepperv! You are the best! I met you a long time ago when we joined survivor together. I am glad we got to talk and became friends. We hit it off pretty quickly with you always asking how my day went. We are both from California too which is cool. You are my main wing man. I can go to you for anything and you come to me. We became extremely good friends this past year and I appreciate all the help you give me. Thanks for always being there.

Pepper - I barely knew you when you won Stars, but since then I've looked up to you. I played my Stars game to make you proud and I think I did that. We used to talk a lot, not so much anymore probably because I'm awful at being the first time IM people. Regardless you know how much I like you, I think you're awesome. Our friendship honestly has nothing to do with games on this website because what, we've played maybe one game together since I've been here? We get along and like each other without these games and I like saying that. Pepperika, is amazing, enough said.

Pepper - You've always been a sweetheart. I miss playing skype games with you and getting your ass evicted haha  j/k

Pepper- I didn't know you that well until recently. You were the very first person to actually read my profile and notice it said to PM me if you read it :P Haha so i added you to the list and we had a really good conversation, not awkward at all which is a plus. Then we added each other as friends and on skype. We talked for a bit on skype but haven't really talked alot since then :( However, my opinion of you being awesome will never change, love you ;)

Pepper: tee hee hee :) love for pepper cannot be expressed in words :) so i will dance *does a little dance....did a little love...i got down tonight*.....i love yo upepper :)

Pepper - Love you babe. You're an amazing competitor, friend, and person to be around. I wish we were closer than we are, and I hope that one day we will be.

Peppa-You're one of my favorite people on this site. You're one of the few really kind people and I really appreciate it :D. It really does mean a lot when I see your random blog comments/skype messages, and it tells me that you're a great friend. You deserve nothing but the best, I hope out friendship continues getting stronger :D. Don'teverchange.

Pepper-OMGG Pepperrr I remember meting u in a skype call and after that we started to talk and then figured out that pepper your just great to talk to and fun to have in calls  xDD

Pepper - You're so random. I'm not sure how we met but i enjoy talking to you. Your pictures in our .es duel turn me on as much as i play like im not interested. Can we play chinese checkers again soon?

[Pepper] - I can't really remember how we met but you are so kind to me, i've supported you a lot in stars and your the hottest guy here *giggles* im sure if we played more games together you would help me as much as you could and look out for me, i think your funny and will look after everyone you care about.

Pepper: You are simply amazing. You are one of the most sincere people I've met on this site. You are hilarious and cheer my up whenever I need it. Your random texts make me smile. I love that you've become a confidant and I love the amount of trust we have. I am so glad we've gotten to know each other better and I loved singing for you on call. You are just a complete sweetheart and also so funny, I'm just thankful to have you around

Pepper:Oh Pepper, you know I love you sincerely  you were one of the first welcomers to my tuhtleship and ILY  you're really funny,humble,shy,considerate,caring,honest,and nice =D I love you're humor and you need to keep doing what you do best and that's being yourself  I wouldn't change you for the world since you're THE DEFINITION of AMAZING

Pepper: I love you Pepper. You know that I like everything about your amazing go get 'em attitude. You seem driven and confident and I see a lot of myself in you. Your very loving,trustworthy,loyal and smart and strategic and I don't know how I would still be here if you hadn't have stopped me from quitting

Pepper - LOL. You're avatar is, um, weird. That is all ... LOLJK. ILY! You're SOOO funny and I love how you flirt w/ me so I don't evict you in rookies ... ^^ LOLJKAGAIN. Idk, there's something about you I love. Can't put my finger on it. We should make out sometime.  And join another game while where at it!

Pepper- Although I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you, I’ve heard TONS about you. You’re like the Tengaged King haha. Everyone lovessss PEP! I’ve never heard or seen a bad word, comment, or even a post about you, and that says a lot about the type of person you are in front of others. I can’t wait to get the opportunity to finally meet you and I know that with our similar personalities , we will click with each other right off the bat. :):):)

Pepper- amg i just barely started getting to know you and i wish we woulda started earlier because i loves you! i definitely loved singin "Follow Me" to you on skype :) im glad i sounded amazing! you should totes add me on facebook so we can keep in touch! i loves you man!

Pepper - Peppa, I love you so much! You're definitely the nicest person on this site and you've become such a good friend in a short time. I can always count on you to talk to me if I'm bored, and vice-versa, and we have some great conversations. I'm definitely closer to you than most other people I've met here!

Pepper - HI.. I can't believe you're so high ranked now. ;O I'm pretty sure we met when you were like a newbie.. I think I was higher ranked than you before.. LOL. You speak your mind and you're friendly and fun to talk to. ^_^ We definitely need to talk more!

pepper- IM SO MAD THAT YOU DIDNT GO ON CAM WITH ME THAT ONE TIME. you were saying u were self concious. but you are HOTT. ily man! (: i enjoy our random conversations that happen like. every once in a while. even though they generally seem to last only about 4 lines. I want to talk to you more often!, you littel genius child you. ;]

Pepper - ILYSFM :) You brighten my day!! So sweet and caring.. I love that you're shy and at rare moments we get to hear you.. or see you on cam ;) You made such a huge impact on gifnor in the short time you were with us so you had to be gifted the hoodie :p I can't wait for the day when we are on call and you sing to me.. never change!!

Pepper - OMG, what can I say about you? You're like the Tengaged sweetheart, and people really need to know about you. I love getting your random texts throughout the day and they're always so cute! I just want to go to California just to pinch your cheeks, lol! Never stop being who you are, because I'm in love with it.

Pepper- OOOHHHHHH i also just met you recently :) I didn't know you at all before i left for my break from tengaged lol. You were the very first person to PM me from randomly reading my profile, i effing love you for that bro :) Then you added me on skype and we talked for a while, i think that was the night i fell asleep while on skype LOL. Anyway, we haven't talked in a few days but we need to! You're super nice and cool. I hope we become better friends :)


awwww ily got my support
Sent by Robbster1313,Jun 27, 2010
LOL <33
Sent by JennyJ,Jun 27, 2010
LOL, I was gonna make a funny
but your blog picture has it covered
oh well
Sent by cheznahuf,Jun 27, 2010
i'm on d-list too!
Sent by snowflake3,Jun 27, 2010
Sent by RobbieRIOT,Jun 27, 2010
ily pepper :)
D List 4 life <3
Sent by LadyDavie,Jun 27, 2010
gl )
Sent by sprtsgy1989,Jun 27, 2010


Sent by rdesch1,Jun 27, 2010
I'm on the d-list too.
Sent by death_metal,Jun 27, 2010
OK i will ;)
Sent by WillyEx,Jun 27, 2010
+5~ :)
Sent by TheEternalGX,Jun 27, 2010
Sent by ZIMY,Jun 27, 2010
Sent by Sassy003,Jun 27, 2010
Sent by Shane,Jun 27, 2010
Tell me about it! I've been on the D-List for quite some time.
Sent by Spideynerd,Jun 27, 2010
Sent by Spideynerd,Jun 27, 2010
you are A plus list in my eyes
Sent by Emmaleigh,Jun 27, 2010
Sent by estadiummm,Jun 27, 2010
YAY we're both D list <333
Sent by Amanyaman,Jun 27, 2010
rofl i'm on d-list too and that's just Haskova's opinion :P
Sent by moup94,Jun 27, 2010
It's so cold in the D
Sent by David,Jun 27, 2010
Kathy Griffin <3
Sent by supergoten,Jun 27, 2010
evicting u ass sooon asssss ur up HAAAAAA
Sent by Fiona89,Jun 27, 2010
Sent by andychuck08,Jun 27, 2010
Sent by BlueLagoon506,Jun 27, 2010
No , da D-list is amazinggg
Sent by Prinveli,Jun 28, 2010
+8 Plus my blog!

Settle this once and for all!

Emmaleigh or BioDork???
Sent by JoeMoe,Jun 28, 2010
Try being on the E-List!
Sent by OliverPopsticle,Jun 28, 2010
Got my support!!  ♥♥♥
Sent by Gemini,Jun 29, 2010
Sent by loldude101,Nov 30, 2011
Sent by hippydude126,Jan 18, 2012
Sent by michael222,Oct 16, 2012

Sent by beccajo16,Nov 23, 2019

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