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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The drama on this site is astounding

Oct 7, 2009 by Skoffin
imageSo I've been on this site for roughly a week now and in my short time I've noticed an astounding amount of drama. The mind boggling aspect of all this is the fact that most of it can easily be avoided and is over the silliest stuff you can think of. 
For this blog however, I'll stick to items that I have witnessed first hand.

As of right now I am nearing the end of my first game on this site and already I see stupidity ensue. Some players offer me an alliance and I let them know that I am new and do not know the rules, so I'll be needing guidance during the game. No problem so far. Everything is fine and dandy until it is learned that this so called alliance has a traitor. Now, personally I don't like backstabbers and all, but since this is a game based on such deception I find it understandable. However, if someone wishes to backstab me they could at least have the decency to be smart about it. There is nothing worse then being back stabbed by a bloody idiot. Now I am still learning the ropes here, but I would think that if I were to go against an alliance I'd do so at a time that would increase my odds of winning the bloody game. Crimeny, who decides to be deceitful at a time that is easy to find out about and then blow up epicly in your face? Our traitor started trying to oust members when half the players were not even gone yet. Using simple math it was easy to determine an alliance member was voting out the team, and since there was only two suspects it wasn't difficult to determine which. The thing that doesn't get me is why they would opt to turn traitor anyway, I mean… we were going to ensure all team members were at the end, so really why the switch?  Honestly, if you wish to turn on me then BE SMART ABOUT IT. That cunning devil won't be in the top four now. Daaaaw.

The second bit of juicy silliness also comes from that same game, where another player gets negged and gets their knickers in a knot over it. Now, I can appreciate the annoyance over it, however the sudden hostility over a game was bleedin' absurd. They proceed to cry over it and accuse myself and another player of being multis, because obviously if you don't like someone they must be OMG CHEATERZ!! Shame, at the time I had plussed them a bit to even it out, but now I think I should have negged every comment they made. Ah well, they won't win anyway. Honestly, there is no reason to go on a tirade just because someone is playing within game mechanics. Using mechanics, even if it does hurt you, does not equate someone to being a damn, dirty bastard. The fact that you don't like someone also does not make them a cheater either. Some people need to grow up.

Then we have the nonsense that some people spew in their blogs. There's one charmer who has been spouting gibberish for a whole week now, and he has still not realised what a wanker he comes across as. Here is a fact kiddies: Just because you repeat the same line over and over again does not make it any more factual then the first time you said it. Oh, trying to make out that someone implied something completely different to what they said doesn’t help the argument either.


Very well written, you make some very good points there. =)

+8 <3333
Sent by djs87,Oct 7, 2009
The tribe has spoken..
Sent by LillyXoXo,Oct 7, 2009
Very well said.  I see something of a divide on this site between those interested in the strategy of the game vs. those who just enjoy a scrap...It really is sort of the difference between people who like Survivor and people who like Paradise Island, IMHO. Anyway, thanks for saying what I've been thinking over the last few weeks!
Sent by Netopalis,Oct 7, 2009
Sent by Josh742,Oct 7, 2009
People think if they get into an internet argument, they'll somehow get e-fame. C'est tragique.
Sent by Elliott,Oct 7, 2009
Well said.
Sent by nycxjk,Oct 7, 2009
Yea, but you see all these things are what make the game what it is! Have you ever actually seen big brother! Theycare ten times worse than this! Lol, so if you ask me, consider yourself lucky.
Sent by Jtec,Oct 7, 2009
I've seen Big Brother and it was a horrendous show, I am glad that the Australian version was finally canceled.
Sent by Skoffin,Oct 7, 2009

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