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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

5 Best Moments of Stars 266 (for me)

5thDec 21, 2013 by Survivor8
image5. Dudetb3 being well Dudetb3 - Like maybe 2 minutes after everyone enrolled I posted "Hey, I'm at work be home later .. bye" Yet the kid goes on to add me on skype not once, not twice, but five times at like 6:05, 6:10, 6:17 etc. I finally get home and add him at like 10:30 or something message him and no response so I'm like okay whatever he's useless. I think it was 2 days later he messages me asking me to add him on skype. I just don't understand him.

4. The Calls - I genuinely like probably at least 11 of the people who I got to play with this game and the calls with #Kizzi BlueLagoon506 Lemjam6 RoughNightBro Sihz #Valdamien  Pauladeen Snix Chrisw756 were honestly really relaxing. We all knew there would only be one winner, we weren't all looking to work together, but 4 or 5 of us could go on call and just have a good time. The next morning might have sucked when people realized some were lying, but the calls themselves and the joking around was the most fun I've probably had in a stars.

3. #Valdamien meets Mike - Day 2 rolls around and her and I haven't spoken yet. So she asks if I'd go on call with her which I'm of course fine with. She knows I'm Mike and what not, but then goes on to say "I still haven't spoken to Survivor8. I've heard he has a final 2 with Pauladeen and he's this shady gameplayer and what not." The entire 5 minutes she thought I was Quackerz until I finally told her like yo I'm Survivor8 this is awkward.

2. Talking to Kizzi - Kimi & myself had this mutual respect for each other. For the most part we would tell each other if we were nomming each other and if we were lying to each other I'm pretty sure we both knew we were doing just that, but instead of being assholes to each other we just transitioned into regular talk about regular non-stars things. I enjoyed it, it was nice not having to talk to everyone about ONLY stars.

1. Valdamien & her son - Now I'm not quite sure what exactly was said, but it's funny purely because what I heard. Sitting there on call with Queen Val ya know and I hear her son mumble something to her. No idea what the kid said, but I swear I heard Val say "Your penis feels wet? Well stop dripping your juice all over it and it won't be wet!" I literally had to mute because I was dying laughing and I don't even know if that's exactly what she said because she obviously turned away from her computer to say whatever she said.


Awe, Mike. It was so nice getting to know you too! Good luck!
Sent by Kizzi,Dec 21, 2013
my penis feels wet
Sent by Sparky9171,Dec 21, 2013
my penis is wet from juice too
Sent by Milkisgood,Dec 21, 2013
Lmao omg
Sent by AlaskanFiredragon,Dec 21, 2013
"Your penis feels wet? Well stop dripping your juice all over it and it won't be wet!" LMFAO IM DYING

Either way, I really enjoyed playing with y'all despite of all the drama and shit. The calls were the most fun part of it tbh. Still like ya Mike!
Sent by sihz,Dec 21, 2013
lol i really did enjoy this stars cast and like all the friendships i made out of them. I am so glad we could all be friends after as well!
Sent by BlueLagoon506,Dec 21, 2013
LOL LOVE U 2 survivor8
Sent by Valdamien,Dec 21, 2013

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