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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I am so pissed

Aug 28, 2012 by Sweetdude11
First of all ive already been having a bad day and now plz tell me why this bitch ass white level hoe wanted to make it worse.
Let me just explain to you what the hell happened. Dan over here had a group game named big brother 14 that i enrolled. So today at 8:00pm est. we had a eviction and a hoh comp. I came in at 8:02pm. while the eviction was occuring. Then when the hoh comp starts that i was so ready to win..this hoe wants to tell me that i cant play bcuz i didnt sign in on time...WTF...See i would understand this if the person had stated this rule before the competition started but they did not which pissed me off. And the fact that i was there before the comp had begun which was not fair at all. This bitch is dumb and if you ever see his ass make sure you negg him or do whatever for the next month... lol jk..but seriously and i called him a bitch to his face and then i got kicked out which i did on purpose bcuz i cant deal with dumb ass people.


LOL. Okaaay lets set the record straight,
Anybody can check the group, I did state that rule that you cannot be late before the competition you just didn't see it.
You had just survived the eviction you shouldv'e been happy.
You did not add me as a friend so I could mail you about the competition as us "bitch ass white levels" need to be mutual friends before we can mail you. You did not call me a bitch, you said it was a stupid rule and said that I could kick you out if I wanted. So I did. Do not join a group game, don't follow the rules, asked to be kicked out, then get mad when you are.
Sent by dansbiggestfan,Aug 28, 2012
omg your such a bullshit liar...i did call you a bitch!! I shouldnt have to add you as a friend. You suck as a host bcuz you are to lazy to tell people when the game fucking starts! So if you cant properly host a game then dont do it all you dumbss
- and i was there before the hoh comp started now your just lying even more. Get your facts straight Bitch!
Sent by Sweetdude11,Aug 28, 2012
You can call me a liar all you would like, but anyone who reads your blog can go to the group and see I stated very clearly on page 1 of the thread if you werent there you didn't get to compete. You said " this is the stupidest rule and you can kick me out for saying that idc " So I did. My facts are completely straight and anyone can go look and see that. Also, I just explained to you quite clearly, I CANNOT tell you when the game starts because I am a white level. Clearly being lazy is not the issue because I mailed everbody who followed the rules and did add me as a friend.
Sent by dansbiggestfan,Aug 28, 2012
okay. The thing your failing to realize is that I was there before the competition started. dansbiggestfan
And this is why a white level should even have a group game- go buy yellow before you buy a group bitch. Dumb as hell
Sent by Sweetdude11,Aug 28, 2012
The thing youre failing to realize is that I said Sign in here, and you did not. Swearing does not make you any more right, it makes you sound unintelligent tbh. Everyone else in the group is clearly saying " he did say that rule". I don't know why myself and everyone else would lie. There is no reason for that. Stop attacking people just cause you have had a bad day. It's ridiculous.
Sent by dansbiggestfan,Aug 28, 2012
new blog coming up
Sent by Sweetdude11,Aug 28, 2012

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