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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

My 250th Blog!

5thMar 19, 2010 by TheEternalGX
Wow! It's been 5 months, and 250 blogs have appeared just like that. What an amazing time it's been here, just meeting so many new people here!

I'm going to start thanking my favorite people I've met here on Tengaged, but first...I want to thank EVERYONE here on Tengaged for making my time here dramatic, interesting, hilarious, and totally amazing!

Okay, so SPECIFICALLY, I want to thank some of my good friends on this website after 250 blogs:

1.) LuvinLife123: My Castings BFF! Wuv you so much, and you're a great person. Don't know you ALL THAT MUCH, like some of my other friends, but I know you better than...MOST people on my friend's list. :D

2.) JesseM: My newest buddy! A great, fantastic person! You're such a great person, and I love talking to you on Skype! Hope to join in a 10-post Rookies game with you, just like what we talked about!

3.) Braga: Here we are, my Stars Giveaway rival/poll buddy! Yeah, I'm rooting for you, buddy! You'd better win this and make me happy to be your poll buddy! :O

4.) rogersroyals: Congratulations on getting T-Married to Kohana! Kohana's a fantastic person, and you deserve the best! I don't know you all that well, but I hope I will get to know you in the future! BTW...just a quick note...DON'T EVER LEAVE TENGAGED AGAIN! I think I speak for all Tengagers when I say that. XD

5.) angelofmercy: Hey, one of my "Complicated Love" actors! Too bad "Complicated Love" was so inactive, that I had to cancel it. You are one INCREDIBLE actor! I wish I had another Reality Show to put you in, but I am DONE with reality shows...for now. You're a real nice person too! Hope to play in a game with you soon, and get to know you better!

6.) Krisbliss: Krissy! One of my good friends that I've met on Tengaged! Unfortunately, it breaks my heart to see that you haven't continued "Krissy's Quest for Love"! Hope you find that special someone for yourself! <333

7.) dav_o_79: Hai thar! Just wanted to say what an awesome person you are, and just to thank you for...uhm...DOUBLING MY T$! But seriously, you're just fantastic, and I hope that everyone on Tengaged sees your great personality, and gets to know you! <333

8.) qwert2: Great designer, great Survivor's player in my eyes...what more can I say? Your'e a really kind person! No wonder your profile says "God of Kindness"! <33

9.) Ev32: One of the most helpful people out there, and a great designer too! You ask him a question, and he actually GIVES you a detailed answer to help you! Unlike other people...but anyways, Evan, you are such a great person, and I hope we get to know each other better! :D

10.) Abrogate: Hey there! The best people out there...but the fact that you beat me in two consecutive "mikedistanz's stars quickies"... UNACCEPTABLE! LOL! But just wanted to say how "PHun" you are, and what a great time it's been talking to you in PMs! <333

11.) Kohana: One of my good buddies, a great designer, and a great friend. Everything you would want in a person! Hope to get to know you better soon, and talk to you more! I guess, I didn't keep my promise from last time, but I'll try my best! <333

12.) mikedistanz: Harro! How ish you? I ish good...*doesn't know what to say*...You're a fantastic person...and keep up the GREAT work in Stars? XD

13.) Vendetta: Yet ANOTHER one of the great designers here on Tengaged, and a spectacular friend! I wish you good luck in all the games you play in future (Well, especially Rookies, so that you can continue DOUBLING MY T$!). XD

14.) andychuck08: Hi Andy! Loved talking to you in PMs. A fantastic person out there, and one of the best people out there! Keep up the great work in your games, and good luck in the future! <333

15.) wwemrpeeps: One of the great designers, and one of my favorite shop owners! Keep up the fantastic designs, and fantastic Rookies record! XD

16.) MarieEve: WUV YOU! I loved playing in that Castings game with you. It was the most ridiculous, yet one of the most interesting game I have ever played! Thanks for being such a great friend to me, and making my time here one of the best I've ever had! <333

17.) BlackWidow: My favorite Canadian on Tengaged! Keep up the great Stars playing, and I hope I will play in a game with you soon! <333

18.) Savcodushe: Hey Savvy Sav Sav! It's amazing how long we've known each other, and you're such a great person. Hope to play in another game with you soon! :D

19.) Megan: One of the most fashionable people on Tengaged! You only buy the best designs, and I LOVE you! <333

20.) cheznahuf: Known you for so long now, but haven't talked to you in a while! Hope to catch up with you soon! <333

21.) Emmaleigh: Hey Emmy! One of my favorite Hall of Famers! Keep up the great work at 1st of Tengaged! XD

Well, that's it for now! If you want to be added to this list, write your name down, and I'll see what I can do!

Raymond (TheEternalGX)


+6 awww *-* that was really nice of you. U'r an awesome guy, and thanks for rooting for me :) Pool Buddy *-*
Sent by Braga,Mar 19, 2010
poll* lol :P
Sent by Braga,Mar 19, 2010
Haha!  XD  That's sweet though.  ^_^  Thanks.
Sent by Kohana,Mar 19, 2010
awwww thanks you so much you are very nice to and yeah that game was good :) wish we can play again togetehr <333333333333
Sent by MarieEve,Mar 19, 2010

Good job man!! your great!! <3
Sent by Savcodushe,Mar 19, 2010
already plussed but here's a comment!
Sent by Scheuerman14,Mar 19, 2010
Sent by Rico5,Mar 19, 2010
awww thanks your so sweet
Sent by wwemrpeeps,Mar 19, 2010
+5 thanks
Sent by RaisonDetre,Mar 19, 2010
omg i get no shout out, JK <3
happy tengaging!!!
Sent by Emmaleigh,Mar 19, 2010
Sent by thefinger2yo,Mar 19, 2010
Sent by LaQuawnda,Mar 19, 2010
+2 :)
Sent by Jenna2010,Mar 19, 2010
aww <333 =D
Sent by Vendetta,Mar 19, 2010
Sent by lemon5029,Mar 19, 2010
Sent by mikedistanz,Mar 19, 2010
+10 <33333 thank you :).  You're so awesome!
Sent by krisbliss,Mar 20, 2010
aw you're so great1!!!
Sent by andychuck08,Mar 20, 2010
aw thanks!
Sent by Megan,Mar 20, 2010
Thanks, I love you :)))
Sent by dav_o_79,Mar 20, 2010
Aw Thanks! :D :D
Sent by qwert2,Mar 20, 2010
Thanx for the kind words Ray.  I am always happy to help anyway I can but I am not a great designer Im just lucky to have very generous friends who help me out too :)  +10
Sent by Ev32,Mar 20, 2010
I love our skype talks too!<3
Your great and just let me know when you want to play! :)
Sent by JesseM,Mar 20, 2010
Happy 250th Blog Ray ! :D <3
Thanks so much for giving me a shout-out ! :]
You're always such a lovely, king ++ Amazing Person ! (: <333
Can't wait to play a game again with you soon !
+10 =]
Sent by LuvinLife123,Mar 20, 2010
Sent by cheznahuf,Mar 20, 2010
Thank you so much!!!  I am sorry this message was late.  I kept sending it by phone, but it was erroring out.  My mouse quit working on my computer go figure.  I got a new one now.  You are a great guy, Ray!!!:)  I really hope to see you more in the future.  Congrats on 250!!!
Sent by angelofmercy,Mar 26, 2010

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