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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

My Ranking of The Big Brother 12 Cast

Jan 17, 2016 by WANJ
imageThis is my personal opinion.

13th- Kathy
I liked Kathy. She was so nice and kind and irrelevant and couldn't win a single thing. She wasn't respected by the cast and was saw as a person taking up space. Kathy the Sheriff isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but if Matt hadn't used the Diamond Power of Veto on her then she probably would've made it deep into the game. She was a threat to nobody. She didn't make good TV. I think that if you take Kathy out of the season then nothing much would have changed. For that reason, even though I like her, she is last in the ranking.

12th- Annie
Annie the Saboteur is the first person voted out of the Big Brother house. It is bad that she was the first person voted out, but she was also a bad saboteur. She put duct tape on faces and locked the people out of the food room. Ragan should've been the saboteur the whole time. The best thing she did in the house was make people think somebody had a previous relationship with another person. I think if Annie was on a different season and wasn't the saboteur on the season then she may actually have done some what well, but for this season she gets 12th.

11th- Monet
I always root for the black person in every season of any reality competition show, but Monet was really mean. Monet had no reason of being cast. The only redeeming qualities is that she was passionate about the game and she didn't back down. Just because you love big brother and is a fighter doesn't mean you should play big brother. I don't think she makes good TV either. Monet + Britney = Air time. Monet - Britney = Mean black girl with no TV time.

10th- Andrew
I loved Andrew episode 1. I grew tired of Andrew episode 2. I wished Andrew was gone episode 3. He did not fit in with the cast, but he tried. He ended up being hooked with Brenchel and going home. One thing I will admit is that he is not going down without a fight. In his last moments he called out Kristen and Rachel and caused a huge explosion. Even gone he impacted for the next week. However Andrew is not cut out for Big Brother.

9th- Kristen
Kristen. She is such a pretty blonde who is better off in the background. Kristen is 7 layers of Drama and 7 layers of crazy. Kristen would be better off on BGC not BB. She was pretty much irrelevant besides her last two weeks. She is fighting with people, while she is in a more romantic love story than Brenchel, while she had a boyfriend or fiancé at home. She is a fire crackers and I love me some fire crackers.

8th- Rachel
Remember how I said I love some fire crackers. Well I don't love this fire cracker. I actually didn't like Rachel. I know she has a cult like following, but I don't like her. I can honestly say the only reason she is in the bottom half of this season is because I don't like her. She does make good TV. She fell in love on like Day 3. She wins competitions. She speaks before she thinks. She wear her heart on her sleeves. She don't care how she is perceived. She will fight with almost anyone. She wasn't liked by the cast so I guess that makes her an underdog. So I get why she is beloved, but I am not a fan. I would say the biggest strike against her is what she told Julie the first time she won HOH. She said she would rather lose big brother than to not be in the house with Brendon. That proves she wasn't doing what was best for Rachel. Which why I don't like Ian Rosenberg. Like do what it takes to win and then worry about relationships.

7th- Matt
The lowest ranking member of the brigade. We have the brains. I don't like Matt, but he is a good big brother player. He made up a fake sob story to make sure he wins. He was rude in Diary room. He won competitions. He was cocky and arrogant. There are good and bad things to his game. However the thing I disliked the most was his last week in the game which is why he is so low. He finds out he is the low man of the totem pole in the brigade. So he use the Diamond Power of Veto on Kathy. Everyone left and he use it on Kathy. Then he throws the HOH. Then he sticks with the Brigade where he is still the low man on the totem pole. Then he throws his closest ally who is not in the brigade under the bus. He had so many moves he could've done to get him out of danger and he just doesn't. Even though he is a good big brother player, I believe he walked out of BB12 with the most regrets.

6th- Ragan
It was so hard for me to put Ragan above Matt because Matt was a superior player. However Ragan is in 6th place. Up until Ragan became the new saboteur I had no feelings toward him either way. However Ragan did a great job in being the saboteur. He should've been the saboteur the entire time. Ragan didn't make great TV in my opinion, but that doesn't matter. Anyone who can put Rachel in her place deserves a round of applause. Besides Brenchel he was well liked with the entire cast. When it was his time to go he won POVs. He fought to stay, but he couldn't get the job done.

5th- Brendon
I am not the biggest Brendon fan, but he deserves a top 5 spot. First I want to say that Brendon + Rachel = Can't stand Brendon. Brendon - Rachel = I can tolerate Brendon. Brendon had won comps. He had an ally that was willing to throw her game away for. He was target numero uno since week 1. Brendon is a fighter. He have this never say die attitude about him. He was the underdog of the season and made it to f6 or f7. I think also if Ragan hadn't won POV during the double eviction then he would've replace Matt in the Brigade taking him to f4 if not f3. He was aggressive. He was emotional. He was survive. He survived until he couldn't survive no more.

4th- Enzo
In 6th is  Meow Meow himself. The leader of the Brigade. I really liked Enzo and I think he could have won BB12. My biggest fault with Enzo was that he seemed like he was in the passenger seat the whole time. He let somebody else drive the car. Whether it was Lane, Hayden, or Matt. He never really had any blood on his hands which is great for him. He did whenever someone started to get out of the car he would pull them right back in. Besides Matt who he kicked out the car. The strategic and social game was on point. He is a player and great TV. It was hard to put him in 4th, he deserves to be in 3rd, but I just love 3rd too much to not have him in my top 3.

3rd- Lane
The beast Lane was my favorite Brigade member. He is here only because how much I enjoyed watching Lane. He is not a great big brother player, but he is funny as hell. He was liked by everyone. He almost won the season. He lost by 1 vote. Lane is great. Lane is one of the people I would love to see play again just to laugh. No other reason. Lane truly is a beast in every since of the word.

2nd- Britney
When I was doing this I knew who the bottom 5 were going to be. Then Brendon, Matt, Rachel, and Ragan could have went anywhere in the middle. I loved Lane, so I knew he would be high. Enzo is someone else I knew would be high. Then the top two were set. Britney is one of my favorite big brother contestants of all time. Then she won Fan favorite or Americas favorite or whatever the prize is called. I think that if the Brigade wasn't a thing Britney may have won this season. She was well liked. She made moves. She didn't back down to anybody. She won competitions. I wish Britney was on youtube. Like I love Britney. I know she plays big brother again so I am going to watch that season just so I can get my Britney fix.

1st- Hayden
Before I watched BB12 I was excited to see what was the big deal about Rachel which was a disappointment. Then I wanted to see the big deal about Hayden. I saw Blood vs Water before I even watched a single episode of Big Brother. In fact because of his performance on Blood vs Water I decided to watch Big Brother. He is a great player. Physically he did great. Socially he did great. Strategically he did great. It is no surprise that he was the winner. I he is the best player of the season. Which is why I put him at number.

Let me know what you think.



Kathy was queen.
Sent by corgi,Jan 17, 2016

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