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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

What pisses me off about BB (Jeff homophobic rant)

2ndJul 12, 2011 by WillyEx
image*If you're too lazy to read the entire blog, skip to paragraph#3*

#1 Jeff used the homophobic f-word a couple of times in his original season. He said it to Russell while they were both having a heated argument. Guess what? The fight, did in fact make it on TV, but they edited a bunch of things of what Jeff said. Including the part where he called Russell the f-word. Russell called Jeff out on it. Yet, again.. it did not make it on TV. CBS showed Jeff as a victim of Russell's rant and not the events that led up to that. CBS is doing a job of manipulating these houseguests and not letting the viewers know the truth about what's REALLY being said in the house. Thankfully, the live feeders know the truth. They didn't want to make Jeff, their "BELOVED" houseguest look bad. People were rooting for him after all, therefore a lot of people probably watched the show to root for him. It wouldn't help to have his gay fans stop watching the show after finding out Jeff is a homophobe. Now, for the people who will say "They couldn't show him saying that on TV, kids watch the show" they did show when Braden used racist and derogatory terms to Kevin, so why not show Jeff being a homophobe? They could have bleeped it out? Exactly. Now, as a gay person myself, I didn't take it personal. I know a lot of people use it out of context. I know that, I get it, so I gave him a chance. He was still one of my favorites that season. 

#2 Now, today, BB13. Jeff went on a rant about how homosexuality in childrens book is disgusting and perverted cause of pedophilia(yea cause every gay man must be a pedophile, right?). His rant went on for a long time. He said a lot of offensive things about the gay community. "Gays shouldn't be around kids in school" was one of the many things he said, for example. It was hurtful. Thankfully Kalia stood up to Jeff and defended her beliefs about how there's nothing wrong and about how he's stereotyping, etc and was almost yelling at her and got majorly angry. I know people will say "That was just his opinion, it's called freedom of speech" funny when you're anti-gays, it's "an opinion." But if you were to be anti-Blacks or anti-Jews that's called "hate". Implying that gays are innately sexual predators that prey on children is not "an opinion." It's a lie, point blank. Now, how much you guys want to bet that this will NOT air on TV. Even though is perfect for TV and full of drama it WON'T make it. I bet my entire life savings, my house, and my parents' estate that it won't. They don't want their sweet, beloved Jeff to look bad. He's suppose to be the "Sweetheart" of the show alongside Jordan, after all... right? I, personally lost a ton of respect for Jeff. I was truly rooting for him this season, but he showed his true colors. He is just too ignorant. I ignored it in BB11 when he first said the f-word, but with this he has 100% confirmed that he is infact, a homophobe.

#3 The moral of the story is that Jeff, is equating homosexuality to pedophilia, which is more than offensive. He is ignorant due to his beliefs about gay men being sexual predators that prey on children. He said the f-word a bunch of times in his original season, and now he confirms he's a homophobe, with what he have said this season. For those of you who, don't want to accept it, it's alright, I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I know there's a lot of die-hard Jeff fans on the site. I do have an advice, take off the blindfolds and see things for what they really are. This man is a homophobe. Does he have a great personality? Yes! Is he mostly nice? Yes! Is he funny? Yes! Is he a homophobe? Most likely.


I like jeff but they do choose favorites
Sent by black0ut247,Jul 12, 2011
same with survivor

they say they edit it but it doesnt change the outcome
Sent by black0ut247,Jul 12, 2011
it's all the editing shit
Sent by snowflake3,Jul 12, 2011
I never liked Jeff tbh .
Hes just as stupid as his dumb broad girlfriend.
Sent by Dangerr,Jul 12, 2011
No he is not homophobic.
Sent by tomhartnell,Jul 12, 2011
that's exactly how i felt. because that Russell v. Jeff fight was SO super edited when it was Tv.
Jeff started that entire fight and threatened to stab knives into Russel's throat.
But no. they made it ALL on Russell.
Sent by snoofle,Jul 12, 2011
I agree - and disagree.

Kalia had it coming.

Kevin didn't
Sent by toxxicbarbie,Jul 12, 2011
i heard in bb11 he was saying shit about michele and how he wants to cut off her toe (cuz it looked weird or some shit) and he was being such a bitch
Sent by snowflake3,Jul 12, 2011
Kevin Never got in arguments with jeff, Jeff treated kevin like a person and a friend til kevin screwed jeff over, which is proof in my mind that jeff isn't homophobic, sit down
Sent by tomhartnell,Jul 12, 2011
i so agree with this! like chima said, they shouldint edit people to make them look good, let them show who they are!
Sent by Akora,Jul 12, 2011
Sent by Zarbon,Jul 12, 2011
Sent by realityfreek,Jul 12, 2011
Sent by schmooboy,Jul 12, 2011
Sent by MikeRORO,Jul 12, 2011
Sent by connorthomson,Jul 12, 2011
most shows are acting not reall stuff
Sent by MarekK27,Jul 12, 2011
wow @_@
Sent by Phenomanimal,Jul 12, 2011
I have really never liked jeff, and this just makes me hate him more.
Sent by 1fireboy,Jul 12, 2011
i don't think he's a homophobe :| first of all i dont understand why sexuality would be in a childrens book in the first place... whether its homo, hetero, asexual... it just doesnt make sense to me so yeah i find that weird also. i dont understand what that has to do with being a pedophile? but id have to find out more about the situation... now, i can understand why you let the f word slide in his original season because a lot of people say it. including gay people. so like, it isnt that big of a deal... i think people are being overdramatic
Sent by milnj123,Jul 12, 2011
I can't believe that :( what an asshole
Sent by bigupboy,Jul 12, 2011
milnj, you think we're overdramatic cause you probably have the same beliefs as him. What is so wrong about having a gay character in a childrens book? Is not like Harry Potter was only for children, is for all ages. Jeff IS a homophobe, in my opinion. Even if he isn't, what he said was not right.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 12, 2011
Okay everyone who thinks Jeff is not a homophobe
is a stupid fuck
I am done with Jeff
Sent by Brandonator,Jul 12, 2011
I love Jeff :D
But, another thing you forgot to mention is that cassi accidentally dropped the F-Bomb earlier on, and jeff caught her on it, because he got alot of heat from saying it from his season
Sent by TylerK,Jul 12, 2011
TylerK, I know that. He warned her to help her, not cause he thought it was uncalled for.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 12, 2011
I've written out like three responses to this blog but deleted each because they didn't sound the way I wanted them to, so I'll leave it at this:

Mind your own business? Who really cares? Sure, that's not the way to make friends in this day and age, but he's entitled to his opinion and this blog is really unnecessary.

That's my two cents.
Sent by bombshellben,Jul 12, 2011
I got over his comments in BB11 because I just didn't care too much, but this is flat out ridiculous and completely ignorant, and it will of COURSE get edited out because America loves Jess and Grodner can't have him portrayed this way.
Sent by Uskyld,Jul 12, 2011
bombshellben, mind my own business? That's the stupidest thing I've heard all day. You might as well tell everyone watching the show, feeds and stating their opinions the same thing. You make no sense whatsoever.

He's entitled to his opinion, ok. Did you even read what I said to everyone who thinks that? I knew there would be ignorant, dumbasses like you posting that on my blog, so I talked about it in my blog. Mind re-reading it?

That's my two cents. ;)
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 12, 2011
What's funny is that nobody actually knew for sure whether Dumbledore was gay or not...except JKR.  But seriously, this pisses me off.  But that doesn't surprise me that BB edits people into certain looks.  I mean I found out a lot of stuff about TAR that almost ruined it for it doesn't surprise me.
Sent by p0tt34,Jul 13, 2011
I saw the fight, but you're acting like it was a huge rant that lasted forever. It was good 3 minutes TOPS. Obvi, what he said was bad, but I understand where he was coming from kinda...
Sent by Malibu,Jul 13, 2011
Malibu, ok. Since you're defending him. Do you mind telling me WHERE he was coming from? Do you also believe all gay men are sexual predators? Cause you probably do...
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
Sent by finklestein123,Jul 13, 2011
Never a Jeff fan but you have to remember reality tv isn't in fact a reality...It's the perception of how writers and producers want things to seem...Ever notice how almost every "reality" show has writers...Who writes your real life???

Still it's ppl like him who make me sick when I see ppl looking up to him and here he is another false idol...
Sent by NexusCain,Jul 13, 2011
Why would Kalia be defending homosexuals? She has made fun of Lawon twice already
Sent by HaiImJake,Jul 13, 2011
Okay, you dont have to make a big rant about it :|
Sent by tonym101101,Jul 13, 2011
I don't think hes a homophobe, he's prolly ignorant but thats about it
Sent by ShadowBaller000,Jul 13, 2011
tonym, my blog is not a rant, I'm stating my opinion, am I not allowed to? Just cause my blogs are a bit longer doesn't mean anything, it just means I have more to say... O_o
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
I have always hated Jeff. He is a fucking idiot, he has no game and he isn't even entertaining. I didn't even consider watching this season because I knew his stupid bitch and him would be in it and I can't bare another season of Dumb and Dumber.
Sent by Hash,Jul 13, 2011
Okay, here it is, There is a stigma because of how there have been abusive mother fuckers that have been in charge of schools in real life, the thing is, first off, you don't know what homophobia is, so sit down
so here it is, when in this world, in many boarding schools, where the headmaster turns out to be gay, is because they raped/molested a child, sorry if you took out of that more than what it was, but its pretty simple, just like jeff, you can't take what you want out when he lays his thoughts straight, sorry you are the ignorant one in this situation. (I do loves you tho willy)
Sent by tomhartnell,Jul 13, 2011
"where the headmaster turns out to be gay, is because they raped/molested a child" Wow dude, I'm not even going to answer to that. I don't want to type an essay. I'm over you.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
Sent by Savcodushe,Jul 13, 2011
That is really messed up. I think Jeff has a lot of growing up to and he's clearly pretty ignorant on the matter. I don't think he's an awful person because of it, but it was pretty douchey.

However - BB has *never* had the balls to show this kind of stuff. They didn't air all of Braden's offensive comments. They didn't air Amber's anti semetic rand, Dick talking about raping and murdering Jen (or plenty of other things he said), Dustin naming his dog the N word, and countless other horrific things said in the house. I sincerely doubt they would start now.

Now saying they *shouldn't* - but they won't.
Sent by Chris99x,Jul 13, 2011
Also, as some others were pointing out in another thread, I don't think Jeff said those things because he is a hateful person. I don't think he "hates" gay people. I just think he's very ignorant on the matter. His fight with Kalia stemmed from the fact that he really did not understand where she was coming from.

Thankfully, since BB is so widely viewed, he'll likely come out educated on the matter when he's hit with some truth sauce when he's outta the house. I still like him as a person so I hope so, anyway.
Sent by Chris99x,Jul 13, 2011
Honestly, I think everyone is entitled to their opinions and I always have thought that. No matter what, you're entitled to what YOU believe in.

Given, some things people believe in are what other people hate. Some believe in other Gods, religions, etcetcetc, the list could go on and on and on. And someone out there is always ALWAYS always going to have an problem with your beliefs and opinions. It never fails.

Yes, a majority of the world thinks homophobia is wrong. But you also have to think how they were raised, what time period, etc. It has a lot to do with their past and who knows? He could have had a really traumatic even happen in his life to make him believe that.

Just because he believes in being homophobic doesn't make him right and you wrong, vice versa. You're both right in your own minds and it's always going to be that way. Jeff will always think being gay is wrong.. maybe it's his Christian religion? [i'm christian as well, but don't share these same beliefs.]

Every person is different. Just like you think playing on a online big brother game is fun, other people think it's a complete waste of time and something only outcasts and losers would do. Regardless, you're both right in your own opinions and beliefs. Everyones different and that's what makes everyone unique. You can't really HATE someone for what the believe in.. all you can do is try to educate them, tell them your side, have them respect your views and you respect theirs. Even if you think it's fucked up.
Sent by ShayyBayy,Jul 13, 2011
ShayyBayy, I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but how come when people have a bad opinion about jews or blacks is "hateful", but when it's about gays is "just their opinion. Do you see the hypocrisy?

Even if he has other beliefs, there's always better ways to go on about it. I don't hate him for speaking his mind, but don't expect me not to reply back. If you're going to not care and say ignorant shit expect people to fire back at you. Honestly everyone has a reason for everything. Psycho killers have a reason for killing people, does it mean that what they're doing is right? HELL NO.

Point Blank.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
I never liked jeff or jordan they are both idiots imo:l
Sent by prince_Eric,Jul 13, 2011
So does this mean everyone is gonna vote kalia fan favorite so she can get 25k? :)
Sent by Timster,Jul 13, 2011
lol timster, i doubt it.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
Well Let me start by saying that people throw the f word like its nothing. Yes it wrong but people still use it, regardless. In this society the majority just don't care. only a small percentage get offended. It just like the R word or the N word... i almost hear it everyday. Were accustomed to it. I wouldnt hate Jeff just because he called someone that... i mean everyone uses that word, . It just we're so use to hearing it and seeing other people use it,that us ourself use it when we are having an argument with someone else because we can't think of anything else to say or trying to belittle them, even if its wrong.

Second point... well i really can't put it in words, but i just think he making an ignorant remarks. I know this is not a vaild excuse but if he was really a homophobe, then why was he really nice to Kevin and Lawon? Why in Season 11 he never attack Kevin Sexuality and in Season 13 why havent he attack Lawon Sexuality? You get my drift ? Though like i said it not really an excuse, it should atleast leans towards him not being a homophobe, but just uneducated and basing on stereotype about homosexuality. I can totally understand why he made the comment about Gay men being more likey to be a pedophile then straight men, it because of the Media. Yeah you might hear about heterosexual guys molesting girls, but that just your local news,but how many times did you hear/major coverage of priest molesting boys? Alot. I mean taken from the recent example of the Catholic Church in Vatican City. What was the latest scandal ? You guess it Priest Molesting little boys. Do i agree with Jeff statement, absolutely not because i know for a fact that Gay man are all not pedophile and have the same % rate of Heterosexual men of being pedophile. But i think it all the Media exploitation of Gay priest sexually abusing little boys which made Jeff said that ignorant remark.

Yes it not gonna air in Cbs but it not all due to making Jeff look like a good guy, but it also due to the FCC and trying to not Offend anybody. Cbs don't want FCC on their ass, so they will edit out almost anything that offends anyone. Why do you think we can't see boobs on tv or penises or as to why they censor the F word or almost all the curse words ? It's to protect the people and not to offend them.

Anyways I never really cared about Jeff... Only really cared about Jordan, but Jeff a good guy, who just make ignorant comments once in a while. he needs someone to open his eyes up and informed him about homosexuality. Just Like Dan In bb10. Dan was Uneducated about homosexuals until Steven open up his eyes and informed him. I can understand why you will hate Jeff for this but sometimes you have to look past someone who has a different belief then you and find the good in them. If everyone hated someone just because they had different beliefs then them, then everybody will hate everyone.   

I don't think i made sense at all but i just wanted to put my 2cents in, even if im making myself sound a fool lol.
Sent by azn_dude89,Jul 13, 2011
Azn - very well said. And I think that sorta plays into why I don't think what Jeff said was meant out of hate.

Willy - I don't think homophobic comments are any less hateful than slants against Jewish people or black people. But you also have to look at the source. Jeff isn't the brightest bulb ever. A lot of times when people say negative things about gay people it comes out of ignorance and what they've been told all their lives. I think Jeff's "point" really came from a place of misunderstanding.

If anyone rational had been in the house they would have corrected him on it and explained why he was wrong in a logical manner. I think Jeff is at LEAST smart enough that he would have been receptive to this. Kalia was right to respond to the situation but she went about it wrong IMO. She should have rationalized her opinion instead of trying to bait him further.

Again - I do NOT condone what he said and he is 100% wrong, but I know some severely homophobic people - at least 3/4 of the people who live in my area. At school and at my job I had to hear some of the most unbelievably offensive things ever. Jeff just doesn't even compare. I don't expect others to agree, though. It's just one of those situations.
Sent by Chris99x,Jul 13, 2011
luvsss willy !!! YES QUEEN!
Sent by AlbieSweetheart,Jul 13, 2011
Willy, i agree with most parts,
but not with the hypocrisy...

The Bible (just saying) states a couple times "men should not have sexual acts with other men"
it's not saying that they can't be gay, but can't have sex,
cause the only reason for sex in the Bible is to be fruitful and increase in number,
the Bible says nothing about race

So there's a clear reason of what seperates racism and homophobia:

and i'm not saying that i agree with you, that those are awful assumptions by Jeff, but the sad truth is, many many people in america are ignorant to the homosexual community
Sent by qwert2,Jul 13, 2011
Ignorance is no defence
Sent by knixuk,Jul 13, 2011
I know what he said was really out of place but him and jordan are still my faves
Sent by GA097,Jul 13, 2011
You must love making long blogs.
Sent by Viola,Jul 13, 2011
i never liked him. fucking bitch.,
Sent by anthony2011class,Jul 13, 2011
Well, I would agree that those are some seriously homophobic remarks, but I don't really hate him for it, it's sad that people say things like that though. My question is though, did anyone stop him other than Kalia? Because by that theory, anyone who doesn't stand up to him is just as big of a homophobe aren't they? :S
Sent by supergoten,Jul 13, 2011
That's stupid.

I'm glad you blogged about this, Willy, Thanks.
Sent by greyconverse,Jul 13, 2011
I didn't get why he was so loved in the first place - he's not particularly nice nor entertaining. Is there an outlet where you can complain about stuff like this (like OFCOM in the UK), if the F- or N-word was ever mentioned on BBUK the housemate would be kicked out immediately; but of course we couldn't do that to the producer's favourites now, could we?
Sent by Emma,Jul 13, 2011
he was so ignorant
Sent by Fredcrugar,Jul 13, 2011
I agree - and disagree.

Kalia had it coming.

Kevin didn'tSent by toxxicbarbie,Jul 12, 2011
Sent by RiDsTeR,Jul 13, 2011
^Jeff's rant wasn't against Kalia though so how did she have it coming? LOL RiDsTeR you make no sense.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
i've never liked jeff from the beginning
Sent by smi9127,Jul 13, 2011
i just find him gross, i like him as a competitor but he is an idiot
Sent by Amelya,Jul 13, 2011
try looking at transformice on room survivor
Sent by sparks75,Jul 13, 2011
Hey yall!
Sent by andychuck08,Jul 13, 2011
Oh and I was never raped...and im gonna work with kids...and im not attracted to them. They have snot running outta their noses ffs
Sent by andychuck08,Jul 13, 2011
i agree and disagree with this i dont think gay men are sexual predators,but there plently more people like this willy if you havent figured that out yet.No one else beside Kalia even tried to stop him so hes not the only one in there.Personally i find Homophobe to be a strong word thats kinda offsensive ive been called that bye 2 or 3 people on here and all i was doing was vocing my opinion but i do agree with you saying the f word and talking about how gays shouldnt be in kid schools is very hurtful and he shouldnt be saying this
Sent by mike56,Jul 13, 2011
Willy, You think your right so you gonna disagree with what anyone says :| so  idk what to point of this blog was
Sent by RiDsTeR,Jul 13, 2011
Hi Im back
Sent by andychuck08,Jul 13, 2011
Children are gross tbh
Sent by Chris99x,Jul 13, 2011
RiDsTeR, I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself and you're not doing it? I don't think I'm right, I know I'm right. I just didn't get your comment, made no sense, and here you are changing topic cause you have nothing to explain about it. It made no sense, end of discussion.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
If i wanted to explain it i would of, but i chose not to and thats my choice you gace your opinion now i wanna give mine. mmk
Sent by RiDsTeR,Jul 13, 2011
LOL You're such a child. You're sitting here telling mey ou don't want to give your opinion and then you say "You gave your opinion, now I give mine". Give yours? Didn't you just say you didn't want to give your opinion? LOOOL! Please, if you're 13 or younger and have no understanding of what my blog is talking about.. DO NOT COMMENT.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
Well said Willy. I don't care how the fuck he was raised. People don't realize the reason we call this the same thing as hating blacks and Jews is because we really can't change our sexuality. Trust me if I could, I'd be dating girls without a doubt, as the drama that comes with being gay is just awful.

If Jeff was raised like that, then he needs to hear that what he is saying is wrong. EVERYONE THAT'S LIKE HIM NEEDS TO HEAR THEY ARE WRONG. Which is why blogs like these are amazing. <3
Sent by RidersDX,Jul 13, 2011
I fucking love this blog. Everyone defending Jeff in it is just full of hate. Being a Jeff fan and also being gay myself really made me lose a lot of respect for him. It shouldn't matter if a character is gay, straight, or bi, lesbian transgender life.(lols). What Jeff is saying that gays shouldn't be around children because gays are pedophiles, and obviously he knows nothing. How many cases do you hear about male/female teachers having heterosexual sex with students? I've had two cases of it within my school district. One male/female and one female/female. Not everyone is perfect, but not everyone is wrong and Jeff, the people of tengaged, and anyone with that 'opinion' needs to get a reality check.

tl;dr I agree with WillyEx <3
Sent by Jasonxo,Jul 13, 2011
Oh wow turns out he was talking about Dumbledore
Sent by Gotham,Jul 13, 2011
idk if he is homophobic, but he was equating homosexuality to pedophilia which is extremely ignorant
Sent by Gotham,Jul 13, 2011
I agree that it's unfair for CBS to edit arguments for one houseguest and not the other, but I disagree with everyone saying that he's an asshole. The irony here is that those people who think homophobes and racists should have "an open mind" towards homosexuals and minorities, are people that also should have "an open mind" towards racists and homophobes. Everyone has their reasons.
Sent by SagarGenesis,Jul 13, 2011
Sorry Sega, but that's a horrible argument. You're insinuating that the behavior of racists and homophobes is completely acceptable. I'm not sure how anyone can make that argument and expect to be taken seriously. Are you a racist and a homophobe yourself? If you aren't then why take that position?

I may not think Jeff is the worst person in the world but clearly the things he said were extremely offensive to a lot of people, myself included. He's going to answer to that one way or another, even if not until after the season.
Sent by Chris99x,Jul 13, 2011
Sent by Michelangelo,Jul 13, 2011
wow! i did not kno tht but i still like him
Sent by LeighBee101,Jul 13, 2011
soon gays are gonna be like a new race
Sent by cjfast11,Jul 13, 2011
How is that homophobic again?? Did he say he was against gay people & he hated them?? Did he state he was anti-gay?? I missed that. I hear alot of people putting him in the homophobic category already. Like wtf????????
Sent by Matthew09,Jul 13, 2011
Matthew09, you should look up the definition of homophobic. He clearly said gays shouldn't be teachers, that IS homophobic. What's up with people's brain these days?
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
Sent by _Aria,Jul 13, 2011
lol who cares he has freedom of speech. if he does not like gay people then what does that have to do with you
Sent by superman123,Jul 13, 2011
Sent by qwert2,Jul 13, 2011
superman123, it has a lot to do with me, idiot. I'm gay, for god's sake. You're so stupid.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
...seems to me that all of the commenters are just stating their opinion here. Same thing Jeff was doing, so idgi.
Sent by SagarGenesis,Jul 13, 2011
Sent by Sterling1234,Jul 13, 2011
i agree with Jeff.
Sent by Fame,Jul 13, 2011
You're a bigot, Fame.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
people are way overreacting over his statement its not that big of a deal
Sent by AHezze,Jul 13, 2011
i agree that he's ignorant, but i dont think he meant to come across as homophobic :S idk i'm indifferent on jeff anyway
Sent by lemonface,Jul 13, 2011
This is just ridiculous.
If you don't want to hear the word on tv, then stop watching BB or any other show that will say it.
If you don't want to hear the word at all, then take your own drastic measures.
Sent by DavidVegemite,Jul 13, 2011
and people say that word all the time in daily conversations its not a big deal
Sent by AHezze,Jul 13, 2011
i wanna be a teacher.
Sent by anthony2011class,Jul 13, 2011
Sent by Chris99x,Jul 13, 2011
Sigh.. Ignorant is not pretty.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
Sent by Chris99x,Jul 13, 2011
Vegemite makes sense
Sent by randomkid22,Jul 13, 2011
Sent by Lakisha,Jul 13, 2011
some people hate other people, you cant change everyone... just ignore them
Sent by randomkid22,Jul 13, 2011
Vegemite, OBVIOUSLY didn't read the entire blog. Is not about him saying the f-word, you idiot.
Sent by WillyEx,Jul 13, 2011
very good points, sir.
That's, unfortunately, the magic of Reality TV - there is nothing REAL about it
Sent by Alegeeter,Jul 13, 2011
He's homophobic- his opinions are homophobic. He may have the freedom of speech, of course, and he uses it to be homophobic.

If you comment saying he's not, take your head out of your ass. Kthx.

I'm gay and I want to be a Biology teacher. I should be allowed and not have to worry about bigots like Jeff assuming I'm sexing up their kids.
Sent by Jasonxo,Jul 14, 2011

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