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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother Story: Episode 4

Jul 28, 2014 by dragotistic
[Previous Episode]:
Dan: Just 2 weeks ago, 14 strangers moved into the Big Brother house. Among them, a private detective, an aspiring chef, and a stay-at-home dad. Alliances were formed, and were revealed to each other. Leading to an explosive confrontation that could jeopardize someone’s place in the game. On top of that, someone will be evicted from the house tonight. Will it be Jessie, the 21 year old Biology student from Pittsburgh, PA, or will it be Jared, the 42 year old stay-at-home dad from Camden, NJ. And the second Head of Household will be crowned and it’s all LIVE tonight on Big Brother!
[Memory Wall]:
Top Row: (L to R): Adam, India, Neil, Courtney, D.J.
Middle Row: (L to R): Derek, Jessie, ?, Jared, Kelly
Bottom Row: (L to R): Luke, Lauren, Todd, Marcy, Kimberly
Dan: Shots were fired at the end of the Veto meeting. Jessie called out Derek for being a snake, and the explosion of words that followed were unprecedented. Let’s take a look at the fallout.
India: Thank you Jessie. Well, I’ve made my decision. I have decided not to use the Power of Veto this week. *takes necklace off and places it in box* This Veto meeting is adjourned *closes box*

*houseguests spread out*

*Jessie walks out into the backyard*

Luke (DR): Now’s not the time to start causing drama Jessie! What are you doing!

Jessie: So Derek, what’s it like to have an alliance with everyone in this game?

Derek: What are you talking about?

Jessie: You know the alliance with Courtney, Kelly, India and Neil.

Derek: You’re crazy. You’re crazy.

Jessie: Neil told us! Kelly confirmed it! Everyone here should know what you’re doing!

Derek (DR): After the veto meeting, Jessie comes up and starts revealing my alliances in front of everyone. And I’m like “Shit”, I’m done for. I need to cover my ground for the next week.

Derek: I was going to keep you this week. You just threw your entire game away.

Jessie: Does it look like I care? Everyone here can’t trust you anymore. You’re a target! Can’t you see?

Derek: You just threw your chance at the money away. Don’t come at me with these accusations, cause you’re gonna get evicted now. Wrong week, hun.

Jessie: Wrong week, huh? So I guess it’s the week to form twenty alliances you are all going to backstab eh. Even your closest ally can’t even trust you anymore.

Derek: Who, Neil? Let’s get him in here and ask him ourselves!

Neil (DR): I was listening outside with Lauren and Adam and when I heard my name, I instantly stood up and ran somewhere else. Ain’t no way he’s dragging my name through the mud.

Jessie (DR): I think I’ve gotten people to mistrust Derek and now, I think I have a chance to stay alive.
Todd (DR): The Derek-Jessie altercation is the first one of the season. And it was a big one. I’ve decided to talk to Jessie and let her know that I’m going to keep her cause Derek needs to go.

Jessie: Hey! What’s on your mind.

Todd: I don’t trust Derek, and he may have something going on with Jared, so I’ve decided to keep you in.

Jessie: Thank you! That makes me feel so much better about this week.

Todd: *laughs* Anytime baby.
Dan: With Jessie campaigning for votes, what is Jared doing to stay in this week?
Jared (DR): I’m trying to entertain people a bit, so they’ll see the fun-loving side of me instead of the side that’s being perceived, cause I am a father, and there is a playful side of me that hangs out with my kids. I’m definitely not ready to go.

Marcy (DR): Jared and I have grown closer because of our age similarity, and he’s actually a really nice guy. It’s shameful what people think Jared is. And it’s not right. Like Courtney calling him a p******r that tracks down kids. That’s just not right.

Jared: I’m here for my kids, and it would definitely suck to be evicted the first week.
Courtney: Jared is so creepy, I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually turned out to sit behind a computer in chatrooms all day.

Kelly: I know right. (DR): Courtney is my best friend in the house, and some of her comments are off putting, but we all have flaws, right?

*Jared walks in*

Jared (DR): You know that feeling when you walk into a room, and everyone goes quiet, and you just know that they were saying something bad about you? That’s how I felt when I walked into Courtney and Kelly’s conversation. I definitely feel like an outcast, and I think if I can secure an alliance with a group of people, I’ll be set for the game.
Dan: We’ll be right back. Stay tuned.
Dan: Welcome back to Big Brother! As Jared and Jessie campaigned for votes, sides were chosen. Let’s take a look.
Jared: Marcy, who do I have for sure?

Marcy: Uh, I think you have mine and Derek’s, cause Derek hates Jessie right now. I think Kelly and Courtney are a block, so we can try to talk to them. Neil could go back and forth. I think this week really depends on if we have Neil or not.

Jared: I’ll try to talk to Neil, see where his head is at.

Marcy (DR): So Jared and I decided that we were going to attempt to get Kelly, Courtney, Neil, and Kimberly on our side to vote out Jessie.
*Jared walks into bathroom*

Jared: Neil, what were you thinking for your vote?

Neil: I’m not really sure what I’m going to do yet. If you have anything to help me choose, I’d love to hear it.

Jared: I think you should vote out Jessie this week because then we have a potential wildcard out the first week, and we don’t have to worry about her loose cannon-ness later on. I’m a loyal person at heart, so if you do give me your vote, and I stay, then I’ll be loyal to you. Just think about it. *exits*

Neil (DR): I mean, Jared brings up some pretty good points in his argument about how it’s better to send Jessie packing this week, but honestly, I have no idea which is better for my game, and that’s what my vote’s gonna come down to.
Marcy: *enters the spa room with Courtney and Kelly*

Marcy: Okay, I’m only going to tell you this once. I can guarantee your safety if you vote out Jessie this week. It’s guaranteed. If Jared does leave, then you would have made an enemy out of someone you don’t want coming after you.

Marcy (DR): Intimidation is one of my many strong points, if I can use that tactic to gain votes for Jared, then why not.

Courtney (DR): I don’t know how I’m going to vote, seeing it’s only the first week, but I think there is a decision to be made, and I think I’m going to make the right one when the time comes.
Jared: Hey Adam, can I talk to you and Lauren?

Lauren: Sure

Adam: You got it bro.

Jared: Okay, I’m going to try to state my case to why I should stay this week. 1). Less drama. I think the longer Jessie is in the house, the more her and Derek are going to fight. It’s only best for all of us to vote her out. 2) If you do vote to keep me, then I’ll be 100% loyal to you. That’s my argument. I hope you think about it.

Adam: Yeah, I mean, I haven’t known you for very long, but I’ll definitely consider your proposition.

Lauren: Same

Jared: Thanks, that’s all I ask for.

Lauren (DR): Adam and I are definitely considering voting to keep Jared. He’s not a threat, Jessie is a big mouth, and that could be a problem later on. But again, Adam and I are in the Immortals with Jessie, so right now we’re stuck in between a rock and a hard place.
Kimberly (DR): It’s definitely a running gag in the house to disrupt all Adam and Lauren conversations. They get so angry, and it’s so funny.


Adam: So, what do you do for fun in Dallas?
Lauren: I don’t know…-

D.J.: You go to the rodeo o’ course *makes a goofy face*

Lauren: Stop it! *throws pillow at D.J.*

Lauren (DR): I hate it how all the other houseguests intrude on my conversations with Adam. I think they think it’s funny, but they won’t be laughing when I win that half million, that’s for sure.
Jared (DR): Okay, I’m going to try to talk to Kimberly on her own and see where her head is at.

Jared: Hey Kim, where is your head at?

Kimberly: Right now, I’m just trying to go with the house, and it looks like the house has split into two sides. I mean, if you want to say something, you can say it.

Jared: Well, all I want to say is that if you do keep me, I can be a loyal ally to you. And that’s 100% my word. Keep me, and you gain an ally.

Kimberly (DR): Jared definitely has some points to what he has to say, but again, I’m not going to choose a side yet, I need to think about it for sure.
*Derek and Neil in the space bedroom*

Derek (DR): I heard that Neil was the one who ratted out the Jokers to the Immortals. I need to clear the air with him, make sure everything’s fine.

Derek:  I heard that you ratted me out to the Immortals?

Neil (DR): Shit. This has no good ending for me. No good ending at all.

Neil: What makes you say that?

Derek: Dude, Jessie told me that. There is no way that she knew about the Jokers unless someone told her. Stop. Lying.

Neil: Fine! I told them because you formed twenty alliances with everyone. We were supposed to have a Final 2 but then you have to go and f**k it all up by making 19 other f**king alliances. How am I supposed to trust you if you can’t be loyal!

Neil (DR): Derek needs to go. He’s playing way too hard, way too fast, and it sucks really that I have to be associated with that.

Derek (DR): Neil is acting like a child. I hope he knows I’m coming after him now. I’m not one to be messed around with. I’m out for blood.
Dan: Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house? And what will be the first twist of the season? More details on that later.
Dan: It’s time to talk with India live up in the HoH room. *Dan pops onto the screen in the HoH room.* Hello, India.

India: Hi Dan.

Dan: It must’ve been extremely hard to nominate two houseguests on the block. How did you make your decision?

India: Well, I didn’t want to make a target of myself this early on, so I knew I had to stick with what the house wanted, and that’s what they wanted.

Dan: Now, you won the Power of Veto. Did it worry you that you’ve won 2 competitions and now you could be a target?

India: I did initially, but eventually came to terms that being Head of Household is extremely tough and you can only hope you made the right decisions, and I hope I did.

Dan: I heard you hum when you eat food. How long ago did you find out you did this?

India: My parents were very observant, so they laughed alot at the dinner table when I was little, so I think that I knew for a very long time. But it’s one of my many quirks, and it makes me who I am, and that’s all I can say about it.

Dan: Alright India, you can go back down and join the rest of the houseguests. Thank you.

India: No problem.
Dan: Alright, let’s check in with the houseguests. *Dan pops onto the screen inside the house* How is everyone doing tonight?

Everyone: Fantastic, Dan.

Dan: Alright, Todd, you get the first question of the night.

Todd: Ooh. Whatcha got for me?

Dan: How has the first few weeks inside the house been like?

Todd: Oh boy, it’s been hectic. Everything changes everyday, and you never know what’s going to happen.

Dan: Adam, what’s going on between you and Lauren

*Adam and Lauren blush*

Adam: Uh, we definitely have a connection, and she’s my best friend in the house right now, and of course I think highly of her.

Dan: Could there be anything more than a showmance?

Adam: There’s always that chance, but right now, we’re just trying to get to know each other.

Dan: Alright, I will be back in a minute for the Live Vote and Eviction. Sit tight.
Dan: The theme of this season is Expect the Unexpected. And tonight, we’re throwing in a twist that no one will expect. Let’s take a look.

Hi, my name is Alla Pereira, I'm 23 years old, and I'm from Malibu, CA. I come from a rich family, and I've never had to work a day in my life. My closet is full of the top designer clothes, most of which I only wear once. I have a purse for every day of the year, and I deserve it. I believe people like me deserve to be privileged. I've had many suitors chase after me, but none of them meet my standards. I'm simply a queen. I just wanna be famous.
Dan: After tonight’s live eviction, and live Head of Household competition. Alla will make her appearance into the Big Brother house. How will the houseguests take to the new houseguest? We’ll find out soon enough. But right now, it’s time for the Live Vote and Eviction. Who will be evicted tonight, Jessie, the biology student from Pittsburgh, PA, or Jared, the stay-at-home dad from Camden, NJ? Let’s talk to the houseguests now.
Dan: Hello, houseguests. It’s time for the Live Vote and Eviction. Jessie, Jared, your housemates will be casting their votes to evict in just a few moments. Now’s your last chance to sway their votes. Jessie, you’re up first.

Jessie: *stands up* Alright, so I’m going to get to the point. I’m not going after any of you right now. I’m only going after one person, you will guarantee your safety next week if you vote to keep me in. That’s all I have to say *sits down*

Dan: Thank you. Jared, you’re up.

Jared: *stands up* Okay, I just want to thank my beautiful wife Christine and our children Ryan and Jamie, without you guys I wouldn’t be here now. I know I’m have my flaws, we all do, I just want you to vote for who you want to leave and who you want to stay, because if you don’t, you’re just playing somebody else’s game. Thank you guys if you do keep me, I understand if you don’t. *sits down*

Dan: Thank you nominees. It is time for the live voting to begin. Neither of the two nominees are allowed to vote, India, as HoH, you will not vote either. One at a time, the rest of you will enter the Diary Room and cast your vote. And Marcy, you’re up first. *Marcy gets up and heads into the Diary Room*

Dan: Marcy is good friends with Jared, it would be a shock if she didn’t give him a vote. *turns to screen* Hello Marcy.

Marcy (DR): Hi, Dan.

Dan: Please cast your vote to evict.

Marcy (DR): I vote to evict Jessie.

Dan: Alright, thank you.

*Marcy exits*

Dan: Todd has promised his vote to Jessie. His vote should be obvious. *turns to screen* Hello Todd.

Todd (DR): Lookin’ good tonight.

Dan: Thank you. Please cast your vote to evict.

Todd (DR): I vote to evict Jared.

Dan: Thank you.

*Todd exits*

Dan: Luke is good friends with Jessie, and the two are very close, it’s obvious where his vote will fall. *turns to screen* Hello Luke.

Luke (DR): Hey Dan.

Dan: Please cast your vote to evict.

Luke (DR):: I vote to evict Jared.

Dan: Thank you.

*Luke exits*

Dan: Derek and Jessie do not like each other. This vote should be obvious. *turns to screen* Hello Derek.

Derek (DR): What’s up.

Dan: Please cast your vote to evict.

Derek (DR): I vote to evict Jessie.

Dan: Thank you.

*Derek exits*
Dan: So far, the vote is 2 to evict Jessie, and 2 to evict Jared. We’ll be right back with the rest of the votes.
Dan: Welcome back. So far the vote is 2 to evict Jessie, and 2 to evict Jared. Let’s check in with Courtney, who’s about to cast her vote. *turns to screen* Hello, Courtney.

Courtney (DR): Hey Dan.

Dan: Please cast your vote to evict.

Courtney (DR): I vote to evict Jessie.

Dan: Thank you.

*Courtney exits*

Dan: Kelly and Courtney are tight. Where Courtney’s vote falls, Kelly’s should as well. *turns to screen* Hello Kelly.

Kelly (DR): Hey Dan.

Dan: Please cast your vote to evict.

Kelly (DR): I sadly vote to evict Jessie.

Dan: Thank you.

*Kelly exits*

Dan: Lauren is in the Immortals with Jessie, but did Jared’s campaigning convince her to give Jared a vote? *turns to screen* Hello Lauren.

Lauren (DR): Hey Dan.

Dan: Please cast your vote to evict.

Lauren (DR): I vote to evict Jared.

Dan: Thank you

*Lauren exits*

Dan: Adam and Lauren are in a showmance, where her vote goes, his vote should follow. *turns to screen* Hey Adam.

Adam (DR): How you doin’ Dan?

Dan: I’m fine, thank you. Please cast your vote to evict.

Adam (DR): I vote to evict Jared.

Dan: Thank you.

*Adam exits*

Dan: That’s 4 to evict Jessie, and 4 to evict Jared. D.J. is a wildcard, let’s see where his vote falls. *turns to screen* Hello D.J.

D.J. (DR): Hey Dan.

Dan: Please cast your vote to evict.

D.J. (DR): I vote to evict Jared.

Dan: Thank you.

*D.J. exits*

Dan: Neil and Derek were close friends. Will recent events change Neil’s mind? *turns to screen* Hello Neil.

Neil (DR): Hey Dan.

Dan: Please cast your vote to evict.

Neil (DR): I vote to evict Jared.

Dan: Thank you.

*Neil exits*

Dan: And with 6 votes to evict, Jared will leave the house tonight, but let’s see where the other vote falls. *turns to screen* Hello Kimberly.

Kimberly (DR): Hey Dan.

Dan: Please cast your vote to evict.

Kimberly (DR): I vote to evict Jared.

Dan: Thank you.

*Kimberly exits*
Dan: And by a vote of 7-4, Jared will be leaving the house tonight. Let’s reveal the news to the HouseGuests. *pops up on screen* HouseGuests!

*everyone looks up*

Dan: Just a reminder. When I reveal the vote, the evicted houseguest will only have a few moments to say goodbye, grab their belongings, and walk out the front door. By a vote….of 7-4….Jared, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.

Jared: Wow. *stands up and receives hugs from everyone*

*Jared grabs belongings*

Jared: Keep in mind, it’s just a game. *walks out the door*

[Memory Wall]:

*crowd cheers*

*Jared sets his bag down and walks down to Dan*

Dan: Hello Jared, I’m Dan.

Jared: Nice to finally meet your face to face.

Dan: So you are the first evicted, how does it feel?

Jared: I mean, it sucks, but it wasn’t unexpected, I knew that when I was campaigning people had already decided who they were evicting. I couldn’t have convinced them otherwise.

Dan: Who do you think is going to go all the way to the end?

Jared: Honestly, I think that D.J. is non-threatening right now, but if he makes it a few more rounds, he’s gonna be a huge threat to win. So I think D.J. is taking it all the way.

Dan: In the case you were evicted, your housemates taped some goodbye messages.

“Marcy (DR): Jared, I’m so sorry that you were evicted, you’re a good man. You deserved this money probably the most out of anyone, and now you’re gone.”

“Neil (DR): Jared, you’re very nice, and your intentions were good. It was nothing personal.”

“Jessie (DR): Jared, I’m glad you went home, cause I’m still here, byeeeee!”

Dan: Well, thank you very much Jared. I’ll talk to Jared more tomorrow morning on The Dan Show. We’ll be right back with the Live Head of Household competition.
Dan: Who will become the most powerful person in the house? It is time for the Live Head of Household competiton. Let’s go into the backyard.
Dan: HouseGuests, the power is up for grabs. India, as outgoing HoH, you will not be eligible to compete. As you all know, one way to get far into this game is to be with the “in” crowd. The same thing goes for this competition. I will ask you a series of questions about your housemates, when you answer, you must lock in “A” or “B”, depending on who you think the MAJORITY chose. If you are in the majority for a question, you stay in, if you are in the minority, you will be eliminated. No one gets eliminated in the case of a tie. Last person standing will become the new Head of Household. Do we all understand?

Everyone: Yes Dan.

Dan: Alright, then let’s get started. 1. Who sleeps more? A. Adam, or B. Kelly

Courtney: A
Neil: A
Todd: B
Lauren: B
Derek: B
Kelly: B
Adam: B
Jessie: A
D.J.: A
Marcy: A
Luke: B
Kimberly: A

Dan: It was a tie. No one is eliminated. 2. Who eats the most? A. Todd or B. Luke

Courtney: A
Neil: A
Todd: A
Lauren: A
Derek: B
Kelly: A
Adam: B
Jessie: A
D.J.: A
Marcy: A
Luke: B
Kimberly: B

Dan: The majority said….A. Todd. Derek, Adam, Luke, and Kimberly are all eliminated.

Dan: 3. Who cares more about their personal appearance? A. Lauren or B. Kimberly

Courtney: A
Neil: B
Todd: B
Lauren: B
Kelly: B
Jessie: B
D.J.: A
Marcy: B

Dan: The majority said B. Kimberly. Courtney and D.J., step down.

Dan: 4. Who is the craziest? A. Jessie or B. Derek?

Neil: B
Todd: B
Lauren: B
Kelly: B
Jessie: B
Marcy: B

Dan: Everyone said B. Derek. Everyone stays alive. 5. Who talks the most? A. India or B. Courtney

Neil: A
Todd: A
Lauren: A
Kelly: A
Jessie: B.
Marcy: A

Dan: The majority said A. India. Sorry Jessie, step down.

Dan: 6. Who is more likely to break the shower door? A. Neil or B. D.J.

Neil: B
Todd: A
Lauren: A
Kelly: B
Marcy: A

Dan: The majority said A. Neil. Neil and Kelly, step down.
Dan: 7. Who is the biggest flirt? A. Adam or B. Lauren

Todd: A
Lauren: B
Marcy: A

Dan: The majority said A. Adam. Sorry Lauren, you’ve been eliminated.

Dan: We’re down to Todd and Marcy. Take out your tiebreaker boards. The answer will be a number. The houseguest closest to that number without going over will be the new HoH. If both of you go over, then the person closest will be the new HoH. Todd, Marcy, are you ready?

Todd & Marcy: Yes.

Dan: Okay, how many gallons of mud went into the swamp for the “Swamp of Veto” competition?

Dan: Okay, reveal your answers.

[Todd’s Board]: 1131 gallons.

[Marcy’s Board]: 980 gallons

Dan: The answer was 1771 gallons. Which means, Congratulations Todd! You are the new Head of Household! India, please pass on the key to the HoH bedroom.
Dan: What is in store for the house with Todd as the new Head of Household? Find out tomorrow where Todd will nominate two houseguests for eviction and the 15th houseguest, Alla, will enter the house as a full fledged player. From outside the Big Brother house, I’m Dan Coldan. Good night.



Who do you think Todd will nominate for eviction?
Are you surprised at the vote?
How do you you think Alla will do in an a cast that already has relationships?
Who is your favorite #BigBrotherStory houseguest?
Rate this episode on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best.

NOTE: Audience preference does not play into any eviction/relationships/nominations/competition wins.

If you wished to be tagged and mailed for future episodes, all you need to do is comment "Mail me about future episodes" on the blog.

I'll get the next episode up tomorrow probably.


Sent by dragotistic,Jul 28, 2014
Sent by dragotistic,Jul 28, 2014
Who do you think Todd will nominate for eviction? I honestly have no idea to be honest

Are you surprised at the vote? No I knew Jared was going first the minute I saw him

How do you you think Alla will do in an a cast that already has relationships? She might have if she didnt come across as such a spoiled brat

Who is your favorite #BigBrotherStory houseguest? Marcy I wanted her to win HOH!

Rate this episode on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best. 10 as always
Sent by Zed55,Jul 28, 2014
Who do you think Todd will nominate for eviction? I'm afraid Marcy is in danger... so is Derek.
Are you surprised at the vote? I was pleased to see it wasn't a "go with the house" vote.
How do you you think Alla will do in an a cast that already has relationships? She'll find the cracks within the group.
Who is your favorite #BigBrotherStory houseguest? Marcy to win!
Rate this episode on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best. 10. As always.
Sent by _JB_,Jul 28, 2014
1 Probably Derek and Alla (love her name)
2 Not really
3 I think she can wiggle in with all the drama
4 I love Jessie, but Alla can be my fave
5 10 duh
Sent by massgustavo95,Jul 28, 2014
Man I really wanted Marcy and Jared to go far. But right now I think Derek is the house's target so I hope that Marcy can float by. Sad to see Jared go but still a great episode.

Who do you think Todd will nominate for eviction? I think he will nominate Derek and Neil or possibly Marcy as a pawn(I hope its Neil/Derek).

Are you surprised at the vote? Yes I thought Jared's campaigning was going to save him.

How do you you think Alla will do in an a cast that already has relationships? I feel this will be like the Dustin/Evel Dick/Jessica from BB8 where Alla will be immuned. If not then she might find herself with Derek on the block. Only time will tell.

Who is your favorite #BigBrotherStory houseguest? My top five right now are Marcy, Lauren, Adam, India and Jessie.

Rate this episode on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best. 8.9
Sent by NorthCarolinaDogwood,Jul 28, 2014
Mail me about future episodes
Sent by ghrocky100,Jul 28, 2014
This is amazing! Great job Dragotistic
Sent by LiteCitrus123,Jul 28, 2014
Who do you think Todd will nominate for eviction? I really hope Derek with another member of the Jokers.
Are you surprised at the vote? I was, I thought my girl Jessie was a goner.
How do you you think Alla will do in an a cast that already has relationships? I feel like all the girls except Kelly, Courtney, and MAYBE Lauren won't like her.
Who is your favorite #BigBrotherStory houseguest? #TeamJessie all the way, followed closely by Todd and Niel. Kimberly is up there too. Marcy is nice but I feel like she might be doomed with the "old lady" label :(
Rate this episode on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best. Honestly a 9, I say 9 because you never want to give someone a perfect rating because people can always do better. However this episode was amazing, you had me wondering who was going for sure.
Sent by ofl1998,Jul 28, 2014
Derek and India
A bit yes
Many people wont like her
10 as always
Sent by Macda27,Jul 29, 2014
Who do you think Todd will nominate for eviction? Derek and possibly Jessie again
Are you surprised at the vote? Yes! I was expecting Jessie to leave.
How do you you think Alla will do in an a cast that already has relationships? I think that she will be hated by the girls since they will be jealous of her and probably end up like Allison in BBCAN2.
Who is your favorite #BigBrotherStory houseguest? #TeamIndia
Rate this episode on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best. 10 out of 10
Sent by Wonderdog,Jul 29, 2014

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