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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Peru --104-- "Burn That Bridge"

Dec 8, 2014 by dragotistic
image[Last Episode]:

SATIPO (Teal Buffs):

HUARAL (Burgundy Buffs):

Simon - Day 3 - Satipo - [5-4]
Sammie - Day 6 - Huaral - [8-1]
LaTanya - Day 9 - Satipo - [6-1-1]
Damien - Day 9 - Huaral - [4-3-1]

Jeff: Previously on Survivor. After Huaral’s decision to vote off Sammie, clear divisions were drawn as the three guys, Zach, Damien, and Mitch split away from the others, while Darci brought in the other 3 girls, leaving Korey in the middle. Over at Satipo, Julie because overly weary of the friendship between Wyatt and Elise, while Benji and Stef solidified themselves as a pair. At the reward challenge, Satipo won comfort, and sent Korey to Exile Island, where he found an idol clue. The guys over at Huaral realized that Korey was the important vote that they needed, and they formed a plan to get him on their side. At the immunity challenge, it was revealed that both tribes would go to Tribal Council, and would compete for individual immunity. In the end, Cody won immunity for Satipo, and Zach won immunity for Huaral, guaranteeing their safety that night. At Satipo, Julie strung up a plan to blindside Elise, and enlisted the help of Cody and his alliance, but in the end, Cody decided to stick with the plan, while Benji got Stef to join the guys, and Wyatt got Elise to join the guys and vote out LaTanya in a blindside. Leaving Julie on the outskirts of the tribe. At Huaral, both sides vyed for Korey’s vote, and with the help of Heidi, Korey decided to throw his vote and in the process, voted out Damien. Leaving the tribe in utter shock.

14 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
-Night 9: Satipo-

Julie. *walks into the camp* (Confessional): I’m so pissed off right now. Tribal didn’t go the way I planned it. Elise should be gone right now.

*Elise & Wyatt hug*

Elise (Confessional): I received a vote tonight. I don’t know who it was, but it wasn’t LaTanya.

David: Boy, I’m sure glad she’s gone.

Benji: Right!

Cody (Confessional): I’m here for the long haul, my target went home, and my alliance is still here. It’s a great day to be here!
Stef (Confessional): LaTanya is gone. She tried to grab the power, but she fell into the abyss. She didn’t deserve to be here, not because of her race, because of her personality.

*Benji and Stef hug*

Benji: We did it, girl!

Stef: Oh yeah!

Benji: (Confessional): As long as we don’t get separated, we’ll be good.

Stef: Yeah. We’re gonna run this game.
-Night 9: Huaral-

*Zach slams torch against tree*

Zach: Korey, we need to talk. Now.

Korey: Alright. (Confessional): Zach is a little pissed off. I like it.

Zach: I thought you were with us!

Korey: I’m not here to make you win, I’m here for me.

Zach: How did not voting in the majority help you in any way?

Korey: Listen, it’s not about voting in the majority every time, it’s about surviving. I’m still here, and Damien isn’t. So get off of my case. We’re clearing playing different games, so I guess we’re against each other now.

Zach: You’re going to be next.

Korey (Confessional): Zach thinks he has power left? Ha! If he didn’t win immunity, he would’ve been voted out tonight. But, he did, and we voted out his buddy Damien. Get over yourself, you’re a grown ass man.

Sydney (Confessional): I’m not liking Korey right now, I’m aligned with Zach, we agreed to not vote together to keep it a secret, but he can’t be doing this all over the place, or else, I’m going to have to burn that bridge.
-Day 10: Huaral-

Rosie: We should get the fire started, and get some wood. Mitch, do you want to come with me?

Mitch: Sure.

Rosie: Let’s go get some wood.

*Mitch and Rosie leave*

Zach: Have you ever seen those two go off together?

Darci: No. Are you even remotely worried about it?

Zach: It’s just weird. (Confessional): I never realized that Mitch is playing the game. Interesting.
[Rosie & Mitch]

Mitch: I’m guessing that there is a greater meaning to you inviting me out here.

Rosie: I just want to tell you that I like you, and I don’t want you to go home.

Mitch: Oh thanks! Let’s just get some firewood. (Confessional): My opinion of Rosie changed within a 7 second span. But that still doesn’t change the fact that she didn’t say she wanted to have an alliance after she voted out my closest ally.

Rosie (Confessional): I’m not going to sit around and be taken along for the ride with Darci, I know she’s playing hard, and it’s time for me to start playing.

Jeff: Come on in, guys!

*Huaral and Satipo enter*

Jeff: Huaral, Satipo, take your first look at the new tribes. LaTanya voted off at Satipo’s Tribal Council, and Damien voted out at Huaral’s Tribal Council.

Korey: Hm, LaTanya is gone. Kinda shocked.

Heidi: Yeah.

David: *laughs* Damien is gone. That’s a big surprise.

Jeff: The faces on the tribes are in shock. Wyatt, what’s going through your mind?

Wyatt: I’m surprised that Damien, a strong physical threat, is gone. I expected him to make it far.

Jeff: Mitch, surprised at LaTanya going?

Mitch: She looked like a big package of trouble. Thankful I don’t have to deal with her later on.

Jeff: Well, you may get to hear what happened because…

Cody: Merge? Already?

Jeff: We are switching up the tribes. Drop your buffs.

Cody: *laughs*

Zach: Oh, boy.

Julie: Here we go.

Sydney: Hold onto your seats, it’s gonna get crazy.

Jeff: Here is how it’s going to work. I will pass around a bag with stones inside. Each of you will choose a stone, and when I say reveal, the two people with their colored stones will be Tribe Captain.

*Jeff goes by Satipo with a bag*

Jeff: Remember, do not open your hand or see what is in your hand.

*Jeff goes by Huaral with a bag*

Jeff: Only one, Darci.

Darci: I’m trying to!
Jeff: Alright, on the count of three, reveal.

*Everyone looks at Jeff*

Jeff: 1...2...3...Reveal!

*Cody and Heidi have the colored stones*

Jeff: Cody, Heidi, come and step on your mats. Cody, you will be the captain for Satipo, Heidi, you will be the captain for Huaral.

*Cody and Heidi step forward*

Jeff: Here is how it’s going to work, Cody and Heidi, you will choose someone from the other tribe, then your old tribe until no one is left. We’ll flip for who goes first. Heidi, call it in the air.

*Jeff flips coin*

Heidi: Tails.

Jeff: It’s Heads. Cody has first pick. Cody pick someone from Huaral.

Cody: Uh, I’ll go with Mitch.

Jeff: Mitch joining Cody on Satipo.

*Mitch walks onto the Satipo mat*

Jeff: Heidi, your turn. Pick someone from Satipo.

Heidi: Uh….I think I’ll get along with this person, I’ll take Julie.

Julie: Yay! *runs over to Huaral’s mat*

Jeff: Julie joining Heidi on Huaral. Cody, choose someone from your old tribe.

Cody: I’ll take Wyatt.

*Wyatt walks over to mat*

Heidi: Korey, come on over here.

*Korey walks over to Huaral*

Cody: I’ll choose this pretty lady, Sydney, I think it is her name.

Sydney: It is. *walks over to Satipo’s mat*

Heidi: I’ll take David.

David: Okay. *walks over to Huaral’s mat*

Cody: Hm..

Wyatt: *whispers to Cody* Elise. We need her. She’s on our side.

Cody: *whispers to Wyatt* Alright, you got it.

Cody: We’ll take Elise.

Elise: *walks to Satipo’s mat*

Heidi: I’ll choose Zach.

Zach: Oh, boy. *walks over to Huaral’s mat*

Cody: I’ll take Rosie.

Rosie: Thanks Cody! *hugs Cody as she goes to Satipo’s mat*

Heidi: I’ll take Stef.

Stef: I’m not last, yay.

Jeff: Benji, Darci, you are the last people to be chosen. Cody, Heidi, there is no choice. Benji, join Satipo, and Darci, join Huaral.
SATIPO (Teal Buffs)

HUARAL (Burgundy Buffs)
Jeff: It’s time for the Reward Challenge. Here’s how it is going to work. One member from each tribe will face off against each other in a fenced off circle. They will hold a wooden idol on top of a platform they will hold in one hand. They would use the other free hand to attempt to knock their opponent's idol off the platform. The castaway who successfully knocks off the other person’s wooden idol, or whose idol hits the ground last will score a point for their tribe. First tribe to score 5 points would win Reward. Do you wanna know what you’re playing for?

Everyone: Yeah.

Jeff: *reveals reward* It’s a wonderful breakfast buffet. You got your orange juice, bacon, eggs, bread, butter, pancake mix, syrup, and a wide array of pastries.

Darci: Oh my god.

Mitch: I’m so hungry man. Oh geez.

Jeff: Worth playing for?

Wyatt: Definitely.

Benji: Hell. Freakin. Yeah.
Jeff: Alright, let’s get this started. First up it’s Mitch and Zach.

*Mitch and Zach enter the circle*

Jeff: Survivors Ready?

Mitch: *nods*

Zach: Let’s go, boy.

Jeff: Go!
Jeff: Mitch knocks over Zach’s idol! Mitch scores for Satipo!

Mitch: Woo!

Jeff: Next, we have Darci for Huaral taking on Rosie from Satipo. Survivors Ready?

Darci: Hell yeah.

Jeff: Go!
Jeff: Rosie hits Darci’s idol, but her falls off in the process! Rosie’s idol hits the ground first! Darci scores for Huaral! It’s one to one.

Jeff: Next is Wyatt and Korey. Survivors Ready?

Korey: Yeah, mate.

Jeff: Go!
Jeff: Wyatt knocks off Korey’s idol! Satipo scores again! That’s two for Satipo, and one for Huaral!
Jeff: Next is Sydney and Heidi.

*Sydney and Heidi enter the circle*

Jeff: Survivors Ready?

*Sydney and Heidi nod at each other*

Jeff: Go!
Jeff: Heidi accidentally knocks off her own idol! Satipo scores again! Three Satipo, one Huaral.
Jeff: Next is Cody taking on Julie.

*Cody and Julie enter the circle*

Jeff: Survivors Ready?

Cody: Woo!

Jeff: Go!
Jeff: Cody knocks off Julie’s idol! Cody scores for Satipo! That’s four for Satipo, and one for Huaral.
Jeff: Next is Elise and Stef.

*Elise and Stef enter the circle*

Jeff: Survivors Ready?

Stef: Oh, this should be fun.

Jeff: Go!
.Jeff: Elise knocks off Stef’s idol! Satipo wins Reward!

Elise: Yes!

Sydney: Woo!

Cody: Way to go, Elise!

Wyatt: Doughnuts!

Benji: Pancakes! We get pancakes!

Korey: F*ck! I really wanted that reward.
Jeff: Satipo, since you won the challenge, you will now send someone from the losing tribe to Exile Island.

*Satipo discusses*

Benji: We’re going to send Darci to Exile.

Darci: Alright. I’m fine with it.

Jeff: Satipo, you will now send someone from your own tribe to Exile Island. This person will not partake in the reward of breakfast.

Cody: Oh shit!

Rosie: I’ll go. *winks at Darci*

Darci: *nods*

Wyatt: *looks at Rosie then Darci, then back to Rosie*

Jeff: Rosie, you will go to Exile Island with Darci. You will both return in time for the next immunity challenge. Grab your stuff and head on out.

*Rosie and Darci leave*

Jeff: Satipo, grab your reward, and head back to your camp.

*Satipo leaves*

Jeff: Huaral, got nothing for you, head back to camp.

*Huaral leaves*
-Day 10: Satipo-

Sydney: Let’s dig in!

Mitch (Confessional): We won this amazing food reward, and right when we got back, we started making eggs and bacon, toasting the bread, and enjoying this feast of food we all needed.

Benji (Confessional): I’ve been needing this for 10 days now. It’s a great feeling to have a full stomach.

Wyatt (Confessional): I’m in heaven right now. Bacon never tasted so good.

Cody: This is amazing. Just simply amazing. *eats toast with butter*

Sydney: It’s a shame Rosie can’t enjoy this. She’s a really nice lady.

Mitch: You know, Rosie is a gameplayer. (Confessional): If I can deflect some target off of me, because I’m one of three former Huaral on Satipo. I need to get Sydney on the plan though.
[Mitch & Sydney]

Mitch: I’m planning on throwing Rosie under the bus to help us survive.

Sydney: But why do we have to throw Rosie under the bus?

Mitch: It’s a numbers game, and we’re losing. If we’re going to target someone, why not it be her?

Sydney (Confessional): I’m going to have to be deceitful to win the game, but I don’t think this is necessary. I’ll just ride it out for now.

Mitch (Confessional): She seemed a bit iffy, but hopefully she’ll be in on it if she is the one who is in trouble.
Cody: What was that all about?

Benji: I don’t know. “Rosie’s a gameplayer”

Elise: Mitch seems a little suspicious to me. Maybe he’s the gameplayer?

Wyatt: That could be a possibility, but who do we want to have in challenges?

Benji: Mitch, obviously. And plus, Rosie could find an idol at Exile, or get a clue for one here.

Cody: Idols! Completely forgot about idols!

Wyatt (Confessional): Well, there are plusses with keeping everyone of the old Huaral tribe, we’ll just see how everything shakes out. It’s like algebra with human beings.

Cody (Confessional): I want Rosie gone, she just seems annoying, and the way Sydney and Mitch complain about her is really just annoying.

-Day 11: Huaral-

David (Confessional): Yesterday, we lost the reward, and we really wanted it. Today, we’re just cooking some rice, and I’m trying to figure out a way to get majority on this tribe.

Korey (Confessional): Let’s see, I have no real allies on this new Huaral tribe except for Heidi, I think it’s time to go cross tribal.

Julie: I’m so bored.

Zach (Confessional): We’re in the middle of a really boring day, when all of a sudden, Korey jumps out and does a silly dance.

*Korey dances and does animal impressions*

Stef: Go Korey, go Korey!

Korey: *takes of shirt and swings it like a lasso*

Heidi (Confessional): Got to admit, I’m a little turned on right now. *laughs*

Korey: Let’s shake it like it’s 1999!

Zach: *laughs*

Julie (Confessional): Best day ever. In the history of ever.

Korey (Confessional): I may have risked my pride and integrity on national television to dance. Am I a Reality Star yet?
-Day 11: Exile Island-

Darci (Confessional): It was a cold, rainy, night last night. I did not enjoy it, and neither did Rosie. But we were able to swap crucial information with each other, and now we solidified a cross tribal alliance that is really strong.

Rosie: Yesterday, I got the idol clue for my tribe. And I dropped it in the fire! I had it in my hand and I just dropped it in with the stick! I feel so dumb, I feel like I burned my chance at the win.

Darci: Exile is tough, isn’t it.

Rosie: Definitely.

Darci (Confessional): I’m definitely wary of my tribe, going to Exile Island, and missing out on the crucial bonding time. But my tribe has four Huaral, I should be fine, but you never know.
-Day 12: Satipo-

Mitch: Treemail!

Benji: Let’s see this.

Mitch: *opens mail*

No one can see, all except for one
It is advised that no one run
Gather your bundles, and no one is free
Get all your items, and you’ll win immunity

Sydney: Wow, sounds interesting.

Wyatt: We can win this.

Jeff: Come on in, guys!

*Satipo and Huaral enter*

Jeff: We now bring in Rosie and Darci returning from Exile Island.

*Rosie and Darci enter*

Rosie: Hey guys.

Darci: Whatsup!

Elise: Welcome back!

Jeff: Are we ready to get to today’s immunity challenge?

Benji: Yeah!

Jeff: First things first, Cody, Zach, I’ll take back the necklaces. *takes necklaces* Individual immunity is no longer up for grabs. Tribal Immunity is what you covet.

*Jeff reveals Tribal Immunity Idol*

Jeff: Alright, let’s get to the immunity challenge. Here’s how it works. One castaway from each tribe will work as a caller to direct their tribe mates who are in pairs, who will be blindfolded to collect puzzle pieces from a field. Once all of the puzzle pieces are collected, they will need to assemble the slide puzzle directed by the caller. The first tribe to complete their puzzle will win Immunity. Losing tribe goes to Tribal Council tonight. I’ll give you moment to strategize.
Jeff: Alright, calling for Satipo is Sydney, and calling for Huaral is David. Pairs for Satipo are Cody and Benji, Wyatt and Mitch, and Elise and Rosie. Pairs for Huaral are Stef and Julie, Korey and Heidi, and Zach and Darci. Survivors Ready?

Everyone: Yeah!

Jeff: Go!
Jeff: Cody and Benji get a bag for Satipo!
Jeff: David leads Stef and Julie and Zach and Darci to two puzzle pieces! There are 8 puzzle pieces out there, you need to collect all of them!
Jeff: Wyatt and Mitch get a piece! Korey and Heidi get another piece!
Jeff: David leads Julie and Stef to another piece! And Zach and Darci get another piece! Huaral leads with 5 pieces!
Jeff: Sydney leading Satipo nowhere! Wait! Elise and Rosie get their first puzzle piece! Wyatt and Mitch get another piece! Satipo is suddenly back in this!
Jeff: David leads Zach and Darci and Korey and Heidi to another piece! Huaral leads with 7 pieces! One left for Huaral!
Jeff: Cody and Benji get another piece for Satipo! Wyatt and Mitch get another piece for Satipo! That’s 6 for Satipo! 7 for Huaral!
Jeff: Julie and Stef get the last piece for Huaral! Elise and Rosie get the seventh piece for Satipo!
Jeff: Huaral can start working on their slide puzzle! You can take your blindfold off, and David you can help lead the puzzle!
Jeff: Wyatt and Mitch get the last piece for Satipo! Get it back! David and Huaral are making progress on the slide puzzle!
Jeff: Mitch and Wyatt are back! Satipo can start the puzzle!
Jeff: Huaral has a huge lead over Satipo on the puzzle portion of this challenge!
Jeff: Satipo is quickly catching up! Huaral needs to pick it up!
Jeff: What a comeback for Satipo! Both tribes are neck and neck! Both almost have the puzzle completed!
Jeff: Huaral can win it right here.

*Huaral moves last piece*

David: Jeff! I think we have it.

Jeff: Huaral thinks they have it! And they do! Huaral wins immunity!

David: Yes!

Darci: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Heidi: Great job, guys!

Benji: We were so close, Satipo.
Jeff: Huaral, no Tribal Council tonight. *hands Tribal Idol to David*

David: Thank you Jeff.

Jeff: Huaral, you can head on out.

*Huaral exits*

Jeff: Satipo, unfortunately, Tribal Council for you tonight. I’ll see you then. Head on back to camp.
-Day 12: Satipo-

Wyatt: We tried so hard guys, don’t be disheartened.

Cody: We did our best, and that’s all we can count on.

Benji (Confessional): I’m definitely sticking with Old Satipo this Tribal, I’m not willing to throw trust away so easily.
[Wyatt, Cody, Benji, Elise]

Cody: I was thinking maybe Sydney tonight? It’s easily justified.

Elise: I was thinking Mitch, he’s a huge threat later on in the game.

Wyatt: I was hoping for Rosie. Wow, we all disagree.

Benji (Confessional): Apparently, we can’t come to a clear consensus.

Wyatt (Confessional): This should be an interesting afternoon for good ol’ Satipo.

Cody: I’m definitely open to other options, I think she has potential to do great, and we got to nip it in the bud.

Elise: The great thing is we have majority, and whoever we decide to send home will go home. It all depends on this afternoon. (Confessional): I think Cody feels a little slighted by him not having total control.
[Mitch, Sydney, Rosie]:

Rosie: We need to get majority. I say we talk to Cody. He’s a little shaky.

Mitch: Yeah.

Rosie: Is everyone on board? Sydney?

Sydney (Confessional): I think that Rosie is a wee bit too controlling. She may be digging her grave, it’s all depending Cody maybe coming along with the Huaral Train.

Rosie: I’m fine with talking to Cody myself.

Mitch: You do that Rosie.

Rosie (Confessional): Come on, guys, I can’t be the only one trying to survive! Get your butts in gear.

Sydney: Oh Rosie, did you get an idol clue by any chance at Exile?

Rosie: Oh, no, I dropped it in the fire. *laughs*

Sydney (Confessional): How do you drop an important piece of information in the fire. Is she really that dumb?

Mitch: You what? (Confessional): I have an idol, it doesn’t really matter to me what she does, I know I’m already safe, or have it in my pocket if I’m nervous.

Rosie: It was a simple mistake. (Confessional): Time to take control and get Cody on our side.
[Rosie and Cody]

Rosie: Hey Cody!

Cody: Hey Rosie. Do you want to talk?

Rosie: Yeah. I was hoping to ask you to join up with the old Huaral. We’re a nice bunch, and we want to vote out Benji tonight. If you want to vote with us, which I recommend you do, you should definitely do it. You won’t win without us.

Cody: I’ll think about it. (Confessional): So, I had a 30 second conversation with Rosie where she shoved her annoying words down my throat with a bucket of the ice salt they put on roads to melt the ice. I felt like inflicting self-harm to be quite honest.

Rosie: Are you with us Cody?

Cody: Sure.

Rosie: If you aren’t with us, I’m coming after you.
[Wyatt and Mitch]

Mitch: Dude, what’s going on tonight?

Wyatt: I don’t even know, we haven’t even came to a decision yet.

Mitch: I would like to know if I’m going out, I don’t want to be blindsided.

Wyatt: I’ll definitely tell you when we’ve made a decision.

Mitch (Confessional): If Wyatt tells me it’s me, I can play my idol, and vote out someone from old Satipo. Great plan, right?
[Sydney, Mitch, Rosie]

Rosie: We need to vote out Cody. He’s shaky, and he doesn’t want to vote with us.

Sydney (Confessional): First she wants to align with this guy, now she wants to vote him out? I’m questioning her sanity.

Mitch: Are you sure? I can talk to Wyatt later on, but it isn’t for sure. We should take a chance and vote out who we wanted to originally, Benji.

Rosie: It’s not the right move! Don’t you understand.

Mitch (Confessional): Well, that was a little uncalled for.
Cody (Confessional): I’m in a weird place tonight, it looks as if I’m the swing vote, and maybe, I could determine the game with this vote, but I’m confident in where my vote is going.

Mitch (Confessional): I definitely have a feeling of uneasiness about tonight. Anything could really happen, and I’m not going to the Tribal without my idol in my pocket.

*Satipo enters with their torches, and sits down*

Jeff: Welcome to Tribal Council. How’s camp life?

Elise: Camp life? Is fine, we could definitely use some necessities like toilet paper.

Jeff: How was the food reward, Cody?

Cody: Ooooooooh Jeff, that was delicious. Best thing about being out here so far.

Jeff: Rosie, are Tribal lines in play tonight?

Rosie: I hope not, cause that means either myself, Mitch, or Sydney are going home tonight.

Mitch: But that’s not necessarily true. Many things may occur outside of people’s focus that they aren’t privy too.

Jeff: Like what? Cross tribe alliances?

Mitch: I don’t know, I said it’s a possibility.

Jeff: Wyatt, what are you basing your vote on?

Wyatt: I’m voting based on who I can’t stand to be around anymore.

*Cody shifts*

Jeff: Is that really the only reason?

Wyatt: Jeff, it’s the truth. This cast is full of crazy people.

Jeff: Sydney, are you worried tonight?

Sydney: Frankly, no.

Jeff: Wait, so let me get this straight, you’re in the apparent minority, and you are absolutely confident it isn’t you.

Sydney: Like Mitch said, many things happen that people aren’t privy too.

Jeff: And suddenly, I’m excited to see where this tribal goes. Benji, what’s going through your head right now.

Benji: I’m going “oh shit, oh shit, oh shit” because Mitch and Sydney haven’t talked to me alone yet. It makes me a little nervous, and I think no one should feel safe given what Mitch and Sydney are speaking the truth.

Jeff: Mitch, it’s been 12 days in the game, and have you seen anything or heard about the possibilities of an idol?

Mitch: I think someone here has one, but this person has refused to show their cards to their own allies.

Jeff: Well, I’m excited to see how this plays out. There seems to be a lot of uncertainty in this tribe, and we’ll see how the vote goes. It is time to vote. Benji, you’re up first.

*Benji gets up*
Rosie: *holds up vote* Cody. You’ve proven you will be no help of me. Goodbye. *folds votes and places it in urn*
*Wyatt walks up to urn*
Mitch: *vote not shown* This is one of many mistakes you made.
*Cody sits back down*

Jeff: Alright, I’ll go tally the votes.
*Jeff returns with the urn* If anybody has a Hidden Immunity Idol, and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so
*Mitch looks at bag nervously*
*no one stands*

Jeff: Okay, once the votes are read, the decision is final, the person voted out must leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I’ll read the votes.
Jeff: First vote…
*flips vote*


Jeff: One vote Cody. Second vote…
*flips vote*


Jeff: That’s one vote Rosie, one vote Cody.

*Cody begins to look nervous*
*Mitch and Wyatt nod at each other*
*Rosie shivers*

Jeff: Third vote…
*flips vote*


Jeff: That’s two votes Cody, one vote Rosie.

*Cody looks surprised*

Jeff: Fourth vote…
*flips vote*


Jeff: That’s two for Cody, and two for Rosie.

*Rosie looks at Mitch*
*Mitch shrugs shoulders at Rosie*

Jeff: Fifth vote…
*flips vote*


Jeff: That’s three for Rosie, two for Cody.

*Rosie begins to tear up*
*Mitch and Wyatt slyly fist bump*
*Cody begins to relax*

Jeff: Sixth vote…
*flips vote*


Jeff: We are tied. Three votes for Cody, three votes for Rosie, one vote left.

*Cody mouths “What the hell” to Wyatt and Benji*
*Wyatt looks concerned*
*Rosie smiles at Sydney*

Jeff: Final vote…
The Fifth Person Voted Off Of Survivor Peru...
*flips vote*


Cody: Oh my God! Thank you!

Mitch: *sighs*

Benji: *puts face into hands*

Jeff: Rosie, that’s 4, that’s enough, you need to bring me your torch.

*Rosie brings Jeff her torch*

Jeff: Rosie, the tribe has spoken. *snuffs torch* It’s time for you to go.

Rosie: Don’t let the game get to you guys. Good luck. *waves bye*

*Rosie exits Tribal Council area*

Jeff: After tonight, it may seem like you are two sides, but there are more sides to this puzzle then you see on the outside, and I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing. That is a thing you figure out on your own. Grab your torches, and head back to camp. Good night.

*Satipo exits Tribal Council area*
Rosie (Exit Interview): I tried so hard to take control. My grab for control failed. I definitely don’t think it was a straight cut vote. It had to have had some angle to it. I think Mitch flipped over, and maybe Wyatt flipped over with us. I don’t know, but something went down. My time on Survivor was amazing, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I wish nothing but the best for the remaining 13.

Cody: Rosie
Mitch: Rosie
Wyatt: Rosie
Sydney: Cody
Elise: Rosie
Rosie: Cody
Benji: Cody

~Next Time On Survivor~
An injury threatens someone's life in the game.

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Sent by dragotistic,Dec 8, 2014
Sent by Jinxh,Dec 8, 2014
Great episode, although the Benji and Mitch flipping came out of no where.  Overall a great series though, awesome writing
Sent by titanium162,Dec 8, 2014

You'll see more of that next episode ;)
Sent by dragotistic,Dec 8, 2014
Rosie's boot was expected, given the increased amount of air-time she had gotten prior. A bit surprised at the make-up of the vote. Interested to learn about the intricacies of that.

Any ways, Sydney had a great episode. As for alliances, we have the clear Satipo 4, which is now in jeopardy though due to Benji's vote flip, which I'm interested to find out about as mentioned. And then over at Huaral I'm pretty sure Julie will end up teaming up with the pre-swap Huarals (Heidi/Korey/Darci). Not sure about Zach. I think Stef is screwed if Huaral loses.
Sent by Patrick319,Dec 8, 2014
I kind of want to make an edgic LOL which will prove that I literally do not have a life but I'm lazy to re-read prior episodes.
Sent by Patrick319,Dec 8, 2014

Sent by dragotistic,Dec 8, 2014
Sent by semajdude,Dec 8, 2014
Lol Rosie I see that coming anyway good episode
Sent by Kikorus,Dec 8, 2014
Sent by Loopulle,Dec 8, 2014
getting interesting now
Sent by _JB_,Dec 9, 2014
Still here
Sent by ghrocky100,Dec 9, 2014

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