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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Mar 25, 2013 by firetruck421
Look, this is the record for the LONGEST BLOG IN HISTORY, but, if you want to "watch" it in parts, I'll post the links at the end, ENJOY!  ALSO, A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THE 10 CAST MEMBERS WHO HELPED ME OUT!  One last thing, if you see this: (Possible BONUS SCENE) That means that there is a special scene there which has been cut from the movie, so, look for those while you're "watching". P.S Obviously, the death scenes have alternate endings so... yeah.  ALSO FIRST EVER TENGAGED MOVIE!

Rider: elax101
Dex: keenan2012
Angus: thefish
Christian: Zrtuy
Josephina: joeymabes2012
Justin: Codemeister56
Lily: EllieC13
Brittney: Ninihead25
Brienna: LindseyPirtle
Courtney: CourtneyYates

It's a cool night.  The audience can see the snow falling.  The focus changes.  They see the group of people, they are all talking.  "Hey where are the other guys?"  "How am I supposed to know?"  "You guys didn't hear? They all pretty much got sick, and _______ lives in HAWAII!"  "They told me that they were gonna all go on a bike ride later this year."  "Oh okay."  Rider walks over to the group.  "Hey guys, it's Rider!"  Everybody hugs or high fives Rider.  "Hey you guys!  I can't wait till we get to take a ride up to the mountain!"  "Yeah, Carol over there got us a PRIVATE RIDE!  We're the only ones who get to go today!"  "Cheers for Carol!"  "HIP HIP HOORAY!"  "When do we get to go on?"  "Rider, it's not for another 3 minutes, go talk to Josephin over there."  Rider walks over to Josephina.  "Hey, whatcha up too?"  "Nothing much, I've just been here for 3 hours because I wasn't told that we were coming at this time."  "Oh..... well how has your gymnastics career been going?"  "Pretty well, although I just heard that a girl slipped off a pole or something and broke her back...... I'm kinda nervous to perform at the circus now on the tightrope."  "Oh come on, you can't believe that junk!"  "Come on Rider!  Give me a break!  I'm just nervous, that's all."  Rider can see the hurt in Josephina's eyes.  Somebody yells at everyone else.  "COME ON YOU GUYS!  WE CAN GET ON NOW!"  (This part I used fake names)  (BTW  I really hope I can describe what I can see to you guys!)  Rider walks towards the seats, he can see that they're really close together.  "Um, sir, why are all the chairs close together?" (THE CARTS ARE 5 FEET APART) "Oh they're that way because people wanted to be able to talk to their friends from each seat, best thing we could come up with."  Too bad they didn't know that this would option might of saveed their lives.  "Oh also you guys, (when they were all seated)  there are some billboards up there, please don't touch them."  said the guy at the stand....

Dex          Ellie       Brienna    Tyland       Charles   Arnold  Jeff     Brittney
Justin       Teresa   Christian   Courtney     Rider      Mikey   Marla   Lylee
Tara         Jaylen   Josephina   Lily            Michael   Carol   Angus   Skyler

DISASTER TIME:  The people can see a wire that's about to come lose, the one that Charles is on goes right across it, then the electrical wire breaks.  The electricity makes the carts continue forward.  Lily just hears a spirring sound and looks up to see the wire is loose.  She screams.  "YOU GUYS, THE WIRE'S LOOSE WE'RE GONNA CRASH!"  Lily and Courtney get loose from the bar and jump towards the cart in front of them.  They made it on.  Tyland, (Courtney's Boyfriend)  is to tall to get out.  Courney is trying to pull him out by holding his hand.  The cart falls.  Courtney pulls Tylands arm out of it's socket.  Tyland is screaming while he and the cart falls towards the ground.  When Courtney finally realises that he fell, she sees she still has the arm.  "AAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!'  She throws the arm towards the woods, opposite of Brienna.  Back at the place where it starts, (I FREAKING FORGOT WHAT THEY CALLED IT, DON'T JUDGE ME!) The guy has left.  He comes back because he had forgotten to get his water bottle back.  He walks towards it when he sees it has spilled.  "Great, now I have to clean it up."  He grabs a mop and a bucket.  He's pretty tired and he just wants to go home, but for the saftey of the passengers, he HAS to stay.  He ends up taking a break, he sits down on a mini bench and falls asleep.  Obviously not knowing it, he starts sleep walking.  He walks on the water and slips and hits the machine.  (I'm not even sure if this is real, but I made it up so JUST GO WITH IT!)  By doing so, he wakes up and puts his hand on the machine to get himself up.  He accidently pulls a lever and it controls the speed.  There's a mini lever for each pole, he somehow pulls it for the one that Charles just passed.  Every single cart starts speeding up.  They're all screaming.  The other 3 remaining carts are still going slow, since they are behind the one that has speeded up.  The next 3 people are ALL able to get up and they jump towards the one behind them.  The 3 girls who are above them trying to get out but can't.  (BACK TO RIDER AND THE OTHER GUYS) Rider and Michael tell Courtney and Lily to climb up the sides.  (they are holding the chair, which is made out of wood.)  Just as Courtney is climbing up, the wood that she is holding starts slipping out of it's socket in the chair.  "Guys help me!!!!"  "Courtney!" Charles tries to grab her hand, but just as their hands touch, the wood slips out entirely, and she is falling. "AAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH"  Charles is left wide-eyed, he looks towards Lily, " YOU GUYS, HOLD THE WOOD SO IT WONT SLIP."  The 3 men hold the wood as much as possible, it's obviously pretty hard since they are going EXTREMELY FAST.  Rider looks up and sees that there are 2 wires that the carts are hung on.  (Whenever coming across a pole, it goes into one wire which then splits back into 2.)  (It goes every other cart so the first cart is on the right and you get the idea)  His cart is on the left side though.  He sees that the right wire looks prettty loose.  (Back towards the group that was left behind)  Christian swings from the wood to the next one.  He yells for the other girls to do the same.  Josephina does the same just fine.  She yells at Brienna to hurry, but just as she is going to do so, she loses her grip and falls.  "AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHH"  "BRIENNA!!!!!" Brienna is shown falling into the trees below her and is trying to cover her face from the branches.  "AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH"  She falls on her back.  She groans, somehow still alive.  She is able to open her eyes.  She sees something coming really close.  She can then here screams.  She realises that the cart still fell.  "AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH"  The cart lands oon her and blood splatters everywhere.  The 3 girls are seen to be on the ground, killed from impact.  (Goes to front of cart)  Not realising what has happened, the 3 riders are all scared to death.  The right wire makes a noise and it breaks from the entire thing.  The riders and the ones about to be behind them are all screaming as they go down hill.  It's still latched to one though, making there be a big bump when they hit the bottom, but they are STILL in the air.  The first cart hits the bump.  Brittney is shown falling and screaming face first to the ground.  Lylee is shown doing a flip then falling to the ground.  Skyler is shown holding the bar, flipping, then hitting his back on the seat.  They ALL fall to their deaths.  The second one comes.  Right when it hits the bump.  Arnold, who is "big"  his top part flies off of the seat leaving a bloody mess and his lower half.  Mikey is shown flying off of the cart.  Carol is somehow still left in her seat, it is showing her crying and screaming as her cart goes off into the darkness.  (BACK TO LILY AND RIDER AND THE OTHERS)  Michael is trying to pull Lily up.  Lily is screaming with terror in her eyes.  Michael then sees something flash underneathe Lily, and he also hears a loud noise.  By then all fear has washed away from Lily's face.  Michael looks to her side and sees NO LEGS!  He then looks to his right and sees a Billboard has just passed them, he screams and drops her.  (TO CHRISTAIN AND JOSEPHINA) They are all screaming as the last cart is about to go over the edge.  The part holding it up breaks and it leans to the right.  (Left is the woods I mentioned earlier)  Tara is shown falling to her death,  and Justin who's also "big" falls off the edge too.  Josephina tries to save Justin, but justin is SO HEAVY, that she loses her grip on Christian.  Her and Justin fall to their deaths, leaving Christian and Dex screaming.  Christian then realises that the wood he's hanging onto is about to break, he tries to go up the side, but he's too late.  It breaks and he screams as he falls to his death.  (BACK TO THE FRONT OF THE RIDE, WHICH IS NOW JEFF MARIA AND ANGUS' CART.)  They are ALL screaming as it only gets faster, but the wood between Maria breaks.  "AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH"  Angus grabs her and pulls her up.  Maria is hugging him, not only because she's still alive,  but there's no more room on the cart.  She looks behind and sees a building, which she would of fell on.  But then the scene of the building is cut off from another billboard.  Then the thing holding the cart breaks and it leans to the left.  Jeff falls out of his seat with Maria still hugging him from the back.  They BOTH are falling and screaming.  Leaving Angus all by himself.  He's screaming as the final cord breaks, and he falls to his death.  The ONLY people still alive are the guys on Rider's cart, and Dex.  A cord holding Rider's cart breaks and it leans left.  Charles falls off, Rider is somehow able to hold on while Michael topples over him and the other 2 fall to their deaths.  (The pole keeping them in they're seats had fallen off then, on BOTH of the last 2 carts.) Dex is trying to hold on, but he can't do anything, the cart falls through the mini hole and he screams as he falls to his death.  With Rider all by himself,  he is too scared to scream now.  But when something comes loose, the cart starts going down and is about to hit a billboard.  He's screaming as the back of the cart breaks and he falls through.  The cart is shown hitting the billboard.  Rider is shown falling when he lands on a sharp pole on top of the roof. 







Rider then opens his eyes and finds himself back in line.  "AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH"  He falls out of line.  7 other people get out of line to calm him down.  "Rider what happened?"  "The....The..... ride's gonna crash!"  almost everybody who was still in line started laughing.  Brittney, who was about 5 feet in the air was now "freaking out" with the pole, it went up and she fell out of the cart and hit the ground.  Before she "freaked out"  she said that Rider was crazy.  Angus, who believed what Rider was saying, slipped out of his cart and dropped 3 feet to the ground.  He then went to Brittney and picked her up, because she somehow was knocked out.

The group then leaves, because Rider refuses to let any of them go, and also the fact that security got all 10 of them off the thing.  Later the next night, they all hear about what happened. (Possible BONUS SCENE)

A couple days later, Courtney is driving to the gym.  She is on the cell phone with her friend, Jacob.  "Hey Jacob, I'm about to go to the gym..... want to go with me?"  "Look Courtney..... sure, but I'm SO sorry for your friend, I can't believe he died..."  Courtney makes a hurt face in the car, but keeps on talking like nothing has happened. "It's okay Jacob, we all have to go sometime right?"  "Right..... well I'll meet ya there."  "Okay then bye."  Courtney makes a quick stop to the store to buy some food.  Then she drives towards the gym.  "Hey where have you been?"  "Sorry, just remembered I had to make a quick stop at the store."  "Hmm, okay then, where do we work out first?"  "How about the bench?  Besides you need a watcher for that."  "I'm down with that!"  "Okay then, who's first?"  "I'll go first!"  They both walk over towards a bench lifting thingamijig (I ALSO FORGOT WHAT THEY WERE CALLED.)  On the way there Courtney slipped and fell on the ground.  Then, a lot of miles away, Rider saw the vision again.  He saw Courtney hanging onto the wood and then the wood slipped out of it's socket.  He brushed it off saying that it was a dream.  Jacob went first and lifted around 150 pounds.  Afterwards Courtney went, and lifted 200 pounds.  "Wow, you're very strong Courtney."  "Yeah, well you can go, I just want to lift for 1 last minute."  The camera zooms in on the screws that hold the bar up over the bench and BOTH are coming out.  "Are you sure?"  "Of course I am!  What could happen?"  "Okay then."  Jacob walks away.  Courtney, still in the room by herself.  Tries to lift around 300 pounds.  Her arms aren't strong enough and it starts to fall on her.  She tries to lift it up and she tries to scream, but it's so heavy that it's IMPOSSIBLE to scream with the bar on top of her.  Jacob then walks in, "Courtney!" He runs and sits on her stomach and tries to help her lift it up.  Somehow, they both get the strength to lift it up.  She's grunting, and she's still horrified, as is Jacob, and are trying to lift it up onto that bar.  They finally do it.  She is hyproventilating.  "Well that was close..."  Jacob said leaning into her. (Remember, he's on top of her.)  Jacob starts to lean in as to kiss her and Courtney looks like she's going to let him.  Just as she's about too, she hears a sound, then looks up.  The bar is vibrating.  The screws come loose and the bar breaks.  "AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH"  The thing falls right on her neck, slicing her head off.  Jacob, who's head was not around her head at the time, (NOT TRYING TO SOUND DIRTY!) starts screaming... 

At Courtney's Funeral:
The 9 friends appear at Courtney's funeral.  Afterwards they start talking.  "Isn't that kind of weird how she died just about a week after the accident?"  "Just a coincidence you guys!  Nothing to worry about."  Then a black man walks in front of them.  "Oh there's something to worry about." He says, "Let me guess.  One of you had a vision that all of you were going to die.  You guys were the ones to come off and the rest died."  "Ho- how did you know?" "Seen it happen... many times.  Then one by one, death comes and takes them away....  But CAN escape death, unfortunately... he is REALLY hard to escape."  "This guy's crazy, lets just go!"  "Wait, if he's telling the truth he MAY be able to tell us how to escape!"  "Well, your only chance of escaping death is either somebody intervenes, or somebody else dies.  IF somebody else dies, to the cause of one of you, then that person takes the other person's lifespan."  "Whatever, guys lets go."  They all leave. 

(on cellphone is Brienna and Josephina)
"Hey Brienna what are you up to?"  "It was a hard decision, but I wanted to go skiing to make up for what happened."  "SERIOUSLY?!  You're crazy if you're going to go skiing."  "Well sorry.  I'm driving up there right now."  "Well, sorry, I have to go so bye." "Bye."  Brienna goes up to the mountain with nothing happening right now.  But on the way up, a clothes rack fell down and almost hit her in the head.  (FROM A DISTANCE) Rider keeps seeing Brienna crushed by the car tover and over again in his dream.  Then he sees a picture of Carol.  (BACK TO BRIENNA)  Brienna is at the top of the mountain and starts her trail.  Something goes wrong and she falls down.  She's just sliding down the mountain, and she can't get up.  She appears at a cliff.  "No, no, no, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!"  She goes over the edge.( While sliding down the mountain, she got off the track.)  "AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHH"  She was doing flips and stuff and she landed on her back.  She was somehow resting against the mountain.  The camera shows her still alive.  She is opening her eyes, and in the distance she sees somebody.  She tries yelling but she can't talk.  SHe then is starting to get her hearing back and she can hear a buzzing sound. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ she then hear's somebody yell something.  When she realises what it is, she starts screaming as loud as possible, though it's only cooming through like she's just talking. The one word that made her frighten in terror was the word: timber.  In a distance a man with a chainsaw has just finished cutting down the tree and it's falling.  He's laughing as it falls.  After it falls he goes all the way to the end to check it out.  What he sees is that the tree splattered blood everywhere and all that's left is the head which is SOMEWHAT resting on the top.  He yells," SOMEBODY CALL 911!"  He then runs over to the body and says. "Oh my gosh Brienna, I'm SO sorry." He takes off his mask and it is revealed to be Dex. 

It's mid-day Brittney, Lily, and Josephina are all going to Subway, to eat lunch.  This is after the funeral for Brienna.  "Can you believe what happened to Brienna!"  "Yeah... it's kind of weird.  I told her NOT to go too!  She did anyways, but now she's dead."  "It really is sad...... um you guys I have a question for you."  "What is it Brittney?"  "Well I'm going to Paris for vacation by myself, I don't really want to go alone so I was wondering if you guys wanted to come." "I don't know Brittney, it's been really stressful."  "Come on you guys!  It's Paris!  There will probably be a BUNCH of cute boys there!"  "Okay, but only if Lily agrees." "Sure! I've always wanted to go to Paris!"  "Okay then, meet me at my house in 2 weeks!" "Okay then bye!"  The three friends all drive home.  2 WEEKS LATER.  It's late, and it's about 9:00 PM, The 3 girls are in line to go into the metal scanner thing.  Behind Brittney, she is behind both girls, is a pilot.  Both Brittney and the pilot put pills on the metal scanner, somehow Brittney grabbed the wrong ones, as did the pilot.  The 3 girls are about to walk down the pathway towards the plane but something's wrong.  "Oops sorry, the door is locked, it sometimes does that."  (flight attendant) Next to the door is a big shelf, probably 6 feet high.  The 3 girls walk down the small hallway, and sit down on the plane, Britney on aisle seat, Josephina in middle seat, and Lily in the window seat.  When suddenly, a boy dashes past them and he starts screaming a few seconds later.  The 3 girls witness security guards have to take a couple of teens out.  (IN THE DISTANCE) Rider is walking down the street when Dex runs up to him.  "RIDER!"  "What dude?" "I think what that guy told us..... at Courtney's funeral....... is true!"  "What do you mean?"  "How we SKIPPED death!  Death's going to come get all of us Rider!  We can stop it though!"  "Dex, man WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU!  IT'S NOT TRUE!!!"  "But Rider you don't understand, I KILLED Brienna, what were the chances of that tree falling on her huh?"  "Looks like chances were low, but it happened Dex, nothing you could do about it."  "Please Rider..."  "Okay, but if it even IS true, how am I supposed to know who's next?" Then Rider sees it.  He sees Brittney Lylee and Skyler falling out of the cart.  "I know who's next."  "Who?"  "It's Brittney." "Okay.... um...... Josephina told me that she was talking to Brittney, maybe you should call her."  "Good idea."  Rider calls Josephina. "Hey where are you?"  "Brittney, Lily and I are on a plane."  "Okay, STAY THERE, me and Dex are on our way."  "What do you me-"  Rider hung up.  (BACK AT THE AIRPLANE)  "Who was that?"  "It was Rider, he told me to stall the plane."  "Well wait.... did you know what that kid was saying?"  "All I heard was crash........ die........ vision."  "WHAT?!  WE NEED TO GET OFF OF THIS PLANE NOW!"  The 3 girls scrambled out of their seats and ran towards the door.  The plane WAS moving.  When they opened it, they were a good 3 feet away from the hallway thing.  "Guys just jump!"  Lily went first and made it.  "Hurry you guys."  Josephina went next and barely made it, it was now about 6 feet away. "HURRY BRITTNEY!"  Brittney jumps and makes it.  But she loses her balance and falls head first towards the ground. "NO!"  Josephina jumps down and grabs her leg, while Lily grabbed Josephina's hand.  "AAAAAGGGHHHH GUYS HELP ME!!!!!"  "Pull me up, Lily!"  Lily gathered all of her strength and pulled Josephina up halfway, then she lost her grip, they dropped another foot!  "AAAGGGHHH LILY!  PLEASE FOR ALL OF THE THINGS THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED IN OUR LIVES PULL US UP!" Lily somehow gets Josephina up and they get Brittney up.  "Thanks Lily."  They hugged.  In the distance the pilot is taking his pills, they're sleeping pills, he took them about 10 minutes before the girls got off.  Back towards the girls, Lily looks outward, ignoring the flight attendants yell, and sees a plane coming straight for them.  "Um, guys, we gotta go!"  "Why?"  The other 2 girls look and see the OTHER plane coming closer.  "The plane is coming right for us!  RUN FOR IT!"  They start running down the hallway and just as they're halfway back up, the plane starts crashing through the hall.  They're running as fast as possible now.  They are all separated by a good 2 feet.  The door is still open due to the other kids being kicked out.  Lily runs though and trips and falls.  Josephina runs through, but the vibrations of the plane crashing through the hall way also makes her trip, and the shelf next to the door falls closing it before Brittney could make it through.  "NOOOOOOO LET ME OUT!  LET ME OUT!!!!!"  She is is pounding the door, even kicking it!  But alas, the door is locked by the big shelf and the other 2 girls are still in shock.  She turns around realizing there is no hope for her now, but she can see another pilot trying to push something down, perhaps the breaks?  "AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"  It shows Brittney screaming and right when the plane is about to hit her, it goes back to the girls as the screaming has stopped and so has the plane.  They somehow push the shelf away and open the door.  They see that Brittney was pierced in the neck by the tip of the plane before the co-pilot could push down the breaks.  Then Rider and Dex run in and they see the plane.  "What happened?"  "Brittney.... she's dead."

The remaining survivors are at Brittney's funeral.  "You guys..... what that guy told us.... it's true."  "Seriously Dex?!"  "I just watched Brittney die and you expect me to believe something so stupid?"  "Think about it!  Rider here has a vision that we're all going to die then one by one our friends start to die!  You don't find that the LEAST suspicious?!"  Nobody speaks.  One by one, withput saying a word, they all leave after saying a few words about Brittney.  A couple weeks later Josephina is on the phone with Rider.  "Hey Rider...... um, Lily, Angus, and I are going bowling next weekend, but Angus only agreed to go if he wasn't the only boy there, so we wanted to invite you and Dex."  "Um, sure, but did you already ask Dex about it?  He kinda seems freaked out about this death thing."  "Oh yeah we did.... so be ready in a week okay?"  "Okay..."  They got off the phone.  Rider starts to watch the t.v. show that they were all on and when he sees Carol...... he starts to get a headache..... like there's something he forgot. 


They are all in the car with Lily driving.  When she puts the window down, she hears screaming...... she doesn't know what it is.  "Um, you guys..... I hear something."  "What is it?"  "It sounds like screaming."  They are all near a railroad.  "Well just keep going, I don't want to think about it."  "Come on Dex, somebody could be in trouble, if somebody is we HAVE to help!"  "But Lily!  Death is after us!"  Lily smirked, obviously not believing him, "well then we'll have to take a chance."  She pulls over on the side of the road and starts to walk towards the woods.  Everybody gets out and follows her.  Except for Dex.  "You guys!  Don't leave me here!"  They leave anyways.  "Great...."  He gets out of the car and starts to follow them.  They are walking in the following order:
                                         TREE      Josephina            TREE        Dex     TREE
    TREE                                                                  TREE
                                                                        Rider                             TREE
                                                      Angus                                               TREE             TREE
           TREE                     Lily

They start walking towards some people yelling.  At one point they here a guy yelling something...... they could hear some faint words.  "Your next....... I'm...... away.......... Oh you will.............. your dead!............... and your taking....."
During this time Rider sees Lily getting cut in half at the ski resort.  After it's done, the last words are being said.
Lily turns around, "What?"  Then a silver thing comes flying out of nowhere and slicers her head off, it then hits the tree right next to Josephina, she looks at it, it's literally within a foot of her head... not even that.  She starts to scream, but it gets cut off.  Dex then runs towards her and hugs her from the back as she starts to fall down crying.  "I told you guys!  Death is AFTER us!  We NEED to keep each other alive!"  Josephina is still crying.  "No Dex stop!  It's nothing!"  "What would you know Angus?  You didn't see Brienna OR Brittney die!  WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW?!?!"  Rider thinks about things..... and all he can think about, is Carol.

IT'S BEEN A WEEK SINCE LILY DIED.  THREE FRIENDS ARE TALKING TO EACH OTHER AT A RESTAURANT.  OBVIOUSLY THEY ARE Dex, Josephina, and Rider.  "Look you guys, we HAVE to save everybody."  "Well how are we supposed to know who's next?  I mean it's not like it's gonna just snap in Rider's head!"  "Well........ the way we sat!' "Huh?"  "Rider, do you remember the way we sat on the carts?"  "Sorta..... why?"  "That's it!"  "What's it?"  "If he can remember where we sat on the carts, then he might be able to remember the order of the way we were supposed to die!"  "Okay then..... Rider, do you remember where we were all seated?"  "I am ALWAYS thinking about it!  But everytime I do, I keep thinking about Carol..."  "Well what do you think about her?"  "I just...... I see her after we witness every death.  I keep seeing her, like she's there with us, but she isn't now...."  "Well you don't know that!  All we know is that the crash DID happen, but the guys at the resort still haven't found all the bodies yet!  Trust me, this wont end well."  "Don't worry Rider, this little fairy-tale ending is going to be great!"  "So can you remember who's next?"  Rider tries to, he sees Carol, lke usual, but ignores it and keeps thinking.  Justin then pops up.  "It's Justin."  "Isn't he at the rec-center?"  "Yes!  Lets hurry, we may not have time!"  The trio drives towards Justin's rec-center.  When they get to the front desk they have to waste 20 dollars for all 3 of them to go through to the pool.  Once they get there Justin is walking towards the diving boards.  "JUSTIN STOP!" Justin turns around and waves.  He starts walking over.  "What're you guys doing here?"  "We're here to stop you from dying!"  "You're crazy Dex.  Now why are you REALLY here?"  "Seriously!  Dex is telling the truth!  We don't want you to die!"  "You too Rider?  You're the last person I'd expect to believe in this crap.  What do you think will happen?  I fall and drown in the pool?  I know how to swim."  He turns and walks towards the diving boards.  "WAIT!"  Josephina has screamed at Justin.  Justin kept walking.  He was climbing up the ladder now.  The vision is back.  Justin is falling off the side when Josephina grabs him, they both end up falling.  "The board, it's going to break."  Rider had told this to Josephina.  "NOOOOOOOOOOO"  Josephina had screamed like she was going to die, but she screamed just in time, Justin was at the top and had yelled something. "FINE!"  He then climbs down and lets somebody else go up.  He is walking towards them with a furious look.  "WHAT THE HECK YOU GUYS!!! YOU CAN'T LET ME DIVE BECAUSE YOU THINK THAT IT'S GONN-"  He got cut off from somebody screaming.  They all turn around and see a guy falling off the diving board and the board falling towards him, he finally lands in the water and so does the board.  They all see blood later...... "That's what was going to happen to you Justin, we just saved you."  Justin has a look of horror on his face, and everybody around the pool is to worried to do anything, except get out of the pool of course.

It's a Saturday morning, and it's 10 AM.  Josephina is just waking up when her phone rings.  "Hello?"  Nobody is there.  She puts her phone away and goes into the bathroom and brushes her teeth and showers and all the rest of that stuff.  She then goes and eats breakfast.  Her phone rings again. "Hello?"  "Watch your step lady."  "Who's th-" The line got cut off.  Josephina is thinking to herself...... 'What did that guy mean by that?'  She pushes it away and leaves her apartment.  While driving she sees many things.  She sees a bill-board that appears about to fall over, she sees a pigeon dive off a building, but she gets chills from it.  She then appears at work, the circus (she's a tightrope person), and her boss tells her to start practicing.  "I can wear it right?"  "Of course Josephina!"  Josephina puts on her favorite bracelet, because she says it's also her luck bracelet too!  It's also one of those metal bracelets too.  She practices and after she's done she goes to her boss.  (It's 2:00 PM now.)  "Okay Josephina, since you've practiced ALOT today, go have some fun with your friends, but be back by 6:00 we perform at 7:00 and you're the opening." 
"Okay, thanks!"  Josephina leaves excitedly.  This was the FIRST time that she had gotten to open.  All she has to do is do some flips on the rope.  One day, she hopes to use the big stick that helps her balance!  Rider then calls Josephina to meet him at McDonalds.  Once there, the following happens: "What's Dex doing here?"  There's no answer.  "Okay you guys, I have to leave soon for work."  Dex and Rider stare at eachother and then give worried looks to Josephina.  "What?"  "It's just..... we've been worried about you Josephine"  "First of all, don't call me that, second, why?"  "Sorry..... the reason why is because Rider here remembered who was next."  "And you wanted to tell me that it's me right?"  "Yeah...."  "Don't worry guys!  I'll be fine!"  "Is that seriously how you're going to react?!"  "What Rider?"  "Well, you and Lily barely make it off a plane, then the doors get closed and trapped Brittney, who then dies and you can't do ANYTHING about it.  Then when stopping to do something, a silver thing comes flying out of NOWHERE, killing Lily, then hitting the tree, which was right next to your head!  Afterwards, you BARELY save Justin from a tragic death!  Why the heck would you say that?"  "Well it's because I've been lucky."  "Seriously?"  Dex does a facepalm.  "Well, every time I've been wearing my lucky bracelet.  I was lucky that the doors didn't close on me, hate to say that by the way.  I was lucky that the silver thing hit the tree instead of me and I was lucky that Justin listened to me."  "This ISN'T luck Josephina!  Please you CAN'T go to work tonight!"  "I HAVE to you guys!  I CAN'T get fired, I make SO MUCH money from my job I just can't!"  "You have a chance at living and you're just gonna let that slip out of your hands?"  "Sure why not?"  Josephina then leaves the table.  "What are we going to do Rider?"  "I don't know Dex..... lets go to her show and pretend that we are the medics.  We'll stay under her, and if she falls we'll catch her!"  "Um Rider..... that's what a net is for."  "With what's been happening lately, would you think that the net's gonna break?"  "Fair enough.... let's go!"  They leave and TRY to get dressed, yet somehow get in! 


Josephina is shown doing arials on the rope.  Rider and Dex can clearly see her bracelet, but it's slipping off.  When she lands back on her feet and throws her arms into the air, the bracelet flys off and hits somebody in the audience.  "Ow!"  They start walking towards the side to get some help, but flip over the side. "AAAGGGHHHH"  Nobody could here this though because of all the cheering.  He hits something and it starts to stretch out the net, it then snaps.  Nobody is aware at this point because it hasn't really broken in half yet, but there is somewhat of a bigger hole, that of course is EXTREMELY hard to see.  Josephina, who hasn't realized that her bracelet is gone starts to walk off to the side, to the platform.  "Wait, where's my bracelet?  Oh well, It probably just fell off, hasn't been the first time."  She starts walking but then somehow, the rope breaks and she's falling. "AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH"
Everybody gasps, but nobody is worrying because of the net.  She lands in it then the net breaks.  Being 20 feet off the ground, she falls right through.  "AAAAGGGGHHHH" 
She then hits the ground.






Josephina opens her eyes and sees Rider holding her on the ground.  What she hadn't known was that Rider had knew that the rope was going ot break, so he did his BEST calculations and got under the net in his costume.  Which Dex had gotten on the other side too.  When he saw her fall he KNEW he couldn't mess up.  Luckily for him the net had lightened her weight because it stopped her for a split second, but they did fall to the ground.  She opened her eyes and looked at Rider with glass-like eyes and looked like she was about to cry, the crowd CHEERED!  They COMPLETELY THOUGHT that it was part of the show.  "There must of been a wire or something"  Some people said..... if only they knew.  The ENTIRE thing was on the news, but it blew over in about a week.  "Hello?"  "Um, is this Josephina?"  "Yep! Who's this?"  "Christian!"  "Oh waht's up Christian?"  "Well, I was thinking of whether I should work out or not..... if not I'd just go to the computer lab to work on my degree."  "Wait you're in college?  For what?"  "Well, I'm 36 and I didn't get my degree in what I wanted, might as well right?"  "Well I guess...."  "So what should I do?"  "Well if you want to graduate, it's better to do homework first."  "Okay thanks alot Josephina!"    "Welcome!"  Christian ended up listening to Josephina, knowing what she's gon through and since she helped him with their acting as teens.  He went to the computer lab and checked in.  Christian noticed MANY THINGS.  He could notice a little screw was a little bit un-bolted from 4 feet!  Pretty crazy right?  He was very observant, and he wanted to become a lawyer, but first he had to do some research.  Rider had been in there that day, he just had come because he wanted to go to college also, but he wanted to test it out first, which this college had let him do so!  Neither had noticed that they were in the same room.  When Rider started to see some random key words that struck into him on some web-sites, he was starting to freak out.  He had also searched about what is happening to him.  Turns out that there have been many different things thaat have been similar.  One time some people in Africa were boarding a train, but a woman had a vision that everyone was going to die, she was the only one to get off.  Obviously, everyone else had died.  She had reported that this random black guy who collected the bodies at the accident had told her some info, a couple days later she died in a bathroom incident.  Apparently, while she was showering, she had a shower that was like the ones that closed, and the hot water was on very high.  Something had fallen which had locked the door and the steam pretty much blinded her, the water somehow like, burned her to death...... the official death was drowing.  But who drowns in their shower?  Some key words in that story stuck out to him.  The following words stuck out to him: Fall, explosion (Train), loose (something on the train went loose which made it explode).  He knew something.  Then he saw Christian walk past him.  "Oh hey Rider, when did you get here?"  Christian didn't stop.  He looked towards his left, which was where Christian was walking, and saw some nerd boy who seemed about 21 and was freaking out at a game.  Rider saw a little hint of smoke coming from something.  He then saw Christian in the vision.  "CHRISTIAN LOOK OUT!"  "What?"  Then the nerd had freaked out and the computer exploded and made the nerd fall back.  Christian had been blasted towards a near wall and fell right underneath a shelf.  He saw screws that seemed a little bit loose.  Rider then raced over and jumped over the firey computer, with the fire alarm sounding, and jumped on Christian.  All of the air went out of Christian, the bookshelf began to fall and Rider scrambled to get up, Christian tried to scream as one of those humoungus encyclopedia's fell towards him.  But Rider tried to push the book and the book landed right above Christian's head, and left Rider on top of Christian in a awkward position that I wont talk about. :D.  They both scrambled up and ran outside.  "What the heck Rider!"  "What?"  "You just saved my life!  How can I repay you!"  "Help me."  "With what?"  "To save the others.  Help them cheat death."

COUPLE DAYS LATER-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Angus is talking with his family at a party when his cell phone rings.  It's about 2 PM so there's not much surprise.  It's a call from his friend Mitchell.  "Hey Mitch what's up?" 
"Hey dude, waht you doin' right now?"
"I'm just at my nephew's birthday party."
"Oh hey, do you want to come with me to my house for a drink or two?  You could bring your girlfriend!  Mine's here."
"Oh, Juliet?  She's not here right now." 
"Well call her then!"
"Well, can I bring my sister and her boyfriend?" 
"Sure!  Why not?  The more the merrier!"
"Cool.  See ya later!"
He got off the phone and walked to his siter, Maya. "Hey Maya."
"My friend was wondering if I wanted to go over to his house for a drink with Juliet, and he said that you could come too!"
"Um, no."
"He said you could bring Trevor."
"Oh, nevermind I want to go."
"Of course you do." He said with a chuckle.  He then called his girlfriend and asked, and she said yes.  She asked if he wanted her to pick them up, or if he was going to drive them.  Being a gentleman, he said he'd drive.  He told Maya and Trevor to get in the back, but Trevor wanted the back to himself for right now for some reason, so he MADE Maya sit in the front.  Maya muttered something under her breath, but it was too quiet to understand.  Angus decided to go anyways, and he went to pick up Juliet.  Maya had said that she wanted to sit in the back now, but Trevor said that he still wanted to be in the back with Juliet, so that's what happened.  Maya had an angered look on her face.  While they were driving they got pulled over by a police officer, being a good person, he pulled to the side of the road.  When the officer came he asked for Angus's license.  Angus then showed it to him and the police officer then asked for him AND Maya to get out of the car.  With Trevor and Juliet still in the car, the police officer asked for Maya's license.  Turns out that Angus's license was out of date, but being nice, he told them that Maya had to drive and that Angus had to sign some papers.  He told Maya to stay with them though.  As Maya was waiting, in boredom, she shot a sharp mad-looking glare at Trevor.  But he had a tear going down his face, Maya was wondering why, and started to walk towards the car..... very..... slowly.  When out of nowhere, she hears a crash, and looks behind the car and sees a car flipping towards them.  "TREVOR GET OUT OF THERE!"  Trevor didn't move, then Juliet looked and started to freak out.  Just as she opened the door and was getting out, Trevor pulled her back in and locked the door.  "TREVOR!  WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!"  Maya had screamed.  "Saving your life...."  Then Angus came and pulled her away from the car and the car hit the other car.  There was a big esplosion!  And Angus was crying. "Juliet...."  Maya was crying now, "He told me.... he told me...."   "What Maya?"  "Trevor told me that he had somehting like, a vision.  He then told me about it, and that we were going to die.  I told him that he was stupid, but we still were together.  I guess something happened, and he decided to save me, I'm SO sorry Angus!" 
"Wait what Maya!"
"He said that it was you and me that died, but he said that he was going to do some research... and I called him an idiot and a liar!"
Angus realizes that what Dex said is true.  He was supposed to die with his sister, but Trevor saved him.  He went to Trevor's funeral the following month.... after all of the craziness ended.

IN A DISTANCE: Rider is at home watching re-runs of their TV show and when Carol comes on he then sees the black guy again.  "If you kill somebody and take their life, you will get their life span."  He then continues to see that after Carol's car went off into the distance, it hit a little part of a mountain, and ski patrol found her before the wolves did and she had survived.


Rider then realises that he didn't stop Carol from getting on, and they STILL haven't found any bodies.  In the vision, it took 3 days to collect all of the bodies, but only an hour to find Carol, so she would of been found already.  Which means, if Rider TECHNICALLY "killed" her, then he took her life span and DEATH wont have a need to come after him! 

(In case you're actually here, This means that Rider is safe from death, he's not on the list.)

Dex doesn't trust himself to be alone, so he has gotten every remaining survivor, (Justin, Josephina, Christian, Angus, and Rider.)  They're all at Dex's house.  Not only did everybody think that Dex was going crazy, but they also were told to come because Rider had something EXTREMELY important to tell all of them.  Once they got settled, Rider could finally start. "Okay guys, I have something really important to tell you guys."
"It's about death aint' it?"
"Well duh Dex."
"Hurry dude, I'm already worried enough, because apparently I'm next...."
"Look, this will probably not make you happy Dex, but it's good news."
"Well if I'm next on death's list, and it's NOT going to make me happy, well obviously it's bad news."
"Well it's good news for me."
"Just tell us already!"
"Jeez sorry Angus.  Anyways, Carole, I remember trying to stop her after I fell out of the line when I had the vision, anyways, she went on anyways.  But 2 days ago, I had a vision again.  It showed Carole actually surviving the crash.  So if she was supposed to survive originally, then died, then that took somebody off the list."
"But it's only down to you and Dex,"
"Yeah, but I tried, then when she said she was going, I told her 'fine, go die!'.  Therefore it was my fault that she died, which means she takes my name off the list."
"Well I hope you're right."
Then, there was a sound of glass crashing on the ground.  In a picture on the frame it says Adios Por Siempre.  Before that, Josephina asked Dex what that meant.  He said he didn't know, but his girlfriend gave it to him 1 year before she dumped him.  He only knows it says goodbye and something else...
When Rider went into the other room He saw so much glass on the ground, sharp pieces of glass of course.  "Uh guys, I'm gonna need AS MUCH HELP as possible."  Everyone walks into the room.  "Holy crap..."  They start to clean it up.  Dex is still in the living room and sitting on the couch with a face of fear.  Angus comes back. "Uh Dex, you gonna help?"  "No way, I'm next on the list, I'll probably fall and glass will land in my forehead."  "Okay..."  Dex layed there alone.  He rested his eyes.... falling asleep..... NO DON'T FALL ASLEEP..... he falls asleep....
He sees the night of the ride.  He doesn't remember anything that's happened though.  He's on the cart.  It's about to fall.  "NOOOOOO!"  It looses the last screw and it falls.  "AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH"  He's just about to hit the ground when he's up.  "Huh.... what the??"  It's dark, the others have left already, he glances at the clock, it's 2:31 "What the?" He says in his mind," It was 7:30 when they were here..." he closes his eyes again.  He hears something.  He ignores it.  He feels air on his face.  He's starting to get nervous.  He then feels something sharp sliding against his arm, he then feels a liquid on his arm.  He opens his eyes to find a man there.  It takes all of his energy to stay still.  (Lights are still off) When the knifes not near his arm, Dex kicks the guy and bolts for the door.  He runs towards the guys car, breaks the window, and hotwires it and leaves, and he does all of this just as the guy was coming out the door.  Dex rides down to the police station.  Tells them what happened, and they said he could stay there..... which is kinda weird....

It's a bright summer day, the group is in Rider's backyard having a barbeque.  "To celebrate our survival."  Justin had excitedly said.  "YAY!"  The group of the original 10 survivors was 5 girls and 5 guys.  All that was left was 1 girl and 5 guys.  Somehow, none of the guys had died, but about every girl died.  Here's how the 6 survivors were sitting on the table.

Angus        TABLE    Justin
Christian    TABLE    Josephina
Dex           TABLE    Rider

They were all talking about how they had survived and random stuff like that.

"How the heck did all of this even happen anyways?"
"We'll probably never know Justin, but Rider over here just saved all of us, TWICE!"
"Hey don't forget me!"
They were all laughing and having a good time.  After they were done, the 6 people just sat around the table talking and chit-chatting.  When afterwards it was just an akward silence.  Luckily, Rider's phone ended the silence.  "Hello?  Oh, ok.  Yeah sure just one second."
"Hey guys, it's a lady from the Ski Resort, looks like they've found all the bodies, but they just want to tell us who each person has been identified as, to make sure that it was them." 
"Oh okay..."  Josephina had a worried look on her face.
"Okay, I'll put it on speaker."
Rider put it on speaker.  The lady proceeded to tell them every name, which every name was correct.  At the end when she said, "That is every body that has been identified."
Rider had responded first, "Yep sounds like everyone, thanks for calling."  Just as he was about to hang up, Dex stopped them, "Wait, you forgot one name.  Was the name, Carol Scerbel on the list?"  The lady said that she would check, but when she responded, it left everybody in fear.  "Um, I'm really sorry, but there is no name on this list that says Carol Scerbel.  Is that a problem."  Angus responded and saved Rider from doing something he shouldn't of.  "Yes, yes, everything's fine, you can go now."  "Okay, your welcome." The lady said with a stern voice.  She hung up first.  "Rider.... do you know what this means?"  Justin said looking startled.  Rider was just about to respond when a vision came upon him.

. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . ...............................................................

Rider sees Carol.  In what happened the second time.  It showed Carol next to Charles and Michael, in their cart when it breaks loose and falls.  Right when it hits the bump.  Michael, who is "big"  his top part flies off of the seat leaving a bloody mess and his lower half.  Charles is shown flying off of the cart.  Carol is somehow still left in her seat, it is showing her crying and screaming as her cart goes off into the darkness.  This time, Rider continues to see Carol in her cart continuing on the path.  She hears something blast and she looks up and only sees bright lights.  Then she realises that in the far distance the wire has come loose, so the wire is leading the cart to go downhill like this:
The cart ends up hitting the ground head on, Carol flies out of her seat at the last second and is shown landing right in front of the cart as it lands right behind her foot.  Time lapsed over into the next day, is showing Ski Patrol find her body.  The next thing that is shown is that she is in the Lodge with a towel around her.  She says she has no idea who she is or what happened.  They let her go, the ski patrolists who brought her had forgotten to tell anybody because they had found many more bodies after that.










Rider opens his eyes with beads of sweat all over his face.  "Rider, what did you see?"  Josephina asked with tears in her eyes.  "I-I-" He stuttered.  He then stood up and said, "I saw Carol, she ended up surviving, so I'm still on death's list, I'm gonna go into my house and get all of the stu-"  He was interuppted.  Just then, a sharp metal object flew right into his head.
He fell onto the table, blood has sprayed all over Dex, Josphina and Christian. 
Josephina is screaming while the rest of the guys are having disgusted looks and looks of terror on their faces.  The camera slowly blacks out....


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