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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

How many players on here actually remember 9/11?

1stSep 11, 2014 by gratefulvw
This is an honest question.  With it being the 13th anniversary, I am realizing that some people on here may not even have memories from this tragic event.  I am seeing a lot of back and forth on the blogs about what other countries have done, jokes, comparisons to other events, etc.  I wonder if the people with a more cavalier attitude towards it do not remember the actual day, but have only heard about it? I have seen a few posts with references to the Titanic, for example, that none of us remember.  Maybe it is the same for some users of this site? I was personally affected on this day and lost loved ones.  I remember many details of that day down to smells and feelings.  I will not joke about it and I have a dark sense of humor.  But if other's wish to joke about it, that is their choice, I am not going to fault them for it.  Because their experience, if they have one, is surely different from mine or they may handle uncomfortable situations in a different way.  But that is part of what makes the USA great.  We are allowed to have and express our own opinion, we have that freedom.  And we are also allowed to express our disagreement to other's opinions.  On this day, I choose to remember the one's I loved, the many that lost their life, and the hero's of that day and the weeks and years after.


gratefulvw check mails x
Sent by James1990,Sep 11, 2014
What the fuck? Is this someone who differs in opinion from me and isn't a cunt about it?
Those exist on this site?
Sent by DumbGinger,Sep 11, 2014
Sent by Thumper91,Sep 11, 2014
I was only 1 or 2 at the time
Sent by ItsAustin,Sep 11, 2014
itsaustin - Thanks for sharing!  It's crazy to think that you were so young because some days it really feels like it happened just the other day, not 13 years ago.  And dumbginger -Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I need to be an ahole about it.  And if I said I never laughed at an off color joke I would be a liar
Sent by gratefulvw,Sep 11, 2014
I was young I dont remember much
Sent by Olaf_,Sep 11, 2014
Sent by gagaluv,Sep 11, 2014
Sent by tvdude01,Sep 11, 2014
Sent by yoshicoolman,Sep 11, 2014
Plussed! You hit everything spot on. It was such a tragic day
Sent by woeisme,Sep 11, 2014
I was 4 and have no memory of it tbh. Thoughts are with everyone
Sent by JamieAndre,Sep 11, 2014
I remember coming home from school and I was eating my dinner, and it was all over the news and me and my family were just watching the news in disbelief :P +
Sent by dandoe,Sep 11, 2014
I was 7 but i remember i was watching cartoons with my mum and they stopped them to talk about it on the news
Sent by Lucinda,Sep 11, 2014
Sent by JasonXtreme,Sep 11, 2014
Sent by Cromatique,Sep 11, 2014
I was 7 years old. I don't remember it all that well except for the fact that the teachers were scattering around the building, and when children asked questions, they told us there was an accident. Some kids got picked up from school, but I didn't.
Sent by _Aria,Sep 11, 2014
I was young as well during the time. I just remember getting picked up from my parents from school
Sent by IceBeast,Sep 11, 2014
i was 3 when it happened :/
Sent by SharpShooter4,Sep 11, 2014
I don't but I was 2 and lived in England at the time
Sent by tdiloka,Sep 11, 2014
Preach hunny, miss you :)
Sent by JeffWinger,Sep 11, 2014
I'm glad I read this. I try to avoid reading the blogs page on this day (MOST DAYS, ACTUALLY, BUT WHATEVER), as there's plenty of people on this site that don't understand the weight of the situation to some. Alas, I didn't use my brain and ended up reading some really irritating shit. As someone that also lost someone due to this, I needed to read this to put things into perspective and keep my cool.

Sent by Fritzyyyyy,Sep 11, 2014
Great Blog! :P Luvs u Tina < 3
Sent by clueliz,Sep 11, 2014
At least some people care, and you're one. I may have only been   1 so I don't remember it.
Sent by blakejenkins14,Sep 11, 2014
fritzyyyyy  I am glad I could help you in some way.  I got a little annoyed at some of the things I read too but then this thought came to me.  I had to take a step back for a second and place myself in their shoes for a moment.  Thank you for sharing your experience.  I am sorry that you lost someone : (
Sent by gratefulvw,Sep 11, 2014
I was 7 and yeah I remember it lol
Sent by Carlisle,Sep 11, 2014
SO well spoken.  Thank you for writing this!
Sent by Tevin1001,Sep 11, 2014
I was in class, 3rd grade. I remember that day pretty vividly.
Sent by Malibu,Sep 11, 2014
There's tengager that weren't born yet or were born like a month ago.
Sent by Jinxh,Sep 11, 2014
I honestly don't remember, I was only like 4
Sent by tharealmike,Sep 11, 2014
I was 2 when it happened, but my brother remembers it very well.
Sent by connorfitz15,Sep 11, 2014
RIP :((
Sent by anthonyds__,Sep 11, 2014
I was on a plane directly over the WTC only four hours before the first flight took off. That's enough to scar someone for life.
Sent by Ashley837,Sep 11, 2014
I was 15 wow I can't believe it's been 13 years already and I was in social studies soft more year I remember seeing it and was confused cause I didn't know what terrorists attacks were exactly I was young.
Sent by wwemrpeeps,Sep 11, 2014
I do. I was only 5 but I remember vividly.
Sent by McBenjamin,Sep 11, 2014
i remember it, i was 7
Sent by coreyants,Sep 11, 2014
honestly, i was 7 (almost 8), and i don't particularly remember much. but i do live in canada, and they didn't really stop school or anything. i remember hearing something big happening when i got back home, but as a 7 year old, i didn't really ask much about it.
Sent by Phenomanimal,Sep 11, 2014
I was like ummmmm very very young so I couldn't have remembered it. as in like toddler status
Sent by panda6785,Sep 11, 2014
I was 10 and it played nonstop on news for like five months. It caused huge panic and it was just a very uncomfortable time.
Sent by Mikey_Elite,Sep 11, 2014
I was 6, I still remember
Sent by jayhawk123,Sep 12, 2014
I was 8 and I remember perfectly
Sent by Vindaloo,Sep 12, 2014
I was 11, had just started high was on the news when my mum picked me up..
Sent by PrincessTeePee,Sep 12, 2014
I remember my Mum came home from work and told me something terrible had happened, and I assumed she was fired.
Sent by SexGoddx,Sep 12, 2014
I was 5 and remember it quite clearly
Sent by Esquiff,Sep 12, 2014
I remember it. I was 14 years old then and I was at school that day.
Sent by Megan,Sep 12, 2014
I was six. It was yearbook picture day at school, and I was sitting in the chair when the photographer and my kindergarten teacher got a call from my dad in Pittsburgh saying America is being attacked.
Sent by yswimmer96,Sep 12, 2014
I was in my 20s and I had the day off from workin' at Dunkin Donuts. I was smoking with my friend Robin and my sister was making coffee when the tv said that a plane had gone through the WTC. We watched in horror as the second one hit...and then the third one that hit the pentagon....and then the rogue plane that went down in PA. It was scary. It was the day that America changed.
Sent by BigMamaT,Sep 12, 2014
I remember exactly where I was when it happened. I was 12, in 7th grade computer class, in the library of my high school. We were allowed to go home early if our parents picked us up. Classes pretty much stopped for the day, and everyone was glued to a tv in whichever classroom they were in. It was a very tense time, because our school is relatively close to an Air Reserve Base, which many of the students parents work at.
Sent by KarmaSutra,Sep 12, 2014
Thank you all for sharing your stories.  I really feel this is an important blog and a great way to share why we all have different feelings about this day and how even though we went through it together, our experiences are all unique
Sent by gratefulvw,Sep 12, 2014
I was 16, in my us history class when it happened.  We immediatelt starting watching the news reports, and stayed in our classrooms for a few hours.  I did not lose anyone, fortunately dor me, but I do remember the pain of a couple classmates whose mother worked at the wtc
Sent by Elias5891,Sep 12, 2014
I was 1, and have no recollection of the event
Sent by bearclaw1212,Sep 12, 2014
I was 5 so...
Sent by Kaseyhope101,Sep 12, 2014
I was very young at the time, and don't remember it, but I was in NY when it happened < / 3
Sent by mastropola,Sep 12, 2014
I was at Primary school (elementary school) and when I got home, I just remember seeing the image of both towers standing with smoke pouring out of them. :(
Sent by Catch_a_falling_star,Sep 12, 2014
I was 2 years old at the time
Sent by NJKoda1998,Sep 12, 2014
I was 3 and all I remember is my parents discussing it
Sent by Renegade628,Sep 12, 2014
id just finished watching neighbours on bbc1, mini bibs was playing with her toys when there was a news flash. i remember it very distinctly, just when you thought the worst had happened, it just got even more unbelievable.
Sent by bibbles,Sep 12, 2014
I genuinely don't remember. I was 5 and in England!
Sent by 75937563748,Sep 12, 2014
I had just turned 4. All I remember is my mom picking me up early from preschool and there being a lot of commotion around my house.
Sent by Anoreoz897,Sep 12, 2014

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