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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Ranking My Seasons #11- Tocantins (Season 1)

Nov 14, 2014 by manalord
imageSorry Juilan... It is finally time to end the life of Tocantins.... This was the orginal Gen II season. The start of something new, and boy was it.... well it was okay. For an intial cast it was pretty intresting.

Patrick- patarkayz
Lisa- bigdizzleyomama
Missy- Missalice3
Anthony- Antho1234321
Josh- Sergeant
Goat- goat
Rumtin- Rumtin

Cole- cole225
Eddie- 49288
Juilan- TheSexiestDude990
Jake- jakehou97
Martin- Hudspith
Ty- Flamelord
JJ- Wowjj
Zach- jayhawk123

So some good names, some randoms, and some great players.. It had a lot of potential with Gen 1 stars in Flame and Juilan.

Overall this season featured one of the better twists in my series 'The Skull Charm'. With it the last person voted out could protect someone at the next tribal they went to. This power could not be given to someone else. While it was not a big impact on this season it was a HUGE one in Blood vs Water ( but we'll talk about that when we finally get there, which is no time soon.)

This season features a few early inactive boots, but overall sees a more active Jalapo getting crushed in the challenges and having a hard time catching up. However Martin caused the first real shock in the series.

Using the Exile Twist he manged to Mutiny to the other tribe, betraying his original tribe leaving there members pissed off, however Martin did find the other tribe's idol. Juilan on the other hand found his tribe idol.

Eddie's blindside occurred, for no good reason, as he single-handily was keeping there tribe afloat and from here on they just could not stop losing. The alliance of Jake, Ty and Juilan manged to keep there domination until the Double Tribal. Here the other tribe took advantage of the Exile twist and saved the obvious boot JJ, causing the three to need to break up and ending the game of Ty.

Merging it was Jake, Juilan and Martin against a very divided Rumtin, Josh, Michael, Martin, and Lisa in a very late merge. the Rumtin/Josh/Martin alliance found themselves in danger and Rumtin/Josh betrayed Martin, jumping on the plan to blindside him and Martin became the first person to leave with an Idol in the series.

Jake, Juilan and JJ then easily took advantage of the inexperienced Lisa and Michael to take out power threats Rumtin and Josh. However Michael began his immunity run helping them and they had to take out Lisa over him.

At the Final 4, Michael feel victim to a spam challenge, unable to win he had to plead his case to JJ to cause a tie, where he succeed. In this battle between Juilan and Michael, it was Juilan who came out victorious.

Jake won the Final Immunity and was place in a tough position. He however decided to take his fellow more UTR competitor Juilan, rather then JJ who was seen as the snakey head of the Jalapao threesome. At FTC both where commented on there UTR games, but Juilan gained a bit of respect for making it to the end of both the group and stars playing good games in both at the same time.

This fact as well as a better social game, and him having the idol where key points in his Victory over Jake. I do give this season a lot flack and the biggest reason is that the Reverse Pagong that happened was to obvious once Martin's vote came in without him playing his idol. Overall however it won out over the previous 4 seasons because the cast as a whole meshed well, the pre-merge was moderately interesting espically with Ty and Eddie's blindsides, the Mutiny of Martin, and Timbira, despite being very untied in votes was actually a giant clusteryfuckery Also to be fair the Final 8 where all interesting with every single member either being asked back, or has come back since.

-Lisa- Nicagura
-Eddie- Nicagura
-Missy- Rocky Moutains
-JJ- Blood vs Water
-Michael- Blood vs Water/Duos vs Rivals
-Martin- Egypt/ One World
-Juilan- All Stars/ One World
-Jake- All Stars
- Ty- Sierra Lionne (Libya)

Returnee Fun Facts
-Lisa accepted a return to All-Stars but was cut. She was considered for Cagayan but not asked back.

-Michael was asked back for All-Stars and One World but declined both.

-Anthony was asked back for Fans vs Failures but was cut.

-Josh was asked back for Blood vs Water but could not find a partner in time so was cut. He was also cut from Vanautu due to his partner declining. He was asked back for Duos vs Rivals with Rumtin but they where cut.

Rumtin- Was considered for both All-Stars and Blood vs Water, but was not around during casting. He intially accepted a return for Cagayan, but had to pull out. He was asked back for Duos vs rivals but never responded. He was considered for One World, but not asked.

Eddie-  Was considered for Fans vs Failures, but did not respond.

Juilan- Was considered for Blood vs Water, but was not asked back. He was also asked back with Jake for Duos vs Rivals but where cut due to Jake declining.

Jake- Was considered for Blood vs Water, but was not asked back. He was asked back for Cagayan but was cut. He was also asked back for both Duos vs Rivals and One World but declined/did not respond to them.

Ty- Was considered for All-Stars but not asked back. Was asked back for Fans vs Failures but could not play. Was considered for One World but not asked.

JJ- Was considered for All-Stars but was cut.

Grade: 65% (D)

All the rest of the seasons are all really good. So it gets tough from here on out.

Next Up: A Double Digit Season.

Still in the Running:
- Nicagura
- Rocky Moutains
- Blood vs Water
- Vanautu
- All Stars
- Fans vs Failures
- Cagayan
- Sierra Leone/Libya- Battle of the Worlds
- Bermuda Triangle- Duos vs Rivals
- One World



Sent by manalord,Nov 14, 2014
Sent by manalord,Nov 14, 2014
Sent by manalord,Nov 14, 2014
2 years later you still can't spell my name right :P
Sent by TheSexiestDude990,Nov 14, 2014
No, no I can't Julian. I am a failure in all that I do. Now take those compliments orrr else. thesexiestdude990
Sent by manalord,Nov 14, 2014
Welp that's all for today. Maybe one or two will come Tommrow. Depends on my mood :3
Sent by manalord,Nov 14, 2014
rocky moutains is #1
Sent by Gaiaphage,Nov 14, 2014
omg you got my name right manalord
Sent by TheSexiestDude990,Nov 14, 2014
Me when One World is next bc i won.
Sent by dak236,Nov 14, 2014
my 2 seasons still there
though i wasnt as prominent in all-stars cause the small fry among giants scenario
Sent by wileycoyote,Nov 14, 2014

All four of my seasons are still there.


I think not!
Sent by wangifold,Nov 14, 2014
I love this list so far
Sent by tuter32,Nov 14, 2014
Please tag me in these.
Sent by minidude13,Nov 15, 2014
Will you rank Season 16 when it's done (Is 16 Revolution?) or will it miss out on the ranking?
Sent by DryIceBros,Nov 15, 2014
I hope Cagayan cracks the top five but Im unsure since it was such a unique season.  I have no idea about 1 world lol, I didnt do to good.
Sent by Duke,Nov 15, 2014
DryIceBros I'll prbly wait until a week or two after Revolution ends before I add it into the ranking. Just so Recency Bais effects it as little as possible.
Sent by manalord,Nov 15, 2014
Duke it is totally a possiblity. Cagayan was a REALLY good season.
Sent by manalord,Nov 15, 2014
That fire making challenge still haunts my dreams tbh
Sent by Michael31,Dec 7, 2014

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