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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The Mean Agent

Jan 12, 2011 by thepugglewuggle
In a town there were kids visting a talent agent who is in town to find a kid to star in there show. When the first kid comes he starts singing but the agent says. "Hey kid can you sing solo" "i dont know" says the kid. Then the judge says "So low that i cant here you." And then the kid runs off crying. The second kid comes sings. The agent asks "Can you sing tenor" The kid asks "Tenorsax?" "No ten or eleven miles away." The second kid cries and leaves. then a third kid comes and sings. The agent says "Wheres the money i gave you." "What money?" "The money i gave you for singing lessons." the kid cries and runs away. The three kids started singing together the blues and some guy was watching them. The agent was done with his search and found no one. on his way home he see's a sign with faces that look familiar. The sign says "The new biggest thing in the world the blues trio. Theagent realizes who the 3 people are. "Hey those are the kids i turned down and they are making billions" "No fair" And the agent rides the rest of the way home. Crying


Sent by AWSUMDUDE42,Feb 1, 2011

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