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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Do you think your words hurt me?

1stJun 23, 2013 by tinabeena
Oh it's a beautiful day to start drama!

Yes, I'm talking about you, Supremacy.

Calling me "Miss Piggy"

Why don't you step up, and be a man and add me to skype and say it to my face? Are you still holding a 2 year grudge over a game?

I've got news for you, you fucking immature twat, I've been called worse things. I may be fat, but I own up to it and I'm not a fake motherfucker. And I can LOSE weight. (Which I have) You're just a stupid ugly self-righteous troll who thinks he's God or something. You must be pretty fucking lonely and self-conscious. Am I hitting a nerve yet? You probably live in your parents basement and smoke pot all day and stare at the computer screen and bathe in your accomplishments on an online website.

I've never done anything to you except play against you in an online game. Get a life you fucking idiot.

-Rant over-


he needs to step his PUSSY up
Sent by BbDamian,Jun 23, 2013
Sent by disneygeek,Jun 23, 2013
Sent by DanielKennedy111,Jun 23, 2013
go iiin
Sent by Istvan,Jun 23, 2013
ily tinabeena < 3
Sent by Jenii_Valenta,Jun 23, 2013
Sent by owlb0ned,Jun 23, 2013
Ily Tinabeena and btw grats again on the 51 lb weight  loss in the last year! I am so proud of you!
Sent by bluesapphire,Jun 23, 2013
Damn Big T you went hard
Sent by Mikey04wp,Jun 23, 2013
Sent by lonelypuppie,Jun 23, 2013
ignore it tina. it's just jealous ♥
Sent by LeXXXy,Jun 23, 2013
That is mean and everything but i love miss piggy. :(
but that was still rude.
Sent by aaronstevens4444,Jun 23, 2013
loves you tina =]
Sent by smi9127,Jun 23, 2013
You go Tina
Sent by Johnster,Jun 23, 2013
He's just jealous that he can't be as cool and nice as you and still kick ass when she needs to.

Love you Tina ♥
Sent by Aesop,Jun 23, 2013
+++ I love your blog picture btw Tinabeena, Dans the man.
Sent by Supremacy,Jun 23, 2013
lavs tina
Sent by Aquamarine,Jun 23, 2013
add me to skype and say it to my face?
Sent by alireza1373,Jun 23, 2013
Woahh, Mss piggy got angry...
Sent by jamesthepezboy,Jun 23, 2013
you go tina < 3
Sent by lemonface,Jun 23, 2013
I hope Tina goes in on some of these commenters next.
Sent by konohavillage1,Jun 23, 2013

i know how you feel..a certain douchebag likes attacking me too =]

expected better of him, but everyone knows how fake he is so w/e =]

=] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =]
Sent by dmann,Jun 23, 2013
Tina you're flawless Bby :*
Sent by babiicakes,Jun 23, 2013
tina < 333
Sent by MintCokeify,Jun 23, 2013
well put ++++++++++
Sent by Briana4HouTexans,Jun 23, 2013
jamesthepezboy You're not worth my time because you can't even spell. Get an education and THEN try to insult me.
Sent by tinabeena,Jun 23, 2013
< 3
Sent by Trust,Jun 23, 2013
tinabeena Wow, there is something called a joke.
If you really want to know, I go to the school with the best GCSE and A Level results in the UK.
Nick Clegg went there and so did the likes of Dido, Mika, Robert Hooke (scientist who has a law named after him (the one with the springs)). If you didn't know, there is something called a typo and missing an 'i' isn't the biggest crime against humanity.
Stop fishing for attention and making big deals about nothing. If you stopped doing that maybe people would stop insulting you.
Quite looking for attention, and look for a diet regime, you need it.
Sent by jamesthepezboy,Jun 23, 2013
Okay jamesthepezboy you have no clue who I am, so stop assuming you do. I'm tina fuckin' beena. Big Mama T. As far as the diet goes, I've lost 51 pounds. I can lose weight, but you can't lose stupidity....
Sent by tinabeena,Jun 23, 2013
Add me to Skype and say it to my face? lololol
Sent by Nizzygaga,Jun 23, 2013
It is physically impossible to lose stupidity due to the fact that it is an abstract noun, not something that can be held, or mislaid, so whose the one who needs educating now?
I would also like to add, you have to be pretty stupid to call yourself the Big Mama T, like seriously? I'm meant to take you seriously and respect your view points if you call yourself Big Mama T? Really?
Also, don't pretend this isn't a desperate plea for attention, you wouldn't have made the blog post if it wasn't and you almost certainly wouldn't have called it 'Do you think your words hurt me?' if you weren't looking for it. The words do evidently hurt you because otherwise you wouldn't have gone on a whole rant about it.

So don't go around acting like your some kind of super intelligent hard man if you go on your period every time someone calls you fat.
Sent by jamesthepezboy,Jun 23, 2013
Whatevs jamesthepezboy
Sent by tinabeena,Jun 23, 2013
i love you so much gurl< 33333
Sent by tycoon1234,Jun 23, 2013
LMAO Jamesthepezboy My Hero
Sent by Supremacy,Jun 23, 2013
jamesthepezboy           poop
Sent by jeremylinrocks,Jun 23, 2013
Who cares what these immature losers think
Sent by o_Elle_o,Jun 23, 2013
You are all immature.
Sent by user5,Jun 23, 2013
You don't realize how bad you sound cuz you think your making a point. To most people you look like a jerk. You can either take my advice and start reevaluating who you are and what you stand for or you can continue cutting people down online. I highly doubt you'd do it in real life.

I've recently lost 150 pounds. I grew up my whole life getting made fun of for my weight. Some people go their whole lives thinking the world revolves around them but very few realize that every single person has a Story.  They're just trying to make themselves feel better at your expense, and I'm sure it's because something had happened in their lives to make them the way they are. I
Sent by burkett8975,Jun 23, 2013
Who cares ?
Haters will be haters, you're beautiful and only you can know that
Sent by haiiderr,Jun 23, 2013
I wish more people had a spine like you! :D
Sent by tdiloka,Jun 23, 2013
I was out of line for the comment that I made, simple it was the wrong thing to do.
Sent by Supremacy,Jun 23, 2013
It looks like your blog got an apology from him! I need to try that on a few people on this site to see if it can work that way for me too:)
Sent by Diva1,Jun 23, 2013
Sent by Girllover101,Jun 23, 2013
tinabeena you're amazing :) People who say otherwise don't really know you.
Sent by princesskk,Jun 24, 2013
tinabeena ilyyyyyyy
Sent by Vitamin,Jun 24, 2013
jamesthepezboy Okay, my turn.

"if you go on your period every time someone calls you fat".

Are you kidding dipshit, you go all logic on her ass saying stupidity can't be mislaid, and then you say that?
Maybe you should go have some sex, obviously all that time spent in your books has tensed you up.
I won't judge you on the sex thing too much though, I know how hard it must be to lose your virginity.
Sent by minidude13,Jun 24, 2013
minidude13 There's a reason why nobody on this site likes you.
Sent by SurvivorFan37,Jun 24, 2013
You go girl!
Sent by Maya10,Jun 24, 2013
Why are other people trying to make this about them? @_@

But Tina you're amazing and don't let others tell ya otherwise!
Sent by Insanity,Jun 24, 2013
minidude13 There is something called a metaphor. I wasn't saying she literally goes on her period every time someone calls her fat, it was as if she did with her reactions.
Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is she shouldn't go around looking for attention and then make a massive deal out of it when it is negative. She is just a massive attention seeker.
Sent by jamesthepezboy,Jun 24, 2013
SurvivorFan37 Coming from someone I don't know, doesn't know me, and whom I don't give a shit about.
Sent by minidude13,Jun 24, 2013

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