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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

New castings SUCKS!

Jan 26, 2011 by tycoon1234


Word!! Plus
Sent by maximize,Jan 27, 2011
MY last comment is going to be a Shout-out to my SGHBFF William3. Ben (william3) has been my best friend on here for almost a year now, he has been there for me through EVERYTHING. From when im upset, happy, or just need someone to talk to about stupid shit, he is ALWAYS there for me. Idk what i would do without you and tbh i wouldn't even still be on tengaged if you we were not Bffs. We talk like 24/7 and you have made like such a difference im my life. Because of you i just feel way more comfortable with myself than i ever have before, and I can b 100% myself around you and am never judged, etc... We joke like about everything, and what I love about our friendship is we don’t take stupid shit personally. Like you have once told me, friends come and go, but finding a friend that you will stick beside 100% through anything and everything you rarely find, and I have found that in you, I am positive that we will always have each others backs, and I lovee you so much for that. I don’t even know why I messaged you on that night when I first said hi to you, but like thank god I did, because it led me to my SGHBFF. I trust you more than I trust like anyone irl, and even though that sounds creepy and weird I mean it. I can come to you with any problem and ik you will be there for me. I just want you to know, that I will also always have ur back, and I will always be there for you if you need me. We are like the same person, but at the same time rlly diff, which is why we balance each other out. You are like my brother and have seen me at my worst, and instead of ditching me like many others have at that point, you stuck by my side, which means more to me than I can EVER ask for. LIke we are even going to hell together are you not PUMPEDDDD?!?!?! Hell is gonna b sick! You are just the definition of a best friend and we need to meet up soon because we need to go clubbing (lol we are 18), and sing and do other stupid shit that we doo. Now we have both made stars finals!!!! OMG but clearly i don’t deserve this one cuz like i OBVIII have been sheeping and up ppls asses, like duh. The sad part about stars, is how seriously people take this game, and I know I would chose you any day over a stupid online game, and that can’t be said true with half of the people in this stupid cast. Anyways that’s besides the point, my last comment goes to you, because YOU ARE EPICCCCCC (JKS)! ILy Ben THANKS FOR BEING THE BEST SGHBFF!! ---- Alexander
Sent by tycoon1234,Dec 11, 2013

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