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Ahmed & Nano's Blog Song Contest - ROUND 5 RESULTS

Topic » Ahmed & Nano's Blog Song..

1216 days 11 hours ago
Welcome to week five song contest hosted by myself and @Petro. For this round you became the Villain and were asked to submit a song that resembles you as a Villain in a movie. Some of the submissions were solid this week, some predictable, and some just not good at all.

I’m going to start off with saying who is safe in RANKING order from BEST to WORST.
------------------------------SAFE BRACKET--------------------------------------------
@J2999 - ORÎ - Fire in the Flood
Ahmed: Kind of shook someone else knows about Est-Her given he has like 200k listens on spotify. I have In the End on my Spotify and never heard this song. Starting off I was kind of indifferent about the song as it was a bit bland, but it picks up really well in the chorus and goes off high from that point on.
Petro: I can feel the anger coming out from this song LOL, i think it was a very original submission as i have no idea who this person singing is, but i do think it was a bit too much, like it's not bad by any means but the constant screaming kinda got repetitive, but i agree with what you said that it's something that would probably play if a villainous act happened in a movie, so good job for nailing the theme regardless.

@Useamint - The Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
Ahmed: I did not like the way this song started at all. It set me up for thinking I’d hate this song. But it takes this turn at 0:26s that I really like, the chorus is very very good. It has some parts in the song I don’t like at all and some parts I really like so it has me a bit conflicted. I do really like your take on the song choice though and the way you perceive a villain, it’s unique. Overall, not a bad submission.
Petro: It was a very fast song so it was kinda hard to keep up! however i did enjoy it and it's something i would want to listen to, however i do also think it's something i would get tired of after a few listens i believe. Besides that, it convinced me enough to like it and i think the explanation you gave for this theme was very clever and spot on, so good job on that as well.

@Gabrieltrezza - HATARI – HATRIÐ MUN SIGRA
Ahmed: LOL sorry Gabriel but this is awful. This doesn’t give me Villain vibes at all, it gives me PSYCHO vibes. The screaming is so annoying. The only thing that saves this song is that the chorus is REALLY good @ 0:50 seconds in the video which redeems it from being a tragic fail. You’ve had better submissions, this wasn’t it.
Petro: Ok well good thing you switched your song cause you'd have definitely gone home with that other one. i do think this was an original submission, the video kinda gave me the 100 vibes for some reason, i could not understand anything that was being said lyrically but good thing it had subtitles! same as j2999, it had a lot of screaming which kinda made me a bit indifferent about as to whether i liked it or not, but i think it was alright, it definitely could grow on me

The winner of this round is:
------------------------------WINNER BRACKET--------------------------------------------
@Andalarew_2231 - Digital Daggers - The Devil Within
Ahmed: Honestly? I DIG this song a lot. I can definitely feel the villainous vibes within this song, it has such a mysterious vibe to it. The instrumental and vocals are good. It starts off a bit slow, but by the time the chorus comes I am hooked. Great submission!
Petro: Very interesting submission! guess we didn't know what was going to hit us ;)
. i think you nailed the theme, the lyrics were so spot on to the character you described so you get extra points for that. the song had a good beat and had me hooked until the chorus in where i do think it lost a bit of its spark, but i did enjoy it from start to finish and overall the song was pretty fire and definitely the best song you have submitted so far.

The two people who ranked HIGH were:
------------------------------HIGH BRACKET--------------------------------------------
@Christian_ - Ciara - Paint It, Black
Ahmed: Honestly, it starts off a bit slow but I think that’s what this song needs. That slow build up is like a villain being formed before our eyes like you have described. Good submission, I like the vocals and although the song may not my cup of tea it fits the theme perfectly!
Petro: i'm kinda indiferent, i don't think it's a bad song but it's not something i loved either, this song does give me villainous vibes, so i think you did indeed nail the theme, the song itself was alright, it started kinda slow and boring but then it did pick up and it got me hooked, however... is it enough to stand out?

@iiGalaxyii - Charlotte Lawrence - Joke's On You
Ahmed: I mean I could say the same about this song as with arris song. Choosing a track from a movie based on villains is kind of an easy direction to take, but I guess birds of prey isn’t as popular of a movie. I do have this song on my phone and I like it a lot. The track for birds of prey is epic. To me this is a REALLY good hero gone villain song from a bad breakup.
Petro: i know it was supposed to give off villainous vibes but i found it cute for some reason LOL. i liked they lyrics and i think it was a great submission cus i do think it's also a song i'd end up loving if i gave it more listens, and it did convince me enough to want to listen to it again, so well done

Time for the bottom three. The three are:
------------------------------LOW BRACKET--------------------------------------------
@Arris - Sucker for Pain - Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa, Imagine Dragons
Ahmed: Sorry this song doesn’t do it for me this round. It’s kind of an easy submission for the theme to choose a song from a movie based on villains. On top of that I only like Imagine Dragons and x Ambassadors parts in the song, the other artists ruin it.
Petro: I think it was an obvious choice but i also think it was just very messy with all the artists it had... i feel like it could grow on me if i listened to it more but i'm also not sure if i'd wanna listen to it again, i feel like if it was just an imagine dragons song alone it'd have been very great, but with all the voices it made it kinda unenjoyable and it was just kinda too much. but i do think the lyrics fit pretty well for what we were looking for, so good job on that regardless.

@David2560 - K-DA - VILLAIN ft. Madison Beer and Kim Petras
Ahmed: I actually really like this song and it’s a really good villain theme song. Overall it’s a really great track.. Sadly you didn’t describe it or anything so it drops you lower from other songs. Think this could have been a high bracket song for me if there was an explanation for it!
Petro: Im not rlly sure what you were looking to portray with this, the chorus was kinda cringe and i got sick of it pretty fast, i was expecting more since it had great artists featuring it but the lyrics were just a bit dumb and kinda repetitive... meh

@Lukesaur - Rude - Shygirl
Ahmed: My friend what the FUCK is this?  I mean I do respect the risk you take every round with originality, but this just isn’t it. I don’t like it at all and the song gives me a bad headache. Not your best submission. Whatever you did last round, do it again, because that was a solid submission. NOT this.
Petro: I think it was very simple.. like the song was very short and the lyrics didn't say much for me, it's like it's telling someone else that they are rude instead of it coming off as you being the rude one, so i'm not sure if it nailed the theme, it's probably something i'd just want to listen in an EDM festival or something, it didn't convince me to be fully honest.

The person who scored the lowest overall and will be leaving us tonight is @Lukesaur, JUST KIDDING! @XalbeertooX failed to submit and has been DQ’ed, you can thank him personally for sparing you.

Congrats to all that submitted on moving on. The next round blog will be posted later on this evening.


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