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Episode 5 ~ Fashion is ALWAYS being Recycled (Judging Panel)

Topic » Episode 5 ~ Fashion is ALWAYS..

2815 days 22 hours ago
*The final 9 enter the abandoned warehouse which serves as the judging room for the season*

Millie: Hello my final 9 girls, and welcome to your fifth judging panel of Tengaged's Next Top Model, Cycle 10. For your shoot this week, you participated in mock advertising campaigns for British designer Stella McCartney, for one her new eco-friendly themed collections. However, before we get to your critiques, here are your prizes.

Note: The $250,000 cash prizes covers your 3 gifts)

Millie: Now it is time to introduce our lovely panel of judges for this week. First up we have last cycle's winner, fashion model and trend-setter, Barbara Palvin.

Barbara: Ciao!

Millie: ...And we are also joined by, previous contestant, fashion model and Tengaged personality, Lindsay Lavara.

Lindsay: Welcome girls.

Millie: And of course, Me! Before we begin, I will wish you all the best of luck going into tonight's elimination. Now let's start, shall we?
2815 days 21 hours ago
Millie: Right, so the first girl to critique this week is JORDAN!

*Jordan steps up*

Jordan: Hello judges.

Lindsay: How are you doing?

Jordan: I'm good thank you. Yourselves?

Lindsay: I'm great thanks, excited to see the photos.

Barbara: Eh, I could care less.

Lindsay: Oh you are lovely.

Millie: Want to see your photo?

Jordan: Of course.

Millie: Here we are then.

Millie: First of all, I'd like to commend you on the amount of research you did going into the shoot. You really show a passion for what you do here, and the fact that you wanted to follow through with the eco-friendly theme is something that I can only thank you for. As for the photo though, unfortunately I'm not a fan. Neither the face nor the pose work for me, and I just feel like you look almost bored that you were having your picture taken. I didn't like the dress either, which doesn't help, and the way you have your hands on it makes you look as if you are pregnant caressing your pregnant stomach. I don't think it's the worst photo in the world, and my critique does sound VERY harsh, but it's only because I know you can do so much better than this.

Barbara: Girl, I don't feel the same.

Millie: What? Really?

Barbara: On a normal season, this photo would be just "good" for me, but on this season a photo like this is a message from Jesus Christ himself because this is my favorite photo this week. I completely know what you're going for and I love how the outfit is shaped into an umbrella, you have successfully sold to me that this is an eco-friendly campaign through the use of the colors, the attention to the dress, and the umbrella-esque style of the dress. I don't really like your face at all though and it could have been a lot stronger, and I think the ballerina slippers don't match with the dress but overall, very nice shot.

Lindsay: Well I disagree with you Barbara.

Barbara: Not surprised.

Lindsay: I really don't like this, honestly, and I can't seem to know why. I feel like my reaction to this was less ecstatic compared to some of the previous shots. I think the dress and the pose are what put me off. You look like a giant, pregnant umbrella and I don't know, I'm not completely loving this picture at all. Yikes, sorry.

Millie: Thanks Jordan.
2815 days 21 hours ago
Millie: Up next this week we have ANUTHIDA. Come on down.

Anuthida: I'm here.

Barbara: So as one of the stronger girls, how are you feeling in this competition?

Anuthida: Unstoppable. I really am. I honestly feel like I'm set to go the finals.

Millie: Wow, a lot of confidence.

Anuthida: Have you seen my photos? That confidence is deserved.

Barbara: Fair-play.

Lindsay: She reminds me of you Barbara....

Barbara: A winner?

Millie: Ladies. Let's get to the point and see the photo before a fight begins.

Millie: I like this shot Anuthida! Of all the photos this week, this is probably the most 'natural' photo of them, which is exactly what we were looking for this week - you don't look overly made-up, and the natural hair and make-up really works to accentuate your natural beauty, which as a model can often be overshadowed by hair and outfit dramatics. Like Alexandria though, you did opt to use a beauty shot for the photo shoot, which isn't exactly what we were looking for. As a modelling shot it's amazing, but remember that the client this week was for Stella McCartney, who specializes in clothing rather than make-up or accessories. This week's shoot was about creating a mock ad-campaign for her, and I'm just not sure whether this photo would be the most appropriate for her brand.

Lindsay: Wow! Super great picture. I think your strength is using models that aren't white, you seem to shine the brightest when you use darker skinned models, like on week 2 where you were the first called out. You've been consistent and you've shown that you can be versatile throughout the competition. And this picture is yet again proof that you're becoming a big contender to win this game! Again, this is an amazing picture. Definitely top tier.

Anuthida: I told you so.

Barbara: This photo is EXTREMELY safe to me. At this point in the show, you need to start proving your worth that you have what it takes to make a big impact on this industry, and a photo like this will not get you there, not when the competition is this fierce. There is nothing particularly wrong with the photo, in fact I think you matched the theme nicely, but there is absolutely nothing there that makes me think wow, this girl could be a potential winner.

*Anuthida smiles*

Millie: Thanks Anuthida.
2815 days 21 hours ago
Millie: Next up we have ALEXANDRIA.

Alexandria: Hi Millie!

Millie: How was the shoot?

Alexandria: I think it went well. I noticed what you said last week about me fading into the background a little so I just tried to push it a bit extra this week and give a bit more intensity.

Lindsay: Good to hear. Did you like the theme?

Alexandria: It was okay. It was a little difficult I guess, but it's still high fashion and that's what I love.

Lindsay: Well I'm excited to see the photo then.

Barbara: So am I.

Millie: Let's look then!

Lindsay: This is a beautiful shot. I think you look absolutely natural and effortless looking, and I'm glad to see you're changing it up a bit. Key word is... you're changing it up just a BIT. You never take my critiques into consideration and I'm waiting for you to do something with a model that isn't blonde. You're a good model yes, but can you do versatility? I'm still waiting for you to show it to me. Nonetheless, this is a great picture.

Alexandria: *rolls eyes*

Millie: I like this shot Alexandria, and for me, it's definitely a step up after these past couple of weeks from you. I definitely get the 'natural' vibe through this, which is definitely accentuated by you posing nude. I love your eye contact with the camera, and is honestly one of your strongest faces so far in the photo shoots. Everything from the way your hair has been styled (especially) to your make-up works for me, and I think could work for Stella McCartney also. While this shot is gorgeous, I think I would have preferred this shot to be more full-body as it really is a beauty shot, which wasn't what I was looking for, as stated in the requirements. I think in the future, always make sure you are giving us exactly what we want. Regardless, this is still a brilliant photo that you should be proud of.

Barbara: I don't think this matches the econ theme at all , even if you are posing nude. This does not speak "ecofriendly" to me whatsoever. If you were going to pose nude, you should've made sure that it fits this weeks theme. I'm not sure why, but I keep being drawn to that finger that's like sticking up and for whatever reason it really bothers me, LOL. You have a strong face though and I do like the styling of the shot. Once again, another mediocre week from Alexandria.

Millie: Wow.

Alexandria: Well, okay thanks then.
2815 days 20 hours ago
Millie: KALLIE, you're next.

Kallie: Good good.

Barbara: Our very own bridesmaid but never the bride...

Kallie: Coming from you girl?

Lindsay: Dead.

Barbara: Well then that must mean you're on the right track.

Millie: I'll give you that, you are definitely one of the most consistent girls in the competition.

Kallie: Aww, thank you.

Millie: Consistency is key girl, but there's still at least another 5 weeks of the competition left.

Lindsay: That's true.

Millie: Anyways, here's your best photo.

Lindsay: Beautiful and savvy. I'm always excited to see your shots because I'm always wow'd by everything you've submitted so far. You look so effortlessly confident and gorgeous, and I can only say that this picture was amazing, if not one of the best this week. You're a real threat to win this game, and I can picture you lasting for a long while. Keep it up!

Barbara: I'm not a particular fan of the photo, but lucky for you, everyone else is doing so poorly (to me) that this photo will probably be near the top because I am just loving the legs and I like your little/no usage of makeup, very natural and authentic. The accessories and the high heel personally don't match the all natural face and the "I'm giving to charity" type clothing that you have going on, and that's why I'm not in love with the photo. A decent shot overall though.

Millie: I think it's better than that Barbara.

Kallie: I know it's better than that.

Millie: I am a really big fan of this photo Kallie, and is a great example of how to pose naturally, while still creating angles to give it that high fashion edge. Yours and Chloe's photos are almost identical posing-wise, and it is clear that you were going for similar ideas when it came to the shoot, but ultimately your photo is leaps and bounds ahead of hers. Your face looks absolutely stunning for starters, and as always you didn't forget that you were here to model. Any part of this outfit could have been the centerpiece for McCartney's newest collection, be it the trousers, the top or the shoes and you are modelling them all in a way that your eye doesn't know whether to look, which is commendable. The only thing which lets this photo down for me is the fact that it's black and white. McCartney rarely uses black and white shots for her campaigns, and had we been able to see the colors of the outfit, it would have been a secure first call-out.

Kallie: Okay then.

Millie: Good luck Kallie.
2815 days 20 hours ago
Millie: Next to critique will be XIMENA.

Ximena: Okay then.

Millie: Now a little birds told me that you didn't submit a photo this week.

Barbara: Didn't you learn from that other girl from last week?

Lindsay: She has a name...

Barbara: Irrelevant?

Lindsay: *laughs* Well it should be.

Millie: So here's your no photo I guess.

Barbara: Xiema could not be bothered to send in a photo so Barbara could not be bothered to write a critique. Delete your model career fatty.

Lindsay: I'm crying.

Barbara: It's true though.

Lindsay: Honestly, you not submitting a picture isn't really a loss since you weren't really a contender to win anyway, so thanks for making critiques a bit easier for us. Goodbye now.

Millie: After Hailey's elimination last week, I thought that would act as a warning to all of you girls of the consequences of not submitting a photo in any particular week. You've actually been one of the stronger models this cycle, so it's such a shame to have you not submit this week, without any reason or explanation as to why. As with all of the girls, if something comes up in your personal life, I am always willing to extend the deadline to a reasonable date to help you out, but you didn't contact me whatsoever, so ultimately it's down to you. I am truly disappointed in you this week.

Barbara: Take your place Ximena.

*Ximena walks back*
2815 days 20 hours ago
Millie: Now we have NINA, your next.

Nina: I'm here girls! *runs down*

Millie: Our last first call-out earner...

Nina: I know I was so happy last week I could hardly contain myself!

Lindsay: Will it be two weeks in a row?

Nina: I mean, I think so but you never know going to elimination but I feel like I'm starting to shine now.

Millie: Well I hope you shine as well.

Nina: *laughs* Thank you.

Barbara: I've got a feeling you did well.

Lindsay: I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said Barbara.

Barbara: Probably.

Millie: Here's your best shot this week Nina.

Barbara: I really enjoy this shot, but for me there's something missing that is needed to bring it to the next level. I'm not sure what particularly, but it's very predictable but not in a safe way???? That's probably weird, but I guess what I'm trying to say is while this is a great photo, you didn't make it your was an expected shot, but I really like it overall. I like that you tried to take a risk and pull on your hair, but for me it doesn't work. The photo is very ethereal and peaceful and pulling on the hair makes it seem like you're stressed out to me..... thanks Nina.

Nina: Ooh okay. Mixed there. Lindsay?

Lindsay: A different take to what the other girls did. And I can say it payed off! You look so, so, SO beautiful! I think sometimes I tend to forget you're in the competition by how safe you've played it for the first weeks, but you're starting to submit better and stronger pictures to really rocket yourself to the top of the pack. I can honestly say, this week, you did stand out for me and you're absolutely one of my picks to make it to the finale. Beautiful, and I'm glad you're doing well.

Nina: Aww thank you.

Millie: For me Nina, this shot is just okay and that seems to be a running trend with a lot of your portfolio with it being relatively middle-of-the-pack. It may be because you got first call-out last week and this just seems like a downgrade, but when you set the bar high for yourself, we expect that every time. When I first saw this shot, I really wasn't a fan however I have grown to like it more and more over the past couple of days and have come to respect it. The thing that lets it down in my eyes is that it just doesn't seem high fashion enough to be used as a Stella McCartney campaign, the dress looks TOO basic and is missing that edge that you usually see her in her designs. Just look at Brendina's photo, it really only is a top and a pair of shorts, but the way the fabric is cut and shaped on the model gives it that high fashion edge that separates it from a dress you'd find in TopShop. For me, that is what is missing.

Nina: Thanks guys.
2815 days 20 hours ago
Millie: Girl number 7 tonight will be CHLOE.

Chloe: Alright then.

Millie: Right so you were our special girl with the advantage this week, weren't you?

Chloe: Absolutely.

Lindsay: And how was that for you?

Chloe: Umm good but weird. You have this unique advantage which can either work out really well for you this week or be COMPLETELY wasted so you never know quite what to do.

Millie: Well I can reveal that the judges chose your SECOND photo as your shot going forward for this week.

Chloe: Okay cool.

Millie: Now do you want to hear our critiques on it?

Chloe: Only if they're good.

Millie: I'm not promising anything *laughs*.  Here it is regardless.

Lindsay: The better picture of the two, I might just say that your prize saved you this week. The button-up shirt is such a gender breaking thing for women, and I love that you chose to wear this for your shot. This is stunning and it's also a different style for you, compared to your usually sexy and over-the-top shots. You look sophisticated and beautiful, and I applaud you for it.

Millie: Is it Stella McCartney though?

Lindsay: I think so.

Millie: So of the two photos that you chose, this was the slightly better of the two, however I'm afraid to say that neither of the photos really worked for me at all. Like I said to Kallie, the two of you were going for very similar aesthetics for this shoot, but while hers looks like a solid part of a fashion editorial, to me, yours comes off more aa a full-body shot to put in the front of your CV for acting jobs - it just lacks that high fashion something, you know? I think it starts with the choice of model, who is Luck Mecklenburgh, a British realty television star; This already sets you off at a disadvantage as the photo already is going to lack the fashion look. I do like the styling though and like with Kallie's, had you had a stronger facial expression and a colour photograph, this photo would have fared much better.

Barbara: So you had two chances to get the photo right...and both were disastrous. Millie, the competition this season is seriously disappointing and I think I'm going to need a raise if you think I'm going to spend any more time discussing this "model."

Chloe: Not even a critique?

Barbara: Nope.

Millie: Well I can assure you Barbara that you're not getting a pay rise xo
2815 days 20 hours ago
Millie: For our penultimate girl I choose... JESSIE!

Jessie: Yes FINALLY.

Barbara: Don't like the waiting, huh?

Jessie: Definitely not.

Lindsay: There's a lot of that in fashion you know right?

Jessie: Yeah but you aren't watching other girls have their photos critiqued in the real industry.

Barbara: Fair point.

Lindsay: So how was this week for you?

Jessie: Good I think, I'm always trying to stay positive.

Lindsay: That's good to hear. A good attitude and drive can save you in so many situations.

Millie: I agree. Let's see your photo girl.

Lindsay: I hate how obvious this is for a Calvin Klein ad. If the writing wasn't there, this would be a good picture. But it's just so all up in your face and it really is distracting. This is an okay shot overall though, but it's coming to point in the competition where no one is really doing bad, it's just that some people shine brighter, and this week, you aren't one of them.

Jessie: *sighs*

Barbara: I don't approve of photos that are "name brand" or use models that are extremely well known, I hope Millie can elaborate on this for me. You score no points with me using a Calvin Klein model and using a Calvin Klein brand picture. OBVIOUSLY the photo is "good," or else why would a brand like Calvin Klein market this? It is for this very reason why I'm extremely turned off by this photo and I will not be submitting it high in the rankings, I hope Millie can elaborate better on what I mean.

Millie: Although the caliber of this shot is much stronger than the original photo you submitted, unfortunately this still isn't what we were looking for this week. As you can clearly see, this is a Calvin Klein ad campaign, which has a completely different aesthetic and target demographic than Stella McCartney's brand. CK is all about being sexy and androgynous, while McCartney's is more about being simple, natural and effortless so naturally this photo isn't really suitable. Additionally, the writing of the CK logo through the middle of the shot really ruins this photo for me. Modelling wise though, you're not actually doing a bad job though. You look absolutely stunning, and I think as a model, this is the best you have looked since the first week, but this was just the wrong photo at the wrong time.

Jessie: Okay.

Millie: To elaborate on Barbara's point, I personally don't mind people using big named models like Lara Stone, Gemma Ward or Arizona Muse etc. as to me that shows at least some fashion knowledge of who can take good photos. Obviously lesser known fashion models such as Daphne Groeneveld or Karen Elson show a higher level of understanding, but to me it's not a problem.
2815 days 20 hours ago
Millie: And last, but certainly not least we have BRENDINA.

Brendina: Hi judges.

Millie: Sorry it took so long!

Brendina: Oh don't worry, it get's quicker as the more girls get eliminated.

Barbara: Well you might not have that problem next week when you're at home.

Millie: You haven't even seen the photo yet!

Barbara: I'm not sure if I'll need to.

Lindsay: Shady, shady girl.

Millie: Wanna see your best photo?

Brendina: Always.

Millie: Here is your, hopefully lovely, photo for this shoot then.

Millie: Out of all of the photos this week, this is by far my favorite and absolutely stellar in my opinion. I think you were one of the few who were really able to capture the essence of a Stella McCartney campaign; It's simple, it's chic and it's not trying to be anything it's not. You look absolutely stunning, and almost as if it's nothing special for you. I love the fact that you are leaning against the wall, and not overtly posing as it really adds a relaxed quality to the photo. Also, I love how you still managed to include color into your outfit, despite it being a 'natural' themed shoot. It could have been very easy to wear basic colors such as white, grey or tan but the green, is not only unpredictable, but adds a sense of fun and youth to the outfit, and shot as a whole.

Brendina: OH YES.

Lindsay: After looking at the past few pictures, this is kinda... flat. I don't know, I don't feel as overwhelmed as I was with the other shots I saw. You look somewhat stiff and uncomfortable. You can do so much better and you've proved it to us before, I'm just waiting for you to actually IMPRESS me. Because so far, it hasn't happened.

Millie: Well I love it.

Barbara: ... Did you even try? This photo is atrocious, you are literally just standing there. How are you even still in this competition I'm pretty sure your ranked relatively low every week. This photo to me is lazy, and therefore I'm too lazy to critique this. Show some effort in your photos if you survive.

Millie: Sorry girl.

Brendina: No problem. Thanks anyway guys.
2815 days 20 hours ago
Millie: Okay, now it is time for the us to decide our rankings, and deliberate between you. When I call you back I will announce who the winner of the fifth Vogue Girl poll of the season was, who got first call-out, and which girl will be leaving the competition in tenth place. Good luck to you all.
2815 days 18 hours ago
2815 days 18 hours ago
That's blonde, girl lol.
2815 days 16 hours ago
Why are you so obsessed with the HAIR COLOR of the models I pick? It literally has no relevance to my picture and theme I go for each round. I literally DONT search "blonde models" in google so I don't get what the big deal is. And the model I choose HAS brown hair, with blonde tips/ends? I modeled with a brown haired model the week before like I just don't get the ongoing critique about the hair color of my model... I'm not trying to be sassy but I feel like its a bit unfair. And to be really technical, on the real ANTM, BNTM, etc they don't critique/judge on hair/makeup.
2815 days 12 hours ago
Maybe for the first time in this competition I am mad. VERY MAD. But at myself!! I didn't trust my first instincts and decided to play safe. I had another photo which was definitely a risk, but I know now that I should have risked it. Now the situation is worse. >.< Silly, silly me!

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