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Episode 10 ~ Fight for that Win (Judging Panel)

Topic » Episode 10 ~ Fight for that..

2740 days 6 hours ago
*The final 4 enter the Chinese Potsdam house which serves as the overseas judging room for the rest of the season*

Millie: Hello to my wonderful final 4, who stand before me, and welcome to your tenth judging panel of Tengaged's Next Top Model, Cycle 10, and your third here in Shanghai, China. For your photo shoot this week, you posed as Chinese Warriors, resembling the once dominant Chinese army to show your 'fight' to win this competition. However, before we get to critiquing your photos for this week's shoot, here are the list of prized that you are competing to win.

(Note: The $250,000 cash prizes covers your 3 gifts.)

Millie: Right, now on to our judges for the week. She may be beautiful, but she's certainly not one to mess with as she will cut you up. She's not only a successful model, but also one of our past winners, it's the legendary, Barbara Palvin.

Barbara: Hey girls. This is the final 4 now so you better watch yourself.

Millie: Wise words right there.

Lindsay: *smirks*

Millie: And also joining us tonight, as always, is the slightly nicer judge, Lindsay Lavara. This girl knows how to make a successful career of yourself, even if you don't end up winning the grand prize, so this girl knows how to WORK.

Lindsay: Hello everybody!

Millie: Right, so without further ado, let's begin, shall we?
2736 days 6 hours ago
Millie: Okay then, so first up this week will be KALLIE.

Kallie: Hey guys.

Millie: So Kallie was actually our FINAL challenge winner of this cycle, how does that feel?

Barbara: Congratulations.

Lindsay: Wow, a compliment out of Barbara, that's new.

Barbara: Well you know.

Kallie: *laughs* It feels so great, especially at this stage. That was like the last chance to impress you and the fact that I managed to pull it off is just amazing. I just hope that my photo is just as good as my challenge performance.

Lindsay: I think we all do.

Millie: Shall we take a look then?

Kallie: Yes, I'm so ready.

Millie: Here we are then.

Millie: Like last week Kallie, I'm not really feeling this photo. I feel like the who 'high fashion' element of this photo shoot has been lost, and it's almost looking more like a film poster or a Comic Con dress advertisement. I don't mind the pose, but I feel like if you're going to use props in a shoot, you REALLY have to use them. I would have liked a much more dramatic lunge in the body, to give the pose some movement to make it look like you are actually using the sword rather than just holding it. The best part about this shot is the face. I can truly feel the power coming from behind your eyes, and I also see the emotion behind them, that you do really want to be here. It's just a little unfortunate that some of your face is covered by the jacket; Maybe had you given the same expression, but face-on to the camera, it would have looked better.

Barbara: Ooh girl NOPE.

Lindsay: What?

Barbara: Just saying I disagree.

Kallie: Thank God.

Barbara: I love this photo, out of everyone in the competition that is left, you have been the most consistent for me. I don't know why, but my favorite part about this photo is the eyebrows, they're almost as sharp as those cheek bones! I like the accessories and the clothing, it matches a "warrior" esque idea and your glare looks like it's piercing into the enemies' soul. One thing I don't like, however, is that the "collar" part is slightly covering up your face, and I wish that wasn't there because the more I look at it the more it bothers me! Nonetheless, excellent work.

Lindsay: I'm gonna get this out of the way by saying that I didn't enjoy your beef with me last week. It really left a bad taste in my mouth, and you gave me an Alaska Thunderfuck moment from All-Stars 2. Yes, you performed well for the majority of the competition, but the one time you didn't do so well (last week), you literally lashed out on me for being harsh and a bad judge. You're a fantastic model, but you need to show more respect while dealing with criticism. Regardless of that, you've got your qualities as well. You're poise and quick-witted, and you can easily adapt to any kind of shoot we've given you so far. You're probably the most versatile here, and that's a great quality to have.

Now, on with your picture. I love it. It's not your STRONGEST work, but it's still for me, one of your personal best. The one small little thing that throws me off, is that this kind of looks like a movie promo poster, that's just it. It's not a BAD detail, it's just what it reminds me of, I feel like you're missing a bit of spunk to make this a bit more editorial, or like, model-esque. Nonetheless, you have a nearly flawless portfolio, so I don't think this will matter at all on your performance.

Kallie: Hmm, I know I am quick-witted, but I still stick by what I said.

Millie: Well, thanks anyway Kallie.
2736 days 5 hours ago
Millie: Girl number 2 will be ANUTHIDA.

Anuthida: Hey guys.

Lindsay: So you had a disappointing round last week, do you think this week went much better?

Anuthida: I really hope so. All I want right now is to make it to that final. Although I've made some mistakes, I think I always come back fighting.

Millie: Some of the girls labelled you as the weakest girl here. How does that make you feel?

Anuthida: Obviously not the greatest, but I just need to prove them wrong. I've taken some amazing shots in the competition, and I just need a couple more of those and I'll be in the finals.

Barbara: Okay then, well you've gotta prove it.

Millie: Speaking of which, let's take a look at your photo.

Barbara: Anuthida is over , Just like Lady Gaga's latest album. Started your career looking like the next legend, but ended themselves by continuously flopping. This photo is just overall...ugly :/ you're a warrior but you're in your bra and underwear....flop. There's just too much going on in this photo, your face is covered in makeup, I can't tell what exactly you're wearing, my I don't know what to focus on. This is a complete disaster. Despite this being my (personal least favorite photo), I'm hoping you stay because someone this week played it SAFE, and there's nothing I hate more than people who color within the lines...

Millie: I don't think she played it safe at all.

Barbara: Come on, have you seen this shot?

Millie: I think it's cool, it's edgy...

Barbara: Nah girl.

Millie: I actually love this photo, and think it might be favorite of the day. Although it wasn't a necessity in this photo shoot, I love how you incorporated a Chinese historical element to your look; It's such a strong look that has to be pulled off well to look good and I think you managed to do that. You have really strong eye contact, which is something that you've been critiqued on in the past, so it's nice to see that you're taking on our criticism. My only slight issue with the photo is the lighting. Because of the way your body is positioned, we can't see your arms and the detailing on the front of the dress, so your body just merges into one big blob. The design you are wearing, looks so intricate but we just can't see it. For me though, this is one of your best photos in a while though.

Anuthida: Thank you so much Millie.

Lindsay: You started off so strong, but you slipped in the last few assignments and I feel like you never took the stand back up to redeem yourself. Yes, your paragraph was OK. It was nothing special, and one thing I look for in a competition like this, is how well you treat your other contenders (you kind of threw shade at the others in yours speech). Like Miss Universe, this isn't the competition for the "prettiest" or the most "unique", it's an overall scoring. Personally, I judge personality, performance and overall portfolio as THREE different things to impact your final scoring. You said Jordan was messy, but I think you just about performed the same way. Statistically, you both have an almost even amount of high's and low's. But with that out of the way, I think you're a GREAT model. You're an open girl, but sometimes I feel like you're scared to step out of that comfort zone of yours, and I think that's gonna be an issue if you made it to the final three.

Not only is this a TOUGH final four (stronger than my cycle, I believe), but I think you kind of got outshined this week, again. Your photoshoot really isn't that bad, but alongside the other three, I think this is my least favorite. The face looks SO manly and beastly, and I really don't like it at ALL. The dress/poncho thing is a bit bizarre as well. I can't quite put my finger on what it actually is, which makes this shoot a bit awkward. If this were the final ten, I don't think you'd be NEAR the bottom at all. It's just the simp
2736 days 4 hours ago
Millie: Girl number 3, will be our surviving girl from last week, JORDAN.

Jordan: Heya.

Barbara: So how are you doing this week?

Jordan: Good I think. Although I didn't win, I feel like I was one of the stronger girls at the challenge, and I think that's given me a lot of confidence going into the photo shoot this week.

Barbara: Well you need it after your performance last week.

Jordan: I know. It was sad because I did okay at the go-sees, but it just goes to show that any simple mistake can send you home at this point.

Lindsay: Yeah ask Nina.

Millie: Wow.

Lindsay: *smirks*

Millie: Let's see how you did in your warrior shoot then, shall we?

Jordan: Of course.

Barbara: This photo, despite not being the worst "modeling photo," just goes against everything I stand for morally. Sweetie, wake up! You're in the final FOUR and you're not even posing, you're just STANDING there. I Hate this! Delete your career forever, HASTA LA PASTA.

Lindsay: Just a tad harsh?

Millie: Yeah just a little bit...

Lindsay: You're a little ray of sunshine. I think you're SO adorable and I loved seeing you perform every week. My only issue with you is how lost you can be in your shoots and how your performance varies every other week. One week you slay, the other you suck complete donkey balls. But then again, I competed the same way on my cycle. I feel like you and I performed similarly, and I still think despite you winning a season, that you've still got things to learn, like everyone else here. And I just think that you still need to take risks, and listen to our critiques (and the other girls' critiques). Sometimes, Millie and I comment on the other girls' pictures about something they shouldn't do, and the week after, you do that exact same little flaw, which just gets us both disappointed because we know you aren't conscious of that error, but you still did it regardless.

Anyway, your photoshoot... I liked. It's nothing that makes me go "WOW!!" but it definitely has it's shining moments. I love the research you did behind it and how you came up with a little personal story with it, it really shows your charm and quirkiness. Overall, I think this is a good choice for you this week and I'm proud that you still manage to accept your critiques and your errors in this competition, you're a very open minded girl and that's always a good quality to have! :)

Millie: This is definitely a powerful photo, but I definitely think it's always a risk to choose a photo where you are just standing still and not doing a strong pose. Personally I quite like it, I get a strong independent warrior vibe from this, which was the brief of the shoot, and I love how you used the bow and arrow as a prop in the photo. I love your facial expression and like I've said to a couple of the other girls, you've truly mastered how to connect with the camera through your eyes. I just think I would have liked to have seen something bigger at this stage of the competition. I know what kind of vibe you were going for, and I like it, but after being in the bottom two last week, I really wanted to see something that made me go 'woah she's back' and I just don't feel that from this photo.

Jordan: I'm not too sure how to feel.

Barbara: You should never feel safe in the industry hunny.

Millie: Thanks Jordan.
2735 days 22 hours ago
Millie: Rounding up this week will be ALEXANDRIA.

Alexandria: *steps up*

Lindsay: So you have been dominating since you've been here in Shanghai, what happened to you girl?

Alexandria: I don't know. I thought maybe that I was kind of slipping and just wanted to step my game up while I'm here.

Lindsay: Well you've definitely done that.

Alexandria: I know. You only get an opportunity like this once in your life, so I just have to make the most of it.

Millie: Absolutely.

Barbara: How was the shoot?

Alexandria: I think it was okay, but I took a risk and just want to see how I did.

Millie: I won't make you wait then. Here's your best shot.

Millie: I hate to admit it Alexandria, but I'm not really that much of a fan of this photo. I'll start with the positives. I love how out of all of the girls you took a risk by not choosing to go down an 'Asian' route in terms of the dress code and model, which all of the other girls did. The assignment didn't state that was a necessity so that made you really stand out. I love the almost Greek Empire kind of vibe you've got going on, and I think the Ancient Greek styling is absolutely wonderful. For me though, the photo is let down from a modelling stand point. The light has not hit your face well, and has kind of hidden your eyes and has left them in the dark. Had you tilted your head up just a little bit, then not only would that problem be solved, but you'd also have a much longer neck. I also find the pose a little bit basic to be honest, it's very modelling 101 and not what I was hoping for at this stage.

Alexandria: Okay Millie.

Millie: Do you like the shot?

Alexandria: I actually do to be honest.

Lindsay: Me too.

Alexandria: Really?

Lindsay: You know what? You're not the loudest and flashiest girl standing here in the final four, but you're DEDICATED and you love what you do. And that for me, are winning qualities in my eyes. Your paragraph was written from the heart and I personally adore that you not only complimented yourself, but everyone else as well. You gave Kallie and Anuthida redeeming qualities, despite you naming the biggest threat and weakest link respectively.

Your photoshoot alone speaks how far you came in this competition. I agree that you started off strong, and you kind of did lose your spark mid-game but you took in Millie and I's critiques and you applied them to make yourself better. I feel like alongside Jessie (for the 2 weeks she slayed) are actually the ONLY people to listen to our critiques and apply them, and they payed off (until Jessie slipped again and eventually went home, but yeah that's not important). Regardless of that, you completely dominated this week and I feel like you're really letting us see how versatile and dedicated you are. Sometimes you don't have to be the biggest star in the sky to win, but as long as you shine bright, anything's possible! And I feel like you solidified yourself as a winning contender this week.

Alexandria: Thankyou so much!

Barbara: I'm shaking in my Louis Vuittons . This picture is stunning! I just absolutely love the posing and the fierceness in the face. This is the girl I have been waiting for!!! Congratulations for not flopping for once, better late than never! Continue to push the boundaries and you could be the potential winner.

Alexandria: Well that went from 0-100. Thank you judges.

Millie: You're very welcome.
2735 days 22 hours ago
Millie: Okay, now it is time for the judges and I to decide our rankings, and deliberate between you. When I call you back I will announce who the winner of the tenth Vogue Girl poll of the season is, who got first call-out, and which girl will be just missing out on being a part of our final 3.

This is the round in which we choose our final 3 girls, aka the most important elimination of the cycle. We have a lot to think about when it comes to this round.

Good luck to you all.
2735 days 14 hours ago
smh I didn't say anuthida played it safe
2734 days 22 hours ago
good luck gals x x x
2734 days 15 hours ago
Good luck ladies <3

(P.S. One of these photos was actually Japanese, I was surprised no one said anything about that!)

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