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Week 4 judging Panel

Topic » Week 4 judging Panel

4256 days 15 hours ago
*models all walk into panel*
Hello my aspiring models to your fourth judging panel here in New York City! This week you all had what I personally believed was the hardest challenge ever in my series. It's not easy to model without your face because your face is your money maker, so when your face cannot do the job.. Your body must. I really gave bonus marks to those of you that really created an artwork with your body and for each of you right before I critique your photo I will say one of two things.
1. Artwork - meaning that your body is creating a work of art
2. Statue - your body is more structured and controlled.
This week I really was hoping for more of an artwork body use but for those that did not do it the world is not over because if you are able to work your statuesque photo you can be called early or at number one also! So let us get started!
4256 days 15 hours ago
Charlye: First up we have Charlye! *Charlye walks forward*
Last week was your first week in the competition that you did not get a top 2 photo... We're you able to make a comeback??

OOOO this is artwork for sure! I love the fact that such a little bit of your head is showing but your elongated body totally makes up for that! You really knew what angle to use to make yourself look much longer then you really are. Your garment is also a piece of artwork and so is the background. This picture as a whole was pretty much exactly what I was looking for and with that it should be known that you are back!
4256 days 15 hours ago
Ray: next up is last weeks challenge winner! Ray come on forward! *ray walks forward* now there have been two other girls before you that have gotten number 1 photo but the week after could not maintain it. Will you carry on the curse?
Statue. This is not exactly Original. With this weeks challenge with it being so different I was really expecting things that were interesting, different even jaw dropping. With this it all just feels very safe. I don't know I want to like this photo but in reality it's not living up to your previous work.
4256 days 15 hours ago
Grace: Next up is the girl that I personally never thought would be doing so hot in this competition after her risqué photo week 1. But boy week after week she proved me wrong. Grace come over here! *Grace walks forward* so last week you got your highest callout being called as the runner-up and every week you have moved up the leader board. Now the only way to go is to number 1 can you do so?

Artwork! Artwork! Artwork! This is ge - freaking - nius! It is pictures like these that have now made you may favorite model in the competition. This is pure art all up to the snake. But don't let this get to your head. This season you are a front runner because of all the risks that you take, last season Charlye a fellow model this season *camera shows charlye* was a front runner because all of her amazing poses. You both did what you specialized in this week. You specialize in risks you gave us a huge risk, Charlye specializes in poses and this week she gave us one of her best poses up to date. So this is to show that you should stay focus because your path to the finish line is not exactly clear.
4256 days 15 hours ago
Melissa: another person that is no stranger to getting first callout is Melissa! *melissa walks forward* You have been in the top 3 two weeks in a row, can you maintain that streak?
Statue. You seem so demanding and controlled in this photoshoot where as I was looking for people to let loose and be creative! With bright colors and such. This just looks much to controlled and serious. I feel like you know exactly what you are doing when it comes to high fashion but being a model you should know how much high fashion to give at each photoshoot and this week you did not need all of it. 
4256 days 15 hours ago
Nicki: Now we have Nicki Minaj in the building!!! *Nicki walks forward* hi Nicki! You seem to be very dedicated to doing well this season! Have you done so?

Artwork! This as bad and dirty as it makes me feel inside is Definately artwork. This is something you Definately will not normally see and the absence of clothes actually adds to the photo making it look that much better though I do wish that your top was a tad bit lower. This though really stunned me the first time I saw it, it was like something I had not seen before and it is really showing me the tremendous growth that you have had in this competition! You are another member of the very big group of front runners this season! And like Charlye it is safe to say that you are back!
4256 days 15 hours ago
Emmaleigh: next up is season 1 returnee... Emmaleigh! *Emmaleigh walks forward* so this season you seem to be having a tough time keeping up with the pack. Have you finally caught up this week?
I would have to say artwork. I adore the simplicity but effectiveness of the pose which kind of makes me sad because that darkness is cuttin off 1/4 of your body. Also at the same time I think the darkness adds to the photo and it makes even the garment look better then it probably did without the darkness.  I also like the addition of the tree giving the photo a whimsical feel.
I did however wish that this photo was more clear so that it would be easier to see the models bone structure. But this is probably one of your best photo's since you have been in this series!
4256 days 15 hours ago
Rockii: the next model up in the line of fire is Rockii *Rockii walks forward* so last week you were saved alongside Simon in a non-elimination panel did you do enough this week to stay out of the bottom two?
Artwork. Though this is under the artwork category I can't say I am overall fully impressed with this photo. I know that there is still some untapped high fashion in you and this photo shows that but the thing is out of everyone here I remember you the least and last week when I saved you I asked you to communicate more because it would help me remember you, you chose not to and hey if you keep disregarding everything I say to you I might as well cut you now so I can waste less time for myself.
4256 days 15 hours ago
Simon: And last up we have some testosterone Simon come on forward! *simon walks forward* So Simon you had an especially tough challenge with this photoshoot and I knew that from the get go because everyone already had limited choices to choose from this week and being a guy divides that limit by around 5-7.  I personally did this to see how much you wanted this, I wanted to see if you would give up  and believe you me you did not do that at all! What you did was show me that you were more dedicated to find a good photo then any of the girls here and I commend you for that because with that comes great knowledge. But let us see if all of your hard work has payed off.
Statue. I actually kind of like this photo :0. Though it is not the most creative photo in the bunch I like the fact that you really played into a masculine role and showed that you were in charge. This is the most high fashion shot that I have seen from you since you came here and it shows me that you actually went home and repeated everything I said to you and you worked on and fixed everything that I asked you to. But the passion you had this week is really what caught my attention Never in my three years of being a model have I seen someone put some much hardwork in a photoshoot like you did and I really would like to commend you on that.
4256 days 15 hours ago
>.< forgot Karina :///

Karina: next up we have Karina! *Karina walks forward* karina you already know what getting a top photo feels like. Can you rekindle that feeling?
Art to the work! This pose alone is not only hard to do but hard to photograph because there are only so many angles that this photo can be taken at to make it look like pure magic! I love the garment and the ruffles on the side and I especially appreciate the fact that the lose strands of hair are naturally covering your face. Being tied for the highest callout average and performing amazingly this week also puts you in the group of those that people need to look out for! 

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