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Spinner554's Game File

Topic » Spinner554's Game File

3564 days 8 hours ago
All of Spinner554's confessionals and possibly mail logs will be posted here.
3564 days 7 hours ago
1) How's it feel to be in the FINAL season, as one of 18 former finalists?
As much as you don't like for me to say it, it's just like any other season to me. It doesn't change anything.

2) What's your strategy coming into this game?
Be a strategic mastermind. Duh. I'm not entirely sure tho, I'll have to feel out the tribe because I know most of them.

3) Thoughts on the cast/tribes?
Let me give you a cast assessment. Starting with my tribe.
Alex G./01Gohan- He's a good player but he's a tad bit naive.
Austin/Spinner554- He's like the God of Gaia's games I'm so jealous of him
Jarrod/Bingo21- Smart guy. Either going to be really close to him or really against him.
Jeff/Coltsfan876- Wild card. She is a firecracker.
Jeremy/MMAjunkieX- He'll probably flip shit over a minor mistake and then quit so I won't even bother.
Joe/Joeker- Joe <3333 I love Joe. But that scares me too. Because everyone loves joe.
Keith/Keitho44- He's either hating me for RTBI or we will be a good duo.
Mearl/Mearl- He's good but also extremely overrated. I personally don't like him but I can be two faced if I have to.
Scott/Piddu- I hate him. But he's an amazing player. If we let him get to merge he could go on an immunity run.
Shadi/Chastain- Ugh I love Shadi. We will be allies for sure so. Hoping that works out.

Addrian/Addrian- don't even know who he is but ok.
Alex R./RShowFreak- Really good player BUT everyone is always on his dick.
Andy/Amf7410- He hates me LOL. But we might be able to pull something off.
Coldan/Dragotistic- Dumbest player in this game. Without question.
Erik/Awwsum11- Who?
Michael/PeaceOut14- GREAT ALLY. I love Michael. Great guy. Could see us working together at merge.
Nick/Nbkiller- Here's here because of me. LOL. He could be on this tribe. But he's a great player.
Rich/Sarge455- He's sneaky. You never know if he's working with you or slowly inserting a knife into your back.
Sean/Caliboy- Another good ally. He's very loyal.
Wyatt/Aiwfwyattroh- He's so overrated. Honestly.

4) Potential allies? Potential targets/enemies?
Let's play ally or enemy!

Addrian/Addrian- Enemy
Alex R./RShowFreak- Enemy
Andy/Amf7410- Enemy
Coldan/Dragotistic- Enemy
Erik/Awwsum11- Enemy
Michael/PeaceOut14- Ally
Nick/Nbkiller- Enemy
Rich/Sarge455- Ally
Sean/Caliboy- Ally
Wyatt/Aiwfwyattroh- Ally
Alex G./01Gohan- Ally
Austin/Spinner554- Enemy!!!!
Jarrod/Bingo21- Ally
Jeff/Coltsfan876- Enemy
Jeremy/MMAjunkieX- Enemy
Joe/Joeker- Ally
Keith/Keitho44- Enemy
Mearl/Mearl- Enemy
Scott/Piddu- Enemy
Shadi/Chastain- Ally

5) Why do you think you can either win again (if a former winner) or finally win (if a former runner-up)?
Because I'm honestly, as bad as this is going to sound, really really smart. I'm ingenuitive. If I could just not piss people off I could really win again.

6) How hard do you expect this season to be, and with no twists involved, even no idols, how's that shape this season?
Not that hard. I beat 90 people in the most twisted season of all time. I think I can handle this.

3563 days 3 hours ago
Convo with Spinner & Zimdelinvasor:

Hey Russ. Thought any about tribal yet?

I was trying to make pasta for the first time in my life... and it took a while for me to do anything resembling success.. so I haven't thought a ton. That and I don't fucking know most of these people due to my inactivity in ORGs haha. Gaia had to ask me like 12 times before I'd come back...
I've heard Keith's name. And truthfully my thought process at this point is basically wherever someone else tells me numbers are, since I know it won't be me. :P

I agree 100% and lol @ the pasta.
The first couple of votes you just kinda got to lay low. Scope everything out and go with the numbers.

Yup, exactly. That's what I'm doing for now and if I hear your name come up for any reason, I'll let you know. For now people seem to be set on Keith but lemme know if you hear different and I'll do the same for you. I just wanna be in a majority.

Same here man. I just want to vote with the majority until I either can't or they're voting for me.
But if I hear your name I'll let you know 100%.
3563 days 3 hours ago
Convo with Bingo & Spinner:

Ready to get the Egypt duo back together??

Haha I mean if you're willing to! What do you think for tribal?

I've heard the majority are thinking Keith right now but I know there's tensions running between people so it wouldn't surprise me if things change.

Tensions running between who?
But I've also heard Keith. And Keith only.
For now we need to just lay low and go with the flow.

Nobody in particular I just know a lot of people have history with people like mearl and zim but its best if we lay low and hopefully nothing comes of previous games drama.
I'm keen for the Keith vote if it keeps people unified.

Agreed. Who do you think is the biggest threat tho? To me it's Mearl for sure. So I would rather be on his side than against him.
3561 days 22 hours ago
Convo with Zimdelinvasor & Spinner:

Hey, so Mearl and I have been talking and have joined up with Alex as well
We think that you'd also be a great person to add, if you'd be down for that?
And Jeff is someone we could also get on our side since he's been pretty much AWOL in general and got votes at the last TC.

Sounds cool with me man. But that's just five.
3560 days 10 hours ago
Convo with Spinner & Bingo:

Hey Jarrod
Just so you know, you are my final 2 so I'm going to share this info with you.
Russ messaged me and said him and Mearl have been "talking" and they joined up with Alex and think they can get Jeff. They want me in.
I said ok but that's only 5.
If they message me back and ask who they want for the sixth I'll throw out multiple names so it doesn't seem like we are that close but I'll make sure you're good if they don't want you.
Just felt like you should know.

Sounds good. There are so many factional alliances in this game I don't think we're in any major ones together but that's great because we can be the duo nobody sees coming. I'd be wary of both Mearl and Russ, they're playing every possible angle.

There are more alliances? Honestly that's the only one I have.
3559 days 19 hours ago
Confessional: "The Low(literally)down on Alliances"

I literally feel like I have no information whatsoever and I don't like it.

What I do know is Russ and Mearl created 2 alliances with everyone, split obviously. I'm hoping Jarrod is loyal to me because I'm willing to go to the final 2 with him especially since he shared this information with me. Kinda regretting voting Keith out but there wasn't much I could do. Hopefully this Mearl/Russ info will come in handy down the road when they try to make a move against me; because it's inevitable. I want Mearl gone BAD he's too much of a threat. But it's just too early to make a move against him without repercussions. Besides, if he's still around it's another threat besides myself.

I really DONT want to make an alliance because I know it'll get me targeted and I'm tryin to play a different game this time around. Will the true Austin come out over time? I'm sure Carl and Tyler will get a kick out of this but uhh....DUH!??? I'm going to be a dick and make moves. It's who I am. But I just have to wait until the right moment so I don't piss off ~too~ much of the jury. See guys, I'm learning jury management!

So yeah as of right now I'm putting all my trust in Jarrod and hoping he doesn't fuck me over because I really do trust him...but let the cards fall where they may.

I'll check in after the next challenge with another confessional.
3556 days 20 hours ago
Convo with Spinner & Bingo

So what're we thinking for tribal?

Mearl. He's been throwing me under the bus and i can't have that.

Alright cool cuz I wanted him gone anyways lol

Good. Next time we head to tribal will probably be pretty crucial so we'll have to talk more about that but it seems like this should be straightforward.

Yeah and as much as I don't want to we might need to make an actual alliance because everyone is playing really sketchy. But for now Mearl is definitely the best option.

Yeah I just don't want us to be a recognisable duo because right now people think you're aligned with nobody and that could definitely work to our advantage.

Definitely. And as long as I keep minorly talking to everyone they can bring me into an alliance instead of you because they'll think I'm a number.
3556 days 20 hours ago
Convo with Spinner & Chastain:

What're you thinking for tribal?

Just tell me who you're doing and I'll vote that way cause I'm hearing a lot of different things, and I'd rather go withthe devil I know. (plus we work together pretty well, really well)

We always said we should work together sometime lol. And I mean I'm hoping especially after Qatar that you trust me. So I would like to work with you if that's cool.

I owe you for Qatar, you proved that you are loyalwhen you want to be, so I would absolutely love to work with you.

Honestly in this game I'm going to try my best to be as loyal as possible to those who are loyal to me.

You can count on me
3556 days 20 hours ago
Convo with Spinner & Zimdelinvasor:

So what's up with tribal guys? Who are we targeting?

What I have been hearing is that people are targeting Mearl, actually.
He made like.. a fuckton of alliances outside of just the one with us.
A majority of the votes are definitely going his way so I'm going that way as well. He's been super sketch and can't be trusted.
But he doesn't know it's coming, I don't think.

Yeah I knew about that I was just waiting til he turned on me to share information with everyone LOL. But someone got him first so that's fine. He's pretty shady and he tried playing too hard too quick. But you can't do that to all winners...
Doesn't mean we can't work together tho.

It seems like he's talked to like... half the tribe... or more haha. So yeah it was a matter of time before it started getting around. That kind of play really, really isn't going to work on a tribe like this.
I agree, though, we definitely can and should still work together since we talked to each other openly here. Even if Mearl's an overplaying dildo, doesn't mean you and I can't work together going forward, for sure.

I know you're a smart guy and I know you know survivor inside and out and I feel like that's a good ally to have so definitely going forward we just need to continue to communicate with each other.

And, unlike Mearl, I'm able to be both smart and straightforward :P Since I'm really not about much bullshitting and deceit in these games, if only because I'm scared I'll get caught in lies or whatever. So if I say I'll work with someone, I mean it, and I'm definitely down for working with you.

Sounds good man. Hopefully we won't have to go to tribal anytime soon, tho.

I agree for sure.
I am a little wary about this vote. Just that people might be lying to me and blindsiding me instead of Mearl or something, based on one or two messages I've gotten that seem a little... off. But I hope people get that I'm way more straightforward and less conniving than he is.

I'm pretty sure you have been associated with him by people. But unless they're playing both of us, Mearl is leaving.

I've wanted him out for a while so that'd be a silly association to make.. I just didn't go for it until we actually lost a thing.
But that's good, then. You seem sincere with it and so do a sufficient number of others.
I just tend to worry more than I should
3556 days 20 hours ago
Title: "Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead"

"This is probably the best thing that could've happened this tribal. I was hoping to hold off on the information that Mearl made 4838373947390.87 alliances for when he decided to turn on me. Because he was my biggest threat. But someone beat me to it! Hahahaha. I am beyond happy at this. I'm honestly not sure who my "target" will be after this but for now I'm content."

My vote is for Mearl/Mearl.

Confessional #2: "The Key to the Social Game"

"Like I said, I'm really not expecting to win this game. So I may as well use this as a canvas for setting up my new social game. So what I've decided is there is a certain key to being social. Mearl doing what he did proved this to me. You need to talk to people, yes absolutely. But you don't want to go around making alliances. As long as you check in every once in awhile with everyone they should still trust you. So I'll wait until I'm invited to an alliance or targeted to amp up my strategic game. Shoutout to Carl and Tyler. LOL"
3555 days 19 hours ago
"Honestly, I'm in big trouble tonight and I'm probably going home but it's whatever. Ill try to stay but I won't be surprised if I don't. These people are being dumb and looking at tribe strength (because I'm too busy to show up to challenges) versus who will slit their throat. But I just can't commit that much time to challenges. So I won't really be mad if I go but someone (not sure who) is going to make a big mistake and be next."

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