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Episode 12: The Winner Takes It All (FINALE Part 2)

Topic » Episode 12: The Winner Takes..

1275 days 22 hours ago
*Hanna Ferm enters*

Final 2... Sarah Vix... Fish E. Minj... I am so proud of you two. You made it as far as one can, and sadly, same couldn't be said about Diamond Days and Lip Bing. But BELIEVE ME, they WILL be successful one day, I know that for a FACT.

Now it is time for your last task in this competition. And it is really quite simple.

For this task, you will present me the LEAD SINGLE IN YOUR ALBUM. It can be whatever you want. It just needs to be FLAWLESS. AMAZING. It's the main single you will release, if people listen to it and watch the video and it's crap, noone will buy that album or stream your music. So you have to IMPRESS ME, FOR REAL!

You have 24 hours to complete this challenge. An extension may be granted if requested. If you have any doubts or questions, mail me or post it here in this thread. Good luck!
1275 days 3 hours ago
As soon as I heard that this task would be the lead single to my album, I knew I couldn't play it for a competition win. I knew that, regardless of the result it got me, I had to be completely authentic and true to myself as an artist - this is THE first song on my first album and it had to be a representation of me, because otherwise, what's the point?

Introducing "Technique". The concept for this song came around while in a songwriting/producing session with a close friend of mine, Becky N'thebirds. Every time we did something that was 'technical', like "oh shit that was cool", production-wise or even songwriting-wise, we'd snap and proudly say 'technique'. It became a thing, I guess you had to be there.

The song itself is a way of playing around with the idea that we're all on the internet so much, and it's become especially prominent this year. It's a little off-the-wall, a little risky, it's a little bit Fish E. Minj, it's exactly the kind of energy I want to be putting out all the time with my music - stuff that's entirely true to myself.

I think it incorporates a lot of the things that I've learnt as an artist while on this show - I've been able to expand my horizons in ways I didn't expect. Imagine the scene - you're in the car, turn on the radio, and this song starts. You're intrigued, bewitched, slightly confused, but the beats keep drawing you in. It's a constant tease with eventual pay-off, but it constantly keeps you engaged. It spreads around social media like wildfire and before you know it, it's an iconic song that sits up in the charts for months.

Whether this gets me the win or not, I have no regrets. This is Fish E. Minj, take it or leave it. x

1275 days 2 hours ago
First of all, I would like to thank you, Hannah for believing in me enough to bring me to the finals. I know I’ve been an extreme MEGA bitch to you especially and to my competitors & while I will not apologize for that because that is me. I have been extremely HUNGRY this entire competition. I came into this with one goal and the mindset of “Win. Eliminate every single person in your way & take home that crown.”  I’ve had good weeks & bad weeks and I feel like it makes me the most reliable artist out of the whole bunch. I can be a bitch, sure. But aren’t we all? I can be sweet. I can be nasty, sassy, all of the above. I am 100 percent authentically me. Now, onto my lead single!

My album is called “Worst Behavior” & every single song I have performed this entire season has had some type of “oomf” to it. I wanted my first album to be a full representation of me. Like I stated above, I am a woman of many different things and personalities. I wanted every song to represent me in some way, regardless of the theme. Which is why some weeks, I may have missed the mark, I knew it was worth the risk because as an artist, you have to be willing to fight for your voice & fight for what you physically want to put out. Had I just sat there & taken it lightly & did what you asked even if I wasn’t 100 percent passionate in it, I wouldn’t be happy with my own work & it would’ve been sloppy. I don’t ever want to be an artist who is a robot & who puts out music that the label forces them to and me not even want to put it out. I’ve had my song “S.H.I.T” which was yes, a diss song, but it also was a nod to my religion or the lack there of anymore. “Baby, I’m Jealous”, was a real and authentic track of me admitting my jealousy to my partner & telling my listeners that IT IS OKAY to be jealous, regardless of naysayers. I had “The Bakery” which was upfront a playful, sweet video and song, but had deeper meanings about the corruptness of corporations and the government. Every song I put out was never really direct about anything, it was hidden. I want my music to be for intellectuals. I make music for the ears and not for show. You take the time & actually listen to my songs & hear the lyrics, you’ll hear some meaningful, deep shit as I’ve been through some rough shit in my life.

I originally thought up “Freak” at the beginning of this competition. I knew if I made the finale that I wanted this as my swan song, win or lose. I think it’s the PERFECT song to introduce me to the world for who I am. It definitely sets off the mood and vibe of Worst Behavior. The album has many feels and sounds to it and this one falls under the “Savage” category. I wanted to go full on sexy, raw, real. I also thought to do one last collab with none other than someone who I LOVE, Bia! I wanted to perform and I mean REALLY perform for this. I’m not 100 percent a dancer, but I know being an artist, it is required and I wanted to show that I can dance & serve looks, sex appeal, vocals, all of that.

Rather I win or lose, I commend Tuna-Fish Minaj, *cackles* I mean, Fish-E Minaj for making it to the finals with me. It wasn’t an easy feat & I wouldn’t want to stand next to anyone else, she was the only one who I personally felt like gave me a run for my money each and every week. So if I lose to her, I’ll respect it & be just as equally happy. There isn’t a right or wrong loser with either of us. Good Luck Fish-E!

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