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Season 5 NPC Applications

Topic » Season 5 NPC Applications

2663 days 3 hours ago
These are applications for NPC characters in Season 5 of CC's Danganronpa. If your NPC gets accepted, you may not use an SSoFF character you already have. Anyone may apply as an NPC, even people who haven't played in CC's Danganronpa before! If you have any questions about the RP or this application, please PM ccwagu.

(Do note that the fates of the Season 4 characters are unknown. If you are hoping to use one of them for Season 5, you may apply as one of these characters, and cancel them if your Season 4 character comes back.)

These applications are due for Thursday, February 23rd at 11:00PM EST. Established member  applications will be up soon!
Name of NPC:
Age (between 21 to 50 years old):
Nationality (already set, sorry :C): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL (you do not need a talent):
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue):
Is your character the head of their division? (Only one of each branch allowed!):
Was your character originally in the Future Foundation?:
Public Biography:
Private Biography:
Face Claim:


Preferred Name to be Called:
Skype (would be quite preferable):
Time Zone:

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?:

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?:

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?:

Do you understand how killscenes work?:

Would you like to be the mastermind?:
Thank you for applying! If needed, I will PM you saying stuff about the application/RP. If you are a white-level, please friend ccwagu to receive messages.
2663 days 3 hours ago
(You may not apply for the Rescues Head position, as Takumi already fills that spot.)
2663 days 3 hours ago
Name of NPC:No Tsugiharu
Age (between 21 to 50 years old):25
Nationality (already set, sorry :C): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL (you do not need a talent):Flashmobber
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue):Post Rescue
Is your character the head of their division? (Only one of each branch allowed!):No
Was your character originally in the Future Foundation?:Yes
Public Biography:No Loved to make people laugh from a young age. He grew up being the class clown and at home being a little bunch of joy. He wanted to make the whole world smile and be happy so he started going bigger with his antics. He would lead groups to do random shit all the time and he enjoyed hearing laughter even if it was laughing at him and not with him. His biggest stunt was when he got a crowd of people to start twerking on the street. His dream is to one day get the whole world to join him and share a laugh.
Private Biography: No feels like he has to make the world laugh due to his bad childhood where his mom and dad abused him for being a gay man. He never wants anyone to feel the pain he had to go through when he was growing up and just wants the world to share a laugh.
Face Claim:


Preferred Name to be Called:yes
Skype (would be quite preferable):yes
Time Zone: yes

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?:yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?:yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?:yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?:yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?:yes
2663 days 3 hours ago
Name of NPC: Amane Maki
Age (between 21 to 50 years old): 26
Gender: Male
Nationality (already set, sorry :C): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL (you do not need a talent): Sociologist
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): Research and Development
Is your character the head of their division? (Only one of each branch allowed!): Yes
Was your character originally in the Future Foundation?: Yes
Public Biography: Amane is an intelligent young man who is focused on progression and making a better world. He cares about the little people in this world, and simply wants the chaos to come to a close. He is humble with himself, and honest with others.
Private Biography: Amane was born in a rural village, but his family set out for the city when he was ten. It was a huge culture shock to see all the big changes when it comes to city life, and he put himself in a shell for a while. This phase hit his confidence hard, and it still hurts to this day. But thankfully, his interest in science pulled him through and he went on to study people, just so he can understand them better.
Face Claim:


Preferred Name to be Called: Dialga
Skype (would be quite preferable): You know, ho
Time Zone:  EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Sure
2663 days 3 hours ago
Name of NPC: Kasandora Petunia
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
SHSL: Researcher (ironically)
Branch: Research and Develpoment
Head of division?: No
Originally in future foundation?: No
Public Biography: Kasandora is the sweetest girl in future foundation. If all the Future Foundation members voted for the most sweetest person, Kasandora would win. Kasandora has been a researcher, she knows a lot about everyone except not as much as Regina George.
She sweet, caring, do I need to explain?
Private Biography: Arsonist. Fucking Arsonist. She's burnt down a hotel once she DOSENT stop at anything. She's trying to change but will she?
Face Claim: Megurine Luka

Username: FLAMEY999~
Preferred name: Teresa
Skype: emilyobjectpopular
Time zone: EST

Will you be active?: Yes
Will you investigate killscenes to participate in class trials?: Yes
Do you understand you character might be killed by someone else?: Yes
Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes
Would you like to be the mastermind: Sure, why not.
2662 days 23 hours ago
Name of NPC: Saoi Machin
Age (between 21 to 50 years old): 24
Gender: Male
Nationality (already set, sorry :C): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL (you do not need a talent): SHSL Adversity
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): Rescues
Is your character the head of their division? (Only one of each branch allowed!): No
Was your character originally in the Future Foundation?: No
Public Biography: Saoi is known for climbing over any obstacle in his path. There is nothing he can get over. Somehowhe contracted a disease that was eradicated in 1968... and got rid of it in a day. He is very clumsy but somehow dosent get hurt. He has injuries all.over him... but hey they dont hurt.
Private Biography: He does not talk of his past. There was a time when he was broken... drugs self harm whorring himself out... it was a dark time in his life. He dosent dare speak of it.
Face Claim:

Username: WestTemp
Preferred Name to be Called: West
Skype (would be quite preferable): westyman3
Time Zone CTRL

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: yes :)
2662 days 8 hours ago
Name of NPC: Kiamoko Isubi
Age (between 21 to 50 years old): 24
Gender: F
Nationality (already set, sorry :C): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL (you do not need a talent): Ultimate Dreamer
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): R and D
Is your character the head of their division? (Only one of each branch allowed!): NO
Was your character originally in the Future Foundation?: No
Public Biography:
Kiamoko always has these outrageous ideas in her head, but they usually just stay in her head. She never fulfills the plan and always keeps her dreams to herself, so no one else can fulfill them. She is lazy and is disorganized, well except her mind is a complete filing cabinet. She stores her dreams in her brain and never forgets them, but she never fulfills them, so her mind is being wasted with useless things.
Private Biography: Kiamoko suffers from a brain injury from when she was younger and she cant learn any new skills and has the brain of a child.
Face Claim:


Username: coolKat
Preferred Name to be Called: Natalie
Skype (would be quite preferable): coolkat_zwooper
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: I will try

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: YEs

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Mhm at least i think i do

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yes i wouldnt mind
2662 days 4 hours ago
Name of NPC: Cyrus Exavier Nygma
Age (between 21 to 50 years old): 23
Gender: Male
Nationality (already set, sorry :C): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL (you do not need a talent): Chess Master
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): Research and Development
Is your character the head of their division? (Only one of each branch allowed!): No
Was your character originally in the Future Foundation?: no
Public Biography: As a chess master, Cyrus is used to constantly thinking several moves ahead. He's even been accused of planning an entire chess match a day in advance and winning. Every risk is calculated. Ever move is thought out. Everything he needs is already in his sight, including his way of combat: everything.
Face Claim:


Username: Dejaman
Preferred Name to be Called: Cyrus
Skype (would be quite preferable): n/a
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: oh boy do I :D
2661 days 19 hours ago
Name of NPC: Haruna Taki
Age (between 21 to 50 years old): 28
Gender: Male
Nationality (already set, sorry :C): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL (you do not need a talent): None (Well it SAYS that you do not need a talent so :P)
Branch (Research and Development, Rescues, Post-Rescue): Post-Rescue
Is your character the head of their division? (Only one of each branch allowed!): Nope.
Was your character originally in the Future Foundation?: Yes

Public Biography:
Haruna Taki is a laid back person that is always there when needed. He acts like he doesn't care but he does, and mostly like to have fun with the people he is working with. He was formerly from the Future Foundation, and now wanting to be part of the SsoFF because he thinks that "I did not choose to be in this hope life, this job chose me." On the other hand, he is the eldest out of his seven siblings and want to help his youngest of siblings grow to the best of their ability, so even though he's enjoying this new chapter of his life he works his hardest for them.

Private Biography: It's private. Mailing it :P
Face Claim: (If the link doesn't work, it's Yuu Haruna from "Fuuka")


Username: Coolexchangestudent
Preferred Name to be Called: DJ
Skype (would be quite preferable):
Time Zone: GMT +8

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: POSSIBLY. I don't want to assure myself that I'll be completely active for the whole RP so I don't want to say yes immediately. I know this is kinda suckish on your standpoint cc, but hopefully you understand.

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes in investigations, but I don't know in class trials. Of course the times of the trials will still vary, so I don't know if I can make it or not. I won't be at all trials obviously.

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Absolutely XD

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Um, duh. Of course I do :P

Would you like to be the mastermind?: I'd like to :D
2658 days 2 hours ago
Thank you for applying!

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