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TUC Day 1: Jury Vote

Topic » TUC Day 1: Jury Vote

2217 days 14 hours ago
Here is where you can ask the Final 2 any questions on why they deserve it. I'm sure you all have your opinions, but try and give them a chance

When you're positive with your answer and ready to cast your vote, please comment "I officially give my vote to ____"

At 8pmPT (8 hours and 10 minutes from when this topic is posted) the voting will be closed, and the Finalist with the most votes will win the first point
2217 days 13 hours ago
I won't be asking any questions.
I officially give my vote to MysteryGame2

I just want to be done with this. Sorry Max, I still like you but I had several opportunities to have people vote you out which I didn't take and that's why you're here. I did Nolan's redemption island comp for him instead of someone else's and my payback was that while he was beating me in the duel he was a little too smug so I'm not saying this was my ideal final 2 at all but you both deserve to be here for having faster internets I guess. At the end of the day I would rather Nolan win.

All I have to say is you're both here because of me. Don't deny it. Good luck!


Of course I'm being bitter! If you don't want to hear what I'm saying don't listen and don't be mad at me for saying it.

I love u both.
2217 days 12 hours ago
I would definitely agree that I am here because of Phillip and Brittany and I thank them both immensely. I've known max for years so I'm glad we both made it to the end. However I fought my way through this game and Ive been eliminated twice sure but I got out in SPAMMING and when I was thrown up after someone used their power to where I lost a vote. When the time came to show up, I showed up and gave it my all. That's what I plan to do here. Max has had a lot of power from the early game reward challenges. I've fought to be here and I'm sorry if I betrayed you. I'm sorry to Mel for how she went out. In sorry if I was cocky during an elimination. I'm sorry for coming at you Emmett because I was frustrated. And to anyone else that might feel betrayed. Anyways I'm looking forward to all your questions so please post them!
2217 days 12 hours ago
I don’t have any questions but I also don’t have my vote figured out yet. I consider you both friends and even though I understand that this is a competition at the final 4, you both asked me how I was doing in that last challenge and I obviously said not too well. Instead of helping me, ya’ll told me to hurry up and finish which really rubbed me the wrong way. Even though I definitely believe that Hufus and I deserve to be there considering we didn’t have all of these advantages and/or been eliminated before but like Phil said, congrats for having faster internet. Most of this game has been fun but there were people who made it insufferable at time with their hypocrisy. In the end, I’m glad that the good side was able to conquer the bad while the middle people got to the final 2/3.

I will never forget the iconic trio of Phil, Emmett and myself!! Ya’ll made this game so good and I’m glad we worked together. Our desires were ultimately fulfilled and I hope I get to play with you in the future. Good Luck to the finalists.
2217 days 12 hours ago
Pika pi! This vote is VERY tough for me since it comes down to who I like more than you guys' games, but that's because I feel you both played about the same. I'm no bitter bitch and I love both of you so good luck and may the best player win!
2217 days 12 hours ago
Well I proved myself for being an underdog. I was the first voted out officially yet my persistence for this proved I deserved better and getting 12/13 is great, even if I was supposedly safe that vote and as a juror I did my key role in phillip getting the penalty to have a fair race. 
I want to congratulate you both, you both deserve the win.Mystery, we both came back to the game and it was nice to consider being with you briefly. My question is why someone who went out deserves to win?
Max, our moment of being allies was the halfhunger games. My question to you is what is your biggest regret.
2217 days 11 hours ago
I played this game with everything I had in multiple aspects. It's clear that I tried my hardest in all the challenges and always gave them my all. I had a great social game where until the half hunger games, nobody even realized I was playing both sides. Even after I was revealed I still managed to keep good relations with the people who would be in power so I was safe even when I didn't win the challenges. I had a strategy to keep around the larger players so they would fight against each other and try to take them out despite me being a much threat to win the game. I got to the end of this game with strategy and effort. I am not claiming that I wasn't lucky, there's always a large degree of luck in games like these, but I did a lot more than Nolan to reach the end. Nolan even admitted to being dragged to the end by me over a Skype call. I hope you guys can award my efforts with your jury vote and I will answer your questions.
2217 days 11 hours ago
Max, our moment of being allies was the halfhunger games. My question to you is what is your biggest regret.

Ironically, I would have to say how I played in the half hunger games. During that time I was being quite abrasive to people and I think that turned some people away from me. In addition I should have pretended to be more inactive. It was clear to some people that I was building up a collection of arrows and they wanted me to use them on the other side. When it became clear I wasn't using them, I believe people lost a lot of trust in me and it could have jeopardized my game moving forward. Luckily I managed to recover from that though.
2217 days 10 hours ago
My question is why someone who went out deserves to win?
Alright well I went out during the spam week on my vacation, now that's not an excuse but come on seriously I don't think anyone would spam on vacation. Anyways, when you go home it sucks but when provided with an opportunity it's a wake up call. You have to work 3x harder than you ever have. It takes heart and dedication to make it back into the game and I tried my ass off to make sure I did it.
2217 days 10 hours ago
No guys you deserve to be there but this was not the final 2 America wanted guys
2217 days 7 hours ago
I officially give my vote for Novamax!
2217 days 6 hours ago
Pika's vote brings it up to 1-1

Obstrep and Emmett both voted by mail (which is technically incorrect) but regardless, their votes cancelled eachother out so I was willing to count them

Obstrep voted Nova, Emmett voted Nolan

The new tie is 2-2 and with 8 Jury Members still having a legitimate vote, any one of them could secure one of these finalists a win!
2217 days 6 hours ago
I officially give my vote to Mysterygame2
2217 days 6 hours ago
The voting is closed. By a vote of 3-2 Nolan wins Day 1's point!

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