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Best Big Brother Season? Jul 20, 2015
What is your guys favorite season of Big Brother? For me personally it would be season seven, the All-Star season. The entire cast was a blend of cunning strategists and large personalitys. Regardless of whether you were watching for the overwhelmingly good game play or for the seemingly endless hours of drama it was a season that can be enjoyed by every Big Brother fan.
Points: 0 2 comments
Drama or Strategy? Jul 19, 2015
I'm just curious. Do you Big Brother fans watch for strategic gameplay or for drama? Personally I watch cause I love the game aspect of the show and I could care less about watching people yell at one another over meaningless disputes, always failing to find a mature conclusion.
Points: 15 2 comments
Best-Worst Big Brother Seasons Jul 19, 2015
1 = Best
15 = Worst

1. Season 7
2. Season 14
3. Season 2
4. Season 10
5. Season 8
6. Season 16
7. Season 12
8. Season 13
9. Season 3
10. Season 6
11. Season 5
12. Season 11
13. Season 9
14. Season 4
15. Season 15
16. Season 1
Points: 6 4 comments
Don't do drugs kids Jul 19, 2015
Unless you REALLY want to
Points: 22 1 comments
Favorite BB17 Houseguest Jul 18, 2015
imageI am very picky with who I invest interest in and every year I find myself siding with a minority of the players.

Audrey: While I am not a huge fan of Audrey's i do somewhat respect her game but only in the sense that she is willing to do whatever it takes to win. However she played the game too hard and too fast putting herself in a less than desirable position and making it hard to root for her.

Jonny Mac: I already addressed how I feel about Jon in my last post. He is somebody who I didn't much care for when he first entered the house but would eventually prove himself as a worthy competitor physically and mentally.

Austin: Austin is a better strategist than given credit for by most fans but my opinion is admittedly a bit biased with myself being a fan of professional wrestling and Austin being a former member of WWEs developmental roster, NXT, under the name Judas Devlin.

Vanessa: By far the best player in the house, keeping most of her bases covered, she definitely deserves the grand prize. I have heard people refer to her as a "control freak" but isn't that how you win Big Brother? Make sure things go your way as often as possible.

I would love to hear your opinions on this years cast!
Points: 15 2 comments
Most annoying BB17 Houseguest Jul 18, 2015
imageJonny Mac: initially I was somewhat irritated with Jon's loud voice but he grew on me like he would eventually grow on most people and become a fan favourite. I hate to admit it but I have caught myself rooting for him.

Liz/Julia: I can't stand there generic rich girl whiny voices and it doesn't help that Liz flirts with every guy in the house to advance her game.

Shelli/Clay: not much to say about these two. Clay is absolutely boring without a hint of personality while Shelli is a horrendously bad player.

Unpopular opinion time:

Jason: this is obviously personal taste. I tend to like the cool calm and collected character rather then the flamboyant and arguably obnoxious personality. I understand it's Big Brother but the guy is a drama queen.

Meg: by far the most irritating person in the house in my opinion. I can't wit until she is evicted along with her obnoxious "outgoing" headache inducing behaviour.

I'm sure they are all good people in reality but no fun to watch 3 days a week on television. Keep in mind these are personal opinions and I would love to hear yours.
Points: 31 2 comments