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The AmberKate's blog

Posts 28 posts

P.I.P. Orange Penguin!!! Aug 25, 2009
NOOOOO!!!!!!!!  We lost our beloved OP!  *snivels*
"Here playeth the author of the immortal words:
No Penguins Squawk."

Play in Peace, Orange Penguin, we'll miss you!!!!!
*sobs in the corner*
Points: 11 3 comments
Gene Hunt/Doctor Who Regeneration for Children in Need! Aug 22, 2009
imageWell if you've read the title I'm hoping you're a Gene Hunt/ Doctor Who fan!  Basically, me and some girls from Digitalspy forum came up with the idea that as a special for Children In Need, David Tennant's 10th Doctor should regenerate into Gene Hunt for five minutes, with lines like "Fire up the Tardis" and "You're surrounded by Timelord Bastards!"
Basically, please sign the petition, get your friends to sign it etc, we want 100 sigs to take to the Beeb!
Points: 28 3 comments
Kitty cat design Jun 10, 2009
Any chance you can plus me folks?  I know it's just a shirt but I hope it's striking enough to do well- I really need more Ts- imagine me as a beggar on the street? xD
Points: 17 2 comments
The Gaganator Jun 10, 2009
"Lets have some fun this beat is sick, i wanna take a ride on your disco stick"  You've GOT to love Lady Gaga- her lyrics are either fun or absolute trash but either way the beats are catchy!  My fave song is either Lovegame or Paparrazzi- you gotta love spotify ;)
Points: 33 1 comments
Gutted Jun 9, 2009
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  6th?!  Damnit!  I hate the algo :(  I loved that game and I really got into it and 6th?!  I NEED MORE TS GODMAN YOU ALGORITHM!
Points: 24 3 comments
Live Feed....part2 Jun 8, 2009
So, who's outraged at the BBUK Live feed dismissall?  Who's glad it's gone?  Who's completely unbothered?

I've seen some of the discussion going on, to the point where there are now rumours that it's coming back!  Does anyone reckon it's a big deal over nothing, or are we rebels with a cause?

++and comment please (:
Points: 6 4 comments