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The AngelOfWater's blog

Posts 213 posts

Stars 12- Wow I never thought jakel0vespickler would stoop this low! Feb 4, 2009
Alright everyone, in any stars game that has went on I mind my own business for the most part other people do as well. It's fine when people suggest stuff in that little public talk thing for what the house should do. But this is just low REALLY low. I have heard from many people in the house that jakel0vespickler has PMed them and told them to nominate Daniel and I. Um since when is jakel0vespickler in stars 12? I don't see him there, he shouldn't be even trying to affect the game like that.

Nobody should listen to anything he says, tons of people are in games with their friends it doesn't mean they aren't willing to work with other people. People in stars 12 should not base their vote off of a PM from someone not even in the game, he has no idea what is going on inside the game, if anyone has any questions or problems or concerns with me.. please just PM me about it and I will clear anything up. :)

jakel0vespickler you should be ashamed. I would never do that to you or anyone else that is in stars, it's not your place to PM the players and tell them what to do. Stop acting like you are the king of tengaged and rule everyone else, because you AREN'T!
Points: 62 27 comments
Purple Purple Purple! Jan 18, 2009
I finally bought my purple, I've had enough to get it for awhile, I just didn't want to leave blue.. because blue is my favorite color but I have now officially joined all the purple people out there!! YAY ME!!! :)
Points: 39 12 comments
Happy New Years Eve Everyone! Dec 31, 2008
Hey hey all you sexy people! I hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve and Day! What is everyone doing? Unfortunately I work tonight.. at least I won't be at work once the clock strikes midnight though! I'll be home by then and still probably doing nothing since I'm not a partier.. and I don't drink either.. dun dun dun so just another normal day for me when 2009 rolls around ;). Work shall be FUN FUN!

I've been having a great adventure with my families dog lately.. we've been having a war.. since he's been staying here with me while my mom is outta town. The other day he fricken was chewing on my brand new brush and like his bone was underneath it.. I was pissed. Silly dog.. this morning I asked him if he was ready to go and he JUMPED at me.. he's huge too, I have no idea why the heck he did that but it was annoying and he's so funny when he runs around everywhere outside cuz he's so fast.. and even jumps through the big piles of snow LOL!

I really hope 2009 is a wonderful year.. everybody MAKE IT MEMORABLE!!! Does anyone have any new years resolutions? I'm still thinking about mine.. I think mine will be something around the cutting of certain foods and just trying to eat a bit more healthier.. that will be challenge enough in itself.. since I love food because it's yummy! :) I also think I am going to continue with what I have been doing with staying positive as much as possible, it definately makes a huge difference.. so for anyone that feels down and what not.. just try to think positively.. it totally does help in the LONG run, maybe not right away but I promise it will! :)
Points: 102 11 comments
And it's over! Dec 13, 2008
I definately had a blast in stars and I'm proud to have made 6th place! I felt I had a lot against me near the end so to make it where I did is amazing! I want to thank everyone that supported me and wanted me to stay, it's very much apperciated, I have definately made a lot of new friends in the process. I love all the people that were in stars, they are all great people. Sure I may not have agreed with the way some of you played but that doesn't change how I feel about you on the outside of the game, it's just a game.. anything that happens in the game stays in the game for me.. that goes for all my games! <3 you guys!

I am glad I joined just for the experience and for meeting those great new friends that I now have coming out of the game! YAY GO STARS 4! We all had soo much fun!! :)
Points: 31 12 comments
3rd Time Nominated! Dec 12, 2008
Lookie here I'm nominated for a 3rd time, although I knew I was going up and I have been working hard to get far in this game. There are a couple liars and backstabbers left in this game and I have pinpointed who they are and I would love to stay in the game and make them pay for what they have done to me as well as what they have done to some of the people that have been evicted already!

I will continue to keep this game as unpredictable as possible! I am pissed off for sure about a number of things going on. I will not share those at this point. But I WILL make these people pay..

Goodluck Jeffypop, I'm sorry that you were backstabbed too!:(

I feel like an underdog at this point but with the support of you tengaged, I can help get as many of them nominated as possible! Please vote for me to stay! :) I want to kick some bitches asses!
Points: 25 9 comments
Still here.. say what? Dec 11, 2008
WOW I'm extremely shocked that I stayed over Irvin, the moment I saw us up together I truly thought I was a goner, even though he kept telling me that he'd be the one to go but I really didn't think so. It super sucks that I had to be nominated against him though :(. I miss him in the game so much. It definately won't be the same without him. He deserves to still be in it!!!

Thank you to everyone that voted to keep me, I truly apperciate it!

Irvin.. I miss you! I will try my best to make you proud <3. Those bitches that did this to you will get what's coming to them!!! <3 you, you're the best!!! :)

BubblyBitch.. I thought you were positive I was out? Pfft. Someone was WRONG and really has no idea what is going on in the game.. although you like to pretend you know and have known the entire game but you'd be SHOCKED about what you really don't know.... But guess what, I actually don't hate you. I just didn't like how you acted towards me in the game otherwise I'm rather enjoying our little mockery of each other LOL! I do actually find you very entertaining <3. Maybe someday we could actaully be friends.. mind you we'll NEVER get along in a game but that doesn't mean we can't outside of games now does it? :P
Points: 26 15 comments